公猪日粮添加剂关注 王凤来 中国农业大学动科院 2012年6月 福建武夷山.


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Presentation transcript:

公猪日粮添加剂关注 王凤来 中国农业大学动科院 2012年6月 福建武夷山

公猪营养管理目标 公猪高效繁殖 体质强健 性欲旺盛 精液优质

汇报内容 一、维生素 二、微量元素 三、其他功能性 四、小结


饲料来源维生素的变质损失 主要原因

(1)饲料中自身所含酶对维生素的降解作用。 ①饲料中存在的脂肪氧化酶(小麦芽、大 豆)可破坏植物饲料本身含有的脂溶性 维生素; ②抗坏血酸氧化酶(小麦)则可使动、植 物饲料中的维生素C氧化失活。 脂肪氧化酶-脂肪氧化酶 (LOX)是一种含非血红素铁的蛋白质,专一催化具有顺、顺-1,4-戊二烯结构的多元不饱和脂肪酸加氧反应,氧化生成具有共轭双键的过氧化氢物。 脂肪氧化酶-广泛存在于 它广泛存在于高等植物体内,与植物的生长发育、植物的衰老、脂质过氧化作用和光合作用、伤反应及其他胁迫反应等有关。 脂氧化酶;lipooxidase;lipooxygenase

(2)饲料中各营养物质间的生物化学反应能促使维生素分解或与其结合而致失活。 矿物元素能促进维生素的氧化。 脂肪酸(不饱和脂肪酸)氧化酸败, 可促进脂溶性维生素A、D、E、生物素 的分解,使其失活。 这是因为,矿物元素多以硫酸盐的形式添加,呈离子状态存在,在氧化反应中为氧化剂,诱导维生素氧化、变色、变质,使维生素失去活性。 酸败脂肪能破坏维生素A、D、E。

(3)化学物质的干扰及化学环境的影响 维生素是一类复杂的有机物,经化学反 应后便降解或失去活性。 ④维生素B6,pH6.8、1小时有85%分解; ⑤维生素B1, pH6.8、 22小时有34%失活; ⑥维生素B1和维生素C,在铜离子存在的多 件下分解速度加快; ⑦维生素B2,在铁离子存在条件下被促使分 解。

(4)物理因素的作用 维生素B1等多种维生素的分解速度与温 度、时间成正比。 随环境温度从5、20、35 ℃等升高, 1)维生素E,稳定性几乎为l00%,而 2)维生素A,随温度的升高、贮存时间的 延长而增加损失量。

饲料级维生素E、维生素A粉末的稳定性与贮藏温度 和时间的关系

影响维生素稳定性的若干因素 维生素种类 影响稳定性的因素 维生素A 热、氧化作用、水分 维生素D 热 维生素E 热、水分 维生素K 矿物质 维生素B2 自然光与紫外线 维生素B1 硫酸盐、pH、热 维生素B6 热、自然光 维生素B12 氧化作用、矿物质、维生素C 烟 酸 水分 泛 酸 pH、电解质的存在 叶 酸 胆 碱 维生素C 氧化作用

影响维生素稳定性的若干因素 维生素种类 影响稳定性的因素 维生素A 热、氧化作用、水分 维生素D 热 维生素E 热、水分 维生素K 矿物质 维生素B2 自然光与紫外线 维生素B1 硫酸盐、pH、热 维生素B6 热、自然光 维生素B12 氧化作用、矿物质、维生素C 烟 酸 水分 泛 酸 pH、电解质的存在 叶 酸 胆 碱 维生素C 氧化作用

影响维生素稳定性的若干因素 维生素种类 影响稳定性的因素 维生素A 热、氧化作用、水分 维生素D 热 维生素E 热、水分 维生素K 矿物质 维生素B2 自然光与紫外线 维生素B1 硫酸盐、pH、热 维生素B6 热、自然光 维生素B12 氧化作用、矿物质、维生素C 烟 酸 水分 泛 酸 pH、电解质的存在 叶 酸 胆 碱 维生素C 氧化作用


表 日粮中不同浓度维生素E水平对长白种公猪精液品质的影响 试验证明,长白种公猪VE含量以40IU/kg为最佳(王怀禹.日粮维生素 E水平对种公猪精液品质的影响,猪业科学2010,27(2):50-52) 表 日粮中不同浓度维生素E水平对长白种公猪精液品质的影响 处理 维生素E浓度/(IU/kg) 采精量/ml 精液密度/(1*108个/ml) 活率/% 畸形率/% 1 10 222.2 3.24 78.13 12.13 2 25 227.8 3.54 80.08 10.28 3 40 229.8 3.58 82.56 8.56 4 55 244.2 3.32 82.26 8.36 5 70 227.6 3.19 82.12 8.00


维生素 维生素A,6头公猪 适量添加能改善种公猪繁殖性能 NRC推荐量仅满足一般需要 表2 维生素A饲喂量对公猪精液品质影响 对照组日粮中维生素A含量为4000,试验组在此基础上再添加4000(李雪梅, 曾饶琼,易宗荣,雷浩兵.维生素A饲喂量对种公猪精液品质的影响安徽农业科 学2008,36(33):14543-14546) 观测时间 处理组 射精量,ml 精子密度,亿个/ml 精子活率,% 精子畸形率,% 试验后6周 对照组 154.53 1.56 80.00 15.77 试验组 171.36 1.92 83.70 11.55 试验后8周 158.23 1.53 82.67 16.19 189.23 1.88 83.53 10.46 试验后10周 159.40 1.58 79.77 14.11 185.83 1.86 80.83 8.69


维生素 生物素 饲料原料的利用率低 缺乏:生长受阻,易脱毛,蹄甲损伤,感染造成跛行 母猪日粮添加1.0mg/kg,改善母猪蹄甲强度(Brook, 等1977) 建议量:0.3mg/kg;肢体病发生,1mg/kg 安全使用限量:猪 0.2~0.5 mg/kg


胆碱 胆碱功能 ①胆碱作为卵磷 脂、鞘磷脂 的组成成分, 在构成细胞结 构和维持细胞 功能上起着重 要作用 ②参与脂肪代 谢,可防止脂 肪肝。

维生素 氯化胆碱 胆碱副作用 氯化胆碱吸湿性强,吸水后液体呈弱酸 性。 对维生素A、维生素D3、维生素K3、泛酸钙等 都有破坏作用 饲料中添加0.1~0.2%对提高繁殖力相当有益 缺乏胆碱影响其它成分吸收,尤其是锰 (何连琪,江学仁,陈晓宏,袁文华.几种营养秦对种公猪的体况和繁殖力的影响. 河南畜牧兽医. 2001,22(6):14) 胆碱副作用 氯化胆碱吸湿性强,吸水后液体呈弱酸 性。 对维生素A、维生素D3、维生素K3、泛酸钙等 都有破坏作用


维生素C,功效 维生素C减缓鸟类动物的热应激 在夏天季节的热应激情况下,维生素C 提高公猪精液的精子密度,降低不正常精子的比例 (Lin et al., 1985)。 美国专家建议,公猪维生素C 350 mg/头/天) (Wilson et al., 2001). 生产条件下获得高效产出。 Vitamin C has been used to reduce heat stress in birds. It has been suggested that vitamin C may help improve semen quality in boars during summer heat stress. Increased sperm concentrations (P < 0.05) and a decrease in abnormal sperm (P < 0.05) were reported in one of two test locations during hot weather (Lin et al., 1985). Field data in the US has been equivocal when similar feeding levels were used (350 mg/head/d) (Wilson et al., 2001). Manufactures recommend feeding vitamin C prior to the beginning of hot weather to maximize the effect.

日粮维生素C 对杜洛克、汉杜、皮杜公猪精液品质影响,Wp.yw witaminy C na jako等,2009 18头20月龄公猪,3品种 ,杜洛克、汉杜、皮杜 3隔日粮处理,对照组,维生素0.00克/天;处理一(D1),维生素C2.5克/天 ;处理二(D2),维生素C3.6克/天;每天饲喂公猪日粮前,首先饲喂试验维生素C小料;饲喂30天 采精,每4天一次 试验日期,冬天到春天的季节试验 检测指标: 射精量, 精子密度, 前行精子活力(%), 精液的pH、碱性磷酸酶 统计方法, t-Student test. Effect of vitamin C on semen quality of duroc breed boars and their crossbreds with hampshire and pietrain The boars of duroc breed and duroc × Hampshire and duroc × pietrain crossbreds aged approximately 20 months housed in the Station for Sow Insemination in Kra.nik, received vitamin C at a dose of 2.5 (D1 – experimental group) and 3.6 g/unit/day (D2) for 30 days during the winter-spring season. According to Wi.ckowski [1980], a recommended daily vitamin C dosage for adult pig should reach 2.0–2.5 g. All the animals were fed commercial full ration diets without a vitamin C constituent which was established using the Roe and Kuether laboratory method, modified by Dabrowski and Hinterleitner [1989]. Each animal from the experimental group was housed in an individual pen to assure the administration of a required experimental dose of vitamin C which was supplied in a small feed stuff portion to the empty trough prior to full ration daily diet was provided. Before the vitamin C application, ejaculates were collected from boars to constitute the control (K). After the vitamin C application period, ejaculates were recollected from the males and made the experimental group – (D1) or (D2). From 18 juvenile boars (6 animals from each investigated group: D, D × H, D x P), ejaculates were collected every fourth day (a total of 270 ejaculates). Fifteen ejaculates were obtained from each boar: K – 5 units, D1 – 5 units, D2 – 5 units. The ejaculates were assessed to examine the following physical characteristics: ejaculate volume, spermatozoon concentration, percentage of sperm cells displaying progressive forward motility, total sperm cell count in ejaculate and insemination dose number per ejaculate. The collected ejaculates were also evaluated for pH level and alkaline phosphatase activity by Cormay Plus device using the commercial Cormay tests. The obtained research results were analyzed statistically by t-Student test.

日粮维生素C 对杜洛克、汉杜、皮杜公猪精液品质影响 汉普夏×杜洛克 皮特兰×杜洛克 对照 2.5g/d 3.6g/d 射精量(ml) 154.00 179.66 172.55 166.75 220.00 183.11 161.02 183.46 167.12 精子密度(百万/ml) 350.00 408.77 407.55 436.66 523.44 517.75 489.12 576.30 543.79 前行精子活力(%) 80.00 84.44 82.20 86.66 90.00 88.75 82.55 86.25 稀释精液袋支数 14.00 18.66 16.66 18.75 26.00 21.11 18.42 19.87 Effect of vitamin C on semen quality of duroc breed boars and their crossbreds with hampshire and pietrain The boars of duroc breed and duroc × Hampshire and duroc × pietrain crossbreds aged approximately 20 months housed in the Station for Sow Insemination in Kra.nik, received vitamin C at a dose of 2.5 (D1 – experimental group) and 3.6 g/unit/day (D2) for 30 days during the winter-spring season. According to Wi.ckowski [1980], a recommended daily vitamin C dosage for adult pig should reach 2.0–2.5 g. All the animals were fed commercial full ration diets without a vitamin C constituent which was established using the Roe and Kuether laboratory method, modified by Dabrowski and Hinterleitner [1989]. Each animal from the experimental group was housed in an individual pen to assure the administration of a required experimental dose of vitamin C which was supplied in a small feed stuff portion to the empty trough prior to full ration daily diet was provided. Before the vitamin C application, ejaculates were collected from boars to constitute the control (K). After the vitamin C application period, ejaculates were recollected from the males and made the experimental group – (D1) or (D2). From 18 juvenile boars (6 animals from each investigated group: D, D × H, D x P), ejaculates were collected every fourth day (a total of 270 ejaculates). Fifteen ejaculates were obtained from each boar: K – 5 units, D1 – 5 units, D2 – 5 units. The ejaculates were assessed to examine the following physical characteristics: ejaculate volume, spermatozoon concentration, percentage of sperm cells displaying progressive forward motility, total sperm cell count in ejaculate and insemination dose number per ejaculate. The collected ejaculates were also evaluated for pH level and alkaline phosphatase activity by Cormay Plus device using the commercial Cormay tests. The obtained research results were analyzed statistically by t-Student test. 维生素C,提高射精量(ml)、精子密度(百万/ml)、前行精子活力(%)

日粮维生素C 对杜洛克、汉杜、皮杜公猪精液pH和ALP影响 精液碱性磷酸酶,U/L 对照 2.5g/d 3.6g/d 杜洛克 7.20 7.44 7.38 33240 45000 38520 汉普夏×杜洛克 7.29 7.60 7.52 42780 50460 46350 皮特兰×杜洛克 7.25 7.51 7.45 39240 46920 43600 维生素C,提高pH值,通过提高ALP活性,增加前行精子活力(%)



C)作为碱性磷酸酶的激活剂,在角化及钙化 过程中起作用; 对公猪的生理功能 A)锌存在于动物机体内各种组织中,前列腺、 眼睛中含量较高,其次肌肉、肝脏、胰脏、 骨骼、皮肤与被毛中浓度最高。 B)锌与300多种酶的活性有关,是许多种酶如醇 脱氢酶、碱性磷酸酶、羧肽酶、RNA及DNA聚 合酶、胸苷激酶等的重要组成成分,在DNA 合成及核酸、蛋白质代谢中起活性作用; C)作为碱性磷酸酶的激活剂,在角化及钙化 过程中起作用;

锌,生理功能 缺乏锌,影响睾丸间质细胞对LH的敏感性,破坏睾酮的生成。 锌和生物素共同作用,减少肢蹄损伤;增强睾丸生理机能 (Hesketh, 1982). 缺乏锌,影响睾丸间质细胞对LH的敏感性,破坏睾酮的生成。 日粮锌,来自有机锌,70-150ppm,未见对精液品质、精子形态有改善作用 (Althouse et al., 2000)。但对维护蹄甲健康有益。 Zinc and biotin may be important in helping reduce foot problems. Zinc is also involved in testicular function (Hesketh, 1982). A zinc deficiency may result in underdevelopment of the Leydig cells, reduced sensitivity to LH and impaired steriodogenesis. Dietary zinc concentrations commonly used in the field range from 70-150 ppm. A trial conducted using elevated levels above current recommendations with an organic form of zinc showed no increase in semen quantity or quality as determined by motility scores, number of doses rejected, and morphological exam score (Althouse et al., 2000). However, elevating these organic forms of zinc can be a helpful control for foot problems in the case of migrating bacterial infections from cracked hoofs and injured dewclaws. Additionally, biotin levels are generally increased in the diet if foot problems exist in the stud. Levels of feeding biotin range from 200 to 1000 μg/kg of diet. Liao et al. (1985) fed Duroc boars (n = 12) diets containing approximately 32, 89, 146 or 197 ppm zinc at a rate of 2 kg/head/d from 11 to 24 mo of age. Semen was collected every 4 to 5 d. There was no effect of treatment on the percentage of spermatozoa with morphological abnormalities but total spermatozoa produced was highest for boars fed diets supplemented with 89 or 146 ppm zinc. The authors suggested that the zinc concentration in the diet of working boars should be between 80 and 150 ppm, concentrations that are higher than current NRC recommendations.

酵母锌水平对精清生殖激素、血锌含量的影响 多种酶的组成成分或激活剂 缺锌可导致输精管萎缩、睾丸萎缩 有机锌消化吸收率高,生物学效价高 从表观上看,80.0mg/kg酵母锌组公猪血清睾酮水平高于其他两组,意 味着低酵母锌对睾酮的分泌有促进作用。(何若钢,李秀宝,段福君,胡慧, 齐俊勇,张传涛.热季日粮中添加酵母锌、硒对种公猪精液生化指标的影响.广西大学.2007, 74-78) 表 日粮中不同酵母锌水平对精清生殖激素、血锌含量的影响 锌添加水平(mg/kg) 促卵泡素(mIU/mL) 促黄体素(mIU/mL) 精清中睾酮(ng/mL) 血液中睾酮(ng/mL) 血锌含量(ng/mL) 精液的pH 0.00 0.55b 1.40b 1.36b 23.71a 2.78C 7.35 80.0 0.60b 1.58a 1.83a 26.50a 3.41B 7.33 115.0 0.68a 1.54a 1.42b 21.20b 5.69A 7.32

锌 Liao et al. (1985) 杜洛克,12头,11 to 24 月龄;4-5天1次; 试验日粮32, 89, 146 or 197 ppm zinc;2 kg/head/d,Semen was collected every 4 to 5 d. 结果: 对异常形态精子无显著影响 精子产量显著增加,89 or 146 ppm zinc 建议:80 and 150 ppm, 高于NRC建议量。 Zinc and biotin may be important in helping reduce foot problems. Zinc is also involved in testicular function (Hesketh, 1982). A zinc deficiency may result in underdevelopment of the Leydig cells, reduced sensitivity to LH and impaired steriodogenesis. Dietary zinc concentrations commonly used in the field range from 70-150 ppm. A trial conducted using elevated levels above current recommendations with an organic form of zinc showed no increase in semen quantity or quality as determined by motility scores, number of doses rejected, and morphological exam score (Althouse et al., 2000). However, elevating these organic forms of zinc can be a helpful control for foot problems in the case of migrating bacterial infections from cracked hoofs and injured dewclaws. Additionally, biotin levels are generally increased in the diet if foot problems exist in the stud. Levels of feeding biotin range from 200 to 1000 μg/kg of diet. Liao et al. (1985) fed Duroc boars (n = 12) diets containing approximately 32, 89, 146 or 197 ppm zinc at a rate of 2 kg/head/d from 11 to 24 mo of age. Semen was collected every 4 to 5 d. There was no effect of treatment on the percentage of spermatozoa with morphological abnormalities but total spermatozoa produced was highest for boars fed diets supplemented with 89 or 146 ppm zinc. The authors suggested that the zinc concentration in the diet of working boars should be between 80 and 150 ppm, concentrations that are higher than current NRC recommendations.

农业行业标准《饲料中锌的允许量》(NY 929-2005)自本公告发布之日起废止 微量元素 化合物 通用名称 英文名称 化学式或描述 来源 含量规格,% 适用动物 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的推荐添加量(以元素计),mg/kg 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的最高限量(以元素计),mg/kg 其他要求 以化合物计 以元素计 锌:来自以下化合物 硫酸锌 Zinc sulfate ZnSO4×H2O ZnSO4·7H2O 化学制备 ≥94.7 ≥97.3 ≥34.5 ≥22.0 养殖动物 猪 40~110 肉鸡 55~120 蛋鸡 40~80 肉鸭 20~60 蛋鸭 30~60 鹅 60 肉牛 30 奶牛 40 鱼类 20~30 虾类 15 代乳料 200 鱼类 200 宠物 250 其他动物 150 农业行业标准《饲料中锌的允许量》(NY 929-2005)自本公告发布之日起废止 氧化锌 Zinc oxide ZnO ≥95.0 ≥76.3 猪 43~120 肉鸡 80~180 肉牛 30 奶牛 40 仔猪断奶后前2周配合饲料中氧化锌形式的锌的添加量不超过2 250 mg/kg 蛋氨酸锌络(螯)合物 Zinc methionine complex (chelate) Zn(C5H10NO2S)2 (C5H10NO2SZn)HSO4 ≥90.0 — ≥17.2 ≥19.0 猪 42~116 肉鸡 54~120 肉牛 30 奶牛 40 本产品仅指硫酸锌与蛋氨酸反应的产物


②硒的生理功能 A)硒的抗氧化作用,是作为谷胱甘肽过氧 化物酶(GSH·PX)的组成成分,催化过氧化 物的还原反应,减少细胞中的过氧化物, 保护细胞的正常功能。 GSH·PX存在于许多体组织、细胞及体液中,各种动物的含量不同。 如羔羊心脏及肌肉中分离出一种含硒蛋白,类似于细胞色素C,但在缺硒羔羊体内则不存在。 B)硒促进蛋白质合成,参与辅酶A和辅酶Q 的合成,对动物体内许多物质代谢有重要 作用。

硒与公猪精液品质 公猪日粮添加硒,提高谷胱甘肽过氧化物 酶活性,增加睾丸、精液、精子、精浆中 的硒含量。(Marin-Guzman et al., 1997). Se,0ppm Se,0.5ppm 精液体积,ml 158 213 精子浓度,×106/ml 807 946 精子活力,% 60.4 87.9 正常精子比例,% 24.2 61.9

表 日粮中不同酵母硒水平对公猪精液品质影响 酵母Se改善公猪精液品质 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 附睾对缺硒更敏感,精子不能在附睾中成熟 与维生素E有很好的协同作用 有机硒消化吸收率更高 表 日粮中不同酵母硒水平对公猪精液品质影响 硒水平(mg/kg) 促卵泡素(mIU/mL) 促黄体素(mIU/mL) 精清中睾酮(ng/mL) 血液中睾酮(ng/mL) 血硒含量(ng/mL) 精液pH 0.00 0.54b 1.04b 1.36b 25.40b 0.19C 7.14 0.35 0.65a 1.36a 1.70a 28.40b 0.55B 7.20 0.50 0.59b 1.30b 1.86a 30.50a 0.69A 7.25 注:肩表不同小写字母代表差异显著(P<0.05),不同大写字母代表差异极显著(P<0.01)。(何若钢,李秀宝,段福君,胡慧,齐俊勇,张传涛.热季日粮中添加酵母锌、硒对种公猪精液生化指标的影响.广西大学.2007,74-78)

0.5 畜禽 0.1~0.3 鱼类 0.1~0.3 微量元素 化合物 通用名称 英文名称 化学式或描述 来源 含量规格,% 适用动物 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的推荐添加量(以元素计),mg/kg 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的最高限量(以元素计),mg/kg 其他要求 以化合物计 以元素计 硒:来自以下化合物 亚硒酸钠 Sodium selenite Na2SeO3 化学制备 ≥98.0 (以干基计) ≥44.7 养殖动物 畜禽 0.1~0.3 鱼类 0.1~0.3 0.5 使用时应先制成预混剂,且产品标签上应标示最大硒含量 酵母硒 Selenium yeast complex 酵母在含无机硒的培养基中发酵培养,将无机态硒转化生成有机硒 发酵生产 — 有机形态硒 含量≥0.1 产品需标示最大硒含量和有机硒含量, 无机硒含量不得超过总硒的2.0%


表 添加不同水平的烟酸铬对公猪精液品质的影响 日粮中添加烟酸铬对公猪的射精量、精子密度和畸 形精子比率的影响不显著,然而烟酸铬的添加对二 者的影响呈现上升趋势。一定程度上反应出添加烟 酸铬可以提高精液品质。每组10头。 表 添加不同水平的烟酸铬对公猪精液品质的影响 测定项目 对照组 100ppb 200ppb 300ppb 500ppb 射精量/mL 122.80 133.63 131.33 132.78 139.56 精子密度/% 136.30 133.50 140.00 154.20 160.10 畸形精子比率/% 8.42 8.97 9.08 8.36 8.58 活精子比率/% 68.50b 69.13b 69.38b 71.15ab 76.08a 精子活率/% 58.64b 59.57b 58.82b 64.31ab 66.36a 精清果糖含量/mg·(100ml)-1 19.62b 20.60ab 19.87b 23.80ab 25.25a 注:同一行数据肩标字母相同者表示差异不显著(P>0.05);字母完全不同者表示差异显著(P<0.05) (樵星芳,艾必燕,宋代军.烟酸铬对公猪精液品质的影响粮食与饲料工业2006(3):41-43)西南大学。

生长肥育猪 微量元素 化合物 通用名称 英文名称 化学式或描述 来源 含量规格,% 适用动物 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的推荐添加量(以元素计),mg/kg 在配合饲料或全混合日粮中的最高限量(以元素计),mg/kg 其他要求 以化合物计 以元素计 铬:来自以下化合物 烟酸铬 Chromium nicotinate 化学制备 ≥98.0 ≥12.0 生长肥育猪 0~0.2 0.2 饲料中铬的最高限量是指有机形态铬的添加限量 吡啶甲酸铬 Chromium tripicolinate 12.2~12.4

三、公猪饲粮 其他功能性添加剂


添加L-肉碱对公猪精液品质和性欲的影响,白小龙,川农,2011 富含多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acid,PUFA)的不同植物油和L-肉碱 30头年龄、体况相近的成年皮特兰×杜洛克 杂交种公猪 试验组公猪分别饲喂添加1.5%大豆油(试验 组1)、1.5%大豆油+ 200 mg/kg L-肉碱 (试验组2)、0.3%大豆油+1.2%亚麻油 +200 mg/kg L-肉碱(试验组3)的饲粮。 饲养试验共16周。 结果, 饲粮添加亚麻油和L-内碱可以通过 增强公猪性欲、增加精子中DHA的含量 以及精液抗氧化性能,从而提高种公猪 的精液产量、精子活力和精子密度。 添加不同植物油和L-肉碱对公猪精液 品质和性欲的影响 白小龙1 吴德1 林燕1 方正锋1 车炼强1 单妹2 (1.四川农业大学动物营养研究所,动物抗病营养教育部重点实验室,雅安625014; 2.广东华农温氏畜牧股份有限公司,新兴527400) 摘要:本研究旨在考察富含多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acid,PUFA)的不同植物油 和L-肉碱的不同添加方式对种公猪精液品质、性欲、精子脂肪酸组成及精液抗氧化性能的影 响。试验选用30头年龄、体况相近的成年皮特兰×杜洛克杂交种公猪,随机分为3组,每组设 10个重复,每个重复1头猪。试验组公猪分别饲喂添加1.5%大豆油(试验组1)、1.5%大豆 油+ 200 mg/kg L-肉碱(试验组2)、0.3%大豆油+1.2%亚麻油+200 mg/kg L-肉碱(试验组 3)的饲粮。饲养试验共16周。结果表明:试验组3公猪精液量和射精持续时间均极显著高于 其他各组(P<0.01),且反应时间极显著低于其他各组(P<0.01),精子活力极显著高于试验 组1(P<0.01),精子密度高于试验组1,但差异不显著(P>0.05);8~16周时,试验组3公猪 精子中二十二碳六烯酸( DHA,n-3)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性显著高于其他各组(P< 0. 05), 试验组1公猪精液中丙二醛(MDA)含量极显著高于其他各组(P<0.01)。结果提示, 饲粮添加亚麻油和L-内碱可以通过增强公猪性欲、增加精子中DHA的含量以及精液抗氧化性 能,从而提高种公猪的精液产量、精子活力和精子密度。

左旋肉碱和维生素对公猪精液品质的影响,单妹(华农温氏畜牧股份有限公司,广东新兴527400) 2010《遗传育种》 大白和长白成年种公猪 单因子随机试验设计,试验1选择24头 平均为18月龄的大白种公猪,按照体重、 月龄随机分为2组,每组12头,饲喂期 90 d。 结果表明:添加左旋肉碱和维生素组公 猪精液量、精子活力和精子的畸形率改 善显著( P<0.05)。


n-6和n-3多不饱和脂肪酸 研究背景 饱和脂肪酸 脂肪酸 不饱和脂肪酸 单不饱和脂肪酸 不饱和脂肪酸 多不饱和脂肪酸 n-6和n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(polyunsaturated fatty acid,PUFA)

研究背景 亚油酸 N-6 PUFA 花生四烯酸 α-亚麻酸 N-3 PUFA EPA、DHA

× 研究背景 平衡 必需脂肪酸 构成生物膜脂质 N-6 PUFA 维持皮肤对水的不通透性 合成某些生物活性物质 N-3 PUFA 参与类脂代谢 平衡

脂肪酸,生理功能 不同动物精子的脂肪酸构成是独特的,但都含多不饱和脂肪酸。 不饱和脂肪酸比例改变质膜的相应比例,实现母性繁殖机能的营养调控。降低DPA (C22:5 n-6),提高EPA (C22:6 n-3) (Penny et al., 2001). 公猪精液的磷脂化脂肪酸中EPA (C22:6 n-3)提高,DPA (C22:5 n-6)降低 (Rooke et al., 2001). 应激条件下,不饱和脂肪酸可能改善公猪精液的质量,提高精子的活力与包括减少不成熟精子的比例。

(一)公猪饲喂金枪鱼油对精子脂质和精液体外品质的影响J. A. Rooke1, C-C. Shao2. and B. K (一)公猪饲喂金枪鱼油对精子脂质和精液体外品质的影响J. A. Rooke1, C-C. Shao2* and B. K. Speake3,Reproduction (2001) 121, 315–322 12头成年,年龄范围, 395~761日龄,单栏饲养 (3.0 m 3 3.2 m) 。室温, 25℃以下。 日粮,大麦(66%)、小麦 (24.3%)、菜籽粕 (3.4%)、菜籽(2.5%)、 预混料基础日粮。日喂 2.5kg 试验期,6周 试验日粮处理 对照处理,不添加;处理组, 日粮添加30克/千克金枪鱼 油;日粮每100克脂肪酸, 增加10.5 g 长链不饱和脂 肪酸 (n-3)。 研究结果: 1)试验开始后3周,饲喂 金枪鱼油公猪精液中脂肪 酸含量无显著变化; 2)试验开始后5、6周, 饲喂金枪鱼油公猪精液每 100克磷脂脂肪酸中EPA ( 22:6(n-3) ) 增加, 34.5 to 42.9 g ; DPA (22:5(n-6) )下降, 29.8 to 17.9 g 3)公猪饲喂金枪鱼油, 提高精子活力,改善正常 精子顶体完整性;减少异 常形态精子比例 Reproduction (2001) 121, 315–322 Research Effects of feeding tuna oil on the lipid composition of pig spermatozoa and in vitro characteristics of semen J. A. Rooke1, C-C. Shao2* and B. K. Speake3 1Animal Biology Division, SAC, Craibstone Estate, Aberdeen AB21 9YA, UK; 2Department of Agriculture, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 5UA, UK; and 3Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition, SAC, Auchincruive, Ayr KA6 5HW, UK The aim of the present study was to characterize the effects of feeding tuna oil on the lipid and fatty acid composition of boar spermatozoa and to relate changes in composition to boar semen characteristics. Ten boars were paired by age and allocated to one of two diets (five boars per diet). The diets, which were offered for 6 weeks, consisted of a basal diet that was either unsupplemented or supplemented with 30 g tuna oil kg–1 diet. Adding tuna oil to the diet increased the ether extract concentration of the diets fed from 65 to 92gkg–1 dry matter and supplied 10.5 g long chain polyunsaturated (n-3) fatty acids per 100 g total fatty acids. There were no changes in semen fatty acid composition after 3 weeks of feeding tuna oil. However, after 5 and 6 weeks, the proportions (g per 100 g total fatty acids) of 22:6(n-3) in sperm phospholipid fatty acids were increased from 34.5 to 42.9 g by feeding tuna oil and 22:5(n-6) decreased from 29.8 to 17.9 g. No changes were observed in other sperm lipids or seminal plasma phospholipids as a result of the diets fed. Feeding tuna oil increased the proportion of spermatozoa with progressive motility and with a normal acrosome score and reduced the proportion of spermatozoa with abnormal morphologies.

金枪鱼油改善精液品质 日粮 对照 金枪鱼油 显著性 试验周次 0* 3 5 6 SED 时间 时间与日粮 精液量 (ml) 291 273 281 346 238 284 293 31.9 27.3 NS L* 精子密度(×108 cells ml–1) 2.81 2.13 2.78 1.97 4.02 3.78 4.12 0.69 0.58 精子活率 (%) 70.9 75.3 71 71.3 76.4 77.7 80.4 2.35 ** 向前运动精子(%) 62.9 65.4 70.1 72 77.8 78 76.6 1.8 1.68 形态异常精子(%) 12.8 17.5 11.1 7.7 7.3 5.6 3.3 2.08 * L**

(二)日粮 n-3 脂肪酸 (鱼油) 对公猪繁殖性能和精液品质的影响 ,Castellano CA等,2010 试验一,44 头公猪 189.5日龄,133.7~260.8kg 采精粉各阶段: 1)每周2次,连续4周;2) 每天1次连续2 周,3)每周2次,连续10周 试验二,222头公猪 每周2次,连续6个月 日喂 2.5 kg基础日粮 日粮每天提供989毫克维生素E。 4 日粮处理: 1) +62 g氢化动物脂肪 , n = 12 2) +60 g鲱鱼油18% DHA,15% EPA, n = 11 3) +60 g金枪鱼油33% DHA ,6.5% EPA, n = 11; 4) +60 g鲱鱼油+2 mg/kg 生物素, n = 10). In Exp. 1 (in a research station), 44 boars, allocated to 4 dietary treatments, received daily 2.5 kg of basal diet with a supplement of 1) 62 g of hydrogenated animal fat (AF, n = 12); 2) 60 g of menhaden oil containing 18% docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and 15% eicosapentanoic acid (EPA; MO, n = 11); 3) 60 g of tuna oil containing 33% DHA and 6.5% EPA (TO, n = 11); and 4) 60 g of menhaden oil and 2 mg/kg of biotin (MO+B, n = 10). Biotin is a critical factor in the elongation of PUFA. Semen was collected according to 3 successive phases: phase 1 (twice per week for 4 wk); phase 2 (daily collection for 2 wk); and phase 3 (twice per week for 10 wk). Experiment 2 was conducted in commercial conditions; 222 boars were randomly allocated to AF, MO, and TO treatments. Semen was collected twice weekly over a 6-mo period. All diets were balanced to be iso-energetic and provided an equivalent of 989 mg of vitamin E per day. Classical measurements of sperm quantity and quality were done for both experiments. Experiment 1 showed, after 28 wk of supplementation, a massive transfer of n-3 PUFA into sperm from boars fed fish oil diets (MO and TO). No differences were observed among dietary treatments for libido (P > 0.30), sperm production (P > 0.20), or percentage of motile cell (P > 0.20). Unexpectedly, MO+B diet reduced the percentage of normal sperm compared with the other treatments (P < 0.03). In conclusion, although it modified the fatty acid composition of sperm, supplementation of boars with dietary fish oils, rich in long chain n-3 fatty acids, did not influence semen production or quality postejaculation. Effect of dietary n-3 fatty acids (fish oils) on boar reproduction and semen quality.

公猪日粮添加不同油脂对精液品质影响 Period1 氢化动物油 鲱鱼油 金枪鱼油 鲱鱼油+生物素 SEM P-value 采精第一阶段,每周2次,连续4周(regular collection) 精子活力,% 89.2 88.9 88.1 87.6 1.2 0.21 正常精子,% 93.4 93.2 92.7 90.2 1.1 0.12 采精第二阶段,每日1次,连续2周(intensive collection) 88.3 88.8 87.3 1.5 0.834 92.9ab 93.2a 92.5ab 89.9b 1 0.028 采精第三阶段,每周2次,连续10周 (recovery collection) 86.2 87.2 87.5 0.8 0.675 93.4a 92.7a 87.2b 1.3 0.004 a,bMeans within a row with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).

公猪饲喂6个月不同油脂对精液品质影响 精液品质 氢化动物油 鲱鱼油 金枪鱼油 SEM P-value 体积, mL 162.62 167.61 163.48 5.51 0.782 精子密度, × 108 精子/mL 5.92 5.87 0.03 0.376 稀释精液袋支数, 3 × 109 精子 19.8 19.45 18.99 0.54 0.566

1) +62 g氢化动物脂肪 2) +60 g鲱鱼油18%DHA,15%EPA 3) +60 g金枪鱼油33%DHA , 6.5%EPA (三)公猪日粮添加多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 PUFA) 对常温17 °C贮存和冷冻储存精液质量的影响(Castellano CA 等,2010) 公猪基础日粮2.5 kg 3个处理日粮: 1) +62 g氢化动物脂肪 2) +60 g鲱鱼油18%DHA,15%EPA 3) +60 g金枪鱼油33%DHA , 6.5%EPA 精液保存 1)常温17 °C 保存, n = 26 2)常温17 °C 保存, n = 18 3)冷冻, n = 18 Theriogenology. 2010 Nov;74(8):1482-90. Epub 2010 Aug 12. Dietary omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) have limited effects on boar semen stored at 17 °C or cryopreserved. Castellano CA, Audet I, Bailey JL, Laforest JP, Matte JJ. Source Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lennoxville STN, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. Abstract To evaluate the influence of dietary supplementation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) on storage of boar semen, three experiments were conducted: two involved long-term, fresh semen storage (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2), whereas the other involved cryopreservation (Exp. 3). Boars were allocated randomly to three dietary treatments (for 6-7 mo). In addition to a daily allowance of 2.5 kg of a basal diet, they received: 1) 62 g of hydrogenated animal fat (AF); 2) 60 g of menhaden oil (MO), containing 18% docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and 15% eicosapentanoic acid (EPA); or 3) 60 g of tuna oil (TO), containing 33% DHA and 6.5% EPA. In Experiment 1 (n = 26) and Experiment 2 (n = 18), semen was cooled and stored in vitro for several days at 17 °C before assessment, whereas in Experiment 3 (n = 18), viability, motility, acrosomal integrity, susceptibility to peroxidation (LPO), and DNA fragmentation were determined in fresh and frozen-thawed sperm. In Experiment 1, sperm from boars fed TO had better resistance to fresh storage; even after 7 or 9 d of storage at 17 °C, there were more (P = 0.03) motile sperm in boars fed TO (>60%) than in those fed AF or MO. In Experiment 2, fish oil supplementation did not influence any aspect of sperm quality during semen storage (P > 0.10). In Experiment 3, cryopreservation decreased the proportion of motile and viable frozen-thawed sperm as well as acrosomal integrity and increased DNA fragmentation and LPO (P < 0.01) relative to fresh semen, although sperm quality was unaffected by treatments (P > 0.09). In conclusion, although adding fish oil to the diet failed to significantly improve the quality of cryopreserved boar sperm, inconsistent responses of long-term storage of cooled sperm to dietary n-3 PUFA supplementation warrant further investigation. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

公猪日粮添加多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 PUFA) 对常温17 °C贮存和冷冻储存精液质量的影响 (Castellano CA 等,2010) 1、饲喂金枪鱼油的公猪的精 液,在常温17 °C保存7-9天 后,比氢化动物油脂和鲱鱼油 处理公猪的精子活力高, >60%(p=0.03) 2、与鲜精液比较,冻精的精 子活率、活力、顶体完整性下 降,精液中DNA片段和脂质过 氧化物LPO (P < 0.01) Theriogenology. 2010 Nov;74(8):1482-90. Epub 2010 Aug 12. Dietary omega-3 fatty acids (fish oils) have limited effects on boar semen stored at 17 °C or cryopreserved. Castellano CA, Audet I, Bailey JL, Laforest JP, Matte JJ. Source Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lennoxville STN, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. Abstract To evaluate the influence of dietary supplementation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) on storage of boar semen, three experiments were conducted: two involved long-term, fresh semen storage (Exp. 1 and Exp. 2), whereas the other involved cryopreservation (Exp. 3). Boars were allocated randomly to three dietary treatments (for 6-7 mo). In addition to a daily allowance of 2.5 kg of a basal diet, they received: 1) 62 g of hydrogenated animal fat (AF); 2) 60 g of menhaden oil (MO), containing 18% docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and 15% eicosapentanoic acid (EPA); or 3) 60 g of tuna oil (TO), containing 33% DHA and 6.5% EPA. In Experiment 1 (n = 26) and Experiment 2 (n = 18), semen was cooled and stored in vitro for several days at 17 °C before assessment, whereas in Experiment 3 (n = 18), viability, motility, acrosomal integrity, susceptibility to peroxidation (LPO), and DNA fragmentation were determined in fresh and frozen-thawed sperm. In Experiment 1, sperm from boars fed TO had better resistance to fresh storage; even after 7 or 9 d of storage at 17 °C, there were more (P = 0.03) motile sperm in boars fed TO (>60%) than in those fed AF or MO. In Experiment 2, fish oil supplementation did not influence any aspect of sperm quality during semen storage (P > 0.10). In Experiment 3, cryopreservation decreased the proportion of motile and viable frozen-thawed sperm as well as acrosomal integrity and increased DNA fragmentation and LPO (P < 0.01) relative to fresh semen, although sperm quality was unaffected by treatments (P > 0.09). In conclusion, although adding fish oil to the diet failed to significantly improve the quality of cryopreserved boar sperm, inconsistent responses of long-term storage of cooled sperm to dietary n-3 PUFA supplementation warrant further investigation. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


公猪微量元素营养需要 NSNG2010--繁殖公猪 国标2004 NRC98 AFRC,1990 Close and Cole,2000 136-181kg 181-295kg 成年 后备 Cu, mg/kg 16 5 4 I, mg/kg 0.30 0.15 0.14 0.50 0.5 Fe,mg/kg 165 80 50 Zn,mg/kg 75 100 Mn,mg/kg 30 20 15 10 Se,mg/kg - 0.3 Co,mg/kg 0.1 Cr,mg/kg 0.2 200

公猪维生素营养需要 NRC98 国标2004 AFRC,1990 Closa and Cole,2000 后备 成年 VitA,IU 6000 4000 2310 VitD,IU 500 200 220 VitE,IU 50 44 45 15 VitK,mg/kg 1.0 0.5 - VitB1,mg/kg 1.5 VitB2,mg/kg 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 泛酸,VitB3,mg/kg 12 10 尼克酸,VitB5,mg/kg 14 VitB6,mg/kg 2.0 VitB12,mg/kg 0.020 0.015 生物素,mg/kg 0.3 0.2 胆碱,% 0.150 0.130 0.125 1.500 叶酸,mg/kg 1.3 VitC,mg/kg 300

公猪饲粮中的添加剂应用 功能性氨基酸、脂肪酸 建立目标公猪群营养需要 专用预混料、浓缩料

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