Translation of Figures of Speech


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Presentation transcript:

Translation of Figures of Speech 第六章 词义与修辞 Translation of Figures of Speech 退出

第六章重点 第六章 词义与修辞 6.1 歧义与双关 6.2 矛盾修辞 6.3 夸张 6.4 类比 6.5 逻辑关系 6.6 重复 6.7 平行排比 6.8 拟人 6.9 反语与讥讽 第六章综合练习及参考答案 课堂互动 1课堂互动 2课堂互动 3课堂互动 4课堂互动 5课堂互动 6课堂互动 7课堂互动 8课堂互动 9 综合练习1 综合练习2 综合练习3 --end 退出

第六章 词义与修辞 Translation of Figures of Speech 翻译是研究两种语言转换的艺术,在翻译过程中会碰到各种各样的文字材料,不论是大作家的作品还是普通人的随笔,文字表达、修辞手段、语言特色,无一不表现在字里行间。 翻译时对两种语言研究得越深,对两种语言内在规律了解得越透,对原文理解也就越准确。理解是翻译的前提和基础,只有理解深刻了,才能做到胸中有数,运笔自如,下笔有神。




6. 1 歧义与双关 (Ambiguity & Pun) 歧义是自然语言的普遍现象,是语言同形异义的巧妙使用,是一个词或词组以文字游戏的形式,出其不意地把互不相关的双重含义同时结合起来,即利用同形异义词,紧扣双重情景,造成诙谐效果,使表达情中有景,景中有情,曲折有致,使译文锦上添花,熠熠生辉。 在语言交际中,由于受话语主题、语言环境等因素的影响,也为了避免把话说得太死太绝,说话人往往采用歧义这一模糊语言手段来实现自己的交际目的,这种歧义模糊语言的好处就在于,你能把你想要说的话“拐个弯”说出来却又不能被否认。而且言简意赅、灵活利己,一语双关、幽默风趣,意在言外、含沙射影。

若遇到这样的句子,只有通过上下文、语境和语言常识来判断其真实含义,准确理解和翻译了。 在文学作品中,歧义是达到幽默诙谐效果的手段。人们出于修辞需要,往往有意识地使用歧义,以达到某种特定的修辞效果或语用目的。 若遇到这样的句子,只有通过上下文、语境和语言常识来判断其真实含义,准确理解和翻译了。 例1:I didn’t come because of him. 【译文一】我来并不是由于他的缘故才来。 【译文二】由于他的缘故我没来。 例2:We haven’t called the meeting to discuss this problem. 【译文一】我们开会并非为了讨论这个问题。 【译文二】我们没有开会讨论这个问题。

例3:We grumbled a little now and then, to be sure 例3:We grumbled a little now and then, to be sure. But there is no love lost between us. 【译文一】有时我俩也会闹点小别扭什么的,但是我俩毫无爱情。 【译文二】我俩有时也会闹点小别扭什么的,不过我俩还是十分相爱的。 例4:Men and women born before 1958 would be excluded entirely; they would not even be asked to register. 【译文一】1958年以前出生的人完全不包括在内,甚至不要求他们注册。 【译文二】男人和1958年以前出生的女人都不包括在内,甚至不要求他们注册。

例1: He had a book stolen from the library. 补充例句: 例1: He had a book stolen from the library. 【译文一】他让别人从图书馆偷了一本书。 【译文二】他有一本从图书馆偷来的书。 【译文三】他有一本书在图书馆被人偷走了。 补充例句: 例2:The operation troubled him. 【译文一】这一手术让他伤脑筋。(医学) 【译文二】这次军事演习使他烦恼。(军事) 【译文三】这一运算让他伤脑筋。(数学) 【译文四】这一操作让他伤脑筋。(计算机)

6. 1. 2 双关 (Pun) 双关语,“指在一句(段)话中有意地把同一词用于两种不同的意义或使用近音词以达到喜剧性的和戏谑的效果”,即利用词的同音异义或一词多义的现象来表现诙谐、嘲讽意义。修辞学上是属于借代范畴的辞。所谓借代,就是“借A说B”,借音相同(或近似)的词来表达不同的意思,或借同一个词来表达不同的意思。或借同一个词来表达不同的意思,或将本不相干的事物,加以并列,造成机智,其效在对照,用对照以强调,肖其人之堂皇口吻,表其人之丑恶内心,言其物之迥异外表。


例1:She’s too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise. (William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing) 【译文】她太矮,经不起高度的赞扬;皮肤太黝黑,经不起说她白皙的赞扬;个子太瘦小,经不起高大的赞扬。 【解析】“low” 既表示 “矮” 也表示 “地位低下”,说人身体矮用“short”,身材高用“tall”,这里故意用 “high” 和 “low” 这对反义词,形成对照。“fair”既表示“白皙”,也表示“公正”,这就形成了双关。从字面上看似乎是在谈“she”她的身材容貌问题,实际上是在说“she”的社会地位高低的问题。

例2:If we don’t hang together, we shall hang separately. 【译文一】如果我们不紧密地团结在一起,那就会被一个一个地绞死。 【译文二】如果我们不被集体绞死,那也会被一个一个地绞死。 【解析】这是Franklin 1776年在美国独立宣言签字仪式上的讲话。他运用“hang”这一同形异义词构成了双关,语音格外生动有力,说明美国各殖民地除了宣布独立以外,无他路可走。

例3:Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man. 【译文一】明天你来找我,你将会发现我已经是一个严肃的人。 【译文二】明天你来找我,你会发现我已经是一个墓中之人了。(死了) 【解析】这是莎士比亚的剧作《罗米欧与朱丽叶》中的人物Mercutio在决斗中负了致命伤时说的话,表现了他的开朗性格,同时也增加了Mercutio之死的悲剧色彩。

例4:——What do lawyers do when they die? ——Lie still. 【译文一】——律师死后干什么? ——静静地躺着。 【译文二】——律师死后干什么? ——仍在撒谎。 【解析】精心选用动词“lie”的“居住”和“撒谎”意义,对善说谎言的律师进行了辛辣而绝妙的讽刺,具有异曲同工之妙。还如“——Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers? ——Because they lie first on one side and then on the other, and remain wide awake all the time.” 可理解为 “——为什么律师都睡不好觉?因为他们一会儿躺在这边,一会儿躺在那边,所以整夜睡不安宁。” 又可理解为“——为什么律师都睡不好觉?因为他们一会儿在这一方撒谎,一会儿在那一方撒谎,所以他们都是提心吊胆。”

例1:——Why do you say the river is rich? ——Because it has two banks. 补充例句: 例1:——Why do you say the river is rich? ——Because it has two banks. 【译文】——为什么说这条河很富有? ——因为它有两家银行。(河岸) 例2:—— What flower does everybody have? —— Tulips. 【译文】—— 人人都有的花该是什么花? —— 郁金香。 【解析】这是因为郁金香“tulip”的读音恰巧和人的双唇“two lips—tulips”的读音相似,此处正好借用这一发音巧妙造成双关。

“Thank you very much,” she said. 补充例句: 例3:Once a pretty girl student came to the room for the interview. It was the first time that she had taken the exam. She was so excited and nervous during the interview that she left her bag on the desk. When she came back for it, my colleague, Mr. Smith, handed her the bag. “Thank you very much,” she said. “ You are welcome,” Mr. Smith replied, smiling. 【译文】一天,有位漂亮的女学生走进考场。这是她第一次参加口试,在面试中太激动,太紧张了,临走时竞忘了拿包。当她再次回来取包时,我同事史密斯先生将包递给了她。 “谢谢你。”那女生说。 “欢迎你再来!” 史密斯先生笑着说。 【解析】“You are welcome”在这里有双重意思,一是“不客气,不用谢”,二是“欢迎下次再来”。女学生向史密斯先生表示感谢,是因为他给她递了包,而史密斯先生巧用“You are welcome”向学生表示客气,应译为“不客气”,这样才能和“谢谢你”一致,可译为“不客气”,反倒失去了考官之本意;同时向学生开了个玩笑“欢迎你再来”,让学生也这样理解,两个意思都存在,一语双关。由此可见,这种双关产生的幽默就体现在语境之中。

补充例句: 例4:Bruce hit something hard when eating a meat pie. He found that it was a piece of human nail. He felt annoyed and went to the owner of the snack bar. “You really surprised me, sir,” he began. “ I found something foreign in the food,” Bruce complained. “What?” the owner looked confused.” We’ve got nothing from other countries. 【译文】布鲁斯吃肉馅儿饼时,咬到一个硬的东西,一看是块人的指甲。他很气愤,马上来到快餐店店主面前。 “这太令人吃惊了,先生,” 他说,“我在你的馅儿饼里发现异物(something foreign),” 布鲁斯表示不满。 “什么?” 店主大惑不解地说,“ 我们店里没有外国货。” 【解析】“foreign”有两个意思,一个是“外国的”,一个是“异质的”,即不属于某个地方的,不应该在某个地方出现的。店主显然是按第一种意思把“something foreign”理解车成了“外国货”,而顾客指的是“异物”。这种用法在此出现,显得风趣幽默,滑稽可笑。

课堂互动1 :考考你,看谁能译出歧义和双关? 1.He went to see the artist himself. 2. He is capable of doing anything. 3.Flying planes is dangerous. 4.Bruce was writing a poem on an ancient tomb stone.

课堂互动1 :考考你,看谁能译出歧义和双关? 5.I decided on the boat. 6.She didn’t do that to please her mother. 7.I didn’t go because I was afraid.

课堂互动1 :考考你,看谁能译出歧义和双关? 8.I didn’t write the letter because of what you told me.

课堂互动1 :考考你,看谁能译出歧义和双关? 9.They can fish. 10.They are visiting friends.

歧义构成双关具有很大的实用价值。在外交辞令中,采用歧义构成双关,巧妙地为日后推托责任留有余地。广告中,运用词的多义性,为产品大做文章,来招揽顾客。文学作品中,尤其是小品文、诗歌、喜剧中,用歧义构成双关更能增加幽默讽刺效果。像英国的 Lewis Carroll ,美国的Mark Twain 等,都是运用歧义构成双关的语言大师。

6. 2 矛盾修辞 (Oxymoron) 矛盾修辞法在英语中运用相当广泛,在汉语中却不然。大家都有这样一个感觉,比如英诗译成汉语还能接受,觉得有美感,有韵味;但汉诗译成英语就成了毫无“感觉”的“凉开水”,这就是修辞的民族性。矛盾修饰法就是体现这种“民族性”很好的例子,翻译时一定要使译文符合汉民族读者的接受心理和语言习惯。

矛盾修饰法是将两个意思截然相反的互相矛盾的词或词组结合在一起来构成的一种思辨巧妙的修辞手法, 把所要表达的思想感情浓缩到一个相互矛盾或极不协调的修饰关系之中,用以深刻揭示事物间既矛盾对立又协调统一的关系,表达辛辣、刻薄或看起来有悖常理却又闪耀着哲理火化的思想,起一种出人意外、引人入胜的效果。常见的形式有: adj. + n. creative destruction living death,tearful joy adj. + adj. cold pleasant manner sour-sweet days poor rich guys adv. + adj. dully bright mercifully fatal,falsely true v. + adv. hasten slowly (=make haste slowly) shine darkly, groan loudly n.+ n. love-hate relationship the sound of silence

翻译时尽量保持这种 “意外效果” ,让其“矛盾”存在,译出其 “相反” 的意思, 使译文仍具有表现力和感染力。 例1:His honour rooted in dishonour stood. And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. 【译文】他的荣誉生根于不荣誉。 他的不忠诚可靠的忠实使他以真还假。 【解析】象这种修辞汉语译文既要表达原文的思想,又要体现原文的精神和风格,也确实很难。所以,在具体译的过程中,能套译的就套译,不能套译的只要不失原意、不削弱原文的表现力和感染力,可用汉语的其他修辞方法去译。比如“a living death”(半死不活);“sweet sorrow”(喜忧参半);“terrible pleased”(喜极欲狂);“proud humility”(不卑不亢);“cold fire”(火焰如冰)等都是很好的译例。

例2: “Beautiful tyrant! fiend angelical! Dove feather’d raven, wolfish ravening lamb! Despised substance of divinest show! Just opposite to what thou justly see! A damned saint, an honourable villain!” (William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet) 【译文】“美丽的暴君,天使般的恶魔! 长着鸽子羽毛的渡鸭,嗜杀成性的羔羊! 神圣仪表下面的卑鄙本质! 正是你外貌的对立物! 该遭诅咒的圣徒,体面的恶棍!” 【解析】莎士比亚在这里用了一系列的意思相反的词,描写朱丽叶听说罗米欧在决斗中杀死了她的表兄后的那种悲愤与矛盾的心理,以及她心目中罗米欧外表秀美、内心狠毒的矛盾品质。

例3:“Why, then, O brawling love, O loving hate, O anything of nothing first create! O heavy lightness, serious vanity, Misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms, Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep, that is not what it is!” 【译文】 “啊,吵吵闹闹的相爱,亲亲热热的怨恨! 啊,无中生有的一切! 啊,沉重的轻浮,严肃的狂妄, 整齐的混乱, 铅铸的羽毛,光明的烟雾,寒冷的火焰,憔悴的健康, 永远觉醒的睡眠,否定的存在!”(朱生豪译)

补充例句: 例1:New York has the poorest millionaire, the littlest great man, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw. 【译文】纽约城里有的是最贫穷的百万富翁,人格最渺小的伟人,最目空一切的草包,最难看的美女,最低级龌龊的摩天大楼和最令人悲哀的娱乐,比我所见到的任何城市都有过之而无不及。

And all its aching joys are now no more, And all its dizzy raptures.” 补充例句: 例2: “——That time is past, And all its aching joys are now no more, And all its dizzy raptures.” (Wordsworth: Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey) 【译文】“——快乐的时光已成过去, 这痛苦的喜悦,眩晕的狂欢 都不复存在。”

2.careful carelessness 3.painful pleasure 4.Bad Good News 课堂互动2 :考考你,看谁能译出矛盾修辞格? 1.loving hate 2.careful carelessness 3.painful pleasure 4.Bad Good News

5.I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief. 课堂互动2 :考考你,看谁能译出矛盾修辞格? 5.I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief. 6.I like sweet-sour apricots. 7.They had a love-hate relationship. 8.It is a mater of life and death.

6. 3 夸张 (Hyperbole) 夸张就是在客观真实的基础上,通过有意言过其实,故意把一般事物往大、多、快、高、长、强或往小、少、慢、矮、短、弱处说,以夸大或缩小事物的某个方面来增强语气,起到强调的效果。夸张是一种有很强的感染力的修辞手法,翻译中运用夸张可有效地渲染气氛、烘托意境,给人留下深刻而鲜明的印象。在英汉两种语言中都很常见,因此一般情况下,可以直译,以保持原文的艺术特色,使译文具有相同的效果;由于中西文化传统、语言表达习惯不同,译文读者不能理解或接受译文对原文的直译夸张,这时也可采用意译法。

例1:As for models, she is a girl in a million. 【译文】要是作时装模特的话,她可是百里挑一的好姑娘。 【解析】“in a million”“in a thousand”直译是“百万里挑一”、“千里挑一”的意思,可这样译汉语读者感到很不自然;译为“百里挑一”,虽然在字面上夸张的程度是小了点,但语言功能对等,符合汉语表达习惯,读者自然可以接受。 例2:I’ve told you forty times that if you touched that jam I’d skin you. 【译文】你要偷吃果酱,我就剥你的皮。我对你已讲过一百遍了。 【解析】如把“forty times”译为“四十遍”,过于精确,显得非常虚假,反倒不能传情达意;这是个模糊概念,读者也明白不是整整一百遍。

例3:He had an egglike head, froglike jaws and a grey hairy fringe round the lower part of his face, the whole combined with a reddish aquiline nose, two dim narrow eyes and hands that reached a mile out of his sleeves. 【译文】他长着一个蛋形脑袋,一个青蛙下巴,脸的下部长着一圈灰毛,此外,还长着一个发红的鹰钩鼻子,两只狭小暗淡的眼睛,两只手露在袖口外老长老长。 【解析】这里借助夸张比喻,活生生地勾画出一幅令人憎恨的丑陋嘴脸。

补充例句: 例1:I am greater than the stars for I know that they are up there and they do not know that I am down here. 【译文】我比星星还伟大。因为我知道星星在天上,而星星却不知道我在地上。 【解析】用幽默夸张的手法,讽刺了“我”的无知和渺小,强调了“人贵有自知之明”的道理。

补充例句: 例2:Splendid cheeses they were, ripe and mellow, and with a two hundred horsepower scent about them that might have been warranted to carry three miles, and knock a man over at two hundred yards. 【译文】这些奶酪妙极了,酥软、香甜、四溢的香气足有两百马力那么强大,保证三英里以外都可以闻到,二百码远处站着的人,也会被它的香气熏醉冲倒。 【解析】这里运用了一连串夸张性的数字“a two hundred horsepower,three miles, two hundred yards”, 淋漓尽致地写出了奶酪香味之浓烈,有效地烘托了氛围,给人以身临其境之感。这种夸张用法常用以渲染气氛、烘托意境,给人留下深刻而鲜明的印象。

课堂互动3: 运用夸张手法翻译句子 1.He sat perfectly quietly, and never spoke a syllable. 2.Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. 3.I would rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of good books to read than a king who did not love reading.

课堂互动3: 运用夸张手法翻译句子 4.My first look was for the Schooner. She had disappeared, and I supposed she was just settling under water. It rained as if the flood of Heaven were opened, and it lightened awfully. I could hear many men around me, and, occasionally, I saw the heads of men struggling in the lake. (College Core English, B.III)

课堂互动3: 运用夸张手法翻译句子 5.Mrs. Clark is dying, she lies motionless: the head seems unusually large on a skeleton body; the skin is dark yellow and hangs loosely around exaggerated bones that not even a blanket can hide; the right arm lies straight out at the side, taped cruelly to a board to secure a needle so that fluid may drip in; the left arm is across the sunken chest, which rises and falls with the uneven breaths. (New Horizon College English, BIII)

6. 4 类比 (Analogy) 类比是两类本质上不同的事物或两种情境之间扩展的或复杂的比喻。类比是用人们熟悉的事例说明较深的道理,或通过具体形象阐明抽象的概念等。也就是在阐述事理时,把抽象概念具体化,形象化;把深奥的哲理浅显化;把陌生的东西变为熟悉的东西。它是通过比喻手法的综合运用来说明道理或情况。 例1:Men are April when they woo, December when they wed, maids are May when they maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. (William Shakespeare) 【译文】男人在恋爱时犹如和煦的四月,婚后却像寒冬腊月; 闺中少女则宛若温暖的五月,而为人妇后却像易变的天气阴晴莫测。

例2:Before you reprehend another, take heed you are not culpable in what you go about to reprehend. He who cleanses a blot with blotted fingers makes a greater blur. (Quarles ) 【译文】在指责别人之前,必须注意自己不要犯所要指责的毛病。用脏手擦污迹,只会把污迹弄得更大。

例3:Beauty is as summer-fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and cannot last: and, for the most part, it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance: but yet certainly again, if it light well, it maketh virtues shine, and vices b1ush. (Francis Bacon: Of Beauty) 【译文】美者犹如夏日蔬果,易腐难存;要之,年少而美者常无行,年长而美者不免面有惭色。虽然,但须托体得人,则德行因美而益彰,恶行见美而愈愧.(王佐良译)

例4: Full many a gem of purest ray serene. The dark unfathom’d caves of ocean bear; Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. And waste its sweetness on the desert air. (Gray) 【译文】许多最纯洁透明闪光的宝石, 埋藏在海洋的莫测的黑暗中; 许多鲜花开出来就无人看见, 它们的芬芳浪费在荒郊野地。

补充例句: 例1:The chess-board is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe, the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is a1ways fair, just, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance. (Thomas Henry Huxley: A Liberal Education ) 【译文】棋盘是世界,棋子是宇宙中的现象,下棋规则是我们称之为自然法则的东西。对弈的棋手躲避我们。我们知道他走棋公平、公正、有耐心。可是我们付出过代价才明白,他从不丝毫疏漏,也决不原谅无知。

补充例句: 例2:The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is... not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improved by a mere command of the will. The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. The seeds must be carefully chosen they must fall on good ground; they must be sedulously tended, if the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed. (Winston Churchill ) 【译文】培养业余爱好和新的兴趣……非一朝一夕之功,也不单凭意志方可奏效。培养精神爱好是个漫长的过程。若要使它给人带来鲜果在需要之时能信手摘来,就必须细心选择种子,且播于沃土之中,并予以辛勤照料。

课堂互动4: 运用类比手法翻译句子 1.There is always a market for good ideas. 2. Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. 3.All that I had to show, as a man of letters, were these few tales and essays, which had blossomed out like flowers in the calm summer of my heart and mind.

课堂互动4: 运用类比手法翻译句子 4.Intellectual assimilation takes time. The mind is not to be enriched as a coal barge is loaded. Whatever is precious in a cargo is carefully on board and carefully placed. Whatever is delicate and fine must be received delicately, and its place in the mind thoughtfully assigned. (Arlo Bates)

6. 5 逻辑关系 ( Logical Contexts ) 英语中有句成语“No context, no text”, 可见脱离了上下文和具体情境,就不能理解任何句意。逻辑关系就是事物间相互的影响,如“因果”,“条件”,“让步”等等。作者通过这些关系把许多孤立的事与物联结成为一条思路,表达自己的思想。比如英语从句,附在肯定句之前或之后,主要是用来强调主句的肯定语气,加强其主句的肯定意义, 翻译时要瞻前顾后,注意逻辑关系,考虑语境、意境、背景,进行表达和再创作。

例2:He is an orator, if ever there was one. 例3:He is seventy, if a day. 例1:World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity. 【正】他的成就驰名世界,而他个人却始终默默无闻,因为他整个一生总是避免抛头露面。 【解析】这是描写诺贝尔其人的一句话,如果用“无人所知”来翻译前半句更能客观地反映出诺贝尔的为人,那么后半句的“publicity” 固然有出风头的意思,但是用来形容诺贝尔则显得有失恭敬。 例2:He is an orator, if ever there was one. 【译文】世界上没有演说家则罢了,如有,那就是他。 例3:He is seventy, if a day. 【译文】他该有70岁了。 【解析】“if a day”意为“至少有”“无论如何应该是”。若译 为“他总有一天会70岁的”就不对了。

例5: ——“What did you say, dear?” 例4:John got sick, then his brothers and sisters all got sick. It never rains but pours. 【译文】约翰病倒了,接着弟弟妹妹都病了,真是祸不单行。 例5: ——“What did you say, dear?” ——“I said that I love you and that I can’t wait until you are mine.” 【译文】 ——“你说什么来着,亲爱的?” ——“我说我爱你,巴不得你马上嫁给我。” 【解析】如把 “I can’t wait until you are mine” 译成“要等到你嫁给我的那一天,我等不及了”,译文用字多,句子长,表达啰嗦,说这话占时间比较长,长语言和急心情不相配,“巴不得你马上嫁给我” 利索精练,符合此时此刻的急切心情。

补充例句: 例1: A beautiful form is better than a beautiful face; a beautiful behavior than a beautiful form. 【译文】形体美胜于容貌美,行为美胜于形体美。 【解析】如果译成“美丽的外形胜过美丽的脸蛋,美丽的行为胜过美丽的外形”。似乎是把脸蛋看成是人体外形以外的部分,令人费解。大家都知道,脸蛋使人体外表的一个不可缺少的部分,可见译文在逻辑上不通。正文中的“form”应指“body”,即“形体”,所以原文应译为“形体美胜于容貌美,行为美胜于形体美”则更符合逻辑。

补充例句: 例2: They left me at the gate, not easily or lightly; and it was a strange sight to me to see the cart go on, taking Paggoty away, and leaving me under the elm tree looking at the house in which there was no face to look at me with love or liking any more. 【译文】送到门口,我们就分手了,当时的气氛既不凝重,也不轻松。马车拉着帕格迪走了,我站在老榆树下,望着那没有感情,没有爱的房子,很恍惚。 【解析】他们在门口分手时的情景是“not easily or lightly”,要表达这种感觉,用了“当时的气氛”来说明那时的心情“既不凝重,也不轻松”。

补充例句: 例3: My first quarter at Lowood seemed an age, and not the golden age either; it comprised an irksome struggle with difficulties in habituating myself to new rules and unwonted tasks. The fear of failure in these points harassed me worse than the physical hardships of my lot, though these were no trifles. (Charlotte Brontee: Jane Eyre) 【译文】我在劳渥德的一个季度似乎有一个时代那么长。而且还不是黄金时代;在这个季度里,我得作令人种种生厌的斗争,来克服困难。使自己习惯于新的规则,习惯于陌生的工作。我一直担心,怕在这方面出什么差错,这可比命中注定要身受艰苦,更叫我苦恼,虽说艰苦也并不是小事。 【解析】从经历上说,“我”在这个季节里→作斗争→克服困难→习惯规则→习惯工作→担心→怕差错;从感觉上说,“我”感到这个季节似乎长→生厌→担心→怕→受苦→苦恼→小事;从逻辑关系上说,符合发展规律,合情合理。

课堂互动5 : 逻辑关系翻译练习 1.He is lying on his side. 2.A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

课堂互动5 : 逻辑关系翻译练习 3.A smile would come into Mr Pickwick’s face, the smile extended into a laugh, the laugh into a roar, and the roar became general. (Charles Dickens: Pickwick Papers)

课堂互动5 : 逻辑关系翻译练习 4.While human cloning might not offer great benefits to humanity, no one has yet made a convincing case that it would do any real harm, either.

课堂互动5 : 逻辑关系翻译练习 5.After her six years’ stay under my care, I have the honour and happiness of presenting Miss Amelia Sedley to her parents as a young lady worthy of occupying a position in well-bred society.

6. 6 重复 (Repetition) 重复是语言衔接的一个重要修辞手段,起着强调和加强语气的作用。重复显得累赘,所以语言应避免重复,但在特定的语言情景中有意识地使用重复,能起到非常有力的修辞效果。能反复以同一信号刺激读者的感官,感染读者,引起共鸣。尤其在标语、口号、演说词里,有着激励感情、鼓动情绪的威力。翻译时要把握这一特点,忠实原文。

例1:Young men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, fitter for new projects than settled business. 【译文】年轻人善于发明,不善于判断;善于闯干,不善于协商;乐于实行新计划而不愿因循守旧。 例2:To me, art seems to deal with a vivacity of seeing and looking. About noticing. About not taking things for granted. About how we see the world around us. 【译文】对我来说,艺术是在观赏中享受激情活泼。艺术教我注意观察感知。艺术提醒我不要把事物理所当然。艺术教会我如何领悟周围的世界。

例3:I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers 例3:I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. I remember where a toad may live and what time the birds awaken in the summer—and what trees and seasons smelled like—how people looked and walked and smelled even. 【译文】我记得儿时给各种小草和隐秘的小花取的名字。我记得蛤蟆喜欢在什么地方栖身,鸟雀夏天早晨什么时候醒来——我还记得各种树木和不同季节特有的气息——记得人们的形貌、走路的姿势,甚至身上的气味。 【解析】原文有两个“I remember”的排比句,译文用了三个排比,并加进了一个“还”字。原文第二句中四个宾话从句也形成排比,译文也采取了排比形式,正好和原文对应。从语法结构上把原文中的两个宾语从句调整为句子,从整体上体现了原文的修辞效果;译文的选词用字浅显易懂,如“grasses”“小草”,“live”“栖身”,“smell”“气息”等,体现了原文的文体风格和感情色彩。

例4:I didn’t teach because teaching is easy for me … Nor do I teach because I think I know answers or I have knowledge I feel compelled to share with others.(=I teach not because…/I teach neither because…) 【译文】我当老师,并不是因为我觉得教书轻松,…… 我当老师,也不是因为我认为自己能够解惑答疑,也不是因为我有满腹学问,非与别人分享不可。 【解析】像这类“because”的原因状语从句,主句谓语为否定时,其实意义上否定的是原因状语,是一种特指否定,翻译时要从主句谓语否定转移到状语从句否定,并把状语从句重复翻译。

补充例句: 例1:His mother described him at two as “round and fat and strong as a five-year-old.” 【译文】母亲描绘他两岁时的情景时说: “圆圆胖胖, 结结实实, 象个五岁的孩子”。

例2:I teach because I like the peace of the academic calendar … 补充例句: 例2:I teach because I like the peace of the academic calendar … I teach because teaching is a profession built on change … I teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to stimulate myself and my students … 【译文】我教书,是因为我喜爱校历的步骤。…… 我教书,是因为教学是建立在 “变” 这一基础上的职业。…… 我教书,是因为我喜欢有让自己犯错误的自由,有自 己吸取教训的自由,有激励自己和激励学生的自由。……

补充例句: I teach because I like to ask questions that students must struggle to answer … I teach because I enjoy finding ways of getting myself and my students out of the ivory tower and into the real life … (《大学英语》, Unit 3, B.III) 【译文】我教书,是因为我喜欢向学生提出必须绞尽脑汁才能回答的问题。…… 我教书,是因为我喜爱想方设法使自己和我的学生从象牙塔里走出来,步入现实世界。…… 【解析】这里使用重复“I teach because I…”,译为“我教书,是因为我……”,和英语的修辞手段一致,由浅入深,哲理深远,说理透彻,层层递进,逻辑性强。

补充例句: 例3:It doesn’t matter what you learn, but once you learn something, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It doesn’t matter what you look into, but once you look into something, you must never give it up until you have completely understood it. It doesn’t matter what you try to think of, but once you think of something, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It doesn’t matter what you try to carry out, but once you try to carry out something, you must never give it up until you have done it completely and well. 【译文】你学什么都好,一旦起学,必定掌握,决不放弃;你研究什么都行,一旦开始,必定彻底弄懂,决不放弃;你想什么都可,一旦思想,必定想通,决不放弃;你做什么都成,一旦动手,必定完美,决不放弃。

课堂互动6 :重复手法翻译练习 1.I want to talk to you about the future, about our future together. 2.The signs of China’s influence and success abound America. (Reagon) 3.The law should meet with your approval because it is simple, because it is enforceable, and because it is just.

课堂互动6 :重复手法翻译练习 4.It is gravitation that causes the apple to fall. It is gravitation that makes things have weight. It is gravitation that keeps all things in their proper places.

课堂互动6 :重复手法翻译练习 5.To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. (Holy Bible, Ecclesiastes)

6. 7 平行排比 (Parallelism) 英语中把语法结构相同或相似,语气一致、意义相关的语句、短语、词组用并列排比的方式依次排列而出的语言结构称为平行结构。特点是排列整齐,音节悦耳,节奏有力,气势磅礴,可以把论点阐述的更严密、更透彻、提高表达效果。翻译时一定要注意体现这种特点,但一味照搬原文的排比结构,反倒弄巧成拙,译文单调枯燥。

【译文】读书费时过多易惰,文采藻饰大盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学究故态。 例1: To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar.(F. Bacon:Of Studies) 【译文】读书费时过多易惰,文采藻饰大盛则矫,全凭条文断事乃学究故态。 【解析】培根的散文以结构严谨,对仗工整,尤其以三项式排比著称。王佐良先生运用相应的三段式格式修辞手段,不但传其“神”,而且表其“形”。译文排比结构呈现原意,真是绝妙无比。

例2 :Their powers of conversation were considerable 例2 :Their powers of conversation were considerable. They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laugh at their acquaintance with spirit. (Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice) 【译文】他们健谈的本领真是吓人,描述起宴会来细毫入微,说讲起故事来风趣横生,讥笑起朋友来也是有声有色。 【解析】“描述起……”,“说讲起……”,“讥笑起……”三个汉语平行结构,在结构、排列、表达、意义上都和英语合拍一致,把“健谈的本领”从三个不同的方面用排比的方法描写证明得令人信服,而且排列整齐,读起来节奏有力。

例3: Spring has no speech, nothing but rustling and whispering 例3: Spring has no speech, nothing but rustling and whispering. Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking! 【译文】春天没有言语,只有淅飒和低吟。春花怒放,春叶茁发, 春水奔流, 春天欢腾地、无休止地追逐着,这一切要比语言丰富得多。 【解析】把“unfolding”分别译为“怒放”“茁发”,正好是汉语的“春花怒放,春叶茁发, 春水奔流”四字排比结构,读起来铿锵有力.

例4:These studies are an impetus to youth, and a delight to age; they are an adornment to good fortune, refuge and relief in trouble; enrich private and do no hamper to public life. 【译文】学习对青年人是动力,对老年人是乐趣;它是得意者的装饰,失意者的慰籍;它可以丰富个人生活,又无碍于公众利益。 【解析】“refuge”和“relief”是多义词,译文取其同义“慰籍”,正好与“装饰”互为补充,形成排比。

例5: Einstein was a fair amateur violinist, a great mathematician, and a deeply philosophical man. 【译文】爱因斯坦既是位伟大的数学家,又是个懂得精深哲理的人,同时还是个不错的业余小提琴手。

【译文】他们太阳晒黑的脸忧郁阴沉,他们久经风霜的眼睛炯炯发光。 补充例句: 例1: Their sunburned faces were dark, and their sunwhipped eyes were light. 【译文】他们太阳晒黑的脸忧郁阴沉,他们久经风霜的眼睛炯炯发光。 例2:It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning; its quiet stretches as well as its rapids; its periods of drought as well as fullness. 【译文】其源头,隐隐约约,并不引人注目;其流势,时而平缓,时而湍急;其水情,有汛期,也有枯竭期。

【译文】货主的叫卖声,赶驴娃和脚夫响亮的喊人让路声,以及那些或许是买主的人讨价还价的争吵声,持续不断,叫你感到头晕目眩。 补充例句: 例3:The din of the stall-holders crying over their wares, of donkey-boys and porters clearing a way for themselves by shouting vigorously, and of would-be purchasers arguing and bargaining makes you dizzy. 【译文】货主的叫卖声,赶驴娃和脚夫响亮的喊人让路声,以及那些或许是买主的人讨价还价的争吵声,持续不断,叫你感到头晕目眩。

【译文】他们所关心的,是种棉花要种得好,骑马要骑得棒,开枪要开得准,跳舞要跳得轻松,追女人要追得得体,喝酒要喝得不至于坍台。 补充例句: 例4:And raising good cotton, riding well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one’s liquor like a gentleman were the things that mattered. 【译文】他们所关心的,是种棉花要种得好,骑马要骑得棒,开枪要开得准,跳舞要跳得轻松,追女人要追得得体,喝酒要喝得不至于坍台。

课堂互动7 : 平行排列翻译练习 1.They’re rich; they’re famous; they’re surrounded by the world’s most beautiful women. They are the world’s top fashion designers and trendsetters.

课堂互动7 : 平行排列翻译练习 2.Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.

课堂互动7 : 平行排列翻译练习 3.They say “What is your name?”, think I shall name myself. But I don’t give myself a name. I have given up everything. I have no name, no place, no country, no anything. I am just myself. (Leo Tolstoy: Resurrection)

课堂互动7 : 平行排列翻译练习 4.In order to learn to be one’s true self, it is necessary to know much of what has been said and done in the world, critically to look into it, carefully to consider it, clearly to analyze it and eagerly to carry out it.

课堂互动7 : 平行排列翻译练习 5.For no country have the charms of Nature been more perfectly lavished. Her mighty lakes, like oceans of liquid silver, her mountains, with their bright aerial tints, her valleys, teeming with wild fertility, her tremendous cataracts thundering in their solitudes, her broad deep rivers, rolling in solemn silence to the ocean, her trackless forests, where vegetation puts forth all its magnificence, her skies, kindling with the magic of summer clouds and glorious sunshine.

英汉两种语言中都有这种修辞手法,翻译时一般可采取直译的方法再现原文的生动形象。拟人有时带有一定的文化背景或习惯用法,须变通处理。 6. 8 拟人 (Personification) 拟人是运用联想,把人以外的无生物(无生命的实体,抽象的概念等)或有生物(客观世界,具体事物等)当作人来描写,把动物和没有生命的事物当成有思想感情和性格的人类来描写,让它们具有人的行为。把本来只适用于人的动词、形容词、名词或代词等用于写物,令人感到非人的事物具有人的属性。如:smiling moon “微笑的月亮”、a crying villege“哭泣的村庄”等。 英汉两种语言中都有这种修辞手法,翻译时一般可采取直译的方法再现原文的生动形象。拟人有时带有一定的文化背景或习惯用法,须变通处理。

例1:The green mountains were dancing, and the rivers and lakes smiling. 【译文】葱郁群山在起舞,川流湖泊在欢笑。 例2:Deliberate September—in its own time and tempo—begins to sum up another summer. 【译文】从容的九月,踩着悠然的节拍,迈着闲适的步伐,去收获夏日的累累硕果。 例3:History is the witness of the times, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life, the messenger of antiquity. 【译文】历史是时代的见证,是真理的火炬,是记忆的生命,是生活的良师,是古人的使者。

例4:Rough wind, that moanest loud Grief too sad for song; Wild wind, when sullen cloud Knells all the night long; Sad storm, whose tears are vain Bare woods, whose branches strain Deep caves and deary main, Wail, for the world’s wrong. (Shelly: A Dirge) 【译文】嚎啕大哭的粗鲁的风, 悲痛得已失去了吼声; 横扫阴云的狂野的风, 彻夜将丧钟敲个不停; 暴风雨啊,把泪水流, 树林里枯枝摇个不休, 洞深,海冷,处处愁—— 嚎哭吧,为天下鸣不平! 【解析】雪莱在诗中通过运用拟人,生动地勾勒出一幅天下万物为之鸣不平的悲愤的图景。译文也同样运用“狂野的风”在“悲痛”得“嚎啕大哭”;“暴风雨”在“哀伤”得“把泪水流”等拟人辞格来表现这种悲愤的景象。

【译文】我爱你呀,大海!在我少年之时,我最喜欢投身于你的怀抱把我带向远方。 补充例句: 例1:And I have loved thee, Ocean! And my joy of youthful sports was on thy breast to be borne onward. 【译文】我爱你呀,大海!在我少年之时,我最喜欢投身于你的怀抱把我带向远方。

【译文】多少世纪以来,渺渺苍天曾为我族洒下多少同情之泪;这个在我们看来像是永恒不变的上天苍穹,还是会变的。 补充例句: 例2: Yonder sky that has wept tears of compassion upon my people for centuries untold, and which to us appears changeless and eternal, may change. 【译文】多少世纪以来,渺渺苍天曾为我族洒下多少同情之泪;这个在我们看来像是永恒不变的上天苍穹,还是会变的。

【译文】我们的灵魂要是能够无羁无绊,直视眼前的道路,并不白白浪费时间于权衡研究脚下的步伐,或是回顾已经走过的道路,这才是真正的单纯。 补充例句: 例3:That freedom of the soul, which looks straight onward in its path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those that it has already taken, is true simplicity. (François Fénelon: True and false Simplicity) 【译文】我们的灵魂要是能够无羁无绊,直视眼前的道路,并不白白浪费时间于权衡研究脚下的步伐,或是回顾已经走过的道路,这才是真正的单纯。

课堂互动8 : 拟人手法翻译练习 1. I have ever been the sport and toy of debasing circumstances. Ignominy, Want,Despair, and Madness,have collectively or separately, been the attendants of my career.

课堂互动8 : 拟人手法翻译练习 2.In London we get the heat of the sun, but not his light, and the separation of individual parts into such vivid isolation was so surprising that even Marie noticed it, and said it “all seemed as if she was looking through a glass”.

课堂互动8 : 拟人手法翻译练习 3.Then Night, like some great loving mother, gently lays her hand at our fevered head, and turns our little tear-stained face up to hers, and smiles, and, though she does not speak, we know that she would say and lay our hot, flushed cheek against her bosom and the pain is gone.

课堂互动8 : 拟人手法翻译练习 4. “Death, be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art Not so: For those whom thou think’st thou Dost overthrow Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst Thou kill me.” (John Donne: Death be not proud)

6. 9 反语与讥讽(Irony & Satire) 反语就是说反话,正话反说,或反话正说。用相反的词语表达本义,让所说的或所写的跟自己要表达的原意恰好相反。反语有时可以表示人与人之间亲昵的感情,但多数情况下是批判、揭露、警示、讽刺、嘲弄,当然也表示幽默、诙谐的情趣。在一定的语言环境中,运用反语这种修辞手段往往比正面论述更有力,更能发人深思,可以使话语或文章更加有力,深沉幽默,具有感染力,产生特殊的辛辣讽刺、幽默有趣的效果。反语通常采用直译的方法,但当直译不能传情达意时,应采用补偿或变通的意译法。

【译文】在考试期间他整天踢足球,真是够勤奋的! 讥讽就是用比喻夸张的手法,用旁敲侧击或尖刻的话语,对人或事物的错误缺点或某种表现进行指责、揭露、批评或嘲笑。讥讽可分为温和的讽刺和尖刻的讽刺,温和的讽刺常用较为温和、委婉的词语来论述、批评人或事物的正确、聪明、善良等;尖刻的讽刺常用尖刻的语句揭露或讽刺人或事物的错误、愚蠢、丑恶等,但一定要在写作或翻译中把握好分寸。 例1: He plays football all day long during the time of examination. What a diligent student he is! 【译文】在考试期间他整天踢足球,真是够勤奋的!

例2:The French and the English were so ardent about art that they sent their armies to search for invaluable paintings and sculptures all around the world. 【译文】英国人和法国人都酷爱艺术,不惜派遣军队在世界各地搜罗珍贵的绘画和雕塑品。 例3:Education…has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. 【译文】教育造就了一大批能读书,却又不会区分什么书值得一读的人。

例4:What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favoured country! —They let the paupers go to sleep. 【译文】他们竟允许穷人睡觉!——这是多么“高尚”的例证!多么“仁慈”的法律! 多么可爱的国家。 例5:The most happy marriage I can picture or imagine to myself would be the union of a deaf man to a blind woman. 【译文】我能描绘和想象得出的最美满的婚姻,当是聋男和盲女的结合。

【译文】人们通常发现,法网对犯法者是这样的: 小者穿网而过,大者破网而出,只有不大不小的才会坠入网中。 补充例句: 例1: Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and middle-sized are alone entangled in. 【译文】人们通常发现,法网对犯法者是这样的: 小者穿网而过,大者破网而出,只有不大不小的才会坠入网中。

【译文】比较省俭的人(我们必须承认这年头需要节约)可以先给孩子的尸体剥皮;皮经过加工,可以做贵妇手套,给绅士做夏天穿的靴子。 补充例句: 例2:Those who are more thrifty (as I must confess the times require) may flay the carcass; the skin of which artificially dressed will make admirable gloves for ladies, and summer boots for fine gentlemen. (Jonathan Swift: A Modest Proposal ) 【译文】比较省俭的人(我们必须承认这年头需要节约)可以先给孩子的尸体剥皮;皮经过加工,可以做贵妇手套,给绅士做夏天穿的靴子。

补充例句: 例3:They were, in fact, very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited. ( J. Austen: Pride and Prejudice) 【译文】其实,她们都是非常好的小姐;她们并不是不会谈笑风生,问题是要在她们高兴的时候;她们也不是不会待人和颜悦色,问题是在于她们是否乐意这样做;可惜的是,她们一味高傲自大。

例4:Fools had ne’er less grace in a year; 补充例句: 例4:Fools had ne’er less grace in a year; For wise men are grown foppish, And know not how their wits to wear, Their manners are so apish. (Shakespeare: King Lear) 【译文】这年头傻瓜供过于求, 聪明人儿个个变糊涂, 空顶着个没思想的头, 只会依样照葫芦画瓢。

课堂互动9:反语与讥讽翻译练习 1.The weatherman said it would be warm. He must take his readings in a bathroom. 2. This hard-working boy seldom reads more than an hour per week.

3. He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. 课堂互动9:反语与讥讽翻译练习 3. He is a man who is most dependable when you are not in need. 4.He was such a marvelous teacher that whenever he recognized a spark of genius you could be sure he’d water it. ( Charles Kay Smith: Styles and Structures )

课堂互动9:反语与讥讽翻译练习 5. If you choose to waste your time and so risk failing you in exam, that’s your funeral. 6. Robbing a widow of her savings was certainly a noble act.

8.“The grave’s a fine and private place, 课堂互动9:反语与讥讽翻译练习 7. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. (Jonathan Swift) 8.“The grave’s a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace.” (Andrew Marvell: To His Coy Mistress)

第六章综合练习及参考答案 1) Hugo is pulling a cart. 1.运用歧义、双关翻译下列句子 1) Hugo is pulling a cart. A. 雨果正在画一辆车。(drawing a picture of a cart) B. 雨果正在拉车。 2) The girl saw the boy with the binoculars. A. 女孩看见了那个带望远镜的男孩。(作定语) B. 这个女孩用望远镜看见了那个男孩。(作状语) 3) Do you notice the old man smoking? A. 你注意到那位老人在抽烟吗? B. 你注意到那位抽烟的老人吗?

第六章综合练习及参考答案 4) How do you know when there is wind? 1.运用歧义、双关翻译下列句子 4) How do you know when there is wind? A. 你怎么知道什么时候有风?(定语从句) B. 有风的时候,你怎么知道呢?(状语从句) 5) The statistician studies the whole year. A. 统计学家研究全年的情况。(宾语) B. 统计学家一年到头进行研究。(状语) 6) Jack and Mary are married. A. 杰克和玛丽结为夫妻。 B. 杰克和玛丽各自成婚。(Jack is married and so is Mary.) 7) I found her an entertaining woman. A. 我为她找了一个女招待。 B. 我发现她是一个女招待。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

第六章综合练习及参考答案 8) Visiting aunts is a bore. (动名词) 1.运用歧义、双关翻译下列句子 8) Visiting aunts is a bore. (动名词) Visiting aunts are boring. (分词) A. 看望姑妈令人厌烦。 B. 喜欢串门的姑妈真烦人。 9) There is a want of confidence in him. A. 人们对他缺乏信心。 B. 他本人缺乏信心。 10) Mr. Flack told his brother that he must pay the bill. A. 弗拉克先生对他弟弟说他必须付账单的钱。 B. 弗拉克先生对他弟弟说他必须付账单的钱。 (“他”指弗拉克先生自己还是指他的弟弟?) 第六章综合练习及参考答案

第六章综合练习及参考答案 1) changelessly changing 2) a clever fool (a wise fool) 2. 翻译下列词组和句子,注意矛盾修辞的运用 1) changelessly changing 【译文】始终如一,变化多端 2) a clever fool (a wise fool) 【译文】天生的傻瓜(聪明的傻瓜) 3) cruel kindness 【译文】害人的仁慈 4) fiend angelical 【译文】是天使,也是魔鬼 5) a damned saint 【译文】一个万恶的圣人 第六章综合练习及参考答案

第六章综合练习及参考答案 6) an honorable villain 7) a victorious defeat 2. 翻译下列词组和句子,注意矛盾修辞的运用 6) an honorable villain 【译文】一个庄严的奸徒 7) a victorious defeat 【译文】一个表面上的败仗,实际上的胜仗 8) bright smoke 【译文】黑烟发亮 9) heavy lightness 【译文】又重又轻 10)funny and annoying 【译文】滑稽烦人 第六章综合练习及参考答案

3.翻译下列段落,注意平行结构的运用 I Have a Dream (Martin Luther King) I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. 【译文】 我有一个梦想 朋友们,今天我要告诉你们:尽管现在仍有许多困难挫折,我仍然怀有一个梦想。这是一个深深扎根于美国人梦想中的梦想。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

【续】 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live up to the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.” 【译文】 我有一个梦想,有一天这个国家将会站立起来。真正信守她立国的诺言:“我们坚信这条不言而喻的真理:人人生来平等”。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

【续】 I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 我有一个梦想,有一天佐治亚州红土山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子和昔日奴隶主的儿子将会像兄弟一样同桌而坐,共叙情谊。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

【续】 I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. 我有一个梦想,有一天甚至密西西比这样一个不公正的狂热情绪使人透不过气来的地方也将会变成一块自由和公正的绿洲。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

【续】 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. 我有一个梦想,有一天我的四个孩子将生活在这样一个国家,将不再根据他们的肤色,而是根据他们的品德来评定他们的为人。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

第六章综合练习及参考答案 I have a dream today. 【续】 I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right down in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. 今天我有一个梦想! 我梦想有一天,尽管阿拉巴马州种族主义猖獗,尽管该州州长仍然满口异议,拒绝执行联邦法令,但有朝一日,那里的黑人男孩女孩能够与白人男孩女孩情同手足,携手并进。 第六章综合练习及参考答案

第六章综合练习及参考答案 I have a dream today. 【续】 I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. 今天我有一个梦想! 我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,崎岖化为坦途,曲径变成通衢,上帝的光辉显现,让所有人类一起瞻仰。(完) 第六章综合练习及参考答案

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