Unit 3 Trademarks (2).


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Trademarks (2)

Contents 1.名词的词类转译(1) 2.名词的词类转译(2) 3.名词的词类转译(3) 4.形容词词类转译(1) 5.形容词词类转译(2) 6.形容词词类转译(3) 7.动词的词类转译(1) 8.动词的词类转译(2) 9.副词的词类转译(1) 10.副词的词类转译(2) 11. 副词的词类转译(3) 12. 介词的词类转译 13. Exercises

1.名词的词类转译(1) 名词转译成动词 英语中由动词派生出来的名词,含有动作 意味的名词,作为习语主体的名词以及某些 表示身份特征或职业的名词在句中不指身份 或职业而含有较强的动作意味,英译汉时常 翻译成动词。如: Prompt payment is appreciated. 请及时付款。

2.名词的词类转译(2) 名词转译成形容词 有些由形容词派生出来的名词以及名词加不 定冠词作表语时都可以转译成形容词.例如: 1)I have always wondered at the passion many people have of going abroad. 我在想,为什么许多人对出国如此热衷? 2)As he is a perfect stranger in the city, I hope you will give him the necessary help. 他对这座城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要的帮助。

3.名词的词类转译(3) 名词转译成副词 在翻译的过程中,句子中出现的名词有时也可以译 成副词。例如: 1)The new boss earned some appreciation by the courtesy of coming to visit the employee. 新老板有礼貌地前来看望雇员们,博得了他们的一些好感。 2)It is our great pleasure to note that China has made great progress in economy. 我很高兴地看到,中国的经济已经取得了很大的发展。

4.形容词词类转译(1) 形容词译成动词 英语中表示知觉、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在系 动词后作表语时,往往可以译成动词。 例如: confident, certain, fond, careful, angry, sure, ignorant, afraid, doubtful, glad, sorry, thankful, anxious 等。 1. I am absolutely sure of his honesty. 我绝对肯定他是诚实的 2. economists are confident that this trend is inevitable. 经济学家们深信, 这种趋势是不可避免的。

5.形容词的词类转译(2) 形容词转译 成名词 有些形容词常可根据汉语表达的需要译成名词。 He was eloquent and elegant. 他有口才, 有风度。 Ice is not as dense as water. 冰的密度比水小。

6.形容词的词类转译(3) 形容词译成副词 英语名词译成动词时,修饰名词的形容词往往转译成副词。 He then acted as a reluctant interpreter. 他当时很不情愿地当了一次翻译。 He asked me for a full account of our products. 他详尽地向我问起我们产品的情况。

7.动词的词类转移(1) 动词译成名词 The large cities absorb the wealth and fashion of the nation. 大都市是一国财富的集中之地,风尚的汇集之所。 Formality has always characterized their relationship. 他们之间的关系有一个特点,就是以礼相待。

8.动词的词类转译(2) 动词译成形容词 1)Little islands stud the bay. 海湾内有星罗棋布的小岛。 2) Economists are confident that this trend is inevitable. 经济学家相信这种趋势是不可避免的。

9.副词的词类转译(1) 副词译成动词 She opened the window to let fresh air in. 她把窗子打开, 让新鲜空气进来。 That day he was up before sunrise. 那天他在日出前就起来了。 The light was on, the TV was playing, but nobody was in. 灯开着,电视里放着节目,但没有人在家。

10.副词的词类转译(2) 副词转译成形容词 英语动词译成名词时,修饰该动词的副词往往转译成形容词。 The film impressed me deeply. 这部电影给我留下了深刻的印象。 He routinely radioed another agent on the ground. 他跟另一个地勤人员进行了例行的无线电联络。

11.副词转译成名词(3) 有些副词也可以转译成名词 He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但头脑正常。 They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally. 但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做的好。

12.介词的词类转译 英语中介词多,在翻译的过程中有不少情况 下可以转译成汉语的动词。 I sent him for a doctor. 我派他请医生来。 I barreled straight ahead, across the harbor and out over the sea. 我笔直地向前高速飞行, 越过港口,飞临海面。

13.Exercises 用转译法翻译下列句子,并指出何种转译: Be through with the discussion about all the details before the contract is sighed. The economic indexes showed the 20-year or so reform has been a success. The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers and competitors. The products of our factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability. The cheapest might be the dearest.