Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome


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Presentation transcript:

Food Medicine Dual Herb for Metabolic Syndrome

The Metabolic Syndrome Body Size  BMI  Central Adiposity Insulin Resistance Glucose Intolerance Hyperinsulinemia  TG  HDL-C Hypertension The metabolic syndrome: historical perspective The clustering of cardiovascular risk factors including obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia have been noted since 1970. However, Professor Reaven at Stanford in his Banting lecture in 1988 made the important observation that this cluster of risk factors may be linked to insulin resistance. Professor Reaven called this entity “Syndrome X” but it is more commonly called the metabolic syndrome, or the insulin resistance syndrome. Note that Professor Reaven listed glucose intolerance rather than diabetes since subjects who developed type 2 diabetes need a second deficit which is impaired insulin secretion. As a result many or most individuals with insulin resistance will not actually have type 2 diabetes. In his 1988 Banting lecture, Professor Reaven attempted to show that people can have the insulin resistance syndrome even without obesity. However, other investigators such as Despres have noted that insulin resistance occurs most often in combination with increases in visceral fat. Not all of the components described in the 1988 Banting lecture are equally strongly related to insulin resistance. A number of techniques including factor analysis have been used to suggest that hypertension has no or only a very weak relationship to insulin resistance. References: Reaven GM. Banting lecture 1988: Role of insulin resistance in human disease. Diabetes. 1988;37:1595-1607. Pouliot MC, Després JP, Lemieux S, et al. Waist circumference and abdominal sagittal diameter: best simple anthropometric indexes of abdominal adipose tissue accumulation and related cardiovascular risk in men and women. Am J Cardiol. 1994;73:460-468. Hanley AJG, Festa A, D’Agostino RB Jr, Wagenknecht LE, Savage PJ, Tracy RP, Saad MF, and Haffner SM. Metabolic and inflammation variable clusters and prediction of type 2 diabetes: Factor analysis using directly measured insulin sensitivity. Diabetes, 53:1773-1781, 2004. CORONARY HEART DISEASE Reaven G. Diabetes. 1988;37:1565-1607

Prevalence of the NCEP Metabolic Syndrome by Age Men Women 44% 44% 24% 23% Prevalence, % 8% Prevalence of the NCEP metabolic syndrome: NHANES III by age This slide shows the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome as defined by NCEP in NHANES III participants by age. It is usually said that the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in the United States is 23 - 24%. However, this is not a useful statement since the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome markedly increases with age. The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is <10% in individuals aged 20–29 years, 20% in individuals aged 40–49 years, and 45% in individuals aged 60–69 years. Thus it might be more useful to suggest that the estimated prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is an individual's age minus 20. References: Ford ES, Giles WH, Dietz WH. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome among US adults: findings from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. JAMA 2002;287:356-359. 6% 20–70+ 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70 Age, years Ford ES et al. JAMA 2002;287:356-359.

Food Medicine Dual Herb 丁香 八角茴香 刀豆 小茴香 小蓟 山药 山楂 马齿苋 乌梢蛇 乌梅 木瓜 火麻仁 代代花 玉竹 甘草 白芷 白果 白扁豆 白扁豆花 龙眼肉 决明子 百合 肉豆蔻 肉桂 余甘子 佛手 杏仁 沙棘 牡蛎 芡实 花椒 赤小豆 阿胶 鸡内金 麦芽 昆布 枣(大枣、酸枣、黑枣) 罗汉果 郁李仁 金银花 青果 鱼腥草 姜(生姜、干姜) 枳子 枸杞子 栀子 砂仁 胖大海 茯苓 香橼 香薷 桃仁 桑叶 桑椹 橘红 桔梗 益智仁 荷叶 莱菔子 莲子 高良姜 淡竹叶 淡豆豉 菊花 菊苣 黄芥子 黄精 紫苏 紫苏籽 葛根 黑芝麻 黑胡椒 槐米 槐花 蒲公英 蜂蜜 榧子 酸枣仁 鲜白茅根 鲜芦根 蝮蛇 橘皮 薄荷 薏苡仁 薤白 覆盆子 广藿香

Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce(玉竹) Radix Puerariae(葛根) Portulaca oleracea L.(马齿苋) Indian Buead(茯苓)

Radix Puerariae Reduces Lipids Levels in HFD Induced Obesity Mouse

Compounds from Green Tea Lowers Serum Lipids

苦丁茶功效 Ilex kudingcha C. J. Tseng(苦丁茶)Folium llicis Latifoliae(冬青科冬青属) 高血压、高血脂、动脉硬化、糖尿病、肥胖症、结肠炎、便秘、痔疮和各类口腔炎症 保健身体、延年益寿。被称为“长寿茶”、“美容茶”

Kuding Tea inhibits adipocyte Differentiation

Kuding Tea Blocks Body Weight Gain in DIO Mouse

Kuding Tea Reduces Size of adipocyte in DIO Mouse

Kuding Tea Improves Insulin Resistance and Lowers Serum Lipids in DIO Mouse

Kuding Tea Reduces Lipids Accumulation in Liver of DIO Mouse

Kuding Tea Reduces TG Levels in Liver of DIO Mouse

Kuding Tea Improves Metabolis Syndrome of Obese Mouse

Kuding Tea Inhibits Later Stage of Adipocyte Differentiation

Kuding Tea Changes Gene Expression in WAT and Liver of DIO mouse

Kuding Tea Dose not Act on PPARs

Kuding Tea Contains LXR beta Ligands
