New Horizon College English


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Presentation transcript:

New Horizon College English Book Two Unit Six

Section A As His Name Is, So Is He!

Pre-reading Activities — Idioms of Name Read the following sentences. What are the Chinese meanings for them?

1. They call each other all sorts of names. 他们用各种恶言恶语互骂。 2. He was a chairman only in name. 他是个名义上的主席。

4. Thomas Edison was a great name in science. 3. His name is mud. 他声名狼藉。 4. Thomas Edison was a great name in science. 托玛斯·爱迪生是个科学伟人。

5. In fishing, patience is the name of the game. 钓鱼时,耐心是最重要的。 6. He doesn’t have a penny to his name. 他一文不名。

Major Writing Techniques Structure of the Passage Structure Analysis Major Writing Techniques

The influence of names on people Structure of the Passage—Structure Analysis Structure Analysis Central topic: The influence of names on people (Names can affect people’s life.)

Para. 1: Debbie does not feel good about her name. Main ideas of each paragraph Para. 1: Debbie does not feel good about her name. Para. 2: Her change of name helped bring success to her career. Para. 3: It is important to have the right name because it suggests certain qualities. Para. 4: Names are attached to specific images. Para. 5: Names with a positive sense can work for people, even encourage new acquaintances.

Para. 6: People are sometimes guilty of name Main ideas of each paragraph Para. 6: People are sometimes guilty of name stereotyping in relation to names. Para. 7: Prejudices against or in favor of certain names can affect students’ classroom achievements, objectively graded IQ and popularity with their peers. Para. 8: If you think your name does not suit you, you can change your old name.

elegant a. tasteful in appearance or manner 优雅的,文雅的,精致的 The lady is elegant in her manners and her speech. 那位女士举止言谈优雅得体。 FOR EXAMPLE: Now you try: 这位年轻人举止优雅风度翩翩。 The young man is elegant and handsome.

2) act of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use 应用,运用 1) official request 申请,请求 application n. 2) act of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use 应用,运用 FOR EXAMPLE: Students learned the practical application of the theory. 学生们学着把理论知识应用到实际中去。 Now you try: 我已对四份不同的工作寄出了求职信。 这项设计有很多用途。 I’ve sent off applications for four different jobs. The design has many applications.

Her talents are well-known. 她的才华是众所周知的。 1) [C, U] special or great ability talent n. 2) [C, U] people who have (a) talent FOR EXAMPLE: Her talents are well-known. 她的才华是众所周知的。 We’re always looking for new talent. 我们总是在寻觅新的人才。 Now you try: 她小时候就表现出了音乐方面的天赋。 Her talent for music showed at an early age.

the stamp-collector’s bible 集邮者大典 1) [U] [B-] 《圣经》 bible n. 2) [C] any official book supported by authorities 得到权威支持的典籍 FOR EXAMPLE: The Bible says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings. 《圣经》上说,亚当和夏娃是最初的人类。 the stamp-collector’s bible 集邮者大典 Now you try: 这本杂志很快就被时髦女性奉为经典。 This magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.

to next page to see reserve used as a verb 1.[U] the habit of not showing one’s feelings or thoughts 矜持,拘谨 reserve n. 2.[C, U] things kept for later use储备 FOR EXAMPLE: A few drinks broke through his reserve. 几杯酒下肚他就打开了话匣子。 the gold reserve 黄金储备 Now you try: 他是一个如此拘谨的人,甚至他最亲密的朋友都不能真正理解他。 He was a man of such reserve that not even his closest friends really understood him. 我储备了些粮食,以防万一。 I have a reserve of food in case of emergencies. to next page to see reserve used as a verb

留点力气爬山吧。 我给旅馆打电话预定了一个双人房间为期一周。 keep sth. for a particular purpose or time留出;留存 reserve v. 2. order (seats, accommodation, etc.) for future use 预定,定 FOR EXAMPLE: I reserve Mondays for cleaning up my desk and answering letters. 我留出周一来清理书桌,答复信件。 If you get there early, please reserve a seat for me. 如果你先到达那里,请给我预定一个座位。 Now you try: 留点力气爬山吧。 我给旅馆打电话预定了一个双人房间为期一周。 Reserve your strength for the climb. I rang the hotel to reserve a double room for a week.

1. being the second of two people, things or groups mentioned before latter a./n. 2. near to the end of a period Building of the new library should begin in the latter part of next year. 新图书馆应在明年下半年开始修建。 Jack and Bill are twins, but the latter is taller than the former. 杰克和比尔是孪生兄弟,不过后者比前者个子高。 FOR EXAMPLE: Now you try: 许多人支持前面那个计划,但我个人赞同后者。 Many support the former plan, but personally I’m for the latter.

v. have or give (sb.) the qualities,training, etc. that are suitable or necessary qualify FOR EXAMPLE: Tom is well qualified for the job. 汤姆很有资格做这份工作。 Now you try: 我觉得您还不够律师的资格。 I am afraid that you are not qualified enough to be a lawyer.

refine one’s language 使某人的语言更为文雅 1. make (sb./sth.) more elegant refine v.   2. make pure or improve esp. by removing unwanted material FOR EXAMPLE: refine one’s language 使某人的语言更为文雅 Oil is industrially refined. 燃料油是经工业提炼而成的。 Now you try: 德丽娅现在变文雅了。你想像不到她现在多优雅。 Delia has been refined. You can’t imagine how elegant she is now.

acquaintance n. Now you try: 1. person whom one knows but who is not a close friend acquaintance n. 2. (often slight) knowledge of sb./sth. FOR EXAMPLE: He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交际甚广。   Now you try: 他有许多生意上的熟人,但真正的朋友却很少。 He has a lot of business acquaintances but very few real friends.

He doesn’t fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman. v. 对······形成固定看法 stereotype n. 固定的形象,陈规,老套,旧框框 FOR EXAMPLE: The police have been criticized for having stereotyped images of black people. 有人批评警方对黑人有成见。 Now you try: 他不是个符合法国模式的法国人。 He doesn’t fit the national stereotype of a Frenchman.

She’s a very thoughtful person. 她是个很体贴别人的人。 1) thinking deeply thoughtful a. 2) showing care for the need of others FOR EXAMPLE: The doctor looked thoughtful for a moment and then started to write something on the paper. 医生仔细考虑了片刻,开始在纸上写了起来。 She’s a very thoughtful person. 她是个很体贴别人的人。 Now you try: 你还帮我带了伞,你真细心。 It was very thoughtful of you to bring an umbrella for me.

consistent conform to a regular pattern or style continuous going on without break constant going on all the time, unchanging The sign in the cinema said: “___________ performance from 1:00 pm to 11:30 am.” He has been a _________ friend of our party. What you said was not ________ with what you did. Continuous constant consistent

She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而被授予一枚奖章。 v. give esp. as the result of an official decision award n. [C] sth. awarded 奖品 FOR EXAMPLE: She was awarded a medal for bravery. 她因勇敢而被授予一枚奖章。 Each of the winners was given an award of $900. 每位获胜者得到900美元奖励。 Now you try: 由于他为国家做出的重大贡献,他获得了最高奖。 Because of his great contribution to the country, he won the highest award. Because of his great contribution to the country, he was awarded the highest prize.

Don’t despair! We’ll find a way out! 再次失败使他完全绝望了。 v. have lost all hope 失望,绝望 despair n. state of having lost all hope 失望,绝望 FOR EXAMPLE: We’ve despaired of him; he can’t keep a job for more than six months. 我们对他非常失望,没有哪一个工作他能干半年以上。 He gave up the struggle in despair. 他绝望地放弃了斗争。 Now you try: 不要绝望!我们会找到解决办法的! Don’t despair! We’ll find a way out! 再次失败使他完全绝望了。 Another failure led him to despair.

to next page to see label used as a verb 1) [C] (用以形容人、团体等的)称号,外号 label n. 2) [C]标签,签条 FOR EXAMPLE: Remember to put some address labels on the suitcases. 记住在衣箱上贴上几张地址标签。 Now you try: 我先看标签上的说明,然后才决定买哪一种。 I read the information on the label before deciding which to buy. to next page to see label used as a verb

Expressions 1. fill out 2. substitute…for 3. for better or worse 4. convey to 5. attach sth. to sth. 6. even so 7. turn down 8. come up to 9. press for 10. be ill at ease 11. be free from 12. be guilty of 13. take charge of 14. stick with sth.

Patterns 2. feel like sth./doing sth.… 1. as…so 表示类比 2. feel like sth./doing sth.… 3. If I were…, sb./sth. would have done 4. Though most of us…we’re all… to some extent.

1. 填申请表 活学活用 Expressions & Patterns—Expressions fill out an application form (L.4) 活学活用 他已经记不得填了多少求职申请了。 He could not remember how many job applications he had filled out.

因为那位老师仍然住院,我们只好让刘先生代课。 2. 取代,代替 substitute for (L.5) 活学活用 因为那位老师仍然住院,我们只好让刘先生代课。 We have to substitute Mr. Liu for the teacher who was still in hospital.

3. 不管结果好坏,结果如何 活学活用 这对夫妇发誓他们不管如何都要 在一起。 for better or worse (L.20) The couple swore that they would be together for better or worse.

4. 表达(思想,感情) 活学活用 这张图片想向观众表达什么? convey to (L.23) What does the picture convey to its audience?

5. 使与······相关联 活学活用 总统认为家庭生活很重要。 attach sth. to sth. (L.24) The president attached great importance to family life.

6. 虽然这样,然而,不过 活学活用 他非常累,即使如此,他还得继续干活。 even so (L.28) He was very tired, even so, he still continued his work.

7. 拒绝,驳回 活学活用 他要珍妮嫁给他,但是遭到了拒绝。 turn down (L.34) He asked Jenny to marry him but she turned him down.

8. 走近,移近 活学活用 这个学生走到教室前面,开始在黑板上写字。 come up to (L.35) The student came up to the front of the classroom and began to write on the blackboard.

9. 反复请求,紧急请求 活学活用 由于公众一再坚持调查这一问题,政府终于采取了一些措施。 press for (L.35) The government finally took some action because the public had been pressing for inquiry into the question.

10.不自在,困窘 活学活用 她跟陌生人在一起很不自在。 be ill at ease (L.37) She was ill at ease with strangers.

11. 不惧······的,未受危险伤害的 活学活用 他过着无忧的生活。 be free from (L.38) He leads a life free from anxiety.

12. 对······有罪责 活学活用 山姆被认定犯有谋杀罪。 be guilty of (L.39) Sam was proved to be guilty of murder.

13. 负责管理,对······负责 活学活用 约翰生太太现在负责管理我们班。 take charge of (L.42) Mrs. Johnson is taking charge of our class at present.

14. 坚持,无法摆脱 活学活用 生活中只有少部分人能够坚持自己的理想。 stick with sth. (L.58) Only a few could stick with an ideal in reality.

Expressions & Patterns—Patterns 1. as…so 表示类比 As His Name Is, So Is He! (Title) As the desert is like a sea, so is the camel like a ship. 沙漠似海,骆驼似舟。

随着时间的推移,他们的希望开始变得越来越渺茫了。 Translation 有其师必有其徒。 As is the teacher, _____________. so is the pupil 随着时间的推移,他们的希望开始变得越来越渺茫了。 As time went on _______________, so their hopes began to decrease.

I just don’t feel like a Debbie. (L.3) 2. feel like sth./doing sth. … I just don’t feel like a Debbie. (L.3) I don’t feel like a president. 我不想当主席。 I don’t feel like taking a holiday now. 我现在不想去度假。

Translation 你想来杯咖啡吗? Do you feel like _________ _____________? (having) a cup of coffee 不知道为什么,他突然想哭。 He didn’t know why but he suddenly felt like crying.

3. If I were…, sb./sth. would have done …if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete. (L.29) If I were him, I would have fought with that vicious man. Translation 如果是我的话,我会跟他道歉的。 If ___________, I __________ apologized to him. I were you would have 如果我稍微明智点, 我应该能料到这次尝试会失败。 If I were any wiser, I would have expected the failure of this attempt.

4. Though most of us…, we’re all…to some extent. Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we’re all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent. (L.38) Translation 虽然我们大多数人都不愿承认,我们对此事都在某种程度上负有责任。 are all responsible for Though most of us deny it, we ____________________ __________________. this to some extent

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