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Presentation transcript:

英语具备一定学习基础的高中生,大学在校生,成人学员,雅思,托福等出国考试备考学员,以及有毅力在长时间磨练中成长的起步学员。 适合人群

老师简介 Lecturer‘s Profile 李有才老师(Mr. Youcai LI) 非著名雅思托福双料教师。骨骼惊奇,百年难得一遇的英语学习奇才。初中即获得英语奥赛前排大奖。高考英语149。GRE首次裸考320,托福首次裸考104。被学生誉为“只用分数就打败你的谜一样的男人“。旅居美国多年,现从事雅思教育工作。有人问他为什么要从事雅思而不是自己熟悉的GRE和托福教学,他的回答是:”没挑战“

老师简介 Lecturer‘s Profile 王富贵老师(Mr. Fugui WANG) 非著名雅思教师。毕业于澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学人力资源管理硕士专业,毕业后赴澳大利亚新南威尔士大学研习移民法专业并获得移民法法学研究生文凭。2005年起定居澳大利亚悉尼,主要从事移民类法律类翻译,TESOL教学和研究和IETLS教学。

课程安排 Course List 01 课程的玩法,知识原理的介绍,举个栗子(写错了是例子),演示 02 第一课: East End of London 伦敦东区的兴与衰 03 第二课:Sharks and Human Control 人与鲨鱼的较量 04 第三课:Gender and Money 性与钱 05 第四课:Antarctic 南极洲 06 第五课:Deportations Dilemma非法滞留者的窘境 07 第六课:Motion Picture 进击的电影

01 先集中注意力听课,并在听课的同时记笔记 老师会以现场讲解的形式为大家讲述一个对背景知识要求并不严格(当然常识越好的学员可能理解起来会容易些)的话题,同学们要根据本节课学习到的内容记笔记。笔记要求尽量全面,尽量涵盖所有细节。多用符号。

02 根据自己的笔记回答问题。 老师会随后发放为同学们准备好的问题。考生需要依据自己的笔记和记忆来回答老师的问题。随后老师会公布答案。

03 完善自己的笔记使之能够达到老师看的懂的程度 同学们在接下来的时间里要完善自己的笔记,达到老师能看得懂的程度。然后将自己的笔记发到老师的邮箱。老师会根据笔记程度,给出学员目前的听力级别,并给出建议的学习时间和学习方法。

04 老师给出原文和范文笔记,讲解文章的大意和知识点 老师将会给同学们关于本课的听力原文。详细讲解其中的句子,文章结构并回同学的问题。

N005 Deportations Dilemma 范例 N005 Deportations Dilemma Sample Lecture

N005 Deportations Dilemma 范例 N005 Deportations Dilemma Sample Lecture Part 1 Vocabulary List: immigrant undocumented deport pending violent expel amnesty incentive flock to consequence bilingual uninsured pro-immigrant favor separate from exclusive authority

The G-man and experts say... 范例 Sample Lecture The experiment The two cities The other states? The G-man and experts say...

问题 Questions Part 3 After class Question Q1: What is the nick name of Baltimore? Q2:According to Pat McDonough, what consequences do the experiments in Baltimore and Denver have ? Q3: How are the pro-immigrant groups in Alabama reacting to the experiment? And what reasons do they claim? Q4: What is the attitude of most state? And what is the government’s attitude? Q5: What is the attitudes of Immigration Policy Center on the experiment?

答案 Sample Answers Q1: What is the nick name of Baltimore? Answer: Charm City. Q2:According to Pat McDonough, what consequences do the experiments in Baltimore and Denver have ? Answer: Consequences may include added costs to provide bilingual services, added pressures on emergency rooms to deal with uninsured illegal immigrants, higher unemployment among legal residents, and threats to public safety.

答案 Sample Answers Q3: How are the pro-immigrant groups in Alabama reacting to the experiment? And what reasons do they claim? Answer: In Alabama, civil rights leaders recently marched for families to be kept together, as in recent months, detained or deported illegal immigrant parents were separated from their U.S.-born citizen children.

答案 Sample Answers Q4: What is the attitude of most state? And what is the government’s attitude? Answer: Most states are passing tough anti-immigration laws. The federal government seems to support the pioneering states, saying that it is the federal government that has exclusive authority to regulate immigration, buying time for the infant experiments. Q5: What is the attitudes of Immigration Policy Center on the experiment? Answer: They believe this is a small step in the right direction for by doing this, government is not only changing the law, but also trying to change people’s mind.

笔记范例 Sample Notes

笔记范例 Sample Notes

笔记范例 Sample Notes

免费雅思作文批改班 招募人数: A组(面授组)30人 B组(函授组)30人 额外福利 Bonus Welfare 报名方式: 到沪江社团免费雅思作文批改班话题页下载并填写报名表格和问卷 链接地址 发送到以下邮箱 按时参加我们在沪江的免费辅导课程 按时读我们在社团发布的作文题目贴 按时将作文发送到我们的作文批改专用邮箱。