教育測驗與評量 —試題評析(外文領域) 園藝四 楊雅琪 日文四 黃竹芸 日文四 江美儀.


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Presentation transcript:

教育測驗與評量 —試題評析(外文領域) 園藝四 楊雅琪 日文四 黃竹芸 日文四 江美儀

93學年度大學入學考試學科能力測驗 領域科目:英文 測驗對象:高中三年級學生 整份試卷 選 擇 題 : 1.詞彙與慣用語 2.綜合測驗—克漏字—選擇題式 3.文意選填—克漏字—配合題式 4.閱讀測驗—資料理解—選擇題式 非選擇題:1.翻譯—建構式反應 2.作文—建構式反應

理想的題目(一) 閱讀測驗 第44題 Why did Alfred say, “I’m 15 minutes older than him, but now I’m younger because of my heart” ? (A) His heart transplant surgery was more successful than Anthony’s. (B) His recovery from the heart surgery was faster than Anthony’s. (C) His exercise program was better than Anthony’s. (D) His new heart was younger than Anthony’s.

這個題目除了考學生是否瞭解文意之外,需看前面一段來思考,測驗學生閱讀時的歸納能力。 On Christmas Eve, 1992, Anthony had a heart transplant from a 21-year-old donor. Two days before Valentine’s Day in 2002, Alfred received a 19-year-old heart, marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants. “I’m 15 minutes older than him, but now I’m younger because of my heart and I’m not going to respect him,” Alfred said with a grin, pointing to his brother while talking to a roomful of reporters, who laughed frequently at their jokes. 認知領域:理解層次—解釋 鑑別度69

理想題目(二) Which of the following is the best title for the article? 閱讀測驗 第48題 Which of the following is the best title for the article? (A) Mating of Flashlight Fish and Fireflies. (B) Darkness and Light. (C) Living Lights and Animal Communication. (D) Life on Land and in the Sea. 認知領域:理解層次—外推

理想題目(三) 英文作文 提示︰請根據以下三張連環圖畫的內容,以“One evening,…”開頭,寫一篇文章,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。

較不理想題目(一) 綜合測驗 Whenever a Dalai Lama died, a search began for his reincarnation. The__16.__ male child had to have certain qualities._17.__was the ability to identity the belongings of his predecessor, or rather his previous self. Another requirement was__18.__he should have large ears, upward-slanting eyes and eyebrows. Besides, one of his hands should bear a mark like a conch-shell. 16. ( A) chosen (B) searching (C) dead (D) previous 答案 : A

缺點 文章的前幾個句子,最好不要有空字 ”reincarnation” 是屬於冷僻字,如果沒有這個字的概念,對於十六題的選項,並不容易從後面文章看出來,容易造成選擇上的判斷失誤。

改正:前幾行盡量不要挖空,且文章範圍要接近學生的生活經驗,如果非用此文章,可以選擇在後面的連接詞上挖空,測驗學生的理解與推理能力。 Whenever a Dalai Lama died, a search began for his reincarnation. The chosen male child had to have certain qualities._17.__was the ability to identity the belongings of his predecessor, or rather his previous self. Another requirement was__18.__he should have large ears, upward-slanting eyes and eyebrows. __19____, one of his hands should bear a mark like a conch-shell. 19. (A) Therefore (B) However (C) Besides (D) Whereas

較不理想題目(二) 閱讀測驗 42. What did Alfred and Anthony have in common? A sense of humor is just one of the many things shared by Alfred and Anthony Melillo, 64-year-old twin brothers from East Haven who made history in February 2002. On Christmas Eve, 1992, Anthony had a heart transplant from a 21-year-old donor. Two days before Valentine’s Day in 2002, Alfred received a 19-year-old heart, marking the first time on record that twin adults each received heart transplants. 42. What did Alfred and Anthony have in common? (A) Lifespan. (B) Career goals. (C) A sense of humor. (D) Love for bicycling.

缺點: 第ㄧ句就可看出答案,鑑別度不高,且容易利用答題技巧,先從題目看起來作答 改正: 第ㄧ句最好不要作為測驗的題目, 可選擇後面的內容,或者是需要念完整體文章才能夠答題的題目

較不理想題目(三) 填空測驗

Although stories about aliens have never been officially confirmed, their existence has been widely speculated upon. Many people believe that __(31)__ from outer space have visited us for centuries. Some say that life on Earth __(32)__ “out there” and was seeded here. Others say that aliens have __(33)__ what happens on Earth, and are responsible for quite a few legends, and that the ancient Greek and Roman gods, __(34)__ the fairies and dwarfs in many classical tales, were in fact “space people” living here. Still __(35)__ say that aliens were responsible for the growth of highly evolved civilizations which have __(36)__ perished, including the Incan and Mayan civilizations and the legendary Atlantis. A lot of ancient civilizations, __(37)__ the Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, and Mayans, have left writings and __(38)__ which indicate contacts with superior beings “from the stars.” Many believe that the aliens are here to help us, while others hold that the aliens intend us __(39)__. Still others think that most aliens visit Earth to study us like our scientists study primitive natives and animals, and have no interest in helping us __(40)__. It is difficult to comment conclusively on these theories in general, apart from saying that any and all of them might be possible. Maybe time will tell. (A) as well as (B) beings (C) drawings (D) in any way (E) kept an eye on (F) like (G) others (H) originated (I) since (J) harm

缺點: 十個選項只有十個答案供選擇,容易用刪去法來猜答案 改正: 可多放幾個與正確答案詞性相同的選項提高誘答性 如: (A) as well as (B) beings (C) drawings (D) in any way (E) kept an eye on (F) like (G) others (H) originated (I) since (J) harm (K) so as to (L) another (M) have an ear on (N) as good as

93學年度第1次基本學力測驗 領域科目:英文 測驗對象:國中三年級學生 整份試卷解析 【單題試題解析】 【單題試題解析】  18題的單題測驗,最後5題以對話形式呈現 其測驗內容屬性 : 1. 字彙八題 ,2. 片語一題 ,3. 文法九題

93學年度第1次基本學力測驗 第二部分測驗10個題組,共27題,其內容主題有 邀約觀賞電影、失業及前途,交通工具、點餐、 e-mail談父親失業、關於一隻狗的生活小故事、信 件,海報及廣告等 其測驗形式如下: 1. 二則克漏字題組 2. 一則圖表題組 3. 一則對話題組 4. 四則短文題組

理想的題目(一)第貳部份37~39 April 12, 2000 Hi, Minglong:   How's everything?   My brothers and I have been very busy since we came back to Japan. School here started last week. I have many interesting classes this semester. Japanese history is my favorite. I've learned a lot in that class.   Our house in Japan is comfortable. I hope you can come and visit us this summer. My parents will be very happy to see you, and you can also meet some of my friends here.   I had a great time in Taiwan and I miss our classmates very much. Please send my best wishes to them and stay in touch! Your Friend, Sadako

38. When did Sadako’s school most likely begin? (A) February 22 (B) March 12 (C) April 7 (D) September 1

認知領域:理解層次—外推 分段能力指標 5-2-6 能看懂日常溝通中簡易的書信、留言或 賀卡、邀請卡等,並能以口語或書面作 簡短的回應。 6-2-10 對於世界各地民情文化有興趣,並樂於 找機會接觸。 十大能力指標:獨立思考與解決問題+ 文化學習及國際了解

Daphne got an e-mail from her brother, Steven. 理想的題目(二)第貳部份30~32  Daphne got an e-mail from her brother, Steven.

31. What does fantastic mean in the e-mail. (A) Cheap. (B) Heavy 31. What does fantastic mean in the e-mail? (A) Cheap.  (B) Heavy.  (C) Wonderful.  (D) Second-hand.

認知領域:理解層次—解釋 分段能力指標 3-2-6 能瞭解對話、短文、書信、故事及短劇 等的情節與內容。 3-2-7 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題之簡易文章 十大能力指標:獨立思考與解決問題

Here are four ads from newspapers. Read them and answer the questions. 理想的題目(三)第貳部份43~45 Here are four ads from newspapers. Read them and answer the questions.


43. Selina's grandparents are visiting Selina for three days next week. They cannot stay at her place because it is not big enough. Selina is looking for a place for them. Which place will she most likely call?  (A) Marsha's House.   (B) Country Life Market.   (C) Wawa Village.    (D) Next Wave Music Store.

認知領域:理解層次+應用層次 分段能力指標 3-2-7 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題之簡易文章 5-2-3 能看懂並能填寫簡單的表格、資料 7-2-1 能認識外國風土人情 十大能力指標:獨立思考與解決問題+  文化學習及國際了解

不理想的題目一第一部份第3小題 1. Frank plays basketball well. He's quick and makes good ______. (A) desserts   (B) music  (C) shoes  (D) shots music無誘答性 所以改成 (A) steps   (B) socks

不理想的題目二第一部份第3小題 3. Good learners are not afraid of . In fact, they learn more from looking for the answers. (A) asking questions (B) avoiding problems (C) copying ideas (D) criticizing others 在答案的選項(B)的avoid 及(D) criticize 都不屬於國中的1000字範圍,應該改為適合國中生的淺易性動詞。建議改法如下: (B) making problems  (D) believing others  

不理想的題目三第一部份第3小題 15. Cathy: What are these flowers for? Oscar: We're going to use them to ______ the Christmas tree. Would you please help us put them in the tree? (A) celebrate  (B) create  (C) decorate  (D) produce

依選擇題擬題原則 答案需具備似真性、各選項間要有同質性 所以將(D) produce改成(D) appreciate

理想or不理想?? 第一部份第3小題 There are 22 boys and 22 girls in Ms. Wang's class. The bar chart shows the ways they use to go to school. Look at it and answer the questions.


26. How many different ways do the girls use to go to school? (A) Two.  (B) Three.  (C) Four.  (D) Five 27. How many students go to school by bus? (A) Two.  (B) Three.  (C) Four.  (D) Five.

結論 謝謝大家!!*^_^*