第二章 中英語言比較 第一節 中英語序比較.


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Presentation transcript:

第二章 中英語言比較 第一節 中英語序比較

How are you? 怎麼是你? How old are you? 怎麼老是你?

課前暖身 英文:No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan 中文:台灣台北市大安區和平東路一段162號 範圍律(PSS: Principle of Spatial Sequence) 英文:Local governments pitched in after the devastating typhoon. 中文:颱風過後,地方政府全力投入善後。 時序律(PTS: Principal of Temporal Sequence ) 英文:We're better off because of Steve Jobs. 中文:因為賈柏斯,世界更美好。 因果律(PCRS: Principal of Cause and Result Sequence )

中英語序差異   中文 英文 範圍律 由大到小 由小到大 時序律 先後有序 較不固定 因果律 先因後果

言歸正傳 中英語言差異 英文重視「形合」(hypotaxis) 中文重視「意合」(parataxis) 英文有形態變化:sing、sings、singing、sang、sung 英文需要連接詞、關係代名詞等語言形式來連接詞語和句子 中文重視「意合」(parataxis) 沒有形態變化、不靠語言形式 依賴文境意義和邏輯關係來連結詞語和句子

中英語言比較 吃飯沒有 ? I translated a book. 沒有吃飯。 A book translated I. 飯沒有吃。 有飯沒吃。 沒有飯吃。 I translated a book. A book translated I. A book was translated by me.

範圍律 中文整體先於個體 英文個體先於整體 三分之一 在家中排行老大 六回談判的第一輪 one-third the first son in his family the first of a six-round talk

Starting next month, people will be able to download details of their annual health premium payment online, said the Bureau of National Health Insurance of the Department of Health, Executive Yuan. (Taipei Times) 行政院衛生署健保局表示,從下個月開始,民眾可以上網下載年度健保費明細。 《台北時報》

In late November 1997 following the dramatic plunge of the Korean won on the foreign exchange market, an IMF team of economists led by Mr. Hubert Neiss was rushed to Seoul. (Telepolis) 1997年11月下旬,韓幣在外匯市場急遽貶值,昔IMF亞洲區主管奈斯趕緊帶領國際貨幣基金組織趕往首爾。 (德國線上新聞)

He was not alone among former high-ranking officers of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Department to face the music. (Mainichi Daily News) 日本神奈川縣警備總部的前高級警官中,應該承擔後果的人不是只有他而已。 《每日新聞》

鮮學現賣 A new report lists home health care as one of the top five most profitable franchises in the US. (USA Today)

時序律 定義:遵照時間順序,先發生的事情先說,後發生的事情後說。 詞彙結構: 短語結構: 「喝醉」(先「喝」再「醉」) 「父子」(先有「父」才有「子」)等, 短語結構: 「畫餅充飢」(先「畫餅」後「充飢」) 「生津止渴」(先「生津」後「止渴」)

Broadcast veterans said they couldn’t recall such uninterrupted coverage of a story since the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. (AP) 資深廣播記者表示,這是自1963年美國前總統甘迺迪遭暗殺以來,第一次長時間不間斷地報導一則新聞。 《美聯社》

Beef sales are plummeting, restaurants are reinventing their menus and only die-hards still lick their lips at the thought of steak tartare. (Washington Post) 牛肉銷售量急遽下滑,餐廳重新設計菜單,只有嗜牛肉如命的人才會一想到韃靼牛排就食指大動。 《華盛頓郵報》

That night, on going to bed, I forgot to prepare in imagination the Barmecide supper of hot roast potatoes, or white bread and fresh milk, with which I was wont to amuse my inward carving: I feasted instead on the spectacle of ideal drawing. (Jane Eyre) 我向來愛吃熱烘烘的烤馬鈴薯、白麵包和新鮮牛奶,上床前總在心裡刻畫這幾樣好吃的東西,聊以畫餅充飢。那天晚上卻不然。我臨睡的時候,滿腦子想的 都是繪畫。《簡愛》

鮮學現賣 The violinist charmed the audience with a superb performance.

因果律 由於中文語序遵照時間順序,依照先因後果的邏輯,中文表原因的詞句通常會先於表結果的詞句,這就是因果律。 由於中文語序遵守時序律和因果律,因此已知訊息在前,新知訊息在後,例如: 讓步在前(雖然……)、陳述在後(但是……) 先講條件(如果……)、再講結果(就……)

Germany and Italy have said that across-the-board tax cuts to defuse fuel price protests would be a mistake, but there should be help for people worst affected. (BBC) 德國和義大利表示,為了平緩抗議油價調漲的聲浪而全面調降稅率,這種作法雖然值得商榷,但對深受其害的人而言卻是一項德政。 (英國廣播公司)

The government of Vietnam has not even tried to cull the country’s huge flocks of domesticated ducks, despite considerable evidence of widespread infection among them. (New York Times) 儘管大量證據顯示,越南飼養的鴨群已廣受病毒感染,卻遲遲不見政府的撲殺行動。 《紐約時報》

One of Paris’ best-known cultural landmarks, the Georges Pompidou Center, needs a financial shot in the arm if it is to compete in the ever-expanding arena of modern art. (AP) 巴黎知名文化地標龐畢度藝術中心若想在不斷擴張的現代藝術領域維持競爭力,就要在財務方面注入一劑強心針。 《美聯社》

鮮學現賣 Dow Jones & Co., publisher of The Wall Street Journal, said its first-quarter earnings will be sharply below analysts’ expectations because of weaker-than-anticipated advertising revenue. (AP)

與語序相關的翻譯方法 逆譯法: 將英文中放在前面的訊息挪到中文譯文的後面,而原本英文中放在後面的訊息則提到中文譯文的前面 順譯法: 按照原文行文的順序譯出,無須考慮改變原句的形式結構

逆譯並非所向無敵 For its electronic bank, Sony plans to use its Felica cards, which can be used for commerce online and at brick-and-mortar shops. (The Japan Times) 為了旗下的電子銀行,日本新力公司計畫發行不僅用於線上交易亦可於實體商店使用的菲力卡。《日本時報》

1 For its electronic bank, 為了旗下的電子銀行, 2 Sony plans to use its Felica cards, 日本新力公司計畫發行菲力卡, 3 which can be used for commerce online 不僅用於線上交易, 4 and at brick-and-mortar shops. 亦可於實體銀行使用。

腦力激盪 請指出以下譯例反映出哪些中英語序的差異 With temperatures dropping in the war-ravaged country, they are also in need of shelter and supplies, aid group said. 救援團體表示,隨著氣溫下降,這個毀於戰爭的國家需要避難場所和救援物資。

腦力激盪 請指出以下譯例反映出哪些中英語序的差異 Taiwan was admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO) on January 1, 2002. 2002年1月1日,台灣獲准進入世界貿易組織。

腦力激盪 請指出以下譯例反映出哪些中英語序的差異。 These are confidential documents not accessible to the public. 這些是大眾無法接觸到的機密文件。

腦力激盪 請指出以下譯例反映出哪些中英語序的差異 Hye Jin, who has had a mobile phone since the seventh grade, sends text message without even glancing at the keypad. 七年級就開始用手機的慧真,傳簡訊都不用看鍵盤。

腦力激盪 請指出以下譯例反映出哪些中英語序的差異 It is crucial that we can provide a permanent source of revenue to purchase books. 我們必須有源源不絕的資金來源來添購新書,這點非常重要。

學以致用 Germany could strengthen domestic demand by opening up its services market and by encouraging wages to rise in line with productivity, two of the recommendations made to Berlin by the EU Council last July. (Financial Times)

學以致用 Amazon.com Inc., and other Internet-retail stocks rose after better-than-expected earnings from computer-related companies raised expectations of increased commerce on the Web, and revived interest in the shares. (USA Today)

學以致用 The former director of a bankrupt credit cooperative, who has already been indicted for embezzlement, was hit Friday with a breach of trust charges for causing a 1.6 billion-yen loss to the bank through illegal loans. (Mainichi Daily News)

