第七讲 商务信函的翻译 一.翻译体验: (10 分钟) 翻译以下两封商务信函,体会商务信函翻译的特点: Exercise 1.


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Presentation transcript:

第七讲 商务信函的翻译 一.翻译体验: (10 分钟) 翻译以下两封商务信函,体会商务信函翻译的特点: Exercise 1. 第七讲 商务信函的翻译 一.翻译体验: (10 分钟) 翻译以下两封商务信函,体会商务信函翻译的特点: Exercise 1. Dear Sirs, We have obtained your name and address from Mr. John Smith, and we are writing to enquire whether we could establish business relations with you. We have been shoe importers for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are reasonable, we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours, Tom White

Exercise 2 尊敬的怀特先生: 本月16日的来函收悉,不胜欣喜。本公司愿意与贵公司建立业务往来。谨遵要求另函要求奉上最新出口商品目录和报价单。款项烦请以不可撤销保兑信用证支付。 如欲订货,请电传、传真或发电子邮件给我们。 罗尔夫 奥斯汀 (Rolf Austin)

二.讨论与分析: 小组讨论翻译中遇到的问题、难点。 Exercise 1学生译文:(略) 主要问题及原因: (1)不能灵活运用所学的翻译技巧,如增减必要的词语以使语句通顺,意思明确;转换词类以使表达自然等。例如…extending our range被译成“扩大范围”,未能在“范围”前补上“业务”;…appreciate your catalogues and quotations. 被译成“欣赏你们的目录与报价”;We have been shoe importers for many years. 被译成“我们是鞋的进口商很多年了。”

(2)部分同学词汇太小,尤其是不熟悉专业词汇,如catalogue,quotation。 (3)未注意信函的书面语特点,表达不够精炼。 Exercise 2 学生译文:(略) 主要问题及原因: (1)不熟悉商务信函的常用短语和句型,如“谨遵要求”——in compliance with your request / at your request,“另函”——under separate cover. (2)用词不恰当,如“最新”被译成newest而不是latest。

参考译文: Exercise 1: 敬启者: 我方自约翰·史密斯先生处获悉贵公司名称与地址,特致函询问能否与贵公司建立业务联系。本公司经营鞋类进口生意多年,现欲扩展业务范围。盼惠赐商品目录与报价表。如价格公道,本公司将大量订购。敬请早日赐复。 此致 敬礼! 汤姆·怀特 2008.5.16

翻译要点: Exercise 2 May 18, 2008 Dear Mr. White, Thank you for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Should you wish to place an order, please telex, fax or e-mail us. Yours sincerely Rolf Austin 翻译要点: 注意中英文信函格式的转换。 熟悉中英文信函的常用句型,如look forward to your early reply; thank you for your letter of/dated…; enter into business relations with…; in compliance with your request…等等。

三.相关知识讲解(30分钟) (一)商务信函的构成及其翻译: 商务信函通常包括reference number(编号,引证号,文档号), subject(事由,主题), attention(收件人,经办人), CC--carbon copy(抄送), from(发件人)date(日期), inside address(信内地址), salutation(称呼), body(正文), complimentary closing(结尾套语), enclosure(附件), signature(签名),P.S.—postscript(又及)等部分。 其中salutation中的Dear在商务信函和其它公函中通常译作“尊敬的”或干脆不翻译此词。不确定对象的称呼Dear Sir(s)/Madam可译成“尊敬的阁下(先生)/女士”或“敬启者”等。 complimentary closing结尾套语Best wishes 通常译作“祝好!”“此致……敬礼!”,Yours sincerely/ Yours faithfully之类则常译成“敬上”或“谨上”等。

(二)商务信函的语言特点及其翻译 1. 商务信函的5C原则:Correctness(正确), Conciseness(简洁), Clearness(清楚), Courtesy(礼貌), Concreteness(具体) 2. 翻译商务信函时可视原文的用语规范、正式程度酌情使用汉语中常用的正式的公函套语如:贵方/贵公司、承蒙、冒昧、谨、收悉、祈谅、望……为盼、赐复等。

常见商务信函套语的翻译 We are pleased to inform you… …特此奉告/函告。 In reply to your letter… 兹复贵函… We are writing concerning… 兹去函关于… We send you… 兹寄上… We are glad to answer… 兹答复… Enclosed we hand… 随函附上… Your kind reply will greatly oblige us. 如蒙赐复,不胜感激。 We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. 盼早日赐复。 Hoping you will favor me with an early reply. 敬祈早日赐复为盼。 We shall appreciate it (be grateful) if you could…. 如蒙…,不胜感激。 We would like to express our gratitude to you for… 承蒙您…谨致谢意。 We thank you for… 对…谨致谢意。 Thank you in advance for… 承蒙….谨先致谢。 We regret to inform you that… /We greatly regret that… 非常遗憾,今致函奉告… We are very sorry to hear/know… 获悉…我方甚感遗憾。

3. 翻译商务信函要注意专业术语的使用 如:enquiry,offer(quotation), accept, complain等很可能须译为“询盘(价),报盘(价),承兑,投诉”等,而不是用其普通的词义。

三、巩固练习(课堂书面完成并点评): Exercise 1 Dear Sir, We are interested in buying large quantities of Chinese leather shoes in all sizes. We should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per pair CIF London. It would be also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price-list to us. We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mike Green

Exercise 2 尊敬的格林先生: 感谢贵方4月8日的来函询价,要求我方供应新近生产的皮鞋。我方十分乐意作如下报价: 男士牛皮鞋(黑色、棕色) 25美元/双 女士牛皮鞋 (各色) 20 美元/双 上述价格包含包装和运费。若贵方一次订购量超过200双的话,我方可现货供应并给予3%的折扣。希望上述条件能使贵方满意,并期望贵方订购。 汤姆 怀特 谨上

第八讲 商品说明书的翻译 。 一.翻译体验: 翻译以下电话充值卡的说明,体会说明书的翻译特点。 使用说明: 第八讲 商品说明书的翻译 。 一.翻译体验: 翻译以下电话充值卡的说明,体会说明书的翻译特点。 使用说明: 1.本卡用于全国神州行及广东动感地带。 2. 请沿密封线撕开本卡以获得冲值 密码。 3. 拨打充值电话13800138000,按语音提示操作。 4. 详情请咨询中国移动客户服务热线10086 二、讨论与分析 小组讨论翻译中的问题、难点: Tips: M-zone, seal line ,recharge, PIN

参考译文: Usage: This card can be used for nationwide Shenzhouxing, and Guangdong M-zone. 2. Please tear this card following the seal line to get your recharge PIN. 3. Dial recharge line 13800138000 and operate by following the voice instructions. 4. For more details, please call China Mobile Hotline 10086.

三.相关知识讲解: 商品说明书(Instructions/ Directions/ Descriptions/ Manual)的构成、特点与翻译原则(详见课本P37) 英文说明书主要以简单句为主,常用祈使句和被动态,还经常使用省略了主语或主谓结构的短语,时态为一般现在时, 常出现技术词汇。翻译时准确性最重要,应勤查字典,并尽量用平实客观、简洁、通俗易懂的文句。

四.巩固练习 Exercise 1: CAUTION: Do not turn on electrical current to water heater until tank has been completely filled with water. Open several hot water faucets to allow air to escape from the system while the heater is filling. The heating elements will burn out if not immersed in water heater.

Exercise 2: SAFETY WARNING When lifting lever of pressure relief valve, hot water will be released under pressure. Be certain that any released water does not result in bodily injury or property damage. The magnesium anode rod should be inspected periodically and replaced when necessary to prolong tank (water heater) life.

Exercise 3: Casio Watch Operating Instructions To set the time: 1. Pull out Crown to B position 2. Turn Crown either way to correct time 3. Push in Crown to A position To set the calendar/date: Pull out Crown to B position 2. Turn Crown away from you to correct date 3. Turn Crown towards you to correct the day 4. Push in Crown to A position Note: The date changes automatically every 24 hours.

Exercise 4 Product Care ----Avoid exposure to high temperatures ----Clean and polish with a soft cloth ----Avoid violent impact with hard surfaces ----Store separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching ----Do immerse solid opals in water occasionally immerse:浸泡; solid:纯质的 (solid gold 纯金); opal:(音译)澳宝,蛋白石、乳色玻璃

Exercise 5: (p152) Warning: Do not use or store gasoline or other flammable vapors, liquids, or materials in the vicinity of this water heater.

Exercise 6: Medicine Directions: Take two tablets with warm water, followed by one tablet every 8 hours, as required. Do not exceed six tablets in twenty-four hours. For children six to twelve years old, give half the adult dosage. For Children under six years old consult your doctor. Reduce dosage if nervousness, restlessness, or sleeplessness occurs.

第九讲 商务广告的翻译 一、英语广告的语言特点: 1. 简明扼要(Conciseness): For shortness, lower cost and easier memorization 2. 口语体(Colloquial style)For better acceptance

二、广告翻译原则与方法: Principles: Notice its functions of information and persuasion, while keeping it concise for saving money, make it easy, vivid and attractive so as to arouse interest and stimulate desire to buy. Notice phonetic and semantic differences in English and Chinese, realize the linguistic beauty (similar sound, rhyme, rhythm, ... ) Notice the cultural differences in different nations. Skills: Literal translation, free translation, creative translation (addition, deletion…)

三、 广告翻译常用的修辞方法: 1. 排比 (parallelism) eg: No problem is too large, no business to small. (IBM company) (没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意) 2. 反复 ( repetition) eg: Extra Taste. Not Extra Calories. (for food) (有额外的美味,却无额外的热量) 3. 押韵 (rhyme) eg: Go for the sun and fun. (for traveling) (去追求/享受阳光与欢乐) eg: A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. (for Mars chocolate) (每天一块玛斯巧克力,让你工作象工作,娱乐象娱乐/ 工作,休息,娱乐三不误)

4. 对偶 (antithesis) eg: The choice is yours, the honor is ours. (任君选择,深感荣幸/ 您的选择,我们的荣幸) 5. 明喻 (simile) eg: Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud . 风一样的轻,云一样的柔 6. 暗喻 (metaphor) eg: Soft, enchanting, smiling color----that’s the gift of Focus to your hair. ( for Focus hair oil) 轻柔,妩媚,颜色可人——Focus 送给你的礼物 7. 拟人 (personification) eg: Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. ( for Rolex watch) 我要休息,可我的劳力士(手表)从不休息

8. 夸张 (hyperbole) eg: We have hidden a garden full of vegetables where you’d never expect in a pie. (for food) 在你意想不到的地方,我们珍藏了满园的蔬菜,那是在一个小小的馅饼里。 9. 双关 (pun) A deal with us means a good deal to you. (许多,一桩好交易) 与我们做生意,让你受益匪浅 10. 对比 (contrast) eg: Outdoors the earth frozen to a 3-foot depth; Indoors warm and cozy like spring. (for a heater) 户外冰冻三尺,室内春意融融

四、招聘广告语言的翻译 Qualifications or Requirements in recruitment advertisements: 1. Personal qualities Mature, dynamic and honest Excellent ability of systematical management Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.

Bright, aggressive applicants are welcome. Initiative, independent and good communication skill Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality Candidates should be willing to assume responsibilities. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills Energetic, fashion-minded person Enthusiasm, organized working-habits more important than experience Strong determination to succeed is a must. Strong leadership skills required.

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality The ability to initiate and operate independently is desirable. Must be sharp and a fast learner Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit Be highly organized and efficient Good presentation skills

Be elegant and with nice personality With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities Preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health Having good and extensive social connections Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. Only a person with an inquiring mind should apply.

2. Language proficiency Good English skills an advantage Proficiency in written and spoken English & Chinese Good command of both written and spoken English Fluency in English is a must, good mastery of Cantonese and Mandarin An excellent understanding of English would be mandatory. Effectively bilingual in English and Chinese, and able to communicate in and translate from E to C and vice versa, orally and in written form Fluency in English desirable but not a must Knowledge of Hakka is preferred. Familiarity with technical English will have an added advantage.

3. Secretarial skills Be good at typing (60 wpm), shorthand(100 wpm) and administrative work Able to operate all common office machines Accurate typing and working knowledge with word processors required Translation, word processing, filing skills necessary Formal secretarial training and hands-on experience in PC Have ability to transcribe dictation Excellent secretarial skills and ability to deal with client are considered important. Good phone manners required Must be able to handle all international communications in English Skilled at handling commercial correspondence

4. Working experience Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation is necessary. Working experience in foreign company is preferable. At least 2 years’ project management experience At least 5 years’ experience in foreign trade or foreign-owned venture At least 3 years’ experience in personnel recruiting, screening and interviewing Knowledge of U. S. specifications and standards is a plus. 1 year working experience in commerce or consumer products is preferable

International accounting and joint venture experience essential 2-3 years’ programming experience Minimum 2 years’ experience in export business preferably in the field of Light Industrial Products Experience in multinational environment is helpful. Familiarity with international trade issues will be an added advantage. Have experience in the computerization of financial functions

5. Miscellaneous requirements Non-smoker is required. Applicants should be male Female is preferred. Prepared to travel frequently within China A lot of travel in south of China and occasionally abroad required. Residence in Beijing downtown Willing to relocate and live in Humen, Dongguan Ability to work on the night shift is a distinct advantage. Immediate availability is preferable.

第十讲 商务合同的翻译 一、商务合同的语言特点: 正式文体:避免用口语、俚语等;用第三人称,不带感情色彩 用词精确,法律、商务专业性强 第十讲 商务合同的翻译 一、商务合同的语言特点: 正式文体:避免用口语、俚语等;用第三人称,不带感情色彩 用词精确,法律、商务专业性强 句子结构复杂,长词、生僻词多 二、商务合同的翻译原则: 突出准确性、正式性(详见课本)

三、商务合同常用语句及其翻译: 1. hereby 以此,特此 For good consideration, and in consideration of being employed by…, the undersigned employee hereby agrees and acknowledges:… (Textbook P81) 出于多方考虑,鉴于被…(公司)聘用,本人(谨)同意并接受… Notice is hereby given that Mr. Wang Gang is pointed as Acting General Manager of EACC during the absence of Mr. Li Mingda …特此布告 2. hereabove / herebelow, herebefore /hereafter (在)上文/ (在)下文 3. hereinafter referred to as… 以下(简)称…

4. in pursuance of … (agreement, rule…) (进行,实行;遵循) 根据….(协议,规定) 5. in compliance with依据,按照 6. enter into…(contract, agreement) 达成 7. in duplicate 一式两份;in triplicate一式三份;in quadruplicate一式四份 8. in the agreed terms 按约定的条款 9. The said trade term seems acceptable. 上述 10. thereof (关于那个,就该事而言; 在其中,其; 由此,因此) … all materials and all copies thereof should be kept by party A.

11. hereof (关于这个;在本文件中) 12. be entitled to do sth …被授权,…有权… 13. (be) subject to … 须经…的;有待于…;视…而定的,取决于…的;在…条件下 The treaty is subject to ratification. 本条约须经批准方可生效。 The price is subject to final confirmation. 本价格有待最后确认。 The shipping schedule is subject to change without notice. 本装运计划可有变动,不再另行通知。 This contract can only take effect subject to the signature of Chairman of the Board of Directors. 本合同须经董事长亲笔签名方可生效。

第十一讲 名片、商标、商号等的翻译 International Exchange Section 第十一讲 名片、商标、商号等的翻译 一、名片的翻译 (一)翻译体验: Exercise 1: International Exchange Section Binhai Foreign Languages School Lu Yang Prof. & Director Add.: 5 Binhai Road, Binhai City, 116000 Tel: (86)0411-4673289 Email: FLI603@163.com

Exercise 2: National Board of Employment Education and Training Michael Smith Chairman Address: 12 Farrell Place, PO Box 9880, Canberra City ACT 2601, Australia Tel: 62-267-7362 Fax: 62-267-7360 E-mail: mismi2002@yahoo.com

(二)点评分析: 主要存在问题:……. 注意: 名片的格式; 头衔的翻译

(三)相关知识讲解: 名片的主要构成部分: 单位及部门名称 姓名、头衔 联系方式(地址、电话、传真、电子邮箱) 公司的主要业务范围等(背面)

胡刚 (四)翻译实践 广东纺织职业技术学院 地址:广东省佛山市澜石二路20号,528041 院长/教授/博士 广东纺织职业技术学院 地址:广东省佛山市澜石二路20号,528041 Email: hugang1959@126.com 电话:0757-83313888 手机:13939989333

二、商标的翻译 (一)商标的翻译原则 1. 音美、意美原则:Pif-Paf ----“必扑” (杀虫剂);AVON----“雅芳” Pantene----“潘婷”, Maybelline----“美宝莲”(女性用品);Goodyear----“固特异”,Goodrich----“固特立”(轮胎); Daktarin---- 达克宁,Alderan----癌克安, Rizaven---- 利喘平(药) 2. 简明原则: Rolls-Royce----“劳斯莱斯”, McDonald ----“麦当劳”, Kentucky----“肯德基”, Head & Shoulders ----“海飞丝”, Bausch & Lomb----“博士伦”, Budweiser----“百威” 3. 尊重民族文化、心理差异等原则

(二)商标的翻译方法 1. 音、义结合 2. 无法音义兼备时一般采用音译 3. 有时可意译 4. 有时还可以创译 如:Coca-Cola, Safeguard, Youngor ----“雅戈尔”,Bausch & Lomb----“博士伦”, Budweiser----“百威”,Goldlion---- “金利来”, Unilevel---- “联合利华”,Lenovo----“联想” 2. 无法音义兼备时一般采用音译 如:Kodak----“柯达”, Dupont----“杜邦”,Heinz----“亨氏”。 3. 有时可意译 如:Shell----壳牌(石油),Camel---- 骆驼(香烟) 4. 有时还可以创译 如 Head & Shoulders ----“海飞丝”, Rejoice----“飘柔” 5. 已有约定俗成的名称时,应沿用 如 Colgate----高露洁,Hitachi----日立, Mitsubishi三菱

三、商号的翻译: 商号的翻译原则:音美、意美;简明忠实(发音、词义尽量准确) 商号的翻译方法: 1.音、义结合: Hilton Hotel----希尔顿饭店;Liberty Airlines ----自由航空公司 2.音译或意译: Fiat ----菲亚特(意大利);New York Times----纽约时报社; British Nuclear Associates----英国核子联合公司 3. 加字表明公司的性质或经营范围(外国很多公司名称仅仅是个名称,未表示公司性质或经营范围,而中国的公司名称中通常已含这类信息,英译中时可根据了解的情况补充,中译英时有些信息会适当省略): Bass----巴斯饮料公司;Hanson---汉森信托公司 4. 约定俗成,沿用: Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation ---- 汇丰银行; First National City Bank----美国花旗银行 Standard Oil Co., of N. Y.----美孚石油公司

四、通知、布告、启事的翻译: (一)通知、布告的特点及翻译原则: 通知、布告一般包括标题、正文及落款(或时间),也有的只有标题和正文。 通常由权力部门发出,有一定的权威性和时效性。一般采用第三人称(针对个人的信函式通知,如录用通知,用第二人称)。 正文内容具体明确,语言简明扼要。 英文中通知者的名称一般在右下方,日期则通常在左下方。 较长的英语通知常用省略句和祈使句。 翻译时应注意语言和格式上的特点,使译文意思明确、行文简洁,必要时可补充译出被省略的成分,可调整日期位置。

(二)启事的特点及翻译原则: 翻译时注意标题用词准确,可按汉语习惯调整日期位置。 启事一般包括标题、日期、正文和落款。 日期多写在右上方,简单的启事可不注日期。 句子有时为不完整的缩略句。 翻译时注意标题用词准确,可按汉语习惯调整日期位置。

(三)翻译实践 Exercise 1: NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT It is hereby proclaimed that on August 6, 2008, Miss Zhu Li was appointed manager of Public Relations Department. The Office of General Manager August 8, 2008

Exercise 2: Office Move Notice Ladies and Gentlemen, From September 8, 2008, our branch office in the Wanlong Plaza will move to the Trade Center, 12th Floor, North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai. Our new telephone number is 58345678. CP Trade Company May 10th,2009

Exercise 3: NOTICE We have the honor to announce that effective on 18th August, 2008, the Inter Brothers will become associated with the GEC Co. Ltd. into Euro-Asia Co. Ltd. The merger gives the new strength in terms of promotion of sales and operative capital, and we hope to be able to serve you more effectively than ever before. The new company will thereafter carry on business under the new name at Jinghua Tower, Foshan. Euro-Asia Co. Ltd.

Exercise 4: The Opening of Evergreen Supermarket Notice July 5, 2008 Dear Customer, We are pleased to announce that Evergreen Supermarket will be open on August 18. This will be a spacious supermarket for shoppers at 88 Jihua Road. The best quality goods will be supplied at moderate prices, and no effort will be spared to give customers the utmost satisfaction. The supermarket has been decorated upon the most modern principles, thus securing a perfect and agreeable shopping atmosphere to the customer. You are cordially served at Evergreen Supermarket. Yours faithfully, Li Rong Manager