Organization of the Body 身體組織介紹
System 系統 (nervous system, digestive system) Organ 器官 (brain, stomach, kidney) Tissue 組織 (muscle tissue) Cell 細胞 (bone cell, muscle cell, nerve cell) All the parts of your body are composed of individual units called cells. Similar cells grouped together are tissues. Collections of different tissues working together are organs. Groups of organs working together are the systems of the body.
There are more than 10 systems of the body and each plays an important role in the way the body works. Circulatory system 循環系統 (heart, blood, blood vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries) Lymphatic system 淋巴系統 (lymph vessels and nodes)
Digestive system 消化系統 (esophagus, stomach, intestine, colon, rectum) Endocrine system 內分泌系統 (thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal gland) Reproductive system 生殖系統 (ovary, testis, seminal vesicle, vagina, penis) Musculoskeletal system 肌肉骨骼系統 (muscles, femur, tibia, joints)
Nervous system 神經系統 (brain, spinal cord) Respiratory system 呼吸系統 (aveolar, bronchus, lungs, pleura) Skin & sense organ system 皮膚及感覺器官系統 (skin, eyes, ears) Urinary system 泌尿系統 (kidneys, ureter, bladder, prostate, urethra)
左葉 右葉 肝管 簾狀韌帶 膽管 總膽管 膽囊
腹後壁腹膜的配布 肝靜脈 下腔靜脈 網膜囊上隱窩 食道 胃左動脈 左三角韌帶 門靜脈 直腸 膀胱 子宮 輸尿管 胰 空腸 乙狀結腸系膜根 橫結腸系膜根 膈結腸韌帶 腎 腎脾韌帶 腹腔幹 岬 小腸系膜根 主動脈腹部 降部 肝十二指腸韌帶 右三角韌帶 冠狀韌帶
鼻孔 咽 會厭 喉 氣管 初支氣管 肋膜腔 橫膈膜
脊椎 顱、頭蓋骨 頸椎(7) 下顎骨 胸椎(12) 腰椎(5) 肱骨 薦尾椎 股骨 膝蓋骨脛骨 腓骨 胕骨
腦 小腦 脊髓
三角肌 胸大肌 腹直肌 腸腰肌 伸展肌 股四頭肌
下視丘 松果體 退黑激素 腦下垂體 甲狀腺
Male Reproductive system 直 腸 膀胱 攝護腺 陰莖 尿道 睪丸 Male Reproductive system
Female reproductive system 輸卵管 卵巢 子宮 子宮頸 陰道 Female reproductive system
Urinary system 泌尿系統 Kidney 腎臟 Renal pelvis 腎盂 Ureter 輸尿管 Urinary bladder 膀胱 Urethra (Left side with frontal section) 尿道 Adrenal gland 腎上腺 Renal artery and vein 腎動脈和腎靜脈 Inferior vena cava 下腔靜脈 Abdominal aorta 腹主動脈 Common iliac artery and vein 總腸動脈和靜脈 Liver 肝臟 Large intestine 大腸 (Colon) Pelvis 骨盆