Mandarinising Singapore A critical analysis of slogans in Singapore's 'Speak Mandarin' campaign 小组成员:黄苑 金迎敏 徐瑞蓉 祝 欣.


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Presentation transcript:

Mandarinising Singapore A critical analysis of slogans in Singapore's 'Speak Mandarin' campaign 小组成员:黄苑 金迎敏 徐瑞蓉 祝 欣

总 述 1. 研究问题 2. 分析框架 3. 研究结果

研究问题:关于新加坡“讲普通话”运动的 批评分析 在过去的三十年里,小小的岛国新加坡已被洪水般的运动所淹没,包括促进国民意识的运动,提倡健康生活方式的运动,保护绿色环境的运动,提高经济生产力的运动以及创建幸福家庭生活的运动等等。难怪当时新加坡被称为"compaign country",发起运动成为新加坡政府与人民沟通最常用的方式。


作为第二手数据资料,SMC(新加坡“讲普通话”运动)话语的兴起,包括SMC发起期间官方的演讲,SMC官方网站 (http://www 作为第二手数据资料,SMC(新加坡“讲普通话”运动)话语的兴起,包括SMC发起期间官方的演讲,SMC官方网站 (的摘录以及在当地报纸(The Straits Times)和一些官方杂志上对SMC的评论。这些提供给公众了解支撑SMC构造和规划的修辞结构的机会。

第一部分提供了新加坡 “讲普通话”运动的背景,追溯了该运动的发展史,介绍了产生该运动的社会政治环境。 分析框架: 论文正文共分为四个部分: 第一部分提供了新加坡 “讲普通话”运动的背景,追溯了该运动的发展史,介绍了产生该运动的社会政治环境。 第二部分讨论了此次研究所用的批评语言学的理论框架,简要解释了选择分析框架来分析标语的原因。

第四部分从社会政治和社会文化影响方面对该运动进行批评,这种影响来自新加坡政府对此运动坚持不懈的努力。 第三部分是论文的重点部分,介绍了以Halliday的系统功能语法作为出发点来分析此运动标语的语法结构。 第四部分从社会政治和社会文化影响方面对该运动进行批评,这种影响来自新加坡政府对此运动坚持不懈的努力。

研究结果: 现今,SMC已被视为新加坡政府计划转换语言成功的标志。在一个相对较短的20年时间里,它成功地使大部分讲中国地区方言的新加坡人华人讲普通话。官方数据表明讲普通话的新加坡华人家庭逐渐从1980年的13%到1990年的30%增至2000年的45%,相应地,讲中国地区方言的新加坡华人家庭从1980年的76%到1990年的48%进至2000年的30%。根据新加坡1990年的人口普查报告,更多的新加坡华人讲普通话而不是中国的地区方言反映了SMC和双语教育政策的成功。


系统功能语法   系统功能语法(Systemic-functional Grammar)由英国语言学家韩礼德(Halliday)在50年代末创立的。韩礼德认为语言有三种基本功能:概念功能(ideational metafunction)、交际功能(interpersonal metafunction)和语篇功能(textual metafunction)。这三种功能分别与及物性(transitivity)系统、语气(mood)系统和主位(theme)系统相联系。   系统功能语法把语言分成五个层次:语境、意义、遣词、音的结构和语音。其中意义是中心层次,也是一个系统,说话者只能在意义系统中选择恰当意义。   系统功能语法是系统的和功能的,对聚合关系关注多于对组合关系关注,而乔姆斯基更多注重组合关系。努力把语言功能和结构联系起来是其创新之处。

Learning points

structure Title Abstract Introduction Background Theoretical framework Analysis Discussion Conclusion Notes References Appendix structure

Abstract Rhetorical moves 1.Introduction 2.Purpose 3.Method 4.Product 5.Conclusion

This paper spotlights one of Singapore’s most enduring, well-known, and controversial campaigns, the ‘Speak Mandarin’ campaign. It traces the campaign’s history and evolution from the time it was first launched in 1979 to 2004, with a view to critically examine the ideologies embedded within the discursive structures of the slogans used. Broadly adhering to the principles and orientations of critical linguistics and using Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar as a framework of analysis, this study uncovers ideologies pointing to an asymmetrical power structure between the government and the people of Singapore, possible traces of linguistic chauvinism, and a political leadership that is generally distant and aloof, imposing the burden of speaking Mandarin unilaterally on the people instead of constructing it as a shared responsibility. The paper concludes with a critical appraisal of the ‘Speak Mandarin’ campaign, focusing on its social, political, and cultural ramifications. ;

Introduction 确定其研究领域及主题:在新加坡众多的运动中重点介绍新加坡的“讲普通话”运动,对其口号进行研究揭示隐含的意识形态 介绍文章大体结构

background 介绍新加坡 “讲普通话”运动的背景知识,引用相关第二手资料 Citation In the words of the then Minister for Education, Dr Tony Tan: Our policy on bilingualism . . . [is] a fundamental feature of our educational system. Children must learn English so that they will have a window to the knowledge, technology and expertise of the modern world. They must know their mother-tongue to enable them to understand what makes us what we are today. (The Straits Times, March 2, 1986)

↓ Theoretical framework(理论体系):批判语言学和系统功能语法的概括介绍 Analysis(分析):利用系统功能语法对口号进行具体分析并得出相应结论 Methodology (文本分析) Results ↓

文本分析 文本(text),与 讯息(massage)的意义大致相同,指的是有一定的符号或符码组成的信息结构体,这种结构体可采用不同的表现形态,如语言的、文字的、影像的等等。文本是由特定的人制作的,文本的语义不可避免地会反映人的特定立场、观点、价值和利益。因此,由文本内容分析,可以推断文本提供者的意图和目的。 文本分析法的意义 从文本的表层深入到文本的深层,从而发现那些不能为普通阅读所把握的深层意义。

文本分析的方法 “新批评”法   “新批评”的方法很基础,但也很实用,即从文本中“细读”出那些语言的非日常化运用,如“反讽”、“张力”等。“细读”现在已成为包括各种文本分析在内的一个基本功。“新批评”对诗与短篇小说等文本的分析,非常有用,但对于长篇小说就有些不知从何处下嘴了,只有结合叙述学的分析才容易提纲挈领。 符号学分析法   符号学其实是个相当宽泛的概念,我这里仅指最为经典也最常用的符号学分析方法,也就是格雷马斯的方法,主要包括矩阵分析和施动者分析等。当然,罗兰·巴特、托多罗夫等人还有其他的许多方法,但原理基本上都是一样的。所谓“结构主义”的分析方法,基本上也就是这些方法。 叙述学分析法   主要是故事分析(包括故事序列分析,故事类型分析等等),与叙述视角分析(包括叙述者的人称、位置、可信度;叙述者的声音、叙述的速度等)。当然,叙述学也同样关注人物的话语分析,看他说的话是直接引语还是间接引语,亦或是自由间接引语。因为叙述学、符号学等都是建立在语言学基础上的,所以分析一篇小说就犹如分析一个句子,人物相当于主语,人物的行动相当于谓语,而人物的品质则相当于定语或状语。

解构主义法   解构主义的方法,代表人物是法国人德里达和美国人德·曼。解构主义的一个基本原则就是从文本的边缘进入,从而颠覆掉整个文本的通常意义。俗话说:千里之堤,溃于蚁穴,解构主义者就像那个颠覆了千里之堤的大蚂蚁。 互文、对话理论分析   此方法起源于巴赫金,成熟于托多罗夫、克里斯特娃、热奈特等。结构主义一直视文本为相对封闭的系统,从而忽视了现实和社会的因素,而传统批评又只看到了社会忽略了文本,各有弊端。互文、对话理论的出现则很好地解决了这一问题,因为文本与现实社会之间被视为是互为文本的,是对话关系的,于是社会的因素与文本的规则都被分析到了。 文本社会学方法   这是一种综合性的分析方法,是将结构主义等形式主义的方法与社会学方法结合起来的产物,而且与西方马克思主义也关系密切。

Speak Mandarin campaign slogans (in English) 1979–2004 year slogan 1979 Speak More Mandarin and Less Dialect 1980 Nil 1981 Learn Mandarin, Speak Mandarin 1982 Speak Mandarin While at Work 1983 Mandarin’s In. Dialect’s Out 1984 Speak Mandarin. Your Children’s Future Depends on Your Effort Today 1985 Mandarin is Chinese 1986 Start with Mandarin, not Dialect 1987 Start with Mandarin, Speak It More Often 1988 Better With More Mandarin, Less Dialect 1989 More Mandarin, Less Dialect. Make It a Way of Life 1990 If You’re a Chinese, Make a Statement – in Mandarin 1991 Mandarin for Chinese Singaporeans: More Than a Language 1992 Say it in Mandarin 1993 Speak Mandarin. It Helps 1994 Mandarin. Use It or Lose It 1995 Mandarin. Use It or Lose It 1996 Speak Mandarin, Explore New Horizons 1997 Speak Mandarin, Explore New Horizons 1998 Speak Mandarin, It’s An Asset 1999 Speak Mandarin, It’s An Asset 2000 Speak Mandarin, It’s An Asset 2001 Mandarin: Window to Chinese Culture 2002 Mandarin: Window to Chinese Culture 2003 Mandarin. Use It. Don’t Lose It 2004 Cool. Use It, Don’t Lose It

notes 1 Until recently, a pass in mother tongue was a pre-requisite for entry into university in Singapore. 2 Antithesis has been defined as the ‘deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis’ (Xu, 1997, p. 62). 3 Since its 20th anniversary in 1998, the SMC is now a year-long affair rather than a month-long event in September. 4 These figures are taken from two sources: 1990 and 2000 census reports (Lau,1993; Leow, 2001).

 我们来看一下有关规范关于“注释”的说法:       “注释是对论著正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明”。――《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》)       “注释主要用于对文章篇名、作者及文内某一内容作必要的解释或说明。” ――《中国高等学校社会科学学报编排规范》(修订版):       “解释题名、作者及某些内容,均可使用注释”。――《中国高等学校自然科学学报编排规范》(修订版)

Official statistics indicate that the percentage of Chinese households with Mandarin as the predominant language has been steadily rising from 13% in 1980 to 30% in 1990 and 45% in 2000, and the corresponding figure for Chinese dialects fell from 76% in 1980 to 48% in 1990 and still further to 30% in 2000. 4 These figures are taken from two sources: 1990 and 2000 census reports (Lau,1993; Leow, 2001).


The underlying message of these more recent SMC developments seems then to underscore the multifarious (cultural, economic, and social) and shifting benefits that accrue from speaking Mandarin, and through the slogans that are used we see the Singapore government ceaselessly and relentlessly (re)constructing and (re)inventing Mandarin, dressing it up as a chameleon变色龙 that not only adapts to but thrives in an ever-changing cultural landscape, in order to justify its continued value and relevance in a fast-changing, modern society like Singapore.

the SMC slogans Mandarin for Chinese Singaporeans: More Than a language (1991), Speak Mandarin. It Helps (1993), Speak Mandarin, Explore New Horizons (1996–1997), ∕讲华语开创新天地 Speak Mandarin, It’s An Asset (1998–2000), ∕ 讲华语,好处多。 and Mandarin:Window to Chinese Culture (2001–2002). ∕华人。华语。华文

目的 普通话推广运动,要引起华人对它的关注,主要是因为其所带来的经济利益,而不是它本身的文化内涵。 →With the active promotion of trading ties between Singapore and China and the push for overseas trading ventures, businessmen and entrepreneurs are beginning to see the value of speaking Mandarin in terms of dollars and cents more than the ‘social glue’ or ‘cultural ballast’ that it was originally supposed to provide。

所引起的问题 1、非华人会想:为什么没有像SMC那样的活动来推广马来语或泰语呢? 非华人会因此感低人一等,长期这样,会有损新加坡内在的文化遗产结构——多民族,文化多样性。 2、同样在华人当中也出现这样的问题——代沟问题---文化缺失。普通话VS方言


2→根据2000年的数据显示,居住在新加坡的55岁以上的中国老人中72%是使用方言。大力推广普通话使得这些人群和使用英语和普通话的新一代青年人产生代沟。特别是很多中国的传统文化习俗是靠口头形式传承的。 There are birth rites, wedding and funeral customs and the arts which are peculiar to certain dialect groups only and which best find expression in the dialect. Lose the dialect, and you lose the very access to that bit of your roots. (The Straits Times Weekly, September 9 ,1995.)

It found that only 78% of Chinese would keep their ethnicity as compared to 92% of Malays and 82% of Indians. What is perhaps even more alarming is that the survey also found that a significant 12% of Chinese would rather be a Caucasian (The Straits Times, December 14 and 15, 1999).

意义 Through these slogans, we see a microcosmic enactment and reproduction of the larger socio-political and economic forces at play in society, where the campaign discourse is seen actively to reproduce and perpetuate the government’s socio-political and economic ideologies. In this respect, it is not only the insertion of society in discourse but the insertion of discourse in society that is of significance.

Picture of the SMC poster 2006, featuring SMC ambassadors Hossan Leong, JJ Lin and Fanny Lai.

华文?谁怕谁!Be heard in Chinese -2009、2010 The tagline is ‘讲华语, 你肯吗?’ Speak Mandarin - Are You Game ------2007、2008. the SMC also retains its “华语 Cool!” 华文?谁怕谁!Be heard in Chinese -2009、2010 Screenshot of the SMC video showing a caucasian girl speaking Mandarin The 2009 SMC started with a series of videos on foreign children speaking correctly pronounced and fluent Chinese, showed that anyone can learn Chinese, that it is not something only the Chinese people can acquire.


SECTIONS This paper is organised into 4 sections. providing the background to the campaign discussing the theoretical framework of linguisitics presenting an analysis of the lexicogrammar of the slogans presenting a critique of the campaign


STRUCTURE OF CONCLUSION Refering back The socio-political and socio-cultural ramifications that may have arisen out of the Sinapore government's efforts in the 'Mandarinising' of Singapore. Some fo the implications of the research The research shows that the Singapore government has successed in engineering a large-scale language shift among the Chinese community in Singapore. [based on SFG] Critiques It might cause fanning minority discontent and and possibly even cultural loss.

Recent situation A pass in mother tongue was a pre-requisite for entry into university in Singapore. The SMC[ the 'speak Mandarin' campaign] is now a year-long affair rather than a month-long event in September.

Report Verbs

Peter Teo Peter Teo is currently an Assistant Professor at the National Institure of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His postgraduate education in Macquarie University in Australia and Lancaster University in the United Kingdom has also afforded him a critical lens with which to view sociocultural and sociolinguistic phenomena. His current work, both in teaching and research, converges on fields like Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and topics related to critical literacy and language pedagogy. He has published articles in Discourse and Society, Critical Discourse Studies, Visual Communication, Linguistics and Education, Language and Education, and Journal of Writing Research, and has co-edited four books on language teaching and discourse analysis published by Pearson-Longman and McGraw-Hill, respectively. ——


Acknowledgements We'd like to take this opportunity to show our sincere gratitude to my teacher, Ms Liu, who gave us the chance to have a better understanding on this paper and useful advices to improve our paper writing. We appreciate our classmates for building a comfortable learning atmosphere. And thank all members for this work.

Thank You.