北京博通财务咨询有限责任公司 BOTONG ACCOUNTING


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Presentation transcript:

北京博通财务咨询有限责任公司 BOTONG ACCOUNTING 专业实用 为您着想 Be professional and practical and always put the client’s benefit to important position.

关于我们 About Us 北京博通财务咨询有限责任公司成立于2005年1月19日(简称:“博通财务”),是一家专门从事财务与会计服务的专业公司。博通财务管理团队和专业团队富有理想和责任感,在长期的服务实践中积累了为客户解决实际问题的能力。 Beijing Botong Accounting Consultant Co., Ltd.(“Botong Accounting”) was established on January 19th,2005.We are a professional firm providing financial consulting and accounting services. Botong Accounting's management and team of professionals have strong sense of pursuit and responsibility. We have formed practical problem solving capability through many years of providing services to clients.

关于我们 About Us 自公司成立以来,博通财务专业服务不断向纵深发展,能够满足客户在财会以及税务方面全方位的需求。目前,我们所服务的行业涵盖了商业、制造业、农业、咨询服务业、外包服务等行业。客户企业性质包括合资企业、外商独资企业、国有企业、外国企业代表处、有限责任、个人独资等企业类型。 Since the company was found, Botong Accounting has continuously developed the scope of its professional financial services in order to meet the demand of clients in areas of accounting and taxation. Presently, our clients in many industries including commerce, manufacturing,agriculture, consulting,outsourcing,etc.Our clients include joint venture enterprises,wholly-foreign-owned enterprises,state-owned enterprises,foreign representative offices,limited liability companies and individually-owned companies.

服务特色 Features of Our Services 客户告诉我们,博通财务所具备的以下品质对他 们来说是最重要的: We understand that the following qualities of Botong Financial are the most valuable to our clients:

服务特色 Features of Our Services 规范化管理:使用规范的服务合同,遵守严格的商业保密制度,实施完善的业务流程,信守良好的职业道德,以保证为客户提供规范及有效的服务。 Standardized Management: To ensure that we provide high-quality and effective services to our clients,we use standardized service contracts,follow a strict system to protect clients'commercial secrets,implement well-designed operating procedures and adhere to principles of professional ethics.

服务特色 Features of Our Services 专业化服务:博通财务专业团队来自不同的行业,他们经验丰富,注重知识更新,能够为客户提供最优质的专业化服务。 Professional Services: The team of professionals at Botong Accounting has different industry backgrounds.They possess vast experience,are continuously updating their knowledge and providing the highest quality of professional services to our clients.

服务特色 Features of Our Services 信誉至上:我们视信誉为企业生命,重沟通、善筹划、负责任,能够为企业提供安全、可靠的服务。 Reputation First: We pay utmost attention to our reputation.We are committed to communication,skilled in planning and willing to take responsibilities.We can provide secure and reliable services to our clients.

服务特色 Features of Our Services 以人为本: 博通财务通过其创新的人力资源实践,吸引、培训并保留优秀的员工,使员工能够为客户提供持续、有效、贴心的服务。 Excellent Human Resource Management: Through innovative practices in human resource management,we are able to attract,train and retain valued employees so that can provide continuous and effective services on familiar terms to our clients.

业务范围 Our Services 博通财务依靠三个核心能力——专业能力、沟通能力和技术能力,同时依靠以往的专业经验以保证我们所提供的服务是有效的。 Botong Accounting has three core capabilities: profrssional ability,communication ability and technical ability.Based on these abilities and our past experience,we can ensure that we can provide effective services to our clients.

业务范围 会 计 与 税 务 服 务 Our Services Accounting and Taxation Services 会计记账与纳税申报:在合规性的基础上,我们为客户度身定做的全面、系统、专业的服务。包括:纳税申报代理、会计记账、编制财务报表、财务报表分析等。 Bookkeeping and Tax Returns: In compliance with laws and regulations,we can design comprehensive,systematic and professional tailor-made services for our clients. Such services include filing tax returns, bookkeeping,preparing financial statements,and providing financial analysis,etc.

业务范围 会 计 与 税 务 服 务 Our Services Accounting and Taxation Services 税务咨询服务:我们可以协助客户处理企业税务合规事项,帮助客户在法律法规允许的范围内降低实际税负。 Tax Consulting Services: we can assist to deal with corporate tax compliance matters and to minimize their tax liability within the scope allowed by relevant laws and regulations.

业务范围 会 计 与 税 务 服 务 Our Services Accounting and Taxation Services 税务专项代理:我们会根据客户的需要,为客户提供税法方面的支持以及专项涉税问题的解决方案。 Agency Service for Specific Tax Matter: We can provide tax law support and provide solution to specific tax-related matter according to the client's need.

业务范围 会 计 与 税 务 服 务 Our Services Accounting and Taxation Services 其他会计服务:包括差旅费用报销审核、费用合规审核、应收应付帐目核对、存货管理、计算工资、社保代理、银行业务与现金管理。 Other Accounting Services: Such services include review of travel expenses reimbursement claim,expenses compliance review,verification of accounts receivable and accounts payable,inventories management,salary calculation,agency service for social insurance matters,banking and cash management.

业务范围 审 计 服 务 Our Services Auditing Services 内部审计:包括建立内部审计职能、编制政策和制度手册、业务流程风险和控制审核、内部审计职能的外包与协作。 Internal Audit Services: Such serivces include setting up internal audit function,preparation of policy and procedures manual,business process risk and control review,as well as outsourcing and co-sourcing of internal audit function.

业务范围 审 计 服 务 Our Services Auditing Services 审慎调查:包括收购兼并财务尽职调查、收购兼并过程中财务、税务安排。 Due Diligence Review: include due diligence review in M&A transactions,and financial and taxation planning during the M&A process.

业务范围 管 理 咨 询 Our Services Management Consulting 财务管理:包括客户财务管理现状调查、内部财务管理制度评估、出具管理建议书、协助客户改善财务管理现状。 Financial Management Consulting: including due diligence of existing financial management, evaluating internal financial management system, establishment of management counsel, assisting clients to improve existing financial management status.   .

业务范围 管 理 咨 询 Our Services Management Consulting 内部控制:包括建立内部控制制度,评估和测试内部控制、监控和修订内部控制制度、复核管理层所作内部控制评估程序。 Internal Control: include setting up of internal control system,evaluation and testing of internal control,monitoring and update internal control system,and reviewing management's assessment process.

业务范围 上市辅导 Our Services Listing counseling 上市辅导:为准上市公司提供一揽子上市辅导,包括财务管理体系规范化重整,带教现有财务总监(到达上市公司财务总监应具备的知识结构)。 Listing counseling: a package of counseling services to public listed companies, including standardized restructuring of financial management system, teaching the existing Chief Financial Officer (reached the Knowledge structure as a CFO of a listed company).

业务范围 转让定价服务 Our Services Transfer Pricing Services 同期资料:同期资料是记录企业现有转让定价政策及其是否符合独立交易原则的综合性文件。我们能够为客户编写符合税务要求的、合规的同期资料。 Contemporaneous Documents: Contemporaneous documents are used to record the existing transfer pricing policy and can also be sued to determine whether it complies with the arm's length principle.We can compile contemporaneous documents for our clients that are in accordance with the requirements of tax authorities and relevant laws and regulations.

业务范围 转让定价服务 Our Services Transfer Pricing Services 基准定位分析:基准定位分析是同期资料的核心内容,同时也可作为一个独立的分析文件来确定被测试交易所对应的公平利润区间。 Benchmarking Analusis: Benchmarking analusis is a key component of contemporaneous documents.It can also be used as an independent analysis to ascertain the fair profit margin of the transaction being tested.

联系我们 Contact us 办公地址:北京海淀区阜成路115号北京印象1号楼1门621室 邮编:100142 联系电话:(010)88144521 公司传真:(010)88144522 公司邮箱:botongcw@yahoo.com.cn 网站地址:www.botongcw.com Address: Room 621, Unit 1, No.1 Building, Beijing Yinxiang, No.115 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China 100142 Telephone: (010)88144522 Email: botongcw@yahoo.com.cn Website:www.botongcw.com

我们努力做到: We achieve diligently: 服务不计成本 永远适合您 Place service over profit and bring satisfaction to you. 北京博通财务咨询有限责任公司 BOTONG ACCOUNTING