Bell Work Categorize the movies.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Work Categorize the movies

Announcement Vocabulary Quiz: 十一月三十号,星期三 Movie Genres (P150-P151)

今天 jīn tiān Movies V.S. Emotions

复习:Emotions 开心 快乐 = kāi xīn kuài lè

复习:Emotions 心情很好 心情不好 xīn qíng hěn hǎo xīn qíng

复习:Emotions 难过 nán guò Sad

复习:Emotions 兴奋 xīng fèn Excited

复习:Emotions 紧张 jǐn zhāng Nervous

Practice Look at the following adjectives, figure out what type of movie might bring those emotions. Write the answer on the back of your bell work.

Movie V.S. Emotions 心情不好 难过 xīn qíng 悲剧片 nán guò bēi jù piàn

Movie V.S. Emotions 心情很好 快乐 xīn qíng kuài lè 开心 喜剧片 kāi xīn xǐ jù piàn

Movie V.S. Emotions 紧张 怕 jǐn zhāng pà 恐怖片 Kǒng bù piàn

Movie V.S. Emotions 兴奋 紧张 xìng fèn jǐn zhāng 动作片 dòng zuò piàn

看恐怖片的时候, 我很紧张。 句子:sentence shí hòu Kǒng bù piàn jǐn zhāng jù zi during the moment of….; when 我很紧张。 jǐn zhāng

看喜剧片的时候, 我很开心。 kāi xīn 句子:sentence xǐ jù piàn shí hòu jù zi during the moment of….; when 我很开心。 kāi xīn

Using neutral sentence(no pronoun) to describe things. jù zi Using neutral sentence(no pronoun) to describe things.

恐怖片 让人紧张。 句子:sentence ràng rén jǐn zhāng Kǒng bù piàn jù zi To let ; to allow People Scary movie makes(lets) people nervous.

喜剧片 让人开心。 句子:sentence ràng rén kāi xīn xǐ jù piàn jù zi To let ; to allow People Comedy movie makes(lets) people nervous.

炸鸡 让人胖。 句子:sentence ràng rén pàng zhà jī jù zi To let ; to allow People Fried chicken makes(lets) people fat.

这部电影 让人想睡觉 句子:sentence ràng rén xiǎng shuì jiào bù diàn yǐng jù zi MW for Movie To let ; to allow People This movie makes(lets) people sleepy.

小狗让人开心 考试让人紧张 Individual Practice Translate the following two sentences. 小狗让人开心 xiǎo guǒ ràng rén kāi xīn 考试让人紧张 Kǎo shì ràng rén jǐng zhāng

Listening P154. Listen carefully as Chéng describes the emotions when he watches different type of movie. Choose the letter of the photo that matches his emotions.

Listening B C D A 紧张 兴奋 难过 心情好 xīng fèn xīn qíng nán guò jǐn zhāng

Character Practice Design your character practice sheet. Pick 6 movie type, write three times for each one. (Provide pinyin and meaning.) You can draw or write some memory trick on the side to help you remember the characters.

句子:sentence jù zi 他很讨厌你 tǎo yàn He hates you very much

句子:sentence jù zi 他很讨厌 tǎo yàn He is annoying (others hates him)

浪漫爱情片 喜剧片 恐怖片 动作片 xǐ jù piàn Kǒng bù piàn làng màn aì qíng piàn dòng zùo piàn

悲剧片 科幻片 bēi jù piàn kē huàn piàn 剧情片 jù qíng piàn 记录片 jì lù piàn

Measure Word for Movie 部 bù

功夫熊猫 是一部卡通片 句子:sentence gōng fū xíong māo bù jù zi kǎ tōng piàn Measure Word for Movie

“回家” 是一部恐怖片 句子:sentence húi jiā bù jù zi kǒng bù piàn Measure Word for Movie

Pair Practice Check your bell work. Categorize three movies in Chinese and read them to your partner.

Practice: Categorizes movies Look at your Bell work, use the sentence pattern to categorize the movie. Sentence Pattern 是一部 Movie Title Movie Genre shì bù 动作片 Sky Fall dòng zùo piàn

Which movie do you want to watch? 你想看哪部电影? xiǎng nǎ bù Measure Word for movie

I want to watch… 我想看…

复习:Adjectives 喜欢 讨厌 有意思 (interesting) 没有意思 (not interesting) 好看 难看 fù xí 喜欢 讨厌 tǎo yàn 有意思 (interesting) yǒu yì sī 没有意思 (not interesting) meí yǒu yì sī 好看 hǎo kàn 难看 nán kàn 无聊(boring) wú liáo

Discuss a Movie You will see a pair of movies in each slide. With a partner, practice asking and answering which movie you want to watch. Categorize the movie and give some comment. See example.

Discuss a Movie Person B 你想看哪部电影? Person A Person B 你想看哪部电影? nǐ xiǎng kàn nǎ bù diàn yǐng 我想看功夫熊猫 wǒ xiǎng kàn gōng fū xíong māo 为什么? wèi shén me 功夫熊猫是一部卡通片 Gōng fū xíong māo shì yí bù kǎ tōng piàn 卡通片很有意思 Kǎ tōng piàn hěn yǒu yì si

Following the script, discuss the following movie. Discuss a Movie Following the script, discuss the following movie.

今天的电影 jīn tiān de diàn yǐng

今天的电影 jīn tiān de diàn yǐng





Answer the following question and give reasons for your answer. Individual Practice Answer the following question and give reasons for your answer.

你想看哪部电影? nǎ bù

Topic 你喜欢看电影吗? Kàn diàn yǐng

What type of movie do you like? 你喜欢看 什么样的电影? shén me yàng de Type

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 Film Genres

喜剧片 生词:Vocabulary xǐ jù piàn Comedy P.150 Happiness Clip; Piece shēng cí P.150 喜剧片 xǐ jù piàn Happiness Clip; Piece Comedy

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 悲剧片 bēi jù piàn Sadness Tragedy Drama

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 功夫片 gōng fū piàn Kung-Fu

Like or Hate 喜欢 讨厌 tǎo yàn

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 恐怖片 Kǒng bù piàn Horror Movie Scary

浪漫爱情片 生词:Vocabulary làng màn aì qíng piàn Romance AKA: chick flick shēng cí P.150 浪漫爱情片 làng màn aì qíng piàn Romance AKA: chick flick

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 浪漫 làng màn Adj: Romantic

句子:sentence My bf/gf is a romantic person 我的男/女朋友很浪漫 làng màn

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 动作片 Dòng zùo piàn Action & Adventure

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 科幻片 Kē huàn piàn Sci-fi Movie

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 记录片 jì lù piàn Documentary

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 剧情片 Jù qíng piàn Drama

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.150 卡通片 kǎ tōng piàn Cartoon

Q1: 你喜欢什么样的电影 Q2: 你讨厌什么样的电影 Pair Practice Ask the following questions to your partner. Q1: 你喜欢什么样的电影 yàng Q2: 你讨厌什么样的电影 yàng Tǎo yàng

Check the following movie poster and identify the genre.

一.浪漫爱情片:Titanic 二.卡通片:Shrek 三.恐怖片:The ring 许老师喜欢: Individual Practice List three types of movie you like and give an example for each type. For example: 许老师喜欢: 一.浪漫爱情片:Titanic 二.卡通片:Shrek 三.恐怖片:The ring

生词:Vocabulary shēng cí P.132 参加 cān jiā To join; to participate

很 是 复习:是/很 shì hěn to be to be; very fù xí Followed by title Followed by adjective shì hěn to be to be; very

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 jiǎ sī tīng shuài Wén: 贾斯汀是很帅

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 xíong māo Wén: 熊猫是很可爱

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 tiān qì Wén: 天气是很好

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 You can also use 是 to agree with negative statement.

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 sài lín nà Wén: 她是不美

Showing “Strongly Agree” using 是 gāo Wén: 你的爸爸是不高

Pair Practice With a partner, taking turns, practice on “strongly agree” with each other. 你先:you first 我先:I first nǐ xiān wǒ xiān

Guided Practice B: A: Agree, I ate five. 炸鸡是很好吃 炸鸡 很好吃

Pair Practice A: B: Agree, I got a D 中文是很难 中文很难 nán Difficult

My younger sister is not cute. 你的妹妹是不可爱 A: B: Pair Practice Agree, your order sister is cuter. 你的妹妹是不可爱

他很喜欢 吃比萨 他是很喜欢吃比萨 A: B: Pair Practice bǐ sà Yes, he goes to Pizza Hut everyday. 他很喜欢 吃比萨 他是很喜欢吃比萨 bǐ sà

我的猫很胖。 A: B: Individual Practice Write down the response on the back. Agree, Your can barely walk. 我的猫很胖。

Sentence Pattern Although…But.. 虽然…但是 suī rán dàn shì 虽然+Sentence 1, 但是+ Sentence 2

Sentence Pattern Although…But.. 虽然…可是 suī rán kě shì 虽然+Sentence 1, 可是+ Sentence 2

句子:sentence jù zi 虽然他很帅 suī rán 可是我不爱他 kě shì

虽然中文很难 但是我还是想学 句子:sentence Although Chinese is hard, jù zi 虽然中文很难 Although Chinese is hard, but I still want to learn. suī rán nán 但是我还是想学 dàn shì hái shì xiǎng xué

还是 hái shì still

Pair Practice Practice how to use “Although…but” based on the visual clue. Confirm the answer with your partner. 30 seconds.

我喜欢跳舞 Although… But… 可是我没有 参加舞蹈社 舞蹈社 Guided Practice did not join Dance Club 可是我没有 参加舞蹈社 我喜欢跳舞 舞蹈社 wǔ dǎo shè tiào wǔ

Pair Practice Although… But… I still love him 矮 ǎi He is short

钱 不想打工 Although… But… Pair Practice He doesn’t want to work part time. qián He doesn’t have money bù xiǎng dǎ gōng

油 Although… But… 但是我还是 喜欢吃炸鸡 Pair Practice I still like to eat it. yóu is greasy

虽然我喜欢唱歌, 可是我没有参加合唱团 Translate the sentence into English. Individual Practice Translate the sentence into English. 虽然我喜欢唱歌, chàng gē 可是我没有参加合唱团 hé chàng tuán