大学英语教学改革------ 《大学英语精读》课程建设情况介绍.


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Presentation transcript:

大学英语教学改革------ 《大学英语精读》课程建设情况介绍

目 录 一、大学英语教学改革的总原则 二、大学英语“1515”教改模式 三、大学英语精读课程改革的总体思路 四、大学英语精读课程教学的特色 目 录 一、大学英语教学改革的总原则 二、大学英语“1515”教改模式 三、大学英语精读课程改革的总体思路 四、大学英语精读课程教学的特色 五、大学英语精读课教学任务设计的原则 六、大学英语精读课“任务型”教学模式及其实施步骤 七、大学英语精读课教学实验的具体安排 八、大学英语精读教学改革实验的目的

一、大学英语课程改革的总原则 我校大学英语教学改革的总原则:坚持继承与创新,坚持重点突破和整体推进的原则 。

二、大学英语“1515”教改模式 一个目标,五种能力,一个主题和五个模块。 一个目标:以学生大学英语综合应用能力的培养为目标 。 五种能力:整个大学英语教学过程强调听说读写译五种应用能力的均衡发展。 一个主题:大学英语的五门课程具体的教学内容和实践活动都围绕同一个主题展开。 五个模块:把大学英语教学分为精读、泛读、写作、口语和听力五门课程。

三、大学英语精读课程改革的总体思路 以课堂教学为主和以纸质教材为主,采用“任务型”教学模式,教学各个环节以学生为中心,所有的教学活动都通过布置任务的方式在教师的有意识的关注下进行。强调有计划的、有目标的、有意识的自主学习。旨在培养学生综合运用语言的能力和自主学习的能力。

四、大学英语精读课程教学的特色 以课堂教学为主,以多媒体教学手段为辅,实现传统教学手段与现代化教学手段的结合。 传统综合教学方法与“任务型”教学方法相结合,注重师生互动,督促学生进行自主学习。 教师角色由chief presenter, controller, talker, criticizer变为director, facilitator, reminder, monitor, evaluator。 注意高中与大学英语教学内容的衔接,使学生了解各自的学习起点和学习需求。 强调课堂教学与课外活动的衔接,使教师通过设计各种具体可行的课内外学习任务的形式实现对学生整个学习过程真正意义上的关注和指导。 改变传统单一的评估方式,终结性评估与形成性评估相结合。通过建立学生学习档案,使学生自评和互评与教师评定相结合。

五、大学英语精读课教学任务设计的原则 听、说、读、写、译五个教学环节中所制定的任务必须从教学实际出发,本着少而精的原则;既要遵循教学大纲和新的教学要求,又要顾及到我校的学生英语水平,因材施教;既要突出实用性、可操作性和目的性,又要灵活多样;既要最大限度的调动学生,使之参与到教学中来,又要有利于教师对教学过程的指导、监控和评估。

六、大学英语精读“1515‘任务型’”教学模式及其实施步骤 1、任务型教学模式 2、大学英语任务型教学的基本步骤

1、任务型教学模式: 大学英语任务型教学模式就是以语言习得的理论为基础,以学生为中心,把大学英语教学的重心由教转向学并且把学生的发展及能力培养作为教学目的的先进教学方法。它把大学英语分为快速阅读(Fast Reading)、精读(Intensive Reading)、课文写作(Tt Writing)、口语(Speaking)与测试(Checking)五大教学模块,并且根据的教学的实际需要把所设计的可操作性强的教学任务以主题模式在整个大学英语教学中有计划地、分阶段地、分步骤地实施 。旨在全面的提高大学生自主学习和综合运用语言的能力。在完成“任务”的过程中,学生始终处于一种积极的、主动的学习心理状态,任务参与者之间的交际过程也是一种互 动的过程(interaction)。

2、大学英语任务型教学的基本步骤: ①Pre-task(课前任务,进入任务,介绍任务的要求和实施任务的步骤); ②During-task (课中任务,学生以个人、伙伴或小组形式完成各项任务,并进行汇报,评价其完成情况); ③Post-task(课后任务,学生巩固和操练语言知识)。

大学英语“1515‘任务型’”教学流程图 单元 口语 自我 测试 快速 阅读 课文 写作 精 读 课文 精读

七、大学英语精读课教学实验的具体安排 1、时间与进度 2.使用的教材 3.课程设置与学时分配 4.每个环节的具体任务

1、教学实验的时间与进度 本教学实验为期两年,四个学期。 第一学期为巩固基础知识阶段:在第一个月里规范各环节的学习习惯,使学生适应大学英语教学。有意识地搞好高中与大学的教学内容和教学方法的衔接,侧重语音、词汇、语法等语言基础知识。学习任务的设计主要的线路分为阅读、词汇、语法、翻译。 第二学期强调单项技能训练阶段:在巩固基础知识的基础上加强听力、阅读与写作的单项基本技能的训练。侧重听说技巧、阅读技巧和写作技巧的训练。学习任务的设计主要的线路分为阅读、听力与写作,逐渐向四级考试靠拢

教学实验的时间与进度 第三学期为培养自主学习能力阶段:在教师的直接指导和监控下,通过课内外大量的“任务”,使学生在“做”的过程中学会使用各种自主学习的策略,在第一学年训练的基础上逐渐养成良好的自主学习的习惯,从而达到使之具备终身学习能力的目的。 第四学期为提高综合运用语言能力:在进行三个学期的基础知识和单项技巧训练的基础上,强调学生对语言的使用能力的培养,使之养成用英语思维和用英语交流的习惯,真正地提高他们综合运用语言的实际能力,从而达到新的《大学英语课程教学要求》。

2.教学实验使用的教材 ①旧版的《新编大学英语》一至四册。每学期完成十二个单元。第四学期从“五一”开始进行四级考试辅导。②全新版《大学英语听说教程》。③网上的教学资源。

3.教学实验的课程设置与学时分配 按教学计划2004级学生大学英语课的周学时为5个学时。每单元为6个学时。精读课3学时,读写课1学时,听力课1学时,口语课1学时。其中精读课每周一次,听力课每周一次,读写课每两周一次,口语课两周一次。

4.教学实验每个环节的具体任务-1 Fast Reading(快速阅读):分为Pre-reading discussion(预读讨论)、Reading presentation(阅读结果讨论)和 Post-reading discussion (读后讨论)。在精解课文之前,要求学生在规定的时间内快速完成in-class reading材料的阅读,快速的捕捉相关信息,对课文的内容有个大致的了解,同时对课文的体裁、结构进行分析,以达到提高学生们的阅读能力、阅读速度和写作水平的目的。 预读:教师在课前布置一些课文阅读理解题,要求学生必须在规定时间内,阅读完课文,并做出正确的回答。 阅读结果讨论: 课堂上通过小组讨论法、问答法等对学生的预习结果进行检查,看他们是否从总体上把握了课文的主要内容。 读后讨论与展示:教师精解课文中的各个语言点以后,组织学生口头对全篇课文进行分析,按文章叙述的不同层次,对全文进行分段,归纳每部分的主题思想。进而概括出全文的中心思想。并说明文章的体裁与写作方法。

教学实验每个环节的具体任务-2 Intensive Reading(精读):① 复习高中重点词汇并在此基础上进行一定的扩展。②复习高中重点语法知识,以旧带新进行学习。③以本单元的四、六级考试的词汇为讲解的重点。④把In-class Reading作为精读教学的内容。用语篇分析法进行课堂教学,从整体去把握文章,侧重培养学生的阅读能力和口译与笔译的能力。精读教学要以教师为主,注重语言基础知识和听说读写基本技能的训练。

教学实验每个环节的具体任务-3 Text Writing(课文写作):分为During-tasks和post-tasks两个部分。During-tasks以授课过程中的口译和口头作文活动形式为主。post-tasks课后任务则以笔译和写文章的摘要或与主题相关的段落或短文为主。通过课外“任务”来指导学生① 复习高中重点词汇并在此基础上进行一定的扩展。②复习高中重点语法知识,以旧带新进行学习。③学会用精读课堂上的阅读与写作技巧和学习方法来完成各种“任务”并做好课前准备。④利用读写课堂,搞好各项“任务”的评估并保留好第一手数据。写作教学要以学生为主。

教学实验每个环节的具体任务-4 Unit Speaking(单元口语):通过课外“任务”来指导学生好课前准备。利用多媒体教室的课堂①讨论精读课中的话题,把Preparation和Further Development及In-class Reading中的内容有机的结合在一起。②把听力教材中与精读课话题的相关的口语会话内容即Part B中的Speaking Tasks有机的结合在一起。③以每课一专题的形式练习生活英语,使之学到在国外生活和学习的“活”的语言。和Oral Practice(口头操练)四个环节。

教学实验每个环节的具体任务-5 Self-Checking(自我测试):测试共有New Words Dictation(听写)、Grammar Exercises(课内语法练习)、Vocabulary and Structure(词汇综合训练)、Quiz(课文小测验)、Test(单元测试)等五个部分。通过做大量的习题,使学生在实践中消化课上学到的知识。同时教师通过各种随堂测试,可以进行过程性评估,对学生情况实行动态管理。

八、大学英语精读教学改革实验的目的 大学英语精读教学改革实验就是对大学英语精读课的教学模式、课程内容、课程设置、课堂教学、教学方法及教学管理等进行全面的研究与改革实践。旨在紧紧围绕大学英语综合能力的培养,实现大学英语教学目标、课程设置、教学内容、教学方法、课堂教学、教学评估、教学管理等方面改革的突破,最大限度地提高了大学英语教学质量和教学水平。

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During tasks Give the answers to all discussing questions. What signal words do you usually use if you want to keep your paragraph-idea following clearly and smoothly? What will happen if you write your paragraph without transitional expressions? Where should you put the transitions in a paragraph? What transitions should you use if you want to show the meaning of adding or intensifying? List such transitions you know.

What way should you use if you want to compare or contrast sth What way should you use if you want to compare or contrast sth. ? List such transitions you know. What way should you use if you want to show the time and sequence relationship? List such transitions you know. What way should you use if you want to show space relationship? List such transitions you know. What way should you use if you want to show the meaning of limiting or preparing for an example? List such transitions you know.

What way should you use if you want to show the cause and result What way should you use if you want to show the cause and result? List such transitions you know. What way should you use if you want to assert obvious truth or grant opposition? List such transitions you know. What way should you use if you want to sum up? List such transitions you know.

What signal words do you usually use if you want to keep your paragraph-idea following clearly and smoothly? We should use some transitions(过度性的词语). What will happen if you write your paragraph without transitional expressions? The transition is rough if we don’t use the transitions. But if we use them, the transition is smooth and the readers can follow the thread of our thoughts.

Where should you put the transitions in a paragraph? Transitions are frequently used at the beginning of a sentence to link that sentence to the one that precedes it, but they are also used within a sentence, especially one that is a bit long or complicated. There are a number of ways transitions relate sentences or ideas. The following(过度性词语常用于句首,以便和前面的句子相联接,但也可用于句中,尤其适用于较长的复杂的句中。过渡性词语能以多种方式沟通或建立前后句子间意义上的联系).

What transitions should you use if you want to show the meaning of adding or intensifying? List such transitions you know. Transitions that add or intensify(表示进一步说明或强调的过渡性词语). and further to repeat too also furthermore in particular indeed besides in addition moreover in fact in other way to put it another way

Transitions that compare or contrast(表示比较或对 比的过渡性词语). What way should you use if you want to compare or contrast sth.? List such transitions you know. Transitions that compare or contrast(表示比较或对 比的过渡性词语). similarly unlike regardless instead like on the other hand in spite of rather than despite on the contrary however but nevertheless by comparison though although still at the same time as yet otherwise whereas in contrast to this as well as in the same way

What way should you use if you want to show the time and sequence relationship? List such transitions you know. Transitions that show the time and sequence relationship(表示时间和顺序的过渡性词语). before now earlier at first next at last after that after so much time then just then in time until until now soon the next day while later following meanwhile finally from then on eventually ever since still

What way should you use if you want to show space relationship What way should you use if you want to show space relationship? List such transitions you know. Transitions that show space relationship (表示空间关系的过渡性词语). beside between beyond across over at from to into outside inside here to the left in the middle next to nearby opposite to on the opposite side

What way should you use if you want to show the meaning of limiting or preparing for an example? List such transitions you know. Transitions that limit or prepare for an example (表示限定意义或引出例子的过渡性词语). that is for one thing(首先,一则) namely for example for instance to illustrate such as

What way should you use if you want to show the cause and result What way should you use if you want to show the cause and result? List such transitions you know. Transitions that show the cause and result (表示因果关系的过渡性词语). because thus so so that as as a result for since therefore consequently for this reason for that reason

What way should you use if you want to assert obvious truth or grant opposition? List such transitions you know. Transitions that assert obvious truth or grant opposition(肯定情况属实的过渡性词语). no doubt of course in fact doubtless naturally undoubtedly surely certainly without a doubt

11. What way should you use if you want to sum up 11.What way should you use if you want to sum up? List such transitions you know. Transitions that sum up (表示结论和概括意义的过渡性词语). to conclude in summary to sum up in short in brief on the whole in conclusion

2.Finish the following exercises. Directions: Complete the following piece of writing by choosing transitions to fill in the blanks. Mary likes travelling by bus better than travelling by air- plane for four reason. (1) , it costs less. She can ride by bus from New York to Chicago for $20. (2)____, the air fare between the two cities is $78. (3)____, travelling by bus gives her a closer look at the cities and countryside than she could get from a plane. (4) ,she enjoys driving through the big cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, And Fort Wayne. (5)____, Mary finds that the passengers on the bus are often closer to her own age.(6)__,they are easy to talk with on the shared travel adventure.(7)___,

many airline passengers are businessmen who keep busy with their work while flying.(8) , riding a bus allows Mary to explore any stop along the way. (9) , once she got off the bus at a small town in Indiana and spent the night with a girl friend. (11)__, Mary usually prefers buses instead of plane unless she has to get somewhere in a hurry. a) Thus b) First c) In fact a) And b) So c) Yet a) Nor b) But c) Second a) Still b) Next c) For example

5) a) Third b) Now c) Instead 6) a) Similarly b) Instead c) So 7) a) In contrast b) Finally c) Otherwise 8) a) Therefore b) Fourth c) Accordingly 9) a) On the other hand b) Moreover c) For instant 10) a) So b) Then c) Yet 11) a) For these reasons b) At last c) Now

The Key : 1) b 2) c 3) c 4) c 5) a 6)c 7) a 8) b 9) c 10) b 11) a