Lesson Plan New Words and Phrases Reading and Translating—Unit Fifteen


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson Plan New Words and Phrases Reading and Translating—Unit Fifteen Review New Words and Phrases Reading and Translating—Unit Fifteen Classroom Exercises


New Words

Unit Fifteen Introduction to design process 单元15 设计过程简介

Most good landscape architects employ a series of analytical and creative thinking steps referred to as the “design process” to arrive at a built site design that correctly meets all the necessary requirements in the most efficient and aesthetically pleasing manner possible. 大多数优秀的园林建筑师都要经历反复分析和创造性思考过程,也就是设计过程,才能尽可能地以既经济又给人以美感的方式,使所完成的场地设计方案,恰到好处地满足一切必需的要求。

The design process has a number of uses including the following: 1. It provides a logical and organized framework for creating a design solution. 2. It helps to insure the solution that does evolve will be appropriately suited to the given circumstances of the design (the site, the client’s needs, budget, etc.) 设计过程的作用不少,其中包括: 1. 为设计方案提供合理和规范的框架; 2.确保形成的方案能适合给定的设计环境(场地、客户的要求、预算等);

3.  It aids in determining the best use of the land for the client by studying alternative solutions. 4. It serves as a basis of explaining and defending the design solution to the client. 3.有利于客户通过研究各种可行方案来决 定场地的最佳用途; 4.作为向客户阐明并维护其方案的依据。

The design process also sometimes termed as “problem solving process”, includes a series of steps which usually (though not necessarily) follow a sequential order. 设计过程有时也可以称为“解决问题的过程”。它包括若干步骤,这些步骤通常(并非必然)有先后顺序。

In general terms, these same steps are also used by architects, industrial designers, engineers, and scientists to solve problem. For site designers, the design process typically include these steps: 一般说来,建筑师、工业设计师、工程师以及科学家们都采用同样步骤来解决问题。对场地设计人员来说,其设计过程一般包括下列步骤:

1. Client Contract 2.  Research and Analysis (including site visit) a.  Base Plan Preparation b. Site Inventory (Data Collection) and Analysis (Evaluation) c. Client Interview d.  Program Development 1.与客户(甲方、业主)签合同 contractor(乙方、承包商) 2. 研究与分析(包括踏勘场地) a. 基地平面图绘制 b. 场地清单(数据收集)和分析(评价) c. 会见客户 d. 制定计划

a. Ideal Functional Diagram b. Site Related Functional Diagram 3.   Design a. Ideal Functional Diagram b. Site Related Functional Diagram c. Concept Plan d. Form Composition Study e.  Preliminary Design f.  Total Design g.  Detailed Design 3. 设计 a. 理想的功能分析图 b.场地相关功能分析 图 c.概念设计 d. 构图研究 e. 初步设计 f. 总体设计 g. 详细设计

6. Post-construction Evaluation 4.   Implementation a.  Construction b. Planting 5.   Maintenance 6.  Post-construction Evaluation 4. 实施 a. 施工 b. 绿化 5. 养护 6. 完工后的评价

These steps of the design process represent the ideal sequence of events. In reality, many of the steps overlap one another and blend together so the neat ordering of the outline is less clear or apparent. Further, some of the steps may parallel one another and occur simultaneously. 以上这些步骤是设计工作的理想过程。实际上,许许多多的步骤都是相互重叠和兼容的,彼此的分界并不十分明显。况且,有些步骤彼此并列同时进行。

例如,会见客户与制定计划可以同时进行,而场地踏勘与场地分析也可以是同时进行的;在另一些场合,可能有必要重复前一步骤。 For example, Client Interview and Program Development may occur at the same time. One is also visiting the site and conducting a Site Analysis. At other times, one may find it necessary to backtrack to a previous step. 例如,会见客户与制定计划可以同时进行,而场地踏勘与场地分析也可以是同时进行的;在另一些场合,可能有必要重复前一步骤。

As an illustration, one man find it necessary to revisit the site or talk to the client again once the design phase itself has been started because some item of information was overlooked the first time or one’s memory and impression simply need refreshing. 例如,因为某个数据当初被忽视,或某个人对场地的印象需要加深,设计阶段开始之后,也会有必要重新踏勘场地或再次与客户洽谈。

It is important for a novice designer to understand the fact that beautiful and practical design solutions don’t appear out of thin air like magic. There are no esoteric formulas or secret states of mind that produce good designs effortlessly. And designs are not created by only moving a pencil around on a piece of paper. 设计新手必须懂得,完美而实用的设计方案不会像变魔术一样从天上掉下来。没有任何奥妙的公式或神秘的心境可毫不费力地提出好的设计方案。而设计方案决不是只用铅笔在纸上画画就可得提出来的。

实用而给人以激情的设计要求作大量敏锐的观察、分析、研究、推敲和再推敲,外加一定的灵感和独创性。 Designs that work well and affect our emotions require a great deal of sensitive observation, analysis, studying/thinking and restudying as well as some degree of inspiration and creativity. 实用而给人以激情的设计要求作大量敏锐的观察、分析、研究、推敲和再推敲,外加一定的灵感和独创性。

应该注意,提出一个设计方案确实包括理性方面(调查、分析、计划编制和施工知识)和直觉方面(把式样和造型结合起来的感觉、美学欣赏能力等)。 It should be noted here that producing a design does involve both rational aspects (inventory, analysis, program development, construction knowledge) and intuitive aspects (the feel of putting forms and shapes together, aesthetic appreciation, etc.) . 应该注意,提出一个设计方案确实包括理性方面(调查、分析、计划编制和施工知识)和直觉方面(把式样和造型结合起来的感觉、美学欣赏能力等)。

The design process, then, is a framework of steps, incorporating both rational and intuitive phases, that aid the designer to organize his/her work, thoughts, and feelings in an effort to produce the best design solution possible. 因此,设计过程就是一系列设计步骤的总框架,它把理性和直觉两个方面结合起来,有助于设计人员组织自己的工作、思维和情感,尽可能作出最佳的设计方案。

Classroom Test