Summarizing Arguments in Whip Speeches


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Presentation transcript:

Summarizing Arguments in Whip Speeches China Debate Education Network: Summarizing Arguments in Whip Speeches 党鞭陈词中的论点总结 翻译:曾庆熹

Whip Speeches Most Important Message Whip Speakers’ Job Description 党鞭陈词 Most Important Message 最重要的信息 Whip Speakers’ Job Description 党鞭角色概述 Whip Speech Strategies 党鞭陈词策略 How to make a good summary 如何做好总结

Whip Speakers should do 党鞭陈词:应该做的 Government Whip Speech 正方党鞭陈词 Opposition Whip Speech 反方党鞭陈词 Direct refutation towards MO extension 直接反驳反三的扩展 Summary总结(直接做比较,包括间接反驳整个正方) (Direct comparison; includes indirect refutation towards whole government bench) Summary (Direct comparison)总结(直接做比较)

Why OW should not refute GW directly? 1. A Whip speech should be a reframing job , to regroup all the advantageous arguments to self. 2. An experienced whip will try to reframe the whole debate by leading the argumentation process into a familiar and favorable territory to self. 3. If OW just makes direct refutation point by point towards GW, it’s very likely for him to fall into a trap because he is just fighting in an unfamiliar territory. 4. But OW refutation is a necessary part. Since it cannot be made directly, an indirect way is a smart option.

为什么反四不宜直接反驳正四? 党鞭陈词应当是按照“于己有利”的原则进行的论点重新梳理。 一个有经验的党鞭会这样去梳理整场辩论:将论证进程引导到己方熟悉和有利的领域中(意即,要在我方的战场上总结全场,切忌被对方的立论体系带走了)。 如果反四只是逐点反驳正四,那么很有可能他就落入了陷阱,因为他正一个不熟悉的领域*内战斗. 但反驳对于反四又很重要,鉴于不宜直接反驳,间接反驳则更显明智。 *由于正四已经对己方立论按照于己有利的原则进行了梳理和重构,而正四又是正方最后一人,没有更多的阐释了,于是正四的立论对反四而言就是相对“不熟悉”的了。在此基础上进行直接反驳的话,容易显得被对方带走了。对于正四而言直接反驳反三的扩展则不存在这个情况。

Criteria of a good whip speech 好的党鞭陈词的标准 Summarize in an honest and accurate fashion以诚实准确的风格总结 Summarize in a manner that supports your side of the motion以有利于己方的方式总结 Summarize in a manner that supports your team以有利于本队的方式总结

Strategy of Whip Speech 党鞭陈词策略 1) Select the most important issues 选取最重要的问题 2) Select the issues at your advantage 选取于己有利的问题 3) Avoid repeating opponents’ remarks 避免重复对方言语 4) Analyze from a higher level/perspective 从更高层面或角度分析

Summary Basic level (Summary of Disagreement Analysis) 总结 Basic level (Summary of Disagreement Analysis) 入门级(分歧汇总法) Medium Level (Regrouping) 进阶级(梳理重组法) Advanced Level (Fundamental Qs) 骨灰级(追本溯源法)

Basic: Summary Method 入门级:分歧汇总法 Pick the arguments your side is already winning.选取本方已经攻占的论点。 Convince the judges that your chosen points are the most important ones. 劝说评委相信你所选讲的论点就是全场最重要的论点。

Comments on Basic: Summary Method (Need to be improved) 1. It’s an easy approach to pick up because by looking at your flow sheet, those points are easily spotted. 2. But it’s the weakest approach because the fact or arguments you pick up to support your claim are not necessarily the important or relevant issues in this motion. Eg. Ban of Smoking can reduce risk of fire

分歧汇总法评析 (有待改进) 1. 此法较易掌握。通过回顾自己的临场笔记就不难发现可讲的论点。 分歧汇总法评析 (有待改进) 1. 此法较易掌握。通过回顾自己的临场笔记就不难发现可讲的论点。 2. 但是此法比较脆弱。因为你所选讲的论点对支撑辩题而言并不一定是重要的或者关系度高的点。 举例:禁烟能减少火灾风险

Medium: Regrouping method (Much better) Regroup basic arguments in order to offer a more complete and conclusive picture. Crystallize previously mentioned arguments by regrouping in terms of disciplines Eg. Economics, Culture, Education, etc. or groups of people. Eg. Smoker, Non-smoker; Adult, Children; Civilian, Soldier ; Men, Women; Beneficiary, Victim

进阶级: 梳理重组法 (好多了) 将基本的论点加以重组,以提供一个更加完整而确凿的辩论图景. 将既有论点按照学科类目加以重组以使其更加清晰具体。 例如: 经济, 文化, 教育, 等. 或者以人群分组 例如:吸烟者, 不吸烟者; 成年人,未成年人 ; 平民, 军人; 男性, 女性; 受益者, 受害者。

Medium: Regrouping method (Much better) 3. Which grouping method you choose depends on which side you’re on. Eg. In the motion of banning smoking, Government prefers children-adult regrouping. Opposition prefer tobacco famers and tobacco industry employees.

进阶级: 梳理重组法 (好多了) 3. 以所持立场为基础选择重组的方法. 例如:在禁烟这个辩题中, 政府方倾向于运用“成年人——未成年人” 反对党则倾向于运用“烟叶农民”和“烟草工人”

Medium: Regrouping method (Much better) Regrouping method MUST be SEEMINGLY FAIR. eg. In the motion of banning smoking, If Opposition just regroups all people involved in smoking into 3 groups , tobacco famers , tobacco industry employees and doctors who cures patients subject to smoking-induced disease, it will be unfair because this regrouping method fails to include all people.

进阶级: 梳理重组法 (好多了) 重组方法必须看起来公平合理.。 例如:在禁烟这个辩题中, 假如反方 将烟草问题有关各方分为以下三类:烟农, 烟草工人和治疗吸烟有关疾病的医生,这将是不公平不合理的。因为这个分组(一看就知道)没有囊括所有各方。

Advanced: Fundamental questions (The Best ) 骨灰级:追本溯源法(最好的) Raise fundamental questions and answer them to show the good grip of cornerstone and deep-seated issues in particular motion. 指出并回答辩题的根源性问题,展现对辩题基础性和深层次问题的深刻洞察。

Advanced: Fundamental Questions (The best ) Eg. The Fundamental Questions of example 1 This House would ban smoking in China. Q: What’s the role of a Government? (a rhetorical question) A: The fundamental role of the Gov. is to protect its citizens’ health. Citizens’ appeal to health is the most basic, which far outweighs other request. As a responsible government, here we have shown you our plan on how to protect citizens from being harmed by smoking.

Advanced: Fundamental questions(The Best ) 骨灰级:追本溯源法(最好的) 例如: 案例1“ 本院将在中国禁止吸烟”的基础性问题 问: 政府的职责应该是什么?(设问) 答: 保护公民健康是政府的基本职责。公民对健康的诉求是最基本的,重于其他的诉求。作为一个负责任的政府,我们向诸位展示了一个致力于保护我们的公民免受吸烟行为之害的方案。

Advanced: Fundamental questions(The Best ) 骨灰级:追本溯源法(最好的) Which Mac do I want ? 我想要哪款MAC? --- size 尺寸, color颜色, warranty保修, stability稳定性, compatibility兼容性, after-sale service售后服务, portability便携性, multifunction多功能, multimedia多媒体, web-surfing上网体验, etc. What is the fundamental function of a computer? ---- To work. 什么才是电脑的本质功能呢? ——工作

List of Fundamental Questions 根源问题列表 If you have the answers to fundamental questions, you will be much more likely to be winner in debate than others.如果你能回答根源性问题,你将更有可能取胜。 Eg例如: 1. What is the nature of ……. ?本质属性是···? 2. What is the role of …… ?角色职责是···? 3. What is the purpose of …..? 目的是···?

Example 1: This House would ban smoking in China. Government whip Opposition Whip Rebuttal arguments   Practical Benefits a. Benefits to Smokers b. Benefits to Non-smokers 2. Moral Benefits a. Respects non-smokers’ right b. Reduces egoistic actions Role of Government? Maintain Social Stability protests by addicts, farmers, etc. 2. Protect individual freedom & allow choice 3. Balance benefits over harms - stop unintended consequences - admit health harm, but outweighed!

例一: 本院将在中国禁止吸烟。 政府角色职责? 维护社会稳定 现实层面益处 ——吸烟成性者和烟农等的抗议. a. 对吸烟者的益处 正方党鞭 反方党鞭 论点反驳部分  现实层面益处 a. 对吸烟者的益处 b. 对不吸烟者的益处 2. 价值层面益处 a. 尊重不吸烟者的权利 b. 减少自私自利的行为 政府角色职责? 维护社会稳定 ——吸烟成性者和烟农等的抗议. 2. 保护个人的自由和选择权 3. 权衡利弊 ——不要做肆意的后果推定 ——承认危害,但声明危害被夸大了。

? Exercise1练习1: Government whip 政府党鞭 Opposition whip 反对党党鞭 辩题:本院支持学校体罚 Motion: This House supports corporal punishment in schools. 辩题:本院支持学校体罚 Government whip 政府党鞭 Opposition whip 反对党党鞭 ?

? Exercise1: Government whip Opposition whip This House supports corporal punishment in schools. Government whip Opposition whip Rebuttal arguments   What is the role of government and does this plan fit this role? 1. Ensure a safe & orderly society - Stop bullying and abuse 2. Provide for the future (i.e., education). - No distractions / kids understand 3. Act morally (most important) a. Sense of citizen responsibility b. People get what they deserve ?

? 练习1: 政府党鞭 反对党党鞭 本院支持学校体罚。 反驳部分 政府的角色职责是什么?此计划符合它的角色职责吗? 1. 确保社会安全有序 反驳部分  政府的角色职责是什么?此计划符合它的角色职责吗? 1. 确保社会安全有序 ——阻止虐待和恃强凛弱 2. 为将来考虑(例如, 教育). ——让孩子不分心/孩子能理解 3. 行为的道德性 (最重要的) a. 公民的责任感 b. 后果自负,罪有应得 ?

Exercise1: This House supports corporal punishment in schools. Government whip Opposition whip Rebuttal arguments   What is the role of government and does this plan fit this role? 1. Ensure a safe & orderly society - Stop bullying and abuse 2. Provide talents for the future (i.e., education). - No distractions / kids understand 3. Act morally (most important) a. Sense of citizen responsibility b. People get what they deserve HOW DOES THIS AFFECT… 1. Children - Physical pain & Long term scars - Hate school / Fear, not morality 2. Teachers - May want power / don’t want these - Hurt from doing harm to others 3. Society - Cycles of violence in society - People see violence as the answer - Causes much more violent unrest in society

练习1: 政府党鞭 反对党党鞭 本院支持学校体罚。 1. 儿童 - 身体痛苦与长期心理创伤 - 厌学 / 恐惧 2. 教师 反驳部分  政府的角色职责是什么?此计划符合它的角色职责吗? 1. 确保社会安全有序 ——阻止虐待和恃强凛弱 2. 为将来考虑(例如, 教育). ——让孩子不分心/孩子能理解 3. 行为的道德性 (最重要的) a. 公民的责任感 b. 自作自受,罪有应得 这会带来什么后果? 1. 儿童 - 身体痛苦与长期心理创伤 - 厌学 / 恐惧 2. 教师 - 内部意见不一致 - 因伤害他人而感到受伤 3. 社会 - 以暴制暴的社会怪圈 - 误导人们将暴力视为解决问题的答案 - 导致更多的暴力混乱

? Exercise2: Motion: This House believes that Gov. should run welfare lotteries. (Regrouping Method) Government whip Opposition whip Benefit people who buy lottery. (new hope for life, feel happy for helping others) Benefit people in need. (food aid, medical care aid, financial aid, etc.) Benefit people who don’t buy lottery, since Gov. has more resource to give social welfare, less tax will be needed. (the 3 should be the most important and persuasive issue) ?

? 练习2: 辩题: 本院认为政府应发行福利彩票. (梳理重组法) 政府党鞭 反对党党鞭 对买彩票的人有利. (生活的新希望, 因帮助他人而感到快乐) 对弱势群体有利. (食物援助, 医疗援助,经济援助, 等.) 对不买彩票的人有利, 因为政府有了更充分的资源去发放社会福利,对税收的依赖就减小了. (第3点是最重要和最有说服力的) ?

? Exercise2: Motion: This House believes that Gov. should run welfare lotteries. (Fundamental Question Method) Government whip Opposition whip The fundamental Questions: The role of the Gov. Give social welfare to more people To maximize the efficiency of utilizing Gov. dispensable income 3. Can we stop people from Gambling? 4. Is it illegal gambling better than legal gambling? 5. Is it better to regulate gambling by the Gov. instead of private firms? ?

? 练习2: 辩题: 本院认为政府应发行福利彩票. (追本溯源法) 政府党鞭 反对党党鞭 根本性问题: 政府的角色职责. 给予更多的人社会福利 将政府可支配的效用最大化 3. 能彻底阻止人们赌博吗? 4. 难道非法赌博比合法赌博更好? 5. 由政府来经营赌博是不是会比私营企业来经营要更好? ?