Science in Foods and Nutrition 食品与营养科学


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Presentation transcript:

Science in Foods and Nutrition 食品与营养科学 Session 3a, 课程3a Dietary Supplements, 膳食补充剂 Functional Foods 功能食品 Instructor: Cathy Ang, Ph. D. October 8, 2013, WMI, Honolulu, HI

Food Complex Macronutrients …巨量营养素 Micronutrients 重量营养素 Vitamins …维生素 Minerals…矿物质 Electrolytes…电解质 Other substances in food, 食物中的其它物质 Health beneficial phytochemicals …..有益健康的植物化学素 Plant toxins… 植物毒素 Toxic metals: 有毒金属 Hg, As, Pb, beryllium, cadmium, aluminum, antimony, bismuth, barium, uranium and others. 汞、砷、铅、铍、镉、铝、锑、铋、钡、铀及其它 Contaminations from pesticides, animal drugs, feed, soil, water…农药、动物药品、饲料、土壤、水污染 dental amalgams contain mercury牙科银汞含的汞

Plant Toxins植物毒素 http://www. cfs. gov Plant Toxins植物毒素 a_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf_13_02.html usually are the metabolites produced by plants to defend themselves against various threats, e. g., bacteria, fungi, insects and predators,…通常是植物的代谢物,以保护植物本身免受各种威胁,如细菌、真菌、昆虫和天敌 Examples:举例 lectins in beans such as green beans, red kidney beans and white kidney beans; 豆类如青豆、红芸豆、白芸豆含的凝集素; cyanogenic glycosides in bitter apricot seed, bamboo shoots, cassava, and flaxseeds;苦杏仁、竹笋、木薯、亚麻籽含的生氰糖苷 glycoalkaloids in potatoes; (high in green and sprouted potatoes) 土豆含的糖苷生物碱(绿色发芽土豆含量高) 4’-methoxypyridoxine in ginkgo seeds; 银杏种子含的4-甲氧吡哆醇 muscarine in some wild mushrooms.一些野生菌含的毒蕈碱 …

Health Beneficial Phytochemicals有益健康的植物化学素 Examples: 举例 curcumin (turmeric), 姜黄素(姜黄) resveratrol (red grapes, peanuts and berries), 白藜芦醇(红葡萄、花生和浆果) lycopene (tomato), 番茄红素(番茄) genistein (soybean), 染料木黄酮(大豆) 6-gingerol (ginger), 6-姜辣素(姜) allicin (garlic),大蒜素(大蒜) beta carotene (carrots), …β-胡萝卜素(胡萝卜) Extracts are used in dietary supplements, and/or functional foods, as natural remedies 提取物用于膳食补充剂,和/或功能食品,作为自然疗法

Nutraceuticals and Bioactive Botanicals保健营养素和生物活性的植物 Consumers interested in “natural” remedies 消费者对自然疗法感兴趣 Potential side affects and drug-herbal interactions潜在副作用和药物药草相互作用

Health foods — China 健康食品-中国 Health Foods, Dietary Supplements?健康食品,膳食补充剂? Health foods — China 健康食品-中国 Functional foods — Japan, Singapore 功能食品-日本、新加坡 Non-nutritive factors — Korea 非营养因素-韩国 Herbal medicines — China, Japan, Germany 草药-中国、日本、德国 Dietary supplements ? Functional Foods ?膳食补充剂?功能食品?

What is a “Healthy” Food ? 什么是“健康”食品 FDA’s definition: FDA的定义 low in fat (< 3 g) and saturated fat (< 1 g), 低脂和饱和脂肪 limited amounts of cholesterol (< 60 mg); sodium (< 360 mg) / serving. 有限量胆固醇,钠/份 > 10% of Daily Value for one or more of vitamin A and C, iron, calcium, protein, and fiber/ serving每日饮食摄入量的10%,1种或几种维A和维C,铁, 钙,蛋白质,纤维/份 Examples: fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods, oats, some soy foods举例:水果、蔬菜、全麦食品,燕麦,一些大豆食品 7

What are “Healthy” foods in U. S What are “Healthy” foods in U. S.? 在美国,什么是健康食品? Based on FDA’s definition 基于FDA定义 Raw fruits and vegetables, without meeting the 10% nutrient requirement if other requirements are met .生水果和蔬菜,如果满足其它要求,那么不必满足10%的营养要求 Processed (frozen and canned ) single ingredient fruits and vegetables加工(冷冻和罐装)单一成分水果和蔬菜 Whole grain foods全麦食物 Oats燕麦 Some soy foods一些大豆食品 8

Regulations on Dietary Supplements有关膳食补充剂的规定 Early 1990: FDA regulates herbal medicines as drugs 二十世纪90年代初:FDA对草药实施药物管制 1994: Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) 1994年:膳食补充剂健康和教育 法案(DSHEA) - herbs as dietary supplements 草药膳食补充剂 In all forms, tablets, extracts, liquid; no label claims on treating diseases 所有形式、药片、萃取物、液体;没有冠之以治疗疾病的标签

1997, FDA published rules for labeling of dietary supplements Early 2000: FDA proposed GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). 2000年初:FDA提出了GMP(良好生产规范)提案 March 2002 : 2002年3月 ……………… October, 2007 : Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) for Dietary Supplements 2007年10月:现行膳食补充剂良好生产规范

Top Selling Herbal Products in U. S.在美国最畅销的草药制品 Ginkgo biloba银杏叶 St. John’s wort圣约翰草 Ginseng人参 Garlic大蒜 Echinacea紫锥菊 Saw Palmetto塞润榈 Kava卡瓦 Valeria瓦莱尼亚 Milk Thistle奶蓟草 Black Cohosh黑升麻

Some Botanicals from Asia亚洲源的植物性药物 Ginseng (Panex ginseng) 人参 Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)银杏 Ma Huang (Ephedra spp)麻黄 Dang gui (Angelica sinensis)当归 Some medicinal herbs in Asia are marketed as dietary supplements in U.S. 在亚洲的一些药草在美国是作为膳食补充剂投放市场的 12

Potential Safety Problems :潜在的安全问题 Botanical Products植物药品 Contamination with污染源 Pathogens, pesticides residues病原体、农药残留 Heavy metals, Pb, As, Hg 重金属、铅、砷、汞 Other toxic ingredients 其他有毒成分 Improper use不当使用 13

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L.)银杏 is a tree, not an herb是树,不是草药 Seed (nut) is slightly bitter and “warm”, can be boiled and consumed 种籽(坚果)略苦性“温”,可煮食 Edible seeds (nuts) used as traditional Chinese medicine for treating asthma and bronchitis可食用种籽(坚果)作为传统中药治疗哮喘和支气管炎 14

Ginkgo Leaf Extract:银杏叶提取物 (24% ginkgo flavonoids 银杏黄酮 + 6% terpene lactones) 萜类内酯 Promoting oxygenation and blood flow in brain; enhancing brain function and alertness 促进大脑供氧和血流量;增强大脑功能和警觉性 Effect is better for impaired patients; no significant effect for healthy persons 对衰损病人效果更好,对健康人体影响不显著 Approved as drug for treating dementia (Germany) 批准为治疗痴呆(德国)的药物 Sold as a dietary supplement in U. S. 在美国作为膳食补充剂销售 Below 5 mcg/g of ginkgolic acids required in Germany 在德国要求< 5mcg/g的银杏酚酸 15

Adverse Effects of Ginkgo银杏的副作用 Leaf Extract叶提取物 Fruit and Seed水果和种籽 Restlessness, headaches不安头痛 Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting腹泻恶心呕吐 Allergic skin reactions皮肤过敏反应 Gastrointestinal problems肠胃病 Unconsciousness失去知觉 Shortness of breath气促 Ginkgo fruit (pulp) 银杏果(浆)contains toxic ginkgolic acids (also in leaves) can cause severe poison ivy-like skin problems 含有毒银杏酸(叶子也含)可引起严重毒藤状皮肤病 Large dose of cooked ginkgo seeds (has ginkgotoxin, i.e., 4-O-methylpyridoxine,) can be toxic especially for children大剂量熟银杏(含银杏毒,4-O-甲基吡哆醇 ),可致毒,尤其是儿童 16

Ma Huang (Ephedra)麻黄 Drug use in China: Asthma, allergies, cough, headache, common cold and fever, 在中国药用:哮喘、过敏、咳嗽、头痛、感冒和发烧 Different species of Ma Huang containing different amounts of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine and other active components are for different usages不同麻黄种,含不同量的麻黄素或伪麻黄碱和其他活性成分,用于不同的用途 Sold as dietary supplements in U. S., promoted for weight loss, body building, increase energy, mental concentration, … 在美国作为膳食补充剂出售,利减肥,健身,增加能量,精神集中

Active Components in Ma Huang: Three pairs of stereoisomer alkaloids 麻黄活性成分:3对立体异构体生物碱 Structures of these 6 alkaloids are very similar, but pharmacological mechanisms are different 这些6生物碱的结构非常相似,但药理机制是不同的

Toxic Effects of Ma Huang (Ephedra) ( -adrenoceptor agonist) 麻黄(麻黄属植物)毒性效应( -肾上腺素能受体激动剂) Stroke, Chest pain, Seizures, Insomnia中风、胸痛、癫痫发作、失眠 Fatigue, Dizziness, Nausea疲劳、眩晕、恶心 Myocardial infraction 心肌梗塞 In U. S., many deaths; >1,000 adverse events — heart attacks, hepatitis, psychosis, seizure, and stroke在美国;多例死亡;>1,000不良事件--心脏病、肝炎、精神病、癫痫、中风 FDA banned ephedra products, Feb. 11, 2004 2004年2月11日,FDA禁售麻黄制品

Functional Foods ?功能性食品? Conventional food + functional herbs = Functional Food ? ? 传统食品+功能性草药=功能性食品?? Drinks with Ginseng, ginkgo biloba, etc.人参、银杏叶饮料 Soup with Dang gui当归汤

Government Accounting Office 食品安全 Government Accounting Office Reported to Congress: 政府会计办公室向国会报告 Improvements Needed ... 需要改进 需要改进膳食补充剂和“功能性食品”的监督

What is a Functional Food?什么是功能性食品 “A food that has health promotion effects beyond its nutritive values”, e.g., containing beneficial constituents ???除了营养价值以外还有促进健康效果的食物”,如含有益的成分? ? ? Conventional food + bioactive herbs = Functional Food ? 传统食品+生物活性草药=功能性食品

Functional Food and Beverage Products Containing Added Bioactive Botanicals含添加生物活性植物性药物的功能性食品和饮料产品 Safety Concerns:安全考虑 How much and what forms of these botanicals have been added? Are the labeling information accurate? 这些植物性药物添加的量形式?标注信息是否精确? What changes may happen to the active components during processing and storage? 在加工和储存中活性成分可能发生什么变化? Any potential adverse effects? 潜在的副作用?