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Part 1 英语国际音标与语音

英语国际音标简介 音素是语音的最小单位,一个音素就是一个音。英语中一共有20个元音和28个辅音 好的英语发音并不仅仅是弄正确每个单词的读音,而是运用各种技巧和规则--如重读、弱读、连读、不完全爆破、句子重音、停顿、节奏、升调、降调等--将单词联结成句子和段落。

元音是指发音时气流通过口腔或鼻腔时,不受任何阻碍,同时声带振动。 辅音是指发音时,气流从肺部压出来后,通过口腔或鼻腔时受到各发音器官的阻碍,如受到唇、齿、舌、咽喉等的阻碍而形成的音。英语中的辅音音素按发音时声带是否振动可以分为11个清辅音和17个浊辅音。 清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。

短元音/i/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,音短促。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床半合,上下齿之间可放入一个小指尖。口腔肌肉松弛。 ★发音练习 sit still; give in; bit by bit; his little sister

短元音/e/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高。 (2)双唇中常,上下齿间可容下一食指,口腔肌肉松弛。 ★注意事项 (2)要避免舌头随便移动,从而发成其他的双元音。 ★发音练习 very well; get ready; well-educated; my best friend

短元音/æ/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬高,音短促。 (2)双唇向两边平伸,成扁平形。上下齿间可容两指宽度。口腔肌肉松弛。 ★发音练习 a happy family; a bad man; a handsome lad; a math exam

短元音/ʌ/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起。 (2)唇形稍扁,开口度较大。 (3)发/ʌ/ 时声音要短促,不能拖泥带水。 ★发音练习 his loving son; a sudden jump; hurry up

短元音/ə/ ★发音要诀 舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。 ★发音练习 along the river; among the brothers; from cover to cover

短元音/ɔ/ ★发音要诀 口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆 ★发音练习 a coffee shop; a popular opera; quality and quantity

短元音/u/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿。 (2)双唇收圆,稍突出。 ★发音练习 to have a good look at the book a book about woodwork

比较容易混淆的短元音 /i/ 和 /e/ Have you listened to the recording of Lesson Six? A friend is a present that you give yourself. /e/ 和/æ/ Dad says a soft bed is bad for his back. Can you bend that iron band?

比较容易混淆的短元音 /ʌ/和/æ/ What a lovely sun-tan you’ve got! I lost my handbag, but luckily it hasn’t got much money in it. /ʌ/和/ɔ/ You are a lucky dog, always having the lucky star above you. The impossible is often the untried.

比较容易混淆的短元音 /ɔ/和/u/ A: Would you prefer to go to a concert of pop music or modern music? B: I guess some pop music will do us good. A: OK. Then, I’ll go and book the tickets for us. /u/ 和/ʌ/ Would you like to come with us? I have booked a double room in this hotel.

长元音/i:/ ★发音要诀 (1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量抬高,舌位高于/i/ 。 (2)双唇扁平,牙床几乎半合。 (3)发音时嘴角向旁伸,做微笑状,并要有一定的延长。 ★发音练习 leaves of the trees; deep feelings; a piece of cheese

注意事项 /i/与/i:/发音的不同 (1)这是两个不同的音素, /i:/不是/i/的单纯加长。它们的发音口腔部位不完全相同。 Bring me the bill, please. To keep fit, you need to see to it that you don’t overeat.

长元音/ɔ:/ ★发音要诀 发音时舌后部抬得比/ɔ/高,双唇收得更圆更小,并向前突出。 ★发音练习 a short report; small talk; an important record /ɔ/和 /ɔ:/ He forgot to lock the door. You ought to do what the doctor ordered.

长元音/u:/ ★发音要诀 发音时舌后部尽量抬起,舌位比/u/高。双唇收圆并突出。口形比/u/稍小。 ★发音练习 a new school; a blue moon; too soon /u/ 和 /u:/ He put his foot in his new boot and looked at it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

长元音/ə:/ ★发音要诀 发音时舌中部比发/ə/音时略高。双唇扁平。 ★发音练习 a German girl; first things first the third world countries

长元音/a:/ ★发音要诀 发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,舌尖不抵下齿。双唇稍收圆。 ★发音练习 a part of the market; garden chairs without arms; a large basket /ʌ/和 /a:/ She’s from an upper class family. Lucky at cards, unlucky in love.

句子朗读 He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning. None are so empty as those who are full of themselves. Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken. We love those who know the worst of us and don’t turn their faces away.

诗歌朗读 Good Morning to All Good morning to all who walk, Good morning to all who crawl, Good morning to all who soar, Or swim, good morning I call, To broad and to small, to short and to tall, Good morning, good morning to all.

双元音 /ei/ the safe way; pay day; May Day; a great change; the railway station; to play safe /ai/ to ride a bike; to fly a kite; a white lie; in the year 1999; great minds think alike /ɔi/ a noisy toy; to join an oil company; to enjoy his beautiful voice

双元音 /əu/ to go home; an old coat; to row a boat; to have no hope; a snow-covered road /au/ down town; a loud sound; our crowded house; to shout loudly; to go down south /iə/ disappear; atmosphere; engineer; experience; serious; near here; a clear idea

双元音 /εə/ farewell; parents; everywhere; upstairs and downstairs; their chairs; my fair share /uə/ curiosity; insurance; luxurious; endurance; jewelry; bureau; the furious jury

注意元音的变化 beat, bit, bet bait, bat, bite, barn, boot, boat, bought, bird, bout, boss, book, bear, beer, buyer deed, dead, date, dad, dared, died, dart, doubt, dot, dirt, dear, don’t, dorm, doomed feet, fit, fed, fate, fat, fight, fast, first, fierce, fair, fought, photo, foul, fool, foot

辅音 /p/ /b/ pin, bin; cap, cab; pride, bride Don’t blow your nose so loudly in public! /t/ /d/ tie, die; torn, dawn; town, down Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.

辅音 /k/ /g/ cold, gold; coat, goat; curl, girl This cabbage is beginning to smell like garbage. Throw it away. /f/ /v/ fan, van; fast, vast; feel, veal Birds of feather flock together.

辅音 /s/ /z/ sip, zip; seal, zeal; Sue, zoo If the sun in red should set, the next day surely will be wet. /ʃ/ /ʒ/ pressure, pleasure; treasure, measure I’m sure your son will love to read Treasure Island. Boys usually do.

辅音 /θ/ /ð/ bath, bathe; cloth, clothes; breath, breathe /θ/ /ð/ bath, bathe; cloth, clothes; breath, breathe Better to know everything of something than something of everything. /ʧ/ /ʤ/ cheap, jeep; chew, Jew; chest, jest It was no joke. The polluted air nearly choked us.

辅音 /tr/ /dr/ trip, drip; train, drain; true, drew Dry up your tears and have another try. /ts/ /dz/ hats, hands; carts, cards; seeds, seats Take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.

辅音 /m/ my map am game /n/ nine new ten son /ŋ/ morning wrong think thank

辅音 /h/ he hat here hill /r/ red right brown room /l/ Look Hello Floor family /j/ yes you your yellow /w/ we woman where white

容易混淆的辅音 /r/和/l/ rice, lice; praise, place; rock, lock Right then the light suddenly went off. /n/和/ŋ/ win, wing; sin, sing; sun, sung The three foundations of learning: seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.

容易混淆的辅音 /l/和/n/ low, know; light, night; line, nine I forgot to turn off the light last night. /w/和/v/ wail, veil; wary, vary; went, vent I don’t have to tell you why we won’t vote for that wicked man.

容易混淆的辅音 /s/ /ʃ/: sea, she; Sue, shoe /s/ /θ/: seafood, thief; sick, thick /θ/ /f/: three, free; thirst, first /z/ /ð/: zoo, though; breeze, breathe /ð/ /d/: they, day; there, dare /ðiz/ /dis/: this place, displace /dr/ /ʤ/: drug, drop; ream, draw

容易混淆的辅音 /ʧ/ /ʃ/: chips, ships; cheap, sheep /ʧ/ /ts/: match, mats; catch, cats /ts//s/: rates, race; lots, loss /dz//z/: cards, cabs, catches /tr/ /ʧ/: treat, cheat; trees, cheese /dr/ /ʤ/: drug, jug; drudge, judge

26个英文字母及发音音标 A a /ei/         B b /bi:/        C c /si:/ D d /di:/        E e /i:/          F f /ef/ G g /dʒi:/       H h /eitʃ/       I i /ai/ J j /dʒei/        K k /kei/        L l /el/ M m /em/       N n /en/        O o /Eu/ P p /pi:/        Q q /kju:/      R r /a:/ S s /es/          T t /ti:/          U u /ju:/ V v /vi:/        W w /′dʌblju:/     X x /eks/ Y y /wai/        Z z /zi:/ /zed/

辅音连缀 由两个或两个以上的辅音连在一起的发音组合称为辅音连缀。在辅音连缀中,辅音与辅音之间没有元音分隔。在发辅音连缀时,第一个音或第二个音要读得轻快、短促,很快过渡到后面的音上去。

辅音连缀 /s/ 和爆破音/p, t, k/ 组成的辅音连缀,这些爆破音应该减少送气。也就是向/b, d, g/音靠近。 /sp/ spy, spin, spare, spur, spite /st/ star, stay, steal, stir, stock, stuff /sk/ sky, skirt, skip, skill, skull, scar

辅音连缀 其他由/s/为首的辅音连缀 sphere,small,snail, snack, sweet 由一些辅音和 /l/ 以及 /r / 组成的辅音连缀 pl-, bl-, kl-, gl-, fl- play, bland, clue, glass, flower pr-, br-, tr-, dr-, kr-, gr- ʃr-, θr- pray, brain, tree, dry, cry, green, shrink, throw

辅音连缀 词尾连缀 /s, z/ 为名词复数、第三人称单数的发音 politics, caps, cats /t, d/为规则动词过去时的词尾的发音 taxed, lapsed, asked

连读 辅音 + 元音:在同一意群里,如前一单词以辅音结尾,后一单词以元音开头,即可把这两个单词连起来读,叫做“连读” come in; keep on; get up; above all first of all; all of us; put it on

连读 元音 + 元音:如前一单词以元音结尾,后一单词以元音开头,这两个单词也可以连起来读,叫做“元音连读”。 you are; try it; hurry up; the other do it; go on; go away

连读 /r/ + 元音:如前一单词以字母r结尾,后一单词以元音开头,即可把/r/和后面的元音连读起来,叫做“r音连读”。 far away; for a moment; for example take care of it; as far as I know

不完全爆破 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音,包括/p/, /b/, /t/,/d/, /k/, /g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来。即 “不完全爆破”。

不完全爆破 爆破音+爆破音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, g /中的任何两个连接在一起时,前面的爆破音不完全爆破,只需做好发该音的口型和舌位并稍作停顿,就接后面的爆破音。 captain; groundbreaking; bookcase

不完全爆破 爆破音+摩擦音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, g /中的任何一个和摩擦音:/f/、 /v/ 、/s/、 /z/、/θ/、 /ð/、 /h/、/ʒ/ 中的任何一个相连时,该爆破音不完全爆破,在做好口型和舌位并稍作停顿以后,只需发出极为轻微的爆破声。 hopeful, advice, breadth

不完全爆破 爆破音+破擦音:爆破音/p, b/、/ t, d/、/k, g/中的任何一个和破擦音/ :/ts/、/dz/、 /tr/、/dr/、/ tʃ/、/ dʒ/中的任何一个相连时,该爆破音亦为不完全爆破,发音方法与上同。 a fast train, a good chance, a great change

不完全爆破 爆破音+鼻辅音:爆破音/ t, d/和鼻音/m/、/n/相连时,同样也不完全爆破,而且因受鼻音的影响,不在口腔而在鼻腔里爆破。要注意不要在爆破音和鼻音之间加上一个/ ə /。 not now, at night, a good memory

不完全爆破 爆破音+舌侧音:爆破音/ t, d/和舌侧音/l/相连时,也只发生不完全爆破。 battle, title, needle

朗读对话 A: I can’t decide what I want to do with my life. Have you thought about it? B: Yes, I have. I think I’d make a good journalist because I love writing. A: Maybe I could be a teacher because I’m very creative. And I like working with kids. B: Oh, I wouldn’t want to be a teacher. I’m too impatient. A: I know one thing I could never do. B: What’s that? A: I could never be a stockbroker because I’m not good at making decisions quickly.

The Story of Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody There is a story about four men named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done, and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, and Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when actually Nobody did what Anybody could have done. 朗读短文

Part Two 重音与节奏

重音 重音分单词重音和语句重音两种。 只要是有两个音节以上的单词都有一个重音,一些长的单词有两个重音。

单词重音规则 在英语中,许多常用名词和动词重音往往在第一个音节上 ’English ’language ’learner ’students ’father ’mother ’teacher ’people ’sister ’brother ’family ’pretty

单词重音规则 带有前缀be-, in-, dis-, ex-, un-的双音节和多音节词,重音几乎都落在第二或第三个音节上,因为英语的前缀是不重读的 be’come in’vite dis’tract ex’pect dis’cover in’form ex’clude un’do be’gin un’lock dis’close ex’plode

单词重音规则 英语所有词的后缀都不重读。而且,许多后缀可以决定重音的位置。在带有后缀的长单词(3-6个音节)中,重音总是在词的中间,而不在第一或第二个音节上 pre’ventive he’roic im’pressive es’sential in’vention in’fectious oppor’tunity in’vestigator vo’cabulary

单词重音规则 单词加后缀-able以后,重音保持不变 re’liable ’comfortably ’national de’pendable ’knowledgeable a’daptable 拼写相同但词性不同的词:名词重音都在第一个音节上,动词重音在第二个音节上 contest contrast discount record import produce digest export survey protest refuse object

复合词读音规则 名词+名词:重音倾向于落在第一个音节上 a ’postman a ’newspaper a ’blackbird a ’keyboard a ’chairman a ’salesgirl 形容词+名词:如果两个词已变成一个合成词,重音在第一个音节上;否则都要重读 This is the ’greenhouse. This is the ’green ’house. I see a ’hotdog. I see a ’hot ’dog.

Your Turn kindness laziness politeness shyness breathless useless careless endless organization pronunciation dictation adventure agriculture picture lecture

Your Turn politics political politician democrat democracy democratic mechanism mechanical mechanician intellect intelligence intellectual family familiar familiarity competence competitor competition

语句重音 一般来说,句子中实词重读,虚词不重读 名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词是实词 冠词、介词、连词、助动词是虚词 一般来说,代词不重读,如her, me, it等,但指示代词和疑问代词,如this, what要重读。

Your Turn Janet has gone to school. I saw your brother yesterday. Can I carry your suitcase? Would you like a glass of beer? Have you heard about John? I must be going. My wife is waiting for me at the corner of the street.

重音节奏模式、重音模式、节奏型 o O o I think so. He knows it. We ought to. o O I think he knows we ought He is. o O o I think so. He knows it. We ought to.

Well done. That’s true. Hold on. All right. That’s all. Not yet. O O take out put off Try hard. Read this. Look out. Time’s up. Make haste. Next week. Work hard. Good work. Well done. That’s true. Hold on. All right. That’s all. Not yet. Please do. Oh, no. Yes, please. No, thanks.

Come along. Hurry up. Practice hard. Word by word. Try it out. Carry on. Let me see. Good idea. Ring me up. What a crowd. Quite a bit. Thanks a lot. O o O out of date hard and fast heart and soul take away put aside Try again. Read again. Look inside. Never mind. Wait and See. Leave at once.

Clear it away. Bring him along. Once in a while. Hardly enough. O o o O Try it again. Read it again. Look at the book. Take it away. Put it aside. Lots to be done. Lend me a hand Get in the crops. Clear it away. Bring him along. Once in a while. Hardly enough. Nothing at all. Just for a while. Drop me a line. Send it by mail. Right over there. Not in the least.

o O o O the latest news a waste of time a lot of noise a better chance I want to know. We thought it was. He told me this. I think he will. I think it is. He knows it all. We ought to know. You’re late for lunch. I’d like to come. I’m sure you will. I’ll see you off. It’s hard to say. It doesn’t work. I’ve no idea. Our time is up. It sounds so strange.

O o O o quite a lot of Wait a moment. Let’s get started. Wait a minute. Time is precious. Let me help you. Glad to see you. Come and help me. Glad to hear it. Go and get it. Just imagine.

o O o o O I wanted to know. We left it behind. He told me to come. I think he will come.

o O o o O I wanted you to know. We thought it would be fine. He told me he could come. I think he will be there.

o O o O o I think he wants to. You’ll get it later. I’ve thought it over. Repeat the sentence. I’m glad to see you. You’re always welcome. I hope you like it. I’d like to hear it. I beg your pardon. You’d better hurry. I’m very sorry. It doesn’t matter.

o O o o O o o I think that he wants us to. You’ll get it on Saturday. I’ve thought the thing over. Repeat it again for me. I’ll borrow another one. They’ve all gone on holiday. It’s very unfortunate. Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Let’s open the other one. The price has gone up again.

o O o o o O o o I wanted you to write about them o O o o o O o o I wanted you to write about them. It’s not the one I borrowed from you. It’s interesting to read about them. o O o o o o o O o She wants us to be there tomorrow.

o O o o o O o o o He didn’t think it interesting o O o o o O o o o He didn’t think it interesting. Remember what your teacher told you. I took it to a watch repairer. He didn’t want to talk about it.

O o O o O Carry it away. Everything is clear. Follow my advice. Bring along your friend. See you in a week. Try to be in time. Come and have a look. Leave it on the desk. Cut it with a knife.

o O o O o O o O I told him not to go away. He left the room without a word. I saw him standing all alone. They said they had to leave at once.

o O o o o O o o o O I think it was an excellent idea. There isn’t really quite enough for two. The bus is more convenient than the train. They finished it the day before she came. We haven’t got an envelope to match. I shouldn’t be surprised if she forgot.

o O o O o o O o o O You know we ought to discuss it today. It’s not what I wanted to ask you about. I told you not to allow him to go. We haven’t got time to arrange for it now.

Your Turn Take it to them. Give it to him. Take them away from me. Read it with me. Show it to him. Study it with them. Hold it for me. Do it for me. Get some for us. Open it for me. Bring them to her. Let me see them. Take them away from me. Where did you see them? Why didn’t you give them to me? Go to him and tell him about it. Let me have a look at you. When did he tell you about it?

Your Turn a cloth/ a piece of cloth/ a piece of white cloth/ a large piece of white cloth/ a large piece of pure white cloth/ This is a large piece of pure white cloth. a boy/ a naughty boy/ a very naughty boy/ a very naughty English schoolboy/ Jack is a very naughty English schoolboy. a telephone/ a public telephone/ two public telephones/ two public telephones on Platform 4/ two new public telephones on Platform 4/ There are two new public telephones on Platform 4.

Nursery Rhymes and Poems Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better best.

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. Up got Jack, and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper.

Peas pudding hot Peas pudding hot, Peas pudding cold, Peas pudding in the pot Nine days old. Some like it hot, Some like it cold, Some like it in the pot

Three Blind Mice Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice?

Mary had a little lamb Mary had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow; And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. It followed her to school one day, which was against the rule; It made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near, And waited patiently about till Mary did appear. “Why does the lamb love Mary so?” the eager children cry; “Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know” the teacher did reply.

朗读下面的短文 When an American today says “my family is coming to visit,” he or she is using family to include cousins, uncles, grandparents, or any other relatives who do not live with him or her. That is, this person is using family the way it was used 150 years ago when the majority of Americans were farmers. In that earlier time, of course, three or more generations lived under one roof.

Yet family is a very vague word Yet family is a very vague word. It can mean, for example, the speaker’s parents, who do not live with him or her. On the other hand, it can mean uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, first and second cousins, or even in-laws. As a result, the expression immediate family has come into use. It means something between the narrowest use of family and the broadest one: usually the grandparents, their children and their children’s children.

Part Three 语调及语音综合训练

英语语调的基本要点 英语句子的音调从第一个重读音节开始,由高到低,依次下降。升降调的变化发生在最后的重读音节上。 school ╮ go to school - · ╮ Tom has started school. ¯· - · ╮ Mrs. Smith drove her son to school. ¯ · - - · - . ╮ 如句子以重读音节结尾,用升调时即在该音节自然滑动上升,用降调时则在该音节自然滑落下降。

英语语调的基本要点 如句子最后一个重读音节后面还有一个或几个非重读音节(包括非重读单词),用升调时重读音节不必滑动,而由非重读音节依次上升;用降调时则在重读音节自然滑落下降后,用低平语调读出。 如句子以非重读音节开始,则它们的语调低平。

降调朗读练习 ╮ quick, bed, barked, sports ╮. quicker, better, basket, failure ╮.. beautiful, medicine, family, certainly ╮... criticism, necessary, difficulty, agriculture .╮ about, along, success, advice, advance, .╮. September, determine, discussion, important ..╮ afternoon, magazine, Japanese, Portuguese

升调朗读练习 ╯ come, like, bed, hand _ · failure, lecture, children, goodness _ . · beautiful, medicine, family, certainly _ . · ·criticism, necessary, difficulty, agriculture

句子朗读练习 What time will you come? ¯ - . . ╮ ¯ - . . ╮ I’ve already seen that movie twice. . . ¯ · - - - · ╮ New York City is the largest city in America today. ¯ ¯ ¯ · · · - · · · · · - . . . ╮ May I use your pen? . . ¯ · ╯ Does he get up at six every morning? . . ¯ ¯ · - _ .. _ · ╯ Did he leave a message for me? . . ¯ · - . . · ╯

句子朗读练习 I can hardly wait. There is a book on the desk. You should have been more careful. We plan to begin as soon as possible. I don’t think it necessary for you to tell him now. I was afraid that I might have hurt her feelings. It’s not the one I borrowed from you. Is it the book you borrowed from him? Are you still thinking about it? Don’t worry about it.

简单句的语调 反意疑问句逗号前用降调,逗号后如提问者希望对方回答用升调;如提问者仅仅希望对方加以证实时用降调 You work in a computer company, don’t you? 选择疑问句一般前面选择都用升调,最后一个选择用降调 Is he going to visit China before, during, or after the Olympic Games? 祈使句一般在表示命令时用降调 Stay right here. Don’t go away till I come back. 感叹句一般用降调 How wonderful it would be if you could go with us!

简单句的语调 陈述句一般用降调 There is a young man standing by the window with a gun in his hand. 一般疑问句一般用升调 Has he been away from home for a long time? 特殊疑问句一般用降调 What changes have taken place in their village in the past twenty years?

语调表达不同感情 ---We must know our own history. Do you agree? --- Yes, I do. (一般表示同意) ---(Enters the office)Professor Wang. --- Yes? (什么事? 亲切) --- May I borrow your camera? --- Yes. (But it’s not here with me. 犹豫) ---You look very tired. --- Yes. Didn’t sleep a wink last night. (没精打采) --- May I have the next dance with you, Liu? --- Yes. (热情,兴奋)

语调表达不同感情 --- This afternoon we’ll take on the Russian Department in the semi-final. We will beat them! ---Yes! (狂热) ---Your son seems to be busy all the time. ---Yes, busy with computer games. (讽刺) ---Are you free tonight? ---Yes. (疑问) ---Oh, I just wonder. ---We must take her to the hospital right away. ---Yes. (急切)

语调表达不同感情 ---You know our boss had a serious heart attack yesterday. ---Yes, my heart bleeds for him. He just overworked, with all those banquets and women. (反话) ---Don’t forget to take the medicine before you go. ---Yes, Ma. You’ve said it ten times. (不耐烦) ---Do you like the coat? ---Yes, but it’s too expensive. (保留) --- So you don’t like that movie. --- Yes, I do! (强调)

升调的作用 表示疑问,惊讶 --- I lost my bike. --- Again? 比较客气的口气 Oh, it’s very kind of you. Thank you! 句子未完,还不肯定、不完整、不独立 I bought a pen, a toothbrush, a basin, and some toilet paper.

降调的作用 明确、肯定、果断、干脆、完整、独立 Today everybody knows that the earth moves round the sun. We will move across the river tomorrow. That’s an order!

升降调朗读练习 A: Eat yet? B: No. You? A: You hungry? B: Little bit. A: Want a sandwich? B: Sure, thanks.

升降调朗读练习 A: What’s the matter? Upset stomach? B: Not really. Just tired. Kid asleep? A: Not yet. Coffee ready? B: In a minute. Tired, honey? A: A little.

长句和复合句的语调 不能也不宜一口气读完,而应该按意群适当停顿。 句首状语,较长的名词性词组或从句一般都用升调。 Well, if that’s the case, explain why I often see you standing out in front of the house, looking up at the sky. 如果主句在前,从句在后,则从句的语调随主句语调而定。 What was he doing when you saw him?

长句和复合句的语调 做定语用的短语和定语从句的语调与所修饰的词的语调一致。 Do you know the man sitting on the right side of our president? 并列复合句如两部分联系紧密,前一分句用升调,后一分句用降调;如联系并不紧密,或同等重要,也可都用降调。 His wife is a teacher, and she teaches very well.

长句和复合句的语调 在含有直接引语的句子中,引号中的直接引语部分要感情充沛,而引号外的部分要低一音阶,而且读得要轻一些,以表示不属于引语部分。 “Yes,” his father said slowly, “But I sure do hate to wake him.” 插入语读时要比句子的主要成分低一音阶,而且读得要轻一些,快一些,以表示不属于句子主要部分。 Twenty years, it seems to me, is a long time between meetings.

长句语调练习 This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater. He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a bank.

长句语调练习 “I’ve already explained to you,” the officer told him, “that a fourteen-year-old is not allowed to withdraw money without a letter from his parents.” We all tend to regard as the center that special place where we are known, where we know others, where things mean much to us, and where we ourselves have both identity and meaning: family, school, town and local region could all be our center of the world.

中国学生的常见问题 辅音加元音,元音读得不完整 用汉语中类似的音替代英语读音 英语读音受到汉语方言发音的影响 语调、语流、节奏、重读等受到汉语发音的影响 英音、美音混杂

Thank You !