Need for Muscular Fitness (健身)


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Presentation transcript:

Need for Muscular Fitness (健身) 體適能 體適能評估 運動處方 改善體適能之原則與方法 Presenter: 莊芝林醫師

身體組成Muscle (protein,glycogen), Fat(fatty acid), Bone 體型、體重→身體脂肪百分比→脂肪儲藏率與分佈 體內脂肪: 大致可分為“必要性脂肪”與“儲存性脂肪” : 必要性脂肪:附著於肝臟、肺臟、脾臟、腎臟、肌肉等組織,有助於正常機能之運轉: 儲存性脂肪:是人體肥胖的主兇 ,成為種種慢性病如 冠心病、腦中風、高血壓及糖尿病等之重要危險因子 肥胖:對國人的健康造成另一項新的威脅。 飲食過量 缺乏身體活動 曾有研究比較肥胖者與非肥胖者的飲食:結果兩者在飲食方面並沒有明顯的差異,倒是身體活動情形兩者間有顯著差別→肥胖者因身體活動所消耗的能量比非肥胖者少很多 類似的研究,使專家在探討肥胖的形成原因時,甚至明確的指出,造成肥胖的原因缺乏身體活動比飲食過量影響還大。

代表的是身體整體氧氣供輸系統能力的優劣。具體而言,其所渉及的範 圍包括:肺呼吸、心臟以及血管循環系統的機能。 體適能(健康體能或體適能): 指與健康相關的體力因素,即是身體適應能力。 良好的體適能: 表示身體的許多器官、組織、如心臟、血管、肺臟及肌肉組織等,都能發揮其應有機能→使身體具有勝任日常生活、工作、享受休閒娛樂活動、及應付突發緊急狀況的能力。 健康體能通常涵蓋四大要素: 心肺適能、身體組成、肌力及肌耐力、柔軟度 心肺適能(心肺耐力或心肺功能) : 代表的是身體整體氧氣供輸系統能力的優劣。具體而言,其所渉及的範 圍包括:肺呼吸、心臟以及血管循環系統的機能。

心肺適能的重要性 有益於心血管系統 增強心肌:心肺和骨骼肌類似,經由運動的刺激,可以變得較 強而有力。心肺適能好的人→心臟的尺寸和收縮力量會增大 心臟輸血能力增強後,每分鐘心跳次數會減少。 有益於心血管系統

改善身體組成的原則 注意能量均衡的原則 設定體重調節機制 不可只靠節食 避免使用藥物“減肥”使用藥物減重可能引發副作用, 嚴重可能危及生命 攝取和消耗的熱量要維持平衡各類食物均應平衡的攝取 設定體重調節機制 自我“設定”理想的體重,控制食慾 不可只靠節食 只靠節食易發胖,嚴格的節食也可能干擾人體代謝機制,導致體重調節的紊亂,淨體質(肌肉)的流失,使肌肉鬆 軟,喪失肌力,易造成肌肉酸痛、疲勞甚至於拉傷。 避免使用藥物“減肥”使用藥物減重可能引發副作用, 嚴重可能危及生命 如要使用應在合格醫師的指導下進行。 規律持續運動 從事各種有氧運動或肌力訓練是減重或維持體重並改善 身體組成的安全又理想的方法

The human body is made to move in many ways: Quick and powerful Graceful & coordinated Sustained for many hours And is dependent upon the capacity to produce energy

We have a great amount of diversity Quick movements-lasts a few seconds Reduced speed-lasts for several minutes Reduced intensity(50%)-lasts for several hours The body uses different energy systems for each activity

Cells in the body need energy to function FOOD=ENERGY (E)

Cells don’t get Energy directly from food, it must be broken down into: ATP-Adensosine TRIphosphate ATP = a form of energy one can immediately use, it is needed for cells to function & muscles to contract

Nutrients that give us energy: Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Glucose Fatty acids Amino Acids Digestion Absorbed into the blood & transported to cells (muscle, liver & nerve) They are used to produce ATP or stored

ATP is stored in small amounts, therefore the rest is stored as: Glucose = Glycogen (muscle & liver) Fatty Acids = Body fat Amino Acids = Growth, repair or excreted as waste

Predominant Energy Pathways ATP (2-3 seconds) ATP-CP Energy System (8-10 seconds) Anaerobic Energy System (2-3 minutes) Aerobic Energy System (3 minutes +)

0 sec 4 sec 10 sec 1.5 min 3 min + Strength – Power: power lift, shot put, golf swing Sustained Power: sprints, fast breaks, football Anaerobic Power – Endurance: 200-400 m dash, 100 m swim Aerobic Endurance: Beyond 800 m run Immediate/short-term Aerobic-oxidative non-oxidative systems system

(1) ATP-CP Energy System ATP is stored in the muscle & liver for “Quick Energy” Nerve impulses trigger breakdown of ATP into ADP ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate & 1 Phosphate The splitting of the Phosphate bond = Energy for work Ex. Muscle Contraction, Moving hand from a hot stove, Jumping & Throwing

The ATP Molecule a. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) P Adenosine P P b. The breakdown of ATP: P Adenosine P P Energy Energy for cellular function ATP = ADP + energy for biological work + P (ADP = Adenosine Diphosphate)

For contractions to continue… ATP must be REBUILT This comes from the splitting of CP (Creatine Phosphate a Hi energy source, automatic) When ATP is used – it is rebuilt – as long as there is CP Energy released from CP breaking down, resynthesizes the ADP & P

REMEMBER – only small amounts of ATP are stored = only 2-3 sec REMEMBER – only small amounts of ATP are stored = only 2-3 sec. of Energy ATP-CP = 8-10 sec. of Energy The usefulness isn’t the AMOUNT of Energy but the QUICK & POWERFUL movements For longer periods of work = The Aerobic & Anaerobic Energy System must be utilized

The Immediate Resynthesis of ATP by CP a. Creatine Phosphate (CP) Creatine P High energy bond b. CP = Creatine + energy for resynthesis of ATP + P Creatine P Energy c. ADP + energy from CP + P = ATP (reversal of ATP = ADP + P + energy for work) P Adenosine P P

(2) Anaerobic Energy System Without oxygen = Activities that require a large burst of energy over a short period of time Anaerobic Glycolysis = Production of ATP from Carbohydrates without oxygen (breakdown of glucose)

Since glycogen is stored in the muscle & liver, it is available quickly This system provides ATP when ATP-CP runs out Again, ATP-CP lasts for a few seconds, the Anaerobic Energy System allows for 2-3 minutes of work

The process to produce ATP is not as fast as ATP-CP, which makes muscle contraction slower When oxygen is not present the end product of glycolisis is lactic acid, which causes the muscles to fatigue Anaerobic Glycolisis is less efficient in producing ATP than Aerobic Glycolisis, BUT is needed for a large burst of energy lasting a few minutes

Without Oxygen Glucose = 2ATP + 2LA (digested component of carbohydrates) Glycogen = 3ATP + 2LA (the storage form of glucose)

With Oxygen Glucose + O2 = 36ATP + H2O + CO2 Fatty Acids + O2 = 129ATP Body Fat is a great source of ENERGY

Oxygen Deficit = The body can not supply enough O2 to the muscles that the muscles demand When the muscle does not get enough oxygen, exhaustion is reached causing immediate and involuntary reduction in intensity Oxygen Debt = “pays back” the deficit recovery time

(3) Aerobic Energy System With Oxygen = Using large muscle groups continuously over a period of time Aerobic Glycolisis & Fatty Acid Oxidation = The production of ATP from Carbohydrates & Fat

O2 enters the system, stopping the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid With oxygen, glycogen breaks down into: ATP + CO2 + H20 These byproducts are easier to get rid of CO2 is expelled by the lungs H20 is used in the muscle

4.Anaerobic Energy System = Carbohydrates are the only fuel source 5.With prolonged exercise, Carbohydrates are the first fuel choice, as exercise continues, FAT becomes predominant 6.Protein is not a main fuel source except in an emergency

Each system plays an important role in energy production This gives us a variety of movements The systems interact to supply Energy for the activity

Examples Anaerobic 70-80% Anaerobic Aerobic 20-30% Aerobic Wt. Training Stop & Go Sports Jogging Gymnastics Tennis Marathons Football Soccer Cycling Baseball Field Hockey Aerobic Dance

肌耐力 Muscular Endurance : 肌力及肌耐力: 肌力 Muscular Strength : 代表的是某一部位肌肉或肌群一次能發揮的最大力量 肌耐力 Muscular Endurance : 是某一部位肌肉或肌群在從事反覆收縮動作時的一種持久能力,或是指肌肉維持某一固定用力狀態持久的時間 肌肉適能的重要性: 適當的肌力使肌肉比較結實而有張力→避免肌肉萎縮鬆弛。 適當的肌肉有助維持比較勻稱的身材: 因為肌力的運動可以阻止肌肉流失,故外型較健美

Muscular Strength 肌力 Able to lift a heavy weight Able to exert a great force Review definition of Muscular Strength What sports demand muscular strength? - Football - Weight Lifting 3

Muscular Endurance 肌耐力 Able to perform repeated muscular contractions Review muscular endurance What sports require muscular endurance? - wrestling - gymnastics - downhill skiing How is muscular endurance different than cardiovascular endurance? CV endurance: efficiency of heart and lungs ME: efficiency of neuromuscular system 5

肌力、肌耐力較好,使肌肉在應付同樣負荷時比較省力和耐久 肌肉適能好→肌肉、關節等部位有較好的保護,有減緩受傷的 防護功效。 尤其是運動員,肌肉適能是避免運動傷害的重要因素。 好的肌肉適能→維持好的身體姿勢的基本條件。 腹部和背部的肌肉適能不佳與下背痛的形成有密切關係→ 尤其是腹部肌力、肌耐力不好,骨盤即無法被懸吊在正常的位置 而有前傾情形,進一步會迫使下背部位的腰椎過度前彎,可能壓迫脊神經,造成疼痛。 肌肉適能好有助於提昇身體運動能力,不僅僅對運動選手重要, 一般人往往都以運動為重要休閒方式 具備基本的身體運動能力→比較能夠享受運動的成就感與樂趣。 如爬山

肌肉肥大的成因  每條肌纖維的肌原纖維 細絲增加。  每條肌纖維的微血管 密度增加。  蛋白質的量增加。  肌纖維的總數目增加。

Muscle Fiber Types Fast Twitch Fibers Slow Twitch Fibers Stain light in color More anaerobic Suited to strength and speed activity Slow Twitch Fibers Stain dark More aerobic Suited to endurance activity Review muscle fibers There are two types of muscle fibers - Fast Twitch - Slow Twitch Fast twitch fibers generate a lot of force in a short amount of time (speed/strength). Slow twitch fibers generate force more slowly but more efficiently Fast Twitch fibers are primarily anaerobic and are better suited to high intensity/strength activities. Therefore, people with a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers will respond quicker and increase strength to a greater extent than people with more slow twitch fibers. 9

肌力的型態   一般肌力:整個肌肉系統的肌力,需全面發展專項肌力:主要參與運動動作的肌肉。   最大肌力:最大隨意收縮時,神經系統能夠展現的最大力量。   肌耐力:肌肉維持長時間作功的能力,肌力和耐力的成績。   爆發力:在最短時間內產生最大力量的能力,肌力和速度的乘積   絕對肌力:排除體重(BW)因素後,運動員產生最大力量的能力。

肌力訓練三種方式  等長性收縮:運動時關節角度不變,肌肉長度也是一定的。  等張性收縮:肌肉長度在運動時會發生改變,但所舉起的重量不變。  分向心收縮與離心收縮兩種。  等速收縮:特殊裝置來保持關節,這種收縮不論何種角度都可以發揮最大肌力的訓練。

阻力性運動   功能:增加肌力與肌耐力、增加左心室 收縮力。    運動方式:健身房、伏地挺身、仰臥起坐。     採用逐漸增加負荷的原則。

Resistance Training 阻力性運動 Principles Overload Progression Specificity Rest / recovery The principles for resistance training are the same as the ones covered during the lecture on How Much Exercise is Enough but it is a good review. Overload: You have to do more than you are used to in order to cause your muscles to adapt Progression: You must build up slowly or risk getting injured or too sore Specificity The adaptations are specific for the muscle groups being exercised. Another application of this principle is that the gains from resistance training may not always translate to an increased performance in sports. Rest/Recovery You must give the body enough time to recover between workouts. 10

Facts about Resistance Training Everyone can gain strength and endurance NOT everyone will improve to the same extent (genetic predisposition) Adaptations depend largely on the muscle fibers type distribution. Fast twitch muscle fibers adapt more readily. Review the facts about resistance training and point out the illusion that everyone can develop huge muscles. Most people have body types and genetics that limit the capacity for this type of development.

Myths(迷思) about Resistance Training No pain - no gain Makes you “muscle bound” Fat can be converted into muscle Extra muscle turns to fat if not used Has masculinizing effect on women Go over each myth No Pain No Gain: You don't need to hurt to get benefits from exercise. The myth is based on overload principle which states that you must challenge your body to improve. Muscle Bound: Weight training can increase flexibility if through full ROM Fat converts into muscle Fat and muscle are separate tissues and you can't promote local fat loss by exercising a certain area. Muscle turns into fat if not used. A higher muscle mass causes a corresponding increase in BMR and total energy expenditure. Without training, muscle mass is lost. If a person ceases training and keeps eating the same amount, the extra calories are converted to fat. (Muscle does not turn into fat) Masculinizing Women won't develop same muscles as men because they do not have as much testosterone 14

The FIT Formula Applied to Resistance Training Requency How often? ntensity What resistance? ime How many sets? F I T Review the FIT formula 11

Resistance Training Terminology Reps number of repetitions Sets 回合數 number of sets performed in the workout 1 RM the amount of weight that can be lifted 1 time Review terminology: Reps = number of repetitions Sets = number of sets performed in the workout RM = Repetition Maximum = maximum weight that can be lifted a specified number of times. 1RM is the amount of weight that can be lifted 1 time. 10RM is the amount of weight that can be lifted 10 times in succession The 1RM amount is often used to calculate the correct amount of weight for training (i.e.. a certain percent of your 1RM max). 4

Repetition Continuum E N D S T R 肌耐力 肌力 Hi Reps Lo Wt. Mod Reps Lo Reps Hi Wt. Mod Reps Mod Wt. 肌耐力 Diagram shows the repetition continuum Strength is developed with Hi weight / Lo reps Endurance is developed with Lo weights / Hi reps Review the concept so that students know that different gains will result from different types of training The following slides illustrate the concepts in greater detail and provide the FIT prescription for each type of program. 肌力 5

Muscular Strength 肌力 E N D S T R F: every other day 肌耐力 I : (80% 1RM) Lo Reps Hi Wt. F: every other day I : (80% 1RM) T: 3 sets < 8 reps 肌耐力 Muscular Strength is best developed using heavy weights to maximally overload the muscles F: every other day (need time to rest) I: maximum weight (about 80% 1RM) T: 3 sets of 3-5 repetitions 肌力 6

Stimulus for Strength 肌力 Maximal exertion Maximal force Review the stimulus for strength development - maximal exertion - maximal force 7

Muscular Endurance 肌耐力 T R. Hi Reps Lo Wt. F: every other day I : 40-70% 1RM 肌耐力 T: 2-5 sets 15-25 reps Muscular endurance is best developed using low weights and high repetitions. F: every other day I: moderate intensity (40-70% 1RM) T: 2-5 sets with higher repetitions (15-25) 肌力 8

Stimulus for Endurance 肌耐力 High number of repetitions Short rest intervals Review stimulus for muscular endurance - higher number of repetitions - short rest intervals 9

Overall Muscle Fitness F: every other day Mod Reps E Mod Wt. I : 60-70% 1RM N T: 2-3 sets 8 - 15 reps D. A general muscular fitness program should develop some strength and some endurance. The program should incorporate exercises for every major muscle group. Muscle imbalances can lead to injury and are not attractive (give example of Popeye - big arms, small legs) F: every other day (3x per week) I: 60-70% of 1 repetition maximum T: 2-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions S T R. 10

Resistance Training Technique Lift in a controlled manner Exhale 吐氣 during effort Bring weight down slowly It is important to follow good technique when lifting, both for safety and for better gains. Lift in a slow controlled manner: not jerky Exhale during the lifting phase and inhale on down phase: (it is easy to want to hold your breath so you have to consciously try to exhale during each lift) Bring weight down slowly for increased effect and for better safety 19

Types of Contractions Concentric vs. Eccentric 向心 Concentric Concentric (shortening) 離心 LIFTING LIFTING Eccentric Eccentric (lengthening) Diagram shows that both phases of the lift can promote strength gains. By lifting in a slow and controlled manner you can increase the overload on the muscle and make quicker gains. LOWERING LOWERING Both phases can build muscle! Both phases can build muscle! 20

運動體能(競技體能): 反應時間、速度、瞬發力、平衡性→具備這六項能力的人, 敏捷性: 協調性: 反應時間: 指身體從事和運動有關的體能,包含要素:敏捷性、協調性、 反應時間、速度、瞬發力、平衡性→具備這六項能力的人, 會有較好的運動表現外,也能較有效率的執行日常活動,享 受運動遊戲及比賽的樂趣 敏捷性: 指身體快速改變身體位置和方向的能力和效率→對於需要急停、閃避運 動員如籃球、足球等極為重要。 協調性: 指身體統合神經肌肉系統以產生正確、和諧優雅的活動能力→對田徑、 體操、籃球、排球、足球等運動員都很重要。 反應時間: 指身體對刺激的反應力→快速的反應能力對田徑起跑、游泳入水、接籃板 球及網球截擊等動作極為重要。

健康體能 VS 運動體能 瞬發力: 平衡性: 速度: 目 標 對 象 要 求 可 維 持 時 間 健 康 體 能 健 康 大 眾 適 度 指身體在最短時間內移動的快慢能力→速度是各項運動員必備的 基本條件之一。 瞬發力: 指身體在最短的時間內產生力的能力。包含兩個因素—速度和力量 →是很多運動的項目,如排球、跳高、跳遠等運動員所必備的能力。 平衡性: 指身體維持平衡的能力→平衡能力對於體操、跳水、滑雪、溜冰等運 動員的表現極為重要。 健康體能 VS 運動體能 目 標 對 象 要 求 可 維 持 時 間 健 康 體 能 健 康 大 眾 適 度 終 身 運 動 體 能 勝 利 選 手 嚴 格 短 暫

運動的基本原則 超負荷原則: 特殊性原則: 運動的強度和量必須超過日常活動的體能負荷,才能有效刺 激各生理系統,進行功能提昇與整合,達到運動訓練的目的 如要增加柔軟度,就要將肌肉拉得比平常長;要增加肌耐力, 就必須將肌肉的持續活動進行得比平常久。 特殊性原則: 不同的運動型態與運動強度,各有其特殊性的訓練效果: 肌力訓練、伸展訓練、無氧耐力、與有氧耐力訓練,使用 的能量系統與生理機轉不同,自然各有不同的訓練效果與 應用的時機。 即使是同一能量系統(有氧or無氧代謝)的訓練型態,使用肌 肉群不同、方式不同、速度不同,效果都有顯著差異

漸進性原則: 由輕到重,由簡單到困難。 用進廢退原則: 運動訓練的強度、負荷量及困難度,必須循序漸進, 如果過快增加運動負荷的強度與難度→身體缺乏調適、 也不可以一次就完成一週所需的運動量 必須是分為幾天來進行,否則無法得到運動的效果,反 而容易使肌肉酸痛,或是造成運動傷害。 用進廢退原則: 運動訓練效果會隨著體能活動的減少或停止,而降低 或消失,沒有辦法持續保存。 只要適當增加活動量,無論目前健康與體能狀況如何, 年齡多大或多小,都能得到運動的效益。

改善體適能之原則與方法 心肺適能的運動方法 改善心肺適能→所作的運動應該達到某種適當的耗氧 水準且持續夠長的時間→ 才能有效刺激心肺循環系 水準且持續夠長的時間→ 才能有效刺激心肺循環系 統,使其機能增強,這類運動通稱為有氧運動 如果進行非常激烈而持續時間相當短的運動,則是屬 於無氧性的運動→ 對心肺循環系統機能的增強,沒有 顯著的效果

有氧運動的特色 強調大肌肉土的全身運動且運動時參與的肌肉愈多愈好 持續性的運動 具有節律性的運動 運動強度可根據個別能力調整的運動 局部性的小肌肉運動→ 1.容易引發局部疲勞,使運動中斷 不能持久; 2.不易造成足夠的氧氣消耗量→ 難有刺激心肺 循環系統的效果 持續性的運動 時間可以由運動者控制,持續進行的運動。 具有節律性的運動 具有節律性的運動→運動強度比較容易控制穩定→ 才可能 將運動強度維持在合適的有氧運動強度範圍內 斷續性的運動,運動強度強度變化大,較不理想。 運動強度可根據個別能力調整的運動 由於個別能力的差異,每個人進行有氧運動時,都應該採 行其合適的強度,好的有氧運動應該可以由運動者以合理 的強度去實施。

有氧運動的運動處方條件:美國運動醫學會改善心肺適能的運動處方,應符合下列標準: 評估有氧運動強度的方法:脈搏測量 理論根據:運動強度越高,耗氧量就越大→ 每分鐘的脈搏數 也成正比的增加→ 用運動時的脈搏數作為運動強度的指標, 來了解耗氧程度是否恰當 運動如果能達到合適的脈搏數,並維持一段夠長的時間都可 成為好的有氧運動 確定所作運動,在強度上都保持穩定,如慢跑或騎固定式腳 踏車等,全程的速率都很平均,如此,每分鐘的脈搏數在運 動過程中都能保持在相當穩定的次數範圍內,不至於有明顯 起伏變化。 有氧運動的運動處方條件:美國運動醫學會改善心肺適能的運動處方,應符合下列標準:

運動強度 運動頻率:每日、每週運動次數。 運動持續時間:因強度的大小而不同 任何使用身體大肌肉群,可以長時間持續進行,且具有節律性 運動型態 任何使用身體大肌肉群,可以長時間持續進行,且具有節律性 與有氧型態的身體活動,如跑步、步行、游泳、溜冰、騎腳踏車、 划船、越野、滑雪、跳繩及多種耐力型的運動。 運動強度 以脈搏數作為指標,運動時的每分鐘脈搏數應達最大脈搏數( 200減去個人的年齡)的60%至90%的範圍,視為合理的運動 強度。→ 以運動時有點喘但還可以說話的感覺為運動強度的 依據 40歲的正常人,合適的運動強度應是運動脈搏數介於108-162 次之間。 運動頻率:每日、每週運動次數。 原則上,每週運動三至五次為宜,最多則是每天進行一次有氧 運動(每天一次不是絕對必要的,尤其必須慎防休息不足,引發 過度疲勞或增加運動傷害的危險) 運動持續時間:因強度的大小而不同 運動強度60%到90%最大心跳時;持續進行20~60分鐘。 運動強度若偏強,則運動持續時間可以短些。如強度為85% 最大心跳時約持續20分鐘即可

改善肌肉適能的運動方法 針對肌肉適能的增強,最有效的方法即是重量訓練 如果運動強度較弱,則持續時間就偏長些 如強度為50%最大心跳 時至少應持續30分鐘 此外研究發現,運動強度為70%,每天三次,每次10分鐘亦可 增加心肺耐力,顯示運動可以〔累積〕效果。 整個完整的運動過程包含熱身運動、主運動、緩和運 動等三大部份一般主運動時間至少要持續15分鐘才有 效果,如能持續20-60分鐘更佳,但心肺耐力較差者, 則以每次10分鐘,運動多次來累積20-60分鐘亦可。 改善肌肉適能的運動方法 針對肌肉適能的增強,最有效的方法即是重量訓練 欲增強的肌群,施以明顯的重量負荷,使肌肉產生拮 抗作用,而達到肌力與肌耐力的提昇效果 重量器材:槓鈴、唖鈴、綜合健身器等 徒手方式可以利用身體的重量進行適當的重量訓練,如 伏地挺身、仰臥起坐等均是很好的例子。

肌力與肌耐力的重量訓練,差異在於負荷的重量及反 覆次數不同 提升肌耐力:原則是以低強度負荷& 多反覆次數、長時 間(40%-70%的最大肌力,反覆推舉10~25次之間)維持 為主要原則 提升肌力:原則是以高強度負荷& 低反覆次數(70%-85% 最大肌力,最多反覆推舉4~10次)的阻力訓練 高強度負荷下的肌力訓練可以刺激較多的收縮性蛋白質 興奮起來,維持一段訓練時間後肌肉內比較可以增長出 較多含量的收縮性肌蛋白質 肌耐力是肌力的基礎→ 訓練應從訓練肌耐力開始,並 逐漸增加負荷強度,減少負荷次數,以安全有效的訓 練肌力。

柔軟度: 代表身體可動的最大範圍 柔軟性的重要性 影響組織包括關節本身的結構,肌肉、肌腱、韌帶與軟骨組織 等的延展能力 避免關節僵硬及肌肉縮短→身體的活動更靈活,肌肉活動效率更高。 也可減少肌肉緊張所帶來的提早疲勞與疼痛 柔軟度好→表示軀幹或肢體的彎曲、伸展、扭轉等任意方向的動作皆能輕鬆自如地運轉,肌肉關節較不易因用力而受傷 肌肉的延展性較佳→比較不會將它拉傷。 關節活動的範圍較大→在用力較猛的運動下,比較不會有扭傷的危險。 柔軟性不佳→造成背痛毛病的原因之一,如下背痛的症狀時,常使用伸展運動以改善關節柔軟性。 柔軟性好有助於提昇運動能力。針對運動員來講,柔軟性好對絕大多數項目的演出都有幫助。

改善柔軟性的運動方法 通常伸展的部份主要是關節週遭肌群← 因其比較具有延展 性且又影響關節活動範圍相當大 動性伸展:以肢體明顯反覆彈動為方式來達到擴展關節的目 的,像一般傳統式的徒手體操,大都類屬動性伸展操 靜性伸展:關節擴展至一適當角度後,即維持靜止狀態一段 時間。 學者專家大都支持靜性伸展在安全和效果方面比動性伸展展好。 動性伸展,萬一彈動力量控制不當,可能因肌肉過度伸展而造成 拉傷 動性伸展因快速彈動的關係,會因引發被伸展的肌肉出現反射性的 收縮,結果會阻礙伸展的程度

改善柔軟性的運動處方條件 運動型態:靜性伸展操。 運動強度:以關節附近肌肉被伸展的感覺為運動 強度的指標 被伸展的肌肉有極輕微的疼痛感覺或輕緩的不適感即 表示已達足夠的運動強度。 如果沒有達到相當繃緊的感覺,表示運動強度不夠; 若達很難忍受的痛覺,則又顯示運動強度太強了。 持續時間:達到合適的伸展強度後,即保持靜止狀態 10至30秒鐘,然後再鬆開。 反覆次數:每一個部位大約反覆3至5次即可。中間放鬆 休息五秒至十秒左右。 運動頻數:運動頻數代表的是多久作一次運動的意思。 以柔軟性的伸展操而言,至少應隔天施作1至2次。

一天中柔軟度的變化   清晨柔軟度最差   透過一天中的生物變化(中樞神經系統 及神經緊張)得到反應。

Ingredients A Healthy Diet Workout Moderation & Consistency A “Life Style” (not a diet program)

The Diet A “Diet” is not a reduction in calorie intake with the goal of losing weight. A “Diet” is composed of the choices in the consumption of food and intervals of feeding. We all have a “Diet.” They’re just not all healthy Major components of a Diet: Grams of Protein Grams of Carbohydrates Grams of Fat Vitamin mix Total Calories Intervals of feeding

Diet table Food Type Vegetables Poultry Fish (scaled) 純素 伊斯蘭教律 猶太教 Food Type Carnivore Omnivore Vegan Vegetarian Halal Kosher Vegetables   Poultry Fish (scaled) Seafood (non-fish) Beef Pork Dairy

General Guidelines Calorie composition: Each gram of protein has 4 calories Each gram of carbohydrate has 4 calories Each gram of fat has 9 calories Each gram of alcohol has 7 calories

Healthy Diet Composition Fat = 20% Carbs = 40% Protein = 40%

Timing of your Diet It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat it. Guidelines: Eat frequently vs. big meals Start with 5 meals/day and increase to 7 Eat bigger meals early in the day Eat foods you like Eat more carbs earlier in the day Do at least 1 cheat meal per week Use alternate food sources to subsidize Every 3 to 5 days increase your calorie intake by between 30% to 60% - this is a must to keep your metabolism high. Ultimately cross-train your diet

Example Diet & Timing 8 glasses of water every day Five Meal Example: 8:00am – Cereal/Oatmeal 10:00am – Protein Bar Noon – Chicken Sandwich 4:00pm – Protein Shake 8:00pm – Dinner (rice & Chicken) Ten Meal Example: 7:30am – Protein Shake 9:30am – Cereal or 3 egg Omelet 11:00am – Protein Bar 1:00pm – Protein Shake 1:30pm – Turkey Sandwich 4:00pm – Protein Bar 6:00pm – Chicken & Vegies 7:00pm – 2 eggs & 2 egg whites 8:00pm – Lean Cuisine Meal 9:15pm – Nonfat yogurt or Protein Shake 8 glasses of water every day A serving is less than your fist

Example Sources of Protein Chicken breast – 15 grams 1 egg white – 3 grams 1 whole egg – 6 grams 8 ounce cup of skim milk – 9 grams Beans – Approx 10 grams per cup Wheat bread (1 slice) – 4 to 8 grams Steak (1 serving) – 20 grams Protein bar – 15 to 30 grams Protein shake – about 30 grams 1 cup of nonfat yogurt – 5 to 10 grams NOTE: 1 serving is typically one fist size

Building Mass Your body weight is less important Consider your body fat composition Muscle requires more energy for all normal activities. The leaner you are the higher percent muscle weight you have The greater muscle ratio, the greater number of calories your body consumes daily for all activities (including sleep) Goal: Build an internal inferno Protein helps feed and build muscle To measure body fat change, measure your waist.

Warning Be careful with the Atkins Diet. Your body requires Carbs for energy and healthy development and breakdown of protein foods. Don’t attempt to loose more than 1 to 1.5 lbs of body weight per week. Otherwise it may come back and more. Do not skip meals! 

Concept behind eating frequently Eating frequent meals increases your metabolism (e.g., consider teenagers vs. adults) When you eat in-frequently, your body enters starvation mode. It does not know when you’ll feed it again. Hence to protect you, it will shut down slowly – in other words, lowers your metabolism. When you do feed yourself while in starvation mode, your body doesn’t know when it will be fed again, so it tries to store all it can.

Workout and Exercise Do training that increases your metabolism and increases your muscle mass Resistance training increases your metabolism by about 15% for a period of about 8 hours after you complete your workout Cardio workouts provide a fast means of burning energy during a workout. Cardio workouts work best when at least 30 to 45 minutes continuous. Eat immediately after each workout – Lots of protein after weight lifting, and carbs after cardio workouts.

Sample Workout Example #1 Mon – Weight Lifting Tue – Cardio 25 min. Example #2 (this is what I do) Mon Noon – Weights (chest) Mon Eve – 15 min. Cardio Tue AM – 15 min. Cardio Tue Noon – Weights (Back) Tue EV – Run & Karate Wed Noon – 45 min. Cardio Wed PM – Weights (Shoulders) Thu AM – 15 min. Cardio Thu PM – Weights (Tricpets & stomach) Thu Eve – Run & Karate Fri Noon – Weights (Legs) Fri PM – 15 min. Cardio Sat PM – Weights (Bicepts) Sun AM – 30 min. Cardio Example #1 Mon – Weight Lifting Tue – Cardio 25 min. Wed – Weight Lifting Thu – Cardio 25 min. Fri – Weight Lifting

Benefits of this Program You never go hungry You don’t have to eat things you don’t like You can still eat the things you like – even ice cream You will eventually eat more calories per day than you would otherwise. For over 10 years, I consumed less than 1,700 calories/day at about 22% body fat and worked out more hours/day Now I consume between 2,500 to 2,700 calories per day at 8% body fat.

ATN Centre for Metabolic Fitness Functional capacity (physical & mental fitness) Early Life Growth and development Adult Life Maintaining highest level of function Older Age Maintaining health and independence genes diet lifestyle Range of function in individuals Disability threshold Age

ATN Centre for Metabolic Fitness State of the Art research facilities

enhanced circulatory and metabolic functions ATN Centre for Metabolic Fitness Unifying Concept Inputs nutrients functional foods physical activity exercise motivational strategies Outcomes enhanced circulatory and metabolic functions Physical fitness Body shape & composition Energy (CHO, fat) utilisation Cardiovascular health Physical performance Mental fitness Mood Cognitive function Goals Preventive healthcare evidence-based strategies to promote health and prevent disease through adoption of healthier lifestyles and diet development of health-promoting foods National Research Priority Promoting & maintaining health