How do you make a banana milk shake?


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Presentation transcript:

How do you make a banana milk shake? Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake? Period Two Section B 3b-selfcheck Zhoujia Middle School Li Hong

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Make a survey What kind of sandwich do you like best?work in groups of four Name Favorite sandwich

Selfcheck put turn on cut up pour mix up cut up put pour mix up I need some help. Can you _____ the tomatoes,please? Next you need to ___ the ingredients into a blender. Then ____ hot water into the blender. Add some honey and ___ the ingredients. _______ the blender for about two minutes. put pour mix up Turn on

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食品及作料名称:milk,shake,yogurt,watermelon, boil,salt,honey,sauce popcorn,sandwich,green onin lettuce,tomatoes,relish, turkey, duck,pancake 动词 turn on, cut up,peel,pour, put,need, mix up,add to,roll 表示先后顺序词 first,next,then,finally

某人需要多少……? How many bowls do need 某人需要多少……? important points 1.How many +可数名词复数+do/does+主语+need? 某人需要多少……? e.g. We need three bowls.(对划线部分提问) ____ _____ ____ _____ you _____? How many bowls do need 2.How much + 不可数名词+ do/does +主语+ need? 某人需要多少……? e.g. She needs two cups of yogurt.(对提问) How much yogurt does need ______ ______ _______ ______ she _______?

一分为二 3.如何辨别可数名词和不可数名词的方法: 将名词所表示的东西一分为二后若还可以保持原来的状态或作用,则是不可数名词,若已经变样,则为可数名词。(部分可数名词例外) 如:将desk一分为二后,就不是课桌,也不能用,所以它就是可数名词。而将honey一分为二后,还是蜂蜜,还能吃,那honey就是不可数名词。 salad rice yogurt honey water relish butter sauce chair apple watermelon blender cup teaspoon 不可数名词 可数名词

(因为不可数名词没有复数形式,只能把表示容量的名词变成复数就可以了。) 4.不可数名词的容量表示法: (因为不可数名词没有复数形式,只能把表示容量的名词变成复数就可以了。) 数词+容器+of+不可数名词 一杯牛奶 两碗饭 三片面包 几杯酸奶 一茶匙蜂蜜 a glass of milk two bowls of rice three pieces/slices of bread some cups of yogurt a teaspoon of honey 5.peel a banana 剥香蕉皮 peel (v. ) 剥,削 peel potatoes (n.) 皮 potato peel

cut —— cut(原形) 6.turn on the blender 打开果汁机 turn on… (开) — turn off…(关) 对于TV, light, radio, lamp等电器的开关 用turn on 和turn off. 对于door,window,box等的开关 用open 和close. 7. cut up the bananas. 切碎香蕉 cut up… cut…into/in… 切碎…… 把……切成….. The boy cut the cake into/in two. 过去式 cut —— cut(原形)

8.Pour the milk into the blender 把牛奶倒进果汁机里。 pour…into… 把……倒进….. pour cold water on… 对…..泼冷水 e.g. Don’t pour cold water on this plan. 9.Put the bananas and milk into the blender. 把香蕉和牛奶放进果汁机里。 put…into 把……放进……里 10. mix(…)up… (把……)混合在一起 e.g. Put honey and yogurt into the bowl and mixed them up . mix…and…= mix…with… 把……和……混合 You can’t mix the oil and the water. =You can’t mix the oil with the water

e.g. Add these to the sandwich. 把……加到……上 11.add…to… e.g. Add these to the sandwich. Don’t add milk to tea. 别往茶里加牛奶 首先…接下来…然后…最后… 12.First…,next…,then…,finally…

foot, lake, orange, bowl, teaspoon,hamburger 一、将下列单词按要求归类 sauce ,foot ,milk,money,yogurt,lake,orange,bowl,meat,teaspoon,hamburger,coffee foot, lake, orange, bowl, teaspoon,hamburger  可数名词: 不可数名词: sauce, milk, money, yogurt, meat,coffee 二翻译词组 切碎 把……倒入……里 一杯酸奶 把……倒入……里 打开(电器) 剥香蕉 混合在一起 把……放入……里 水果沙拉 两茶匙肉挂 好 注意

Homework Tell your partner how to  make a sandwich with the  ingredients in your list .

Thank you!