BIM 案例分析 — 购物中心的大型扫描和建模项目


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Presentation transcript:

BIM 案例分析 — 购物中心的大型扫描和建模项目 Project Surveyors BIM 空间经理 Andy Jackson

But first let me tell you about our company Project Surveyors.

创建于 1972 年(以 Clement 和 Reid 命名) 位于澳大利亚,悉尼。 关于 Project Surveyors: 创建于 1972 年(以 Clement 和 Reid 命名) 位于澳大利亚,悉尼。 共有 25 名员工,包括注册土地勘测员、技术人员和毕业生。 由 3 个部分组成: 规划与细分。 建设和基础设施。 扫描和模型——现有的详细调查。 所有部门使用的激光扫描仪 7 位勘测员能够操作激光扫描仪。 The company was established in 1972 and we are based in Sydney, Australia. We have 25 employees that consist of surveyors, technicians, draughtsman, and graduates. We are split into 3 divisions of Planning & Subdivision - Construction & infrastructure – & Scan and Model –I mainly work in the latter where we survey exiting conditions of land and buildings using laser scanners and traditional methods. We produce 2d drawings and 3d Revit or BIM models. Laser scanning is used across all 3 divisions and there are 7 operators in the company who constantly use the scanners.

硬件: Leica 全站仪 15 Leica Nova MS50 多功能全站仪 Leica P20 激光扫描仪 Leica C10 激光扫描仪 软件: Cyclone 9:Register Publisher Recap Revit Cloudworx for Autocad We use a wide range of instruments in the leica family, such as the TS 15 total station, Nova MS50 Multistation. And the P20 and C10 Scanstation’s. On the software side we use Cylcone register to register our scans and publisher for truview imagery. Autodesk Recap is used for converting and decimating pointcloud into autodesk compatible files and Autodesk Revit is used to create our models. Just a quick mention that we also use cloudworx in autocad to extract points or 3d lines from the point cloud data to then use in revit to create a toposurface.

为国际零售集团的主要购物中心进行测量与建模。 项目 为国际零售集团的主要购物中心进行测量与建模。 Leading on to the huge scan & model project, We had been asked by a well known retail group to laser scan all internals and external of the building shown within the red line.

5 个停车场,1 个多层停车场,地下和屋顶停车场 超市、大中小型商店占据 3 层楼。 建筑物由不同建筑/其他设施组成。 现场统计数据: 总建筑面积 375,000 平方米/400 万平方英尺 8 层楼。 20m 地形水平面变化(北到南) 5 个停车场,1 个多层停车场,地下和屋顶停车场 超市、大中小型商店占据 3 层楼。 建筑物由不同建筑/其他设施组成。 To give you on idea of the scale of the task that lay ahead of us, the site had a total floor are of around 375,000 sq metres or 4 million sq ft, The enormity and complicated aspects to the building meant that our surveyors had to be meticulous when documenting scan positions, on field notes to assist in the registration of scans Accurate field notes also assisted with the registration of fire stairs and ramps, as the auto alignment function within Cyclone can struggle with areas such as these.

项目交付成果: 参数 Revit (BIM) 模型 点云数据 Truview 图像 终端用户: 建筑师 MEP 工程师 设施管理者 The client wanted a range of deliverables, the main one being a fully parametric Revit BIM model. The revit model would show all structural & Architectural components that would include materials. We also supplied partial MEP models in a few of the loading docks. Point cloud data would also be supplied so that the architects could overlay in the model. We also provided truview imagery, which will help the architect with extra information they might need.

Leica Nova MS50 — 控制和窗口化激光扫描 测量 Leica TS 15 — 控制 Leica Nova MS50 — 控制和窗口化激光扫描 Leica C10 扫描站 — 外部扫描、大面积区域的内部扫描(停车场) Leica P20 扫描站 — 内部扫描。 For surveying we used a leica TS 15 to establish control. A leica Nova MS50 was used also for control, but we could also use its function to create windowed scans, this was used mainly on external facades where it was easier to capture then and there instead of coming through the area again with a scanstation . The C10 scanstation was mostly used for external scanning and large internal areas such as car parks. The C10 was used like this due to its long range capabilities. The P20 was mainly used for internal scanning due to its quality of producing fast reliable data at low resolution, the fast scanning time of the P20 improved site workflow increasing the number of scans of per day.

这些是在 HxGN 2014 学到的策略 附加设备 滚动式三脚架 设置更快速、更简单 显著优化工作流程 高架三脚架 假吊顶空间的理想之选, 适用于高耸的墙壁/栅栏 适用于工厂/MEP 矮桌 适用于狭小空间,可获得最大覆盖 范围。 . Also to improve workflow, Project Surveyors have built our own skate so that a tripod and scanner can be easily moved between setups. We also used an elevated tripod that can see into false ceiling space, and also look over walls, fences, and high objects such as plant. For tight areas such as staircases, we mount a laser scanner on to a low table so we can get more data from underneath, we end up getting more points on the treads and landing. 这些是在 HxGN 2014 学到的策略

测量统计数据。 共 3700 次扫描 扫描时间 55 天(10 周)。 平均每天 67 次扫描。 In total, 3700 scans were taken to scan the entire building over 55 working days, that was an excellent average of 67 scans per day.

按照 60-80 次扫描,注册 = 2-3 小时(每小时 30+ 扫描,是之前的两倍!) 从 HxGN 2014 学到了什么 在 HxGN 2014 之前 中度分辨率,每天 16-17 次扫描 所有扫描中均使用目标 每次扫描后关闭扫描仪 按照 ~16 次扫描,注册 = 1 小时 HxGN 2014 之后。 扫描的分辨率设置降低 无需在所有扫描中使用目标。 无需在两次扫描之间关闭扫描仪 使用滚动式三脚架移动扫描仪 每天 60-80(最多 100)次扫描(平均增加 4-5 倍!) 按照 60-80 次扫描,注册 = 2-3 小时(每小时 30+ 扫描,是之前的两倍!) We managed that statistic due to the things we learned from attending last years HxGN conference, and led us to improving our workflow for projects that followed. Before that event we only produced 16-17 scan per day using targets for every scan. During the conference we learnt they was no need to use targets in every scan due to the abilities of scan to scan registration and auto alignment. We also used a lower resolution to reduce scanning time. We found that there was no need to shut down the scanner between setups, and that using a tripod skate where possible is easier to transport equipment between scans. This has now led to a large improvement of producing an average of 60-80 scans per day, but we have managed to do up to 100 scans. That is an increase of about 4 times the amount of scan per day than we had before.

80% 的扫描在云到云注册中进行注册 — 自动校准。 20% 使用目标注册。 使用 Cyclone 9 注册 3700 次扫描大约需要 20 天进行注册。 80% 的扫描在云到云注册中进行注册 — 自动校准。 20% 使用目标注册。 . We used Cyclone 9 for registering our scans. It took a total of 20 day to register 3700 scans, We estimated that 80% of registration was made up of auto aligning the scans as opposed to 20% target registration. We found that using the auto alignment in cloud to cloud registration was a lot easier and quicker then to use than point to point – because finding common points can be slower and difficult to find.

在 Cyclone 中 — 将点云导出 为 .ptg、e57 或 .pts 工作流程:Revit 点云 — 快速指南 Cyclone 注册 在 Cyclone 中 — 将点云导出 为 .ptg、e57 或 .pts 使用 Recap 将 .pts、e57、.ptg 转化为 Autodesk .rcs 文件 将 .rcs 点云插入 Revit Just a quick guide for getting pointcloud from cyclone to Revit. Once the pointclouds are registered in cyclone, we used the export option to export as either a .ptg or .pts file. The difference being that a .ptg file contains the pointclouds as separate scans, a .pts is a unified version. You may ask what is the advantage of having seperate pointclouds with .ptg files, well the answer is that for external scans you may want to retain all the points for detailing, therefore you want to keep scans separate and load them individually in revit so that the files are more workable. We then used Autodesk Recap to convert the .ptg or .pts into an autodesk compatible .rcs file. In recap you also have to option to decimate a pointcloud to reduce number of points and therefore file size. The .rcs pointcloud can now be inserted into revit to be modelled over. I would just like to add that you could use Cloudworx for revit to exclude the middle two points on that workflow chart.

模型 — LOD(细节层次) LOD 过高会导致建模时间太长。 一些建筑物可为您提供 LOD — 混凝土停车场结构 = 低 LOD 需要在开始阶段建立。 LOD 过高会导致建模时间太长。 一些建筑物可为您提供 LOD — 混凝土停车场结构 = 低 LOD 传统外观 = 高 LOD The level of detail and model specifications needs to be discussed early in the project at the quoting stage if possible - .Some building facades and structures dictate what level of detail will be used, for example, a concrete car park structure has a low level of detail, where as a heritage facade model such as seen in the right image, has a high LOD.

大容量快速硬盘可存储数据库、点云和 truview。 此规模项目的问题。 数据大小管理 — 大 Cyclone 数据库 解决方案:按楼层和面积分割数据库。 大容量快速硬盘可存储数据库、点云和 truview。 Recap 在转化 20GB + 的大点云文件时比较吃力。 解决方案:进一步分割大数据库,然后用 recap 转化。 大点云文件建模慢。 解决方案:在 recap 中压缩大文件,例如,在 20mm 压缩的 16GB .pts 文件可 创建一个更易于使用的 1GB .rcs 文件。细节足够多,可从中建模。 Now there were some issues on a project of this size most notably is the size of files such as cyclone databases and pointcloud files. To manage these we had to split databases into manageable chunks by dividing them into floor areas and by floor levels We found with Recap that it often failed to convert unified .pts files towards the 20gb size, therefore we had to further split floor areas to get it under that 20gb mark, a 15gb file was certain to be converted. Revit can struggle with large pointcloud files, so our solution was to decimate the .pts file in recap by a point spacing of 20mm. This meant that a 15-16gb .pts file became a more manageable 1gb .rcs file.

解决方案:建模师团队在 1gbs 网络中处理一个中心模型 小项目时间尺度意味着需要超过 1 个建模师。 解决方案:建模师团队在 1gbs 网络中处理一个中心模型 模型大小与点云文件将减缓模型的可操作性。 解决方案:使用远距离工作站。 We had a project delivery of 3 months but it was predicted that it would take a single modeller 120 days, so the great thing about revit is the ability to have more modellers working in collaboration on a central model, ideally to work across a fast wired network. A large model needs powerful computers to run it, so we use computers that have 64gb of ram, xeon processors and 2gb graphics, also they have solid state drives to run the model and point clouds.

模型大小可能在 500MB – 1GB 之间波动。这对高规格计算机而言也不可行。 解决方案: 低细节层次 解决方案: 低细节层次 减少库中的组件/产品系列 — 通过创建具备多个应用的组件 有多个选项的门产品系列。 The revit model size could have ended being a large 500mb – 1gb file, this would be a very slow model to move around and the client may find it virtually unusable. There are ways of reducing model sizes, a low level of detail on this project helped But using components or families that are adaptable means there is no need to load up multiple files of families, this reduced the file size greatly but also keeps in check the size of the components library . 具有可调节斜削边的大厦立柱和横梁

3D线框模型 And now to show you the model, As you can see from the 3d wireframe model, a lot of effort has gone into it. Just to point out that you can see a lot of triangles on the slabs of the car parks, this is because most of the slabs are not flat, so a lot of time was taken to produce floor slabs that had varying level changes.

3D 彩现模型 Here we have a rendered view of the multi-storey car park and mall building in the background. In this image you can see there is a huge level change, the site is dropping 20m away from us. and there is a road running down and through to the other end of the building, and we also have lot of ramp for car park entries

着色点云 The point cloud view of that same part

重叠点云的3D模型 This image shows the model with the colorized external pointcloud. Most of the modelling is carried out by tracing over the pointcloud,

3D横断面 A 3d section showing car parks in the basement, lower floors and roof sandwiching 3 levels of mall areas. With varying level change from floor to floor, and room to room, and also taking into account floor, ceiling, and wall build up. It can be difficult to get the model right in those in-between areas.

3D 彩现模型 –商场的中庭 This is an Internal render showing mall atrium. We had to model some interesting ceilings, such as the one above here, it is a fabric roof with curved steel trusses. And we had to deal with a lot of staircases, escalator’s, and travellator's

局部MEP塑造装卸码头 We also produced partial mechanical, electrical, and piping model in loading docks. Here, We can see the ducting ,sprinkler system and trash compactor.

TRUVIEW – 內部 Truview was supplied to the client This Internal truview is showing the mall atrium we had just previously seen

TRUVIEW – 外部 Truview was a deliverable for the client but it also helped the modeller understand what they are modelling.

消除在 Recap 中转化的需求 — 从 Cyclone 中导出 .rcs? 移动手持扫描优化 — 用于建筑物扫描。 愿望清单: 较小的点云文件 消除在 Recap 中转化的需求 — 从 Cyclone 中导出 .rcs? 移动手持扫描优化 — 用于建筑物扫描。 普罗米修斯风格的扫描仪 — 要求太多? What I would like to see in the future is smaller pointcloud files or pointclouds that can be quickly loaded and will not slow the model down, maybe this is something that can happen in new versions of cloudworx for revit and jetstream. But lets not forget that we still need to supply our client with the pointcloud file, as this is frequently asked for, so we still need to convert to a recap file. Finally I would like to see a handheld scanner that could be used in building surveying, I know there are some in existence such as the Zebedee, dotproduct, and the Faro freestyle, but I am hoping that something comes along that sits in between these products, as I know that the Zebedee has good range but can produce a lot of noise and no intensity, where as the others are good for scanning objects at close range. That type of scanner would have be useful on this project as it would have been handy to go and scan areas such as back of shop, hard to reach areas where it hard to set up a scanner, and small areas that you tend to miss out but you just want to patch over, I am not talking about floating orb scanners from the film Prometheus, but those too would be handy.

問題? 联系方式:Andy Jackson 电子邮件 Thank you for your time Any questions