Word Selection languages lies in the following aspects:


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Presentation transcript:

Word Selection languages lies in the following aspects: The difference shown in words of two languages lies in the following aspects: English: vacillation, flexibility “Words do not have meanings; people have meanings for words.” “Each word when used in a new context is a new word.”

Chinese: rigorous, accurate, fixed in meaning The Chinese words depend less on the context and are comparatively independent of the context. So, sometimes, it is very difficult to make appropriate adaptations in the translation from English into Chinese due to the above-mentioned characteristics of Chinese words and no wonder Yan Fu said, “A new term established, ten days or a month spent.” (一名之立,旬月踟躇。)

1. The relation of words between Chinese and English 1) Equivalence 拖拉机 tractor 欧姆定律 Ohm’s law 维生素 vitamin 台风 typhoon 大骨节病 Kaschin-Beck disease 马克思主义 Marxism

2) Multiple-meaning 笑:smile, laugh, giggle, chuckle, sneer 走:go, walk, saunter, trot 3) Synonym 人:man, person, human being, people 犬:dog, hound, spaniel, mastiff, pointer, setter, retriever

4) Interweave of meaning 说:say, speak, talk, tell 讲:speak, say, talk, tell 谈:talk, speak, say, tell 5) Non-equivalence 妯娌 连襟 亲家 休妻

2. Understanding the original meaning of words according to the context 一本书 a book 申请书 Letter of Application 协议书 Agreement 家书 a letter from home 说明书 Directions 情书 a love letter 国书 credentials 议定书 protocol 证书 certificate 书报亭 news-stand 书房 study 书记 secretary 书生 intellectual 参考书目 bibliography 书画 painting and calligraphy

一封信 a letter 去取信 to fetch mail 失信 to break promise 信守诺言 to keep one’s promise 信以为真 to accept sth. As true 信佛 to profess Buddhism 取信于民 to win people’ confidence 信口开河 to talk irresponsibly 信笔 to write freely 信步 to stroll idly 善男信女 devout men and women

公事 public affairs 出事 to have an accident 惹事 to make trouble 从事 to be engaged in 英雄事迹 heroic deeds 事半功倍 to get half the results with double the effort 把坏事变成好事 to turn a bad thing into a good one 卢沟桥事变 the Lugouqiao Incident

3. Distinguishing meaning between words 1) Broad sense and narrow sense 西方文化 western culture (civilization) 文化界 cultural circle 文化人 intellectuals 文化程度 schooling 文化用品 stationery

农业是国民经济的基础。 Agriculture is the foundation of our national economy. (broad sense) 这些年来,我国的农业、林业、畜牧业和渔业都得到相应的发展。 Over the years, corresponding developments have been made in our farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery. (narrow sense)

2) Mightiness and weakness of meanings 法西斯的暴行激起了全世界人民极大的愤怒。 The atrocities of the fascists roused the people in the world to great indignation. 他吓得魂不附体。 He was terrified out of his sense.

3) Commendatory and derogatory “死”的褒义词:长眠、牺牲、献身、与世长眠、仙逝 “死”的贬义词:寿终正寝、一命呜呼、见阎王、毙命 Commendatory: pass away, go to glory, rest in peace, return to the earth Derogatory: end one’s days, kick off, commit suicide, meet one’s death, kick the bucket, turn up one’s toes

4) Color of style 以其人之道,还治其人之身。 A. Pay him in his own coin. B. Do unto them when they do unto us. 禁止赌博。 Gambling is prohibited. 坚决打击经济犯罪活动 Combat Economic Crime 这小伙子真冲! This young fellow does his work with vim and vigor.

5) Political connotation 香港特别行政区将保护自由和独立关税地区的地位。 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will retain the status of a free port and a separate customs territory. 中国的经济是一个大问题。 China’s economy is a major question.

4. Collocation of words 1) Attributive ① “大” 大城市 a big city 大厦 a large building 大会堂 a great hall 大雨 heavy rain 大雾 thick fog 大风 strong wind 大地震 violent (great) earthquake

大路 main road 大手术 major operation 大哥 eldest brother 大白菜 Chinese cabbage 大病 serious illness 大科学家 an outstanding scientist 大人物 an important person 大款 a millionaire

② “老” 老妪 an old woman 老毛病 a chronic ailment 老部下 a former subordinate 老工人 a veteran worker 老式样 old-fashioned 老规矩 traditional rules 老菠菜 overgrown spinach

2) Verbs and objects 打钟 to ring the bell 打鼓 to beat drums 打仗 to fight a battle 打官司 to go to law (against sb.) 打交道 to deal with 打毛衣 to knit a sweater 打井 to dig a well 打灯笼 to carry a lantern 打起精神 to raise one’s spirit 打伞 to hold up an umbrella

做大 to put on air 做饭 to do cooking 做工 to do manual work 做礼拜 to go to church 做买卖 to do business 做梦 to have a dream 做生日 to give a birthday party 做戏 to put on a show 做学问 to do research

做伴 to keep sb. company 做东 to play the host 做媒 to be a matchmaker 做人 to conduct oneself 做客 to be a guest 做官 to be an official 做亲 to relate by marriage 做人情 to do sb. a good turn 做针线 to do sewing

他抓住我的手臂。 He grabbed me by the arm. 主人抓住我的手,热情地和我握手。 The host seized my hand and shook it heartily. 我们应该抓产品质量。 We should emphasized the quality of the products. 他的演讲抓住了听众。 He attracts listener’s attention with his speech.

5. Conformity to English habitual rules 各国人民都要和平。 (希望得到) All nations want peace. 她要陪你去。 (请求) She asked me to go with you. 他要学法语。 (意志) He wants to learn French. 我们要相信群众。 (应该) We must have faith in the masses. 天要黑了。 (将要) It is going to be dark soon. 今天要比昨天冷。 (比较) It’s colder today than yesterday.

练习与对比(三) 1. 我最终认识到这件事为何非做不可。 2. 看来他还未认识到有危险。 3. 他把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。 4. 教师应当献身于教育事业。 5. 好人相逢,恶人远离。 6. 他总是当老好人。 7. 你把自行车借给我骑一下好吗? 8. 他讲的是一套,做的是另一套。

Reference Translation for Exercise No. 3 1. I came to realize in the end why it must be done. 2. It seems that she is still not aware of the danger. 3. He presented all his books to the library. 4. A teacher should devote himself to the cause of education. 5. When good folks meet, evil men keep their distance. 6. He always tries to get along with people. 7. Could you lend me your bicycle? 8. He said one thing and did another.