Sightseeing About wuzhen Restaurant Food More pics and.


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Presentation transcript:

Sightseeing About wuzhen Restaurant Food More pics and

About wuzhen Wuzhen lies at the north of Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province, China, and at the center of the triangle formed by Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, with a total population of 60,000 and permanent residents of 12,000. The town is divided into four zones by a cross-shaped river, with the Beijing- Hangzhou Grand Canal running across the town, making it the only ancient water town adjacent to the canal. The town lies on the Hangzhou- Jiaxing-Huzhou Alluvial Plain, with no hills but interlaced rivers. Due to its warm and humid climate, and abundant rainfalls and sunshine, the products here are rich, making Wuzhen well-known as “the town of fish, rice, and silk”.

1, Hundred Beds Museum 江南百床馆Hundred Beds Museum 2, Folk Custom Museum 民俗博物馆Folk Custom Museum 3, Sanbai Wine Workshop 三百酒作坊Sanbai Wine Workshop 4, Woodcarving Museum 江南木雕陈列馆Woodcarving Museum 5, Shadow Play 皮影戏Shadow Play 6, Huiyuan Pawnshop 宏源泰染坊Huiyuan Pawnshop 。。。。。。 Sightseeing

The museum displays the folk custom of birthday celebration, wedding and child-rearing as well as celebration of various festivals from late Qing Dynasty to The clothes hall displays the dressing custom of people in Jiangnan by objects, waxworks and pictures, and you can see the epitome of history through the combination of Chinese and Western styles. Folk Custom Museum

The wine brewing industry is prosperous in Wuzhen. In the Ming Dynasty, there were over 20 brewing workshops in Wuzhen, and the three most famous ones were Gaogongsheng, Shunxing and Yong Sheng Workshops.

Tong An Dining-Hall has over 500 seats and 17 box rooms for Chinese foods. The restaurant faces the street and lake, enjoying a graceful environment and decoration. It mainly offers local special dishes featured by river foods and home-cooked dishes of the water town. The dished are carefully cooked with fresh materials, full of the flavor of Jiangnan as well as the local taste. Restaurant and food

Houshixiang Group-dining-hall is at the west of the scenic zone, just beside the west excursion bus stop. It is mainly designated for catering the tourist groups, and at the same time offering service to individual tourists. The restaurant is surrounded by big trees and is clean and spacious inside. The strict food sanitation management ensures diners to eat healthily. The restaurant can hold 350 diners at the same time. The restaurant also sets up a special area to receive foreign groups.

Tong An Hotel which represents a typical Jiangnan building complex of the Ming and Qing dynasties is situated in the eastern side of the Andufang ferry in Xizha Scenic Zone. It has the capability to receive both individual tourists and groups.

If you want to taste the waterside day-lives of Wuzhen more deeply, and enjoy more free joy of vocation, then Guest House is the best choice for your accommodation.

乌镇的红烧羊肉选料十分讲究, 一定要以当年的 “ 花窠羊 ” 即青 年湖羊为原料, 这种羊肉肉嫩 脂肪少, 皮细洁多膏,佐料一 般有萝卜、酱油、黄酒、红枣、 冰糖、老姜等,须先用大火、 后用文火烧煮,火候全在于烧 制者的灵活掌握。 白水鱼是野生鱼类,它生长在无污染 的河流中,其肉嫩味美,属稀有淡水 珍品。乌镇临近水域过去盛产此鱼, 但近年来数量有所减少。一般白水鱼 捕捞出水即死,但保存得法,其味不 变。如若遇到活的白水鱼,则不要错 失机会,可让店家活杀清蒸,尽品其 鲜嫩原味。 乌镇酱鸡选用本地农民当年放 养的土种雌鸡作原料。加工时 整体烧制,原汁浸烧,三次出 汤;再放入上等酱油、黄酒、 白糖和香料等佐料浸烧 ;出锅 后又得涂上一层麻油 ,方告完 成。