开放英语1 教师:王颖 电话:13841576001 6615100.


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Presentation transcript:

开放英语1 教师:王颖 电话:13841576001 6615100

Unit 1 Learn how to give information about yourself or another person; Learn how to ask someone about themselves; Learn how to talk about leisure activities; Learn how to give information about travel arrangements.

Unit 1 Language Focus 动词to be I am from China. We are Chinese. You are English. You are teachers. He is a manager. They are American. 2.否定句要在动词to be后面加not,一般疑问句要将动 词to be放在句首: He is not Chinese. Is he Chinese? I am not a manager. Are you a manager?

. 将who,what,when,where,how放在句首,构成特殊疑问句: What is your name? My name is Wang Hua. Where are you from? I am from Nanjing. How old are you? I am 35 years old. .在口语中,可以用动词的缩略形式: I am Chinese. I’m Chinese. He is English. He’s English. They are managers. They’re managers.

Language Focus 1.代词 人称代词用于代替人或物:形容词性物主代词表示 所属关系: I am David. My name is David. You work in London. Your job is in London. He is from Italy. His parents are from Italy. She is from Russia. Her mother is from Russia. We are ten years old. Our dog is 8 years old. They are from London. Their home is in London. It is our dog. Its name is Rex.

Language Focus 1.规则动词 2.名词的单数与复数 live,work都是动词,主语是第三人称单数时,动词词尾加-s,如 Mary lives in London. To live To work I live I work he/she/it lives he /she/it works 2.名词的单数与复数 一个以上为复数。名词复数的规则变化是在名词后加-s: job jobs bank banks

Language Focus 动词like 的用法 (P 9) 表示喜欢做某事,可以用动词like+动词-ing形式,例如: I like playing football. They like watching TV. 否定式:does/do+not+动词-ing形式 例:I do not like playing computer games. He does not like cooking for his friends. ∞我们一般常用缩略形式don’t/doesn’t。

Unit 2 Learn to say more about yourself Learn to make offers and requests Learn to check into a hotel The expression of time

Language Focus 频度副词 (P 17) never,sometimes,often,usually,always. (1)在动词to be之后: I’m usually ill on planes. Are you usually at home on Monday? (2)在实意动词之前: I always work on Friday. 在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前: He doesn’t always work on Tuesday.

Language Focus 1.动词to have . 具有(特点) I have black hair. . 拥有(东西) I have a car. . 吃,喝 He has lunch in the canteen. 2.to have,to go 和to finish第三人称单数形式的变化: I have I go I finish you have you go you finish he/she/it has he/she/it goes he/she/it/finishes

Language Focus 12小时表达法 (P 21) . 表示整点过1-30分用past: 12.10 It is ten past twelve. 12.30 It is half past twelve. . 表示离整点还差1-29分用to : 9.40 It is twenty to ten. . 表示“一刻钟”可用a quarter: 5.15 It is a quarter past five/five fifteen. 3.45 It is a quarter to four/three forty-five.

. 表示“半小时”常用half: 7.30 It is half past seven/seven thirty. . 表示“午前”用am,表示“午后”用pm, 表示“在中午” 用at noon: What’s the time? It’s 9 pm. (9 o’clock in the evening) I usually take a nap at noon.

Language Focus 1.提出请求 (P 24) Could you +do sth? Could you spell it, please? Could you tell me your car number, please? Could you call me at 7 o’clock, please? 2.表达提议(1) unit3 Would you like sth?/Would you like to do sth? Would you like to have a coffee? Would you like a newspaper?

Language Focus 提议与应答(1) Would you like a drink? Would you like to come to the shop one day? 对“提议”的应答通常为: Yes,please. No,thanks. Yes,I would,thanks. No,I wouldn’t thanks.

Language Focus 表达提议(2)(29) “提议”还可以用以what开头的疑问句表达, What would you like to drink? I’d like a glass of water ,please. What would you like.Polly? I’d like some oranges.

Language Focus 提议与应答(3)(30) 主动提出自己做某事,常用的句式为: I’ll+动词原形, 例如: I’ll buy the drinks. I’ll buy the tickets.

Language Focus 基数词与序数词:基数词表示数目和数量;序数词表示顺序和次序关系. 基数词:one apple、two apples、 three boys 序数词:多数序数词由基数词加-th构成,例如 Six sixth Eighteen eighteenth Fifty-nine fifty-ninth

Language Focus 以下词例外: One, two, three, five, eight, nine, twelve First ,second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth

Language Focus 不定冠词a/an与定冠词the的区别

Language Focus I am an accountant.(我是一名会计:会计中的一员。) I am the Chief Accountant for ABHK Bank.(我是ABHK银行主任会计师:该银行中惟一的一名。) These are the books I like.(这些是我喜欢的书:特指某些书。)

Language Focus She is a receptionist.(她是一名接待员:公司里有好几名,她是其中之一) She is the receptionst.(她是接待员:公司里仅她一名接待员。) 同样,大楼中只有一个“一层”、一个“二层”。因此,表达楼层要用定冠词:the ground floor,the first floor.the second floor.

Language Focus 指示代词this,these,that,those 指示词有单数和复数两种形式。 Singlar(单数形式) Plural(复数形式) This(这个) these(这些) That(那个) those(那些)

Language Focus 通常this(these)指离说话较近的物品、that(those)指离说话人较远的物品。指示代词既可以单独使用,也可以与名词连用。例如: Xiaoyan,this is Plooy、my girlfriend. These pepole are my friends. That is Frank near the door.

Language Focus Those people in the car are his brothers and sisters. 指示代词可以用于表达对比的意义。(说话时伴随用手指点的动作。) This is my coffee and that’s yours. These people are my friend.Those are my husband’s friends. 指示代词可用于强调。例如: This is really stupid! Those are no good at all! I really don’t like this!

Language Focus There is/There are句型的使用(37) 如果名词为复数,动词用are,名词为单数,动词用is,例如: There is a man in the office. There are two plants in the house. 疑问句要将is/are置于句首(Is there…?/Are there…?),例如: Is the a fax in the office? Are there any plants in the reception?

Language Focus 对于一般疑问句的回答通常用简略形式,例如: 疑问句 回答 Is there a coffee Yes, there is machine in the reception? NO, there is not.

Unit 4 Learn how to describe families Learn to describe work roles

Unit4 Language Focus 谈论工作 在unit1和unit3里,我们学过,在表示工作的词前面要用a或an。she’s a teacher. 在谈及工作领域的时候,要用in如banking,teaching,computers. she lectures in French. 涉及工作地点中的一个;用a/an或the,规则参见unit3,一般来说,用a/an、的泛指众多中;用the特指某一个。

Language Focus To have got和to have 的用法(45) 注意它们在疑问句和否定句中的用法: To have got Have you got a book? No,I haven’t(got a book) To have Do you have a TV? No,we don’t(have a TV).

Language Focus Have you got any sisters?(Do you have any sisters?) Do you have any cousins? (Have you got any cousins?) I haven’t got any sisters. (I don’t have any sisters.)

Language Focus 现在进行时(1)(47) 表示此刻正发生的事情或正在进行的动作, 结构是:主语+to be+动词-ing形式 否定形式是:主语+to be后面加not+动词-ing形式: I am waiting for an important call. He is talking to a customer. My computer isn’t (is not)working. I’m(am)not eating lunch. They aren’t (are not)working today.

Language Focus 一般疑问句形式是将动词to be形式是将动词to be放在主语前面: Is he talking to a customer? 特殊疑问句的形式是: 疑问词+to be +主语+动词-ing形式 What are you doing?(他在干什么?) What is he having lunch?(他正在什么地方吃午饭?) What are they waiting for?(他们在等什么呢?)

Language Focus 现在进行时(2) 现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动。虽然在此时此刻这个活动可能并没有进行。例如: Lin Jun is working on a new database at the momont,but right now she is sleeping.(li Jun 正在建一个新的数据库,不过此刻她正在睡觉。) Wang Li is planning a new marketing campaign at the moment.but right now he’on holiday.(Lin Fan目前正在从事电视广告的工作,不过此刻他正在度假。)

Unit 5 Learn how to describe accommodation Learn how to make suggestions.

Unit5 Language Focus 复习 to have,to have got It’s got a garden. Has it got a garden? No,it hasn’t. It hasn’t (has not) got a garden

Language Focus 提出建议(P57) 提出建议可以用下列几个句型: What about + v-ing? What about seeing this flat? How about + v-ing? How about going to an estate agent? Why don’t you do ? Why don’t you go to an estate agent ? 提出的建议的回答 Well,I don’t know.( 表示她说不准这个建议好不好。) Yes ,that’s a good idea.( 表示她赞同这个建议。)

Language Focus 澄清意思我们要用 mean What does …mean? …-what does it mean? It means … Does …mean…? 例如::  What does “sml” mean?      It means small.

Language Focus 询问价格(P60) 询问价格时要用How much 开头,动词用to cost 或者to be 。例如: How much does the flat cost a month? It costs £500. How much do they cost?They cost £50 each. How much is the flat ?It is (It’s) £500 a month. How much is it a month? How much are they ?They are (They’re) £50 each. ⊙ 在英国货币中,100便士(pence)为1英镑(pound)。便士的符号是P,入在数字后面;英镑的符号是£,放在数字前面。例如: £2.45 读作 two pounds forty five (pence) 90P 读作 ninety pence (或读作ninety P) £24 读作 twenty four pounds £1 读作 one pound

Unit 7 Study the language for criticizing How do we make a call How to make an appointment

Unit7 Language Focus 1.表达提议(p73) 在第3单元中我们学过可以用Would you like to +动词原形来表达提议。 例如 Would you like to come to dinner tonight? Would you like to stay the night ? 2.提供建议 在口语中常用以下3种句式表达建议:How about …? What about …?和 Why don’t you …? 例如 How about seven o’clock ? What about taking a taxi ? Why don’t you take the tube ?

Language Focus 询问花多长时间(P75) 动词to take ,可以表示“花费(时间)”,用在“It takes +(时间)+to do sth”这个句型中或者“sth takes +(时间)”这个句型中,表达“某事花费多长时间”。例如: How long does it take to get to your house by tube? It takes about half an hour. 动词to take 的否定句和疑问句的构成同其他实意规则动词一样。例如: How long does the journey (旅途) take? The fight doesn’t take three hours .It takes two.

Language Focus 表达批评 表达批评性评论常用的句式是“too+形容词”或者“not+形容词+enough”,这两种句式相近,意为“太……”,“不够……”。在Extract 5 中你听到过下面的句子: The kitchen is too dark. The table is not big enough for two people.

Language Focus 打电话用语(P80) 接电话 在家里,拿起听筒电话时常用Hello开头,相当于汉语中的“喂”。在办公室,接电话的人通常自报家门,比如单位的名称,有时还要说出自己的名字。例如: (Good morning),Caffe Roma. (Good afternoon),Café Roma.Franco Rossi speaking. 打电话 在公务或比较正式的场合,打电话的人会先介绍自己。例如: Good afternoon.This is Lin Xiaoyan,I’m calling about….. Hello,this is Franco Rossi speaking. 在较随意的情况下或跟听话人很熟悉时,可以这样介绍自己: Helle,Franco(Rossi) here.

请人听电话,可以这样表达: Could/Can I to Franco Rossi ,please? Is Sally rhere ,please ? 接电话者问打电话的是谁,通常这样说: Who’is calling ,please? J接电话者恰好就是要找的人,可以这样说: Is rhat Polly Williams? Is that you ,Mary? 接听找人电话时,可以说: One moment ,please. Sorry ,he /she is not in .. Hold on ,please. Sorry ,I’m afraid he /she is out. Sorry ,wrong number. 请对方转达口信,可以说: Could /Can I leave a message ,please? 主动提议为他人记录口信,可以说: Can I take a message?

Language Focus 安排约会 建议日期: Are you free on Wednesday ? What about Friday ? 建议具体时间: How about 6 o’clock ? Is 6 o’clock okay ? 表示同意约定的时间、地点: Yes.Wednesday is fine . Yes. 6 o’clock is fine. Yes. That’s okay. Yes. That’s fine.

表示不同意约定的时间、地点: No,I’m afraid I’m not free. No,I’m sorry, I’m busy. 确认时间: Okay, see you at 4 o’clock on Tuesday.

Unit 8 Asking for and give permission. Describing a city Talking about the weather Expressing a command

Language Focus 情态动词can表示允许(P86) 在本单元Extract 1中,我们听到了下面的句子: You can use the phone in the living room. You can’t smoke in the bedrooms. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? 在这些句子中,can 是情态动词,表示“允许”,后接动词原型。其否定形式有两种写法,cannot 或者 can’t 。 一般疑问句的构成方法是将can 置于句首。用于第一人称的疑问句,可以表示询问他人是否允许。例如: can I use the cooker in the kitchen? 例:She can smoke in the garden.她可以在花园里吸烟。   You can’tbe noisy .你们你们不能大声喧哗。

Language Focus 一般现在时与现在进行时 一般现在时表示经常发生的事情(这些动作可能每天或经常发生),现在进行时表示现阶段或说话的此刻正在发生的事情。 一般现在时 现在进行时 I cook for my family He’s cooking. I usually start work at nine o’lock I’m working now. 英语中有些动词通常只用于一般时态,而不用进行时。这些动词表示相对静止的物质、心理及情感状态,被称为状态动词。我们学过的状态动词有:

to be He is English. to have/to have got I have two brothers. to like I like TV to love I love coffee. to hate I hate my job . to think I think it’s cheap.

Language Focus 描述天气 描述当前的天气状况(weather)可以用一般现在时和现在进行时两种形式。询问天气状况常用 What’s (What is)the weather like in +(某地) 。 回答时可以用It is(it’s)+形容词,或者 It is (It’s)+-ing形式等。 例如: 询问 回答 What’s the weather like in Shanghai? It’s rainy./It’s raining.      It’s sunny. 当谈论一个地方的气候(climate)时通常只用一般现在时而不用现在进行时,例如: It often rains in summer in England.

Language Focus 描述城市 询问城市的状况,可以用What ’s (what is)+城镇名称+like? 例如: what’s (what is )London like? 描述城市的状况,可以用动词to be +形容词。例如: London is busy,noisy ,crowded and exciting .But it’s too expensive. Beautiful -ugly big -small clean -dirty(polluted) expensive -cheap safe -dangerous modern -old-fashioned quiet -noisy

Language Focus 祈使句的结构 祈使句可以表示请求和指令。 祈使句的肯定式用动词原形。例如: Put it on the small table. Hands up. 祈使句的否定式有Don’t+动词原形。例如: Don’t put them on the desk .

Unit 9 Learn how to describe a local area of town Learn how to ask for and give basic directions; Learn how to describe people’s physical appearance and character;

Unit 9 Language Focus 店铺的名称 英语中有些店铺的名称由经营商加’s相当于’s shop,表示经营者的处所。这类的店铺名称还可以直接写经营商的职业,例如 the butcher (肉商/肉店),the butcher’s(肉店), the chemist (药剂师/药店),the chemist’s (药店),这两种书写形式可以互换。

Language Focus {yes,the bank is on the corner,near the station. 问路与指路(1)(P102) 问路常用的句式为: where is +场所 b.Where is the nearest + 场所 c.Is there +a/an +场所? 问路 Is there a bank near here? Where is the nearest supermarket,please? Where is the bus stop ,please? 指路 {yes,the bank is on the corner,near the station. Yes,there is .There’s a bank on the corner,near the station. I’m sorry ,I don’t know} The supermarket is over there,opposite the café. The bus stop outside the greengrocer’s.

Language Focus 问路与指路(2) 就乖车问路和指路,常用get 一词(get to…到达某地;get on 上车;get off下车)。 问路 指路 How do I get there ? You take the number 38 bus. How do I get to the bus station? Where do I get on? You get on at the greegrocer’s. Where do I get off? You get off at the bus station.

Language Focus 短语动词(p106) 短语动词是固定词组,由动词加介词或副词组成,其作用相当于一介动词。短语动词需整体记忆,因为其意义并非该动词组成部分的意义之和。例如: They get up at 10’oclock.(起床) They get on the bus at the station.(上车) They get on well together.( 相处) They get off the bus at the swimming pool.(下车) I must get off to work.(动身,离开) 我们学过的短语动词还有: to come across遇到某人,某物 to find out 发现 ring up 打电话 wait for 等待 to get back (home\to the flat)回到(家\公寓)

to go in\out 进入\出来 to look (around) for sb. or sth.(四处) 寻找某人或某物 to bring (sth.) back 带回(某物) to put on (weight\a coat)增加体重\穿上外衣 to put up (a poster)张贴(海报) work out 锻炼身体 work off (通过锻炼)减肥

Language Focus 谈论人的外貌和性格特征(p108) What does he look like?意思是“他长什么样儿?”(look like 意为“外貌特征是…”);What’s he like? 意思是“他(性格 \ 长相)有什么特点?”既可以指外貌,也可以指性格特征。 询问 描述 What does he look like? He’s tall and he’s got short, brown wavy hair with blue eyes and a short beard. What’s he like? He’s very nice and kind . He is quite outgoing and talkative.

Unit 10 Making offers Talk about different quantities Learn how to use the verb to need

Unit 10 Language Focus 表达提议(P115) 在Activity 2的对话中,有三种表示提议的方法,其中两种已经学过。 Would you like a cup of tea ? I’ll tell Franco. Shall I phone Tim now ? Would you like ….? 句型有三种结构: § Would you like +名词 § Would you like some water?(你要水吗?) § Would you like + to + 动词 Would you like to have dinner with me tonight ?(今晚和我一起吃饭,好吗?) Would you like +代词 + to +动词 Would you like me to phone Tim ?(你要我给他打电话吗?)

Language Focus 可数名词与不可数名词(P116) 在英语中,名词分为可数名词和不可咏。在词典里,用C 和U标示,C 表示可数名词,U表示不可数名词。例如: apple [C],milk [U]. 可数名词:apples是可数名词。其复数形式是apple +s(apples).例如:an apple ,six apples, some apples, lots of apples.再来看其他一些可主其复数式:,pea(s), orange(s) ,,cup(s), 。 不可数名词:water是不可数名词,可以说:some water, 我们学过的不可数名词还有:food , ,tea ,oil milk ,coffee, juice , rice . 可数名词与不可数名词都可以用some 来修饰。例如: Thre are sme oranges on the table. I’d like some rice, please. 不论是可数名词还是不可数名词,如果用一个表示量的词来修饰时,要用of .例如:

若是可数名词,两个以上量词、名词都变复。 a kilo of rice (一千克米) a carton of cream (一盒奶油) a cup of tea (一杯茶 ) a bag of apples (一袋苹果 ) 在餐馆点咖啡或茶的时候,也可以说two coffee或 two teas ,表示两杯咖啡或两杯茶。 § 若是不可数名词,两个以上量词变复 若是可数名词,两个以上量词、名词都变复。 three kilos of rice two bags of apples

Language Focus 动词need (119) need +动词不定式:其结构是“主语+need +to +动词 ”。主语是第三人称单数时,need 要加-s .例如: I need to buy a carton of cream. She needs to buy oil. We need to get some oranges . They need to buy a bottle of wine . need +名词:其结构是“主语+need +名词”。例如: I need some oil. He needs a bottle of wine . we need oranges . 否定形式需加do not (don’t) 或does not (doesn’t).例如: I don’t need to buy any rice . she doesn’t need any peas .

Language Focus How much….?和How many …? How many …?用于可数名词。例如: How many apples do you want ? How many oranges would you like ? How much …?用于不可数名词。例如: How much water shall I buy ? How much rice do we need ? How much milk shall I get ? how much mineral water is there in the bottle ? 询问价格时,用how much…?例如: How much is it ,please ?

Language Focus some 和 any 先看两个句子: Could I have some oranges ,please? And do you have any apples ? some any表示不确定的量,意思是“一些”,多用于肯定句中,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。例如: I’d like some water . We want some oranges . I need some milk. I have (got) some prawns.

Language Focus 1.提出请求(p124) 先来看几个请求他人做某事的句子: Could you be on time this evening ? Can you bring some wine ,please? I’d like you to be on time today. 其结构是: Could +主语 +动词? Could you prepare the vegetables ,please ? Could I have some oranges ,please ? Can +主语+动词? Can you get some mineral water ,please ? Can I have some apples ,please ? I +would +like + 宾语+动词不定式。 I’d (I would ) like you to get some prawns .

2.打电话的开始语与结束语 在给他人打电话的时候,你可以说Hello. It’s Tim here .或者 This is Tim .打电话中做自我介绍时,要说 It’s +你的名字,或This is +你的名字,而不说 I am… 在打完电话时,通常要说再见 Goodbye. 随便一点的情况下以说 Bye ,Bye now ,See you soon ,See you 等。

Unit 11 How to talk about interests and hobbies How to give opinions How to give instructions

Unit 11 Language Focus why 和 because 的用法 Why do you like living in London ? Because it is very green . Why do you prefer watching TV ? Because it helps my English a lot .

Language Focus 1.询问他人的意见 看对话中的这两个句子: What do you think of living in London ? Do you think china is changing a lot ? 询问他人的意见时,可以用以下两种结构,意思是“你认为…..怎么样?” to think of ….(+名词或动词的-ing形式),例如: What do you think of the weather here ?你觉得这里的天气怎么样? to think (that )….(+句子),例如: Do you think that London is interesting ?你觉得伦敦有意思吗

2.提出自己的意见 看下面的两个句子: I sometimes think that it’s too big and busy .有时候,我觉得这里太大太闹。 I think it’s very different from the West .我认为这里和西方很不同。 提出自己的意见时,常用这样的结构:to think (that)….(+句子),例如: I think the parks are lovely .我觉得公园很漂亮。

Language Focus So am I ./So do I./Me too.(129) 对他人的肯定意见表示有同感,或自己的情况与他人一样。 看一下Activity 1 对话中的句子: -I am enjoying the long summer evenings . So am I. -I think the parks are lovely. So do I. 若原句中用的是动词 to be ,答句中也用动词to be .例如: -he is (He’s) interested in computers .他对电脑感兴趣。 So am I. 我也是。 若原句中用的是动词to have (表示“拥有”),答句中也用动词 to have 。例如:

-he has (he’s ) got two brothers . 他有两个兄弟 So have I. 我也是。 若原句中用的是其他实意动词,答句中要用动词 do .例如: -I like watching TV. 我喜欢看电视。 So do I . 我也是。 -I think English people are friendly .我觉得英国人很友好。 So do I. 我觉得也是。 -I have a bath in the evenings. 我晚上洗澡。 So do I. 我也是。 无论是什么样的原句,都可以用 Me too 。来回答,多用于口语中,例如: -I love it here . 我很喜欢这里。 Me too . 我也是。

Language Focus Neither -I don’t like using the computer for that . Neither do I . neither 用于在他人的否定意见表示有同感的句子里,其用法与so在对别人的肯定意见表示有同感的句了中的用法一样。例如: -I don’t think English coffee is good .我认为英国的咖啡不好。 Neither do I . 我也认为不好。 -I don’t have tea in the morning . 我早晨不喝茶。 Neither do I . 我也不喝。 I am (I’m) not going to the shops . 我不是要去商店。 Neither am I . 我也不是。 -I haven’t got car . 我没有汽车。 Neither have I . 我也没有。 对别人的否定意见表示有同感也可以用 Me neither .来回答。例如: -I don’t like this weather . 我不喜欢这的天气。 Me neither . 我也不喜欢。

Language Focus borrow 和 lend (P131) 看一看对话中的句子: Oh, can I borrow it ? Of course ,I’ll lend it to you . borrow 意思是“借走,借来,向别人借”; lend 意思是“借给,借出去”。 例如: He borrows a lot of money from me . 他从我这借走了很多钱。 They sometimes lend their car to their parents . 他们有时把车借给父母用。

Language Focus 1.谈论电视节目(P136) be on 的意思是电影或电视节目“上演,上映”。看看下面的一些句子: what’s on ? Australian Nature What time is it on ? At 11.30 Is there a film on ? Yes but it’s a comedy. Where is ‘A.I.’ on ? At the cinema in Oxford Street. When is it on ? At 5.00 pm on Wednesday. 2.谈论喜好 注意对话中的这句话: I prefer serious programmes to comedies .I like documentaries. 如果说“喜欢某事物”,可以说 like something .如果在两者之间相比,更喜欢一个,而不太喜欢另一个。就要用prefer .其句子结构是:

prefer +(较为喜欢的)+to +(不太喜欢的) to 后面可是名词,也可是动词的-ing 形式。例如: I prefer watching TV to reading the paper .和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视。 I prefer Italian food to Spanish food .和西班牙菜肴相比,我更喜欢意大利菜肴。 3.谈论兴趣、爱好和擅长 看看下面这些句子: I love London .. I hate shopping and spending money! I love sitting in cafes and reading newspapers. I like reading English newspapers. I prefer watching television. I love having tea in the morning.

这些句子中所有的动词后面都要跟一个名词、代词或是 动词的-ing形式,它们是动词的宾语。这种可以直接带宾 语的动词叫及物动词(transitive verbs). to like ,to love ,to hate .to prefer 后面也可以跟动词不定式(to do)。 I love/like/prefer /hate to sit in cafes and read newspapers. 但需要注意的是,to enjoy 后面只能是名词或动词的-ing形式。例如: I enjoy the long summer evenings . 我喜欢夏季长长的傍晚。 to be interested in ,to e good at 和 to be keen on 后面都用名词、代词或是动词的-ing 形式。例如:

I’m interested in visiting other countries .我对访问别国感兴趣。 I’m interested in other countries . 我对其他国家感兴趣。 I’m interested in them. 我对他们感兴趣。 She’s good at speaking French.她擅长说法语 She’s good at French . 好擅长法语。 She’s good at it .她在这方面擅长。 He’s keen on learning languages.他热衷于学语言。 He’s keen on languages . 他热衷于语言。 He’s keen on it. 他对此很热心。

表示顺序的副词 表示顺序的副词:first(首先)、next(其次)、after that(之后)、then(然后) finally(最后) e.g: First you press the button. Next you put in the clothes. Then you select the temperature. After that you put in the soap power. Finally you close the door.

Unit 13 How to write letter Review your knowledge of time expressions Describing feelings and experiences.

Unit 13 Language Focus 表示时间的介词(P152) at 表示 “在……时刻”,与具体的钟点搭配使用,例如: We open at seven and close at ten . from …to/from…till/between..and 都用于表示某一段时 间,但强调重点有所不同,from….to 表示“从…到”,而 from…till 表示“从…直到…为止”,between…and 表示 “在…之间”。例如: We open from Monday to Friday.( 我们星期一到星期五都开放。) We open from May till September .( 我们五月开始开放,直到九月闭馆。) We open between seven an ten .(我们开放时间为七点到十点之间。)

On表示“在…时候”,与具体日期、星期搭配使用。例如: I leave on Monday 25th November. (与日期连用) He plays football on Saturday .(与星期连用) in 表示“在…期间”,与具体的年代、月份、季节或一天中的某个时段搭配使用。例如: in the morning、in 1998、in May、in   summer 注意:on Monday 与on Mondays 意义不安全相同。on Monday 有两个意思,第一表示特指的某个星期一,第二表示每逢星期一:而on Mondays 只表示每逢星期一。

Language Focus §注意以下名词与介词的固定搭配: My children play in the street in the daytime .(在白天) I can hear the cars at night .(在晚上) I go to my mother’s house at the weekend .(在周末) I play tennis at weekends. (每逢周末)

Language Focus 2.时间表达法 this/next /the ….after 可以表达时间,如: this month / next month /the month after next(这个月/下个月/下下个月) this Tuesday /next Tuesday /the Tuesday after next (这星期二/下星期二/下下星期二) this week/ next week /the week after next (这周/下周/下下周) this year /next year /the year after next (今年/明年/后年) 注意以下时间的表达法: today/tomorrow /the day after tomorrow (今天/明天/后天)

在第11单元我们学过,一般现在时可以用于表示计划好的将要发生的事情,你时刻表或日程安排都可以用一般现在时表示。例如: Next month I do aerobics on Saturdays and Tai Chi on Mondays .下个月每逢星期六我将练健美操,星期一练太极拳。 The month after next ,I do two gym sessions and I do Tai Chi as well.下下个月我练两次体操,还练太极拳。

Language Focus 描述情感(P162) 描述情感或感受,常用动词 to feel .例如: How are you feeling ? I feel much better .Thank you .你现在感觉怎么样?我觉得好多了。谢谢你。 How do you feel today? I feel terrible .I’ve got a headache .你今天感觉怎么样?我觉得很难受。我头疼。 描述情感的形容词中一部分由动词的-ing形式和-ed形式转化而来。前者通常带有主动含义,用来描述事件或某项活动本身所具有的特征;后者通常带有被动含义,用来描述人的感觉。比较: The lesson was interesting .那堂课很有趣。 The students were interested in studying English .学生们对学习英语感兴趣。

常用的此类形容词有: boring 令人厌倦的 bored (by) 因…而厌倦 interesting 引起兴趣的,有趣的 interested (in) 对…感兴趣的 exciting 令人兴奋的 excited (about) 因 …感到激动的 worrying 令人担心的 worried (about) 因…担心的

常用的此类形容词有: frightening 令人惊恐的 frightened (about) 因…而害怕的 depressing 令人沮丧的 depressed (by) 因…而抑郁的 tiring 引起疲劳的,累人的 tired (from) 因…而疲惫的 例如: The work is tiring. Iam worried about this thing. 注意:人做主语用 ed的形式    物做主语用ing的形式

Language Focus 描述经历 What was ….like ?或者how was …?可以用来询问他人对所经历之事的总体感觉。例如: What was the meal like ?/How was the meal ? 那顿饭怎么样? What was the party like ?/How was the party?那场晚会怎么样? How was your day ?你今天过得怎么样?

Unit 14 How to make comparisons The present continuous tense to talk about future arrangement

Unit 14 Language Focus 形容词的比较级和最高级(P173) 英语中表示二者的比较时常用形容词的比较级+ than 的结构。三者以及三者以上的的比较常用 the+最高级的形式,比较级和最高级的构成有规 则变化和不规则变化。例如: Rose is more friendly than Frank .罗兹比富兰克更友。(规则变化) She was warmer than Frank .她比富有兰地克更友好。(规则变化) His French is the best..他讲法语最好。(不规则化变化)

Language Focus 形容词比较级和最高级的规则变化 1.比较级在单音节末尾加-er,最高级加est例如:fast → faster →fastest. 2.单音节词以-e 结尾,比较级只加-r.最高级加例如st:large----larger ---largest 3.闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er .最高级加est例如:hot---hotter ---hottest,

4.少数以-y结尾的双音节词、末尾加-er (如-y前是辅音字母,则变-y为i,再加-er ,最高级加est例如:happy----happier ----happiest.) 5.其他双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more,最高级加most .例如:relaxed ----more relaxed ----most relaxed 形容词比较级和最高级的不规则变化 英语里有些形容词的比较级和最高级是不规则变化的, 我们常用的有:good ----better ----best 、bad ----worse ----worst 、 many/much ---- more ----most 、far ---- farther ----farthest 、little ---- less ----least

Language Focus 例:I am taller than Tom. This book is less interesting than that book. I believe among all the girls she sings best. 比较级前常用的修饰语 比较级前常用 a bit/a little (一点),much/a lot (非常)等词语表示程度。例如: She was a bit /a little faster than him .她比他快一点。 Rose is much/a lot more easy-going than Frank.罗兹比富兰克随和很多。

Language Focus 描述技能和兴趣 描述技能和兴趣,常用以下结构: to be good (better )at 表示“在…..擅长(更擅长)”。例如: John is good at training .Mary is better than him .约翰 擅长于搞培训,玛丽比他做得更好。 to be bad (worse )at 表示“在…..能力差/(能力更差)”。 例如: I am bad at spelling ,but he is worse than me.我拼写能力差,他比 我还差。 to be (more/less) interested in 表示“对做某事更感兴趣/ 较少感兴趣”。例如: John is more interested in playing on the computer than I am .玩电脑游戏约翰比我更感兴趣。

Mary is less interested in computers than John (is).玛丽对计算机比我更感兴趣 to be (more/less) experienced at 表示“在…更有/较少经验”。例如: She is more experienced at training than he (is ).她比他在搞培训上经验更丰富。 Mary is less experienced at website design than John (is).玛丽在网页设计方面不如约翰有经验。

Language Focus 现在进行时表示将来 现在进行时除表示现在外,还可以表示最近的将 来即将发生的常有“意图”、或“打算”、“安排”、 “计划”的含义。例如: She’s staying in France from Tuesday till Thursday .从星期二到星期四她将待在法国。 She isn’t staying in Toulouse . 她不准备待在图卢兹。 Is she coming back to London on Thursday?她是星期四回伦敦吗? When is she flying for Paris ? 她将什么时候飞往巴黎?

Unit 15 Learn some uses of the future simple tense; Learn how to talk about duties and obligations; Learn how to use verbs that take two objects.

Language Focus 可数名词与不可数名词: 表示数量“过多”和“足够”(too much ,too many ,enough) 他门都表示事物的量过多,高于正常标准或所需。 enough 表示量“足够”,not enough 表示数量不够。 例如: We have too much cheese in the fridge .冰箱里的奶酪 太多了(不必再买了)。 We’ve got too many things to do 我们要干的事太多(干 不过来)。 There is enough wine .酒够用(与不可数名词连用)。

Language Focus 修饰可数名词的词:many、a great many、a numbers of 修饰不可数名词的词:much、a deal of、a amount of、 既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词的词:a lot of、lots of、plenty of、some、any

Language Focus 一般将来时表示预测 一般将来时构成: 肯定句:主语+will+动词原形构成。 否定句: 主语+ will +not+动词原形构成. Will we need 15 kilos ? 我们会需要15公斤吗? We’ll need 15kilos ,I think . 我想我们得需要15公斤 We will not need to order more .我们没必要财预订更多的了。

Language Focus 其缩略形式为 won’t , 口语中常用助动词的缩略形式。 I will = I’ll we will= we’ll you will=you’ll you will=you’ll he/she/it will =he’ll/she’ll/it’ll they will= they’ll

Language Focus 带双宾语的动词(187) 英语中有些动词可以带两个宾语,直接宾语和间接宾语。 如:I’ll make it for you ,这句中动词make 的直接宾语 是it ,表示动作的直接结果;间接宾语是you ,表示动作的目标。例如: I’ll write the confirmation for you now .我现在就把确认信给你写好。 Can you send it to Joe? 你能把这个发给Joe 吗? 间接宾语通常置于直接宾语之前,如将间接宾语置于直 接宾语之后,则需使用介词to 或for 引出间接宾语。间 接宾语位置的变化不改变句子意义。例如; I’ll give the man the book . 我会给那个人这本书。 I’ll give the book to the man .我会把这本书给那个人。

如直接宾语和间接宾语都为代词,需使用介词to 或for 引出间接宾语。 I’ll give it to him. (to 表示动作对什么人而做) I’ll give it for him .(for 表示动作为什么人而做) 到目前为止我们学过的可带双宾语的动词有: ask for sth from sb , ask sb for sth 向某人索要某物 bring sth to sb, bring sb sth 带给某人某物 buy sth for sb , buy sb sth 为某人买某物 give sth to sb ,give sb sth 给某人某物

lend sth to sb ,lend sb sth 借给某人某物 make sth for sb ,make sb sth 为某人做某物 pay for sth for sb ,pay sb for sth 为某物替/向某人付款 read sth to sb ,read sb sth 为某人阅读某物 send sth to sb ,send sb sth 给某人送去某物 take sth to sb ,take sb sth 给某人拿去某物 tell sth to sb ,tell sb sth 告诉某人某物 write sth to sb ,write sb sth 给某人写某物

Language Focus 动作、事件发生的频率 表示动作、事件发生的次数或频率可以使用以下的结构: 次数+a day /week/month /year 表示“每天/周/月/年…..次”,例如: I meet him almost twice a day in the lift .我几乎每天电 梯里见到他两次。 I have an English class once a week. 我每周有一次英语 课。 I go swimming two mornings a week .我每周有两个上 午去游泳。 I go to Beijing three times a year .我每年去北京三次。

I check my E-mails four times a day .我每天查四次电子邮件。 注意:次数的表示方法:一次用once,两次用twice,三次以上用数字+times. every +day/morning/afternoon /week /month/year 表示“每天/每天上午/每天下午/每周/每月/每年”,例如: I have a shower every morning . 我每天早晨冲淋浴。 I go swimming every week . 我每周都去游泳。 I clean the floor every day .我每天都清扫地板。

Language Focus 表示义务(P194) have to do 表示“义务、有责任”做某事,“不得不”做某事。其肯定句和否定和疑问句的构成方法与实意动词do 相同。例如: I have to plan the menus .I don’t have to prepare the food .我香做菜单计划,但我不必做菜。 She has to work every evening .她每天晚上都得工作。 Does your husband have to work every evening ?你的丈夫每天晚上都得工作吗?

Unit 16 Learn language related to the body The word related to the illness and remedies Giving advices.

Unit 16 Language Focus 描述病情(1)(P199) 描述病情时常用的动词是to have got 或to have .例如: I’ve got a temperature. 5个疼痛(ache): a headache ,earache ,toothache ,stomachache,backache I’ve got toothache . I’ve got bad earache. She’s got a headache. I’ve got backache.

疼痛还可以表示为: a pain in my throat /stomach /ear. 如果说某个部位疼痛,还可以用动词hurt。例如: My ear hurts.(我的耳朵疼。) My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)

Language Focus 描述病情(2) 询问: What’s the matter? How do you feel? How are you feeling ? 回答: I feel/I’m feeling really ill. I feel /I’m feeling better. I don’t feel/I’m not feeling well. I feel awful. I feel terrible.

Language Focus §在Unit 11中学过祈使句。医生也可以用祈使句给出指令或提出劝告。例如: 表达指令及提出劝告(206) §医生可以用在Unit 10 中学过的You need to …和 You don’t need to …句型表达指令或提出劝告。 例如:You need to reduce your temperature. You don’t need to take other medicines. §在Unit 11中学过祈使句。医生也可以用祈使句给出指令或提出劝告。例如:  Come in . Sit down ,please. Don’t go to work. §还可以用should表示劝告。例如:You should go to bed. You shouldn’t eat very much. Should I take some medicine?

Unit 17 More ways to make suggestions Be going to

Language Focus 提出建议(P211) 在Unit5和Unit7中学过一提出建议的说法: What about going to an estate agent’s? Why don’t you stay at our house? How about taking a taxi? 在本单元Extract1中出现了一些表示建议的说法: Shall we have a party? Let’s have a house warming party. Why don’t we have a barbecue? Shall we …?Let’s …和Why don’t we …?后面都跟动词原形。 对他人的建议表示同意时,可以说: That’s a good idea./OK./Great./Yes,let’s.

Language Focus 说明将来的安排 在Unit14里 ,我们已经学习过用现在进行时的形式表示已经计划或安排好的将来的活动或事件。现在复习一下: She’s starting work next Monday. She’s going to Pair in Week 3.M

Language Focus 做出即时的决定 在说话的时候做出的决定,用一般将来时表示。其结构是:will+动词原形。 例如: Mary: There’s too much for the fridge. Tim: I’ll put in the garage. It’s cold there. Xiao yan :I think I’ll do the salads before the supermarket as well ,then Mary can clean the kitchen.

Language Focus 表示将来的计划和意图(P216) 表达已经决定要做的事情,以及描述将来的意图 时候,用go的现在进行时形式:be +going to +动词原形。例如: Tim is going to borrow his parents’ car. Tim and Xiaoyan are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning. I’m going to clean the house. 其疑问和否定形式的形式与动词go 的现在进行时的疑问和否定形式相同。例如: Is Xiaoyan going to borrow a car? No,she isn’t.

Language Focus to do 和 to make do 和 make是很重要的两个动词。它们分别和一 名词构成固定的动宾搭配,与其搭配的名词通常是不能互换的。例如: to make a list to do the barbecue to make a phone call to do the shopping to make a cake to do the cooking

Language Focus 1.each other和somebody/someone dlse each other意思是“互相”;somebody/someone else意思是“别人”。例如:She fell in love with somebody else. They are talking to each other. 其他的句子还有: They like each other. They meet each other after work. She is giving the book to someone else.

Language Focus 反身代词:通过反身代词指代主语,使施动者把动作在形式上反射到施动者自己 数 单数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称代词 I You He/she /it 反身代词 myself yourself Himself/herself/itself

Language Focus 数 复数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称代词 we You they 反身代词 ourselves themselves

Language Focus 例:Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。   We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.      我们昨晚玩得很开心。 注意: 反身代词本身不能单独作主语。  (错) Myself drove the car.  (对) I myself drove the car. 我自己开车。 常用的固定短语:  by oneself 独自地; 单独地 ;of oneself 独自; 自发地 ;speak to oneself 自言自语 动词+ oneself 表示自己亲自干什么例如: dress oneself 穿衣 ;wash oneself 洗澡 ;teach oneself 自修

Language Focus 表示比较(P223) 在Unit14已经学过形容词比较级的形式: Rose was faster than him. She was more relaxed than Frank. She is less experienced in computers than Frank. 比较两者相同点时,常用句子结构:to be +as +形容词+as 。表示两者在这一点上不同时,用该结构的否定形式。例如: Shanghai is as modern as London. London is just as busy as Shanghai. Shanghai isn’t as exciting as London. 另一种表示两者相同或不同的结构是:to be the same as…(相同)和to be different from…(不同)。例如: Business life in Shanghai is the same as in London. My bike is different from Mary’s.