Lesson 17 Always young.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 17 Always young

new words 1. appear vi. 登场, 扮演 appear (on the stage) as : (在舞台上) 扮演...角 =play the role of vi. 出现,显露 反义词:disappear 消失 vi. 似乎 / 显得 /看起来好象(= seem) 句型(口译高频句型):It seems/appears that… 。

n. appearance 出现,露面;外貌 His sudden appearance spoiled the dinner. 他的突然出现毁了这次晚宴。 Don’t judge by appearances! = Don’t judge a book by its cover. 不能以貌取人

2. stage n. 舞台;阶段 莎士比亚名言:All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. 全世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女不过是一 些演员。 on the stage : 在舞台上 at this stage : 在这一阶段 (时期)

3. bright     adj. 鲜艳的, 常用来形容颜色 bright red : 鲜红色 bright yellow : 明黄色 bright blue : 宝蓝色 bright adj. 光亮的,闪光 的;聪明的,机灵的 bright sunshine/smile 灿 烂的阳光/笑容 bright eyes 明亮的眼睛 bright future 光明的未来 a bright kid 聪明的孩子

4. stocking n.女用长筒袜 a pair of silk stockings 一双长筒丝袜 blue stocking: 女才子

5. sock n. 短袜

阅读理解 1. How does Jennifer often appear on the stage? She often appears on the stage as a young girl. 2. Why doesn’t Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is? She thought it terrible to be grown up.

1.My aunt Jennifer is an actress. actor / actress waiter /waitress prince /princess god /goddess emperor/empress

2.She must be at least thirty-five years old. ●表示年龄的说法: ① 数字+years old,作表语: The dog is three years old. (三岁大) ② 数字-year-old,作定语: My three-year-old dog(三岁大的狗)always loves fighting. ●must (be) 表“推测”;(详见重点语法)

●in spite of: “不管”、“尽管”,同义词是despite 3.In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. ●in spite of: “不管”、“尽管”,同义词是despite 尽管下了很大雨,我们还是来上课了。 In spite of heavy rain, we still go to school. ●as用法小结,根据句子判断as的含义: (1)prep. “作为”、“以…身份” As a solider, it is my duty to safeguard our country.

(2)conj. : “因为” You must take care of the baby tomorrow as I am going to London. (3)conj. “正当……时候” As we were talking about him, he knocked at the door. (4)conj.“以……方式”或“如同……那样 ” Garfield danced as his teacher did.

4. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon 4.Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. ●take part in: 参加,参与; 同义:attend ●She is a girl of 17. = She is 17 years old. 模仿:三十岁的女士:a lady of thirty

5.In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. e.g. 穿红衣服的女孩:a girl in red dress : “裙子, 晚礼服, 连衣裙” (女式) suit : “套装” (男式),正装 costume : “演出服, 民族服装, 某一年代所穿 的服装”

6. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-colored dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, ‘Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!’ ●a bright, orange-colored dress鲜艳的橘黄色的裙子 模仿:蓝眼睛的女孩 a blue-eyed girl ●亲爱的:darling/sweetheart/honey/dear/sweetie ●grown up     adj. 成年人的 ●对比:grow up (人) 成熟 V.S. grow (人) 长大;(植物)生长 e.g. Some people never grow up. Children grow quickly. The grass has grown very high.

(Key:这句话的言外之意是她还没有长成大人 ,还是个小姑娘,因为她用的是表示推测的 must be。) ●句子分析:it 为形式主语,代替 to be grown up。思考:理解字面意思后,引号中的话有 何隐藏之意? (Key:这句话的言外之意是她还没有长成大人 ,还是个小姑娘,因为她用的是表示推测的 must be。)

grammar must must 表示必须 You must finish it today. 你必须今天完成。

must表示肯定性猜测推测:must +be/have/know等状态动词。 It must be true. 那一定是对的。 他一定错了。He must be wrong. 这个人一定有不少钱。 The man must have a lot of money. 判断对错:他一定会赢。He must win. 他必须赢

must be的否定式:can’t be;表示肯定不是 将上面3句话改成否定句 (1)It can’t be true. (2)He can’t be wrong. (3)The man can’t have a lot of money.

Thank you !