美安革新概念 購物年金 Evolution of MA Shopping Annuity.


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Presentation transcript:

美安革新概念 購物年金 Evolution of MA Shopping Annuity

我們的貢獻=各大品牌的成長 Our Contribution = Their Growth 人生中所有消費 All Spending Age 0 to now 我們的貢獻=各大品牌的成長 大眾行銷模式與品牌希望與我們劃清界線!為甚麼?因為他們可以控制個別顧客、支配商品價格與發售地點!如今數碼年代消費者已不必受此限制,網上購物可隨時聚集顧客和累積強大的集體購買力。 Our Contribution = Their Growth The Mass Marketing Paradigm & Brand Establishment wants to keep us separated or apart! WHY? So they can control us individually and dictate price and where we buy ! In a digital age it is no longer necessary. It allows for aggregation and collective buying power.

Traditional Physical Market 傳統現貨巿場 – 以實體商店建立大眾行銷 Traditional Physical Market Establishment Mass Marketing with Brick & Mortar 顧客Consumer 成本COST 成本COST 成本COST $ $ $ 傳統連鎖店把產品輸送到多個地點,產生高昂運輸費用,佔20-30%;而廣告費,品牌行銷開支佔30%,合共50-60% A traditional commodity chain moves products through a number of locations. This has a high logistical cost. 20% -30% + Mass Media advertising , Branding, marketing 30% = 50-60% 革新的機會: 即時直接送貨以減低成本 The opportunity for innovation: Transfer the product once to cut costs

shop.com innovates new business model once again!

$ 一般網站 General shopping site 網絡行銷Internet Marketing SHOP.COM 與消費者分享 - 先進個人化網站,提供合適建議與商店基本分類 SHOP.COM Shares Profile with consumers - True progressive customization of home page offers & recommendations + Shop essential category offers. 顧客Consumer 超連鎖店主與優惠顧客在SHOP.COM購物可獲得: 給予優惠顧客免費帳戶 以相等或較低價錢購買心儀產品,並享有現金回贈 個人購物顧問(為顧客尋覓所需商品及提供優惠) 選取夥伴並予以支援 透過系統打造購物年金,轉消費為收入,並累積BV/IBV繼而賺取永續收入 為超連鎖店主及購物年金成員追蹤購物訂單及累積點數 UFO’s + Preferred Consumers of SHOP.COM receive: Free account offer to PC Pay the same or lower cost for desired items and get 2~33% cash back. A personal shop consultant (finds deals and what customer wants) Selective partner for support + assistance SHOPPING ANNUITY to convert spending into earning through tracking system and accrual of BV/IBV credit to earn residual income Tracks Purchases & Accrues Volume for Ongoing Income to UFO’s + Shopping Annuity Members 網站儲存空間租金 會員年費/服務費 Internet Mall site Space Rent Annual Membership Fee or Service Fee 網絡行銷Internet Marketing 一般網站 General shopping site 顧客確認商品Consumer Confirm Item 扣除服務費只付餘款 Deduct Service Charge Pay the balance 比較一般購物網站 Comparison Shopping Site 社交網絡行銷Social Marketing 集合眾人的力量,利用消費者的購買力爭取最佳價格、利潤及現金回贈! Integrating the power of people Using Consumer Buying Power to get best prices, share of Margin & Cashback! 於夥伴商店購物Placing an Order at Partner store 提供免費資訊Provide Information Without Charge 網上購物平台- 匯聚互聯網力量 Shopping Portal Site Integrating the power of Internet 夥伴商店付出佣金 美安轉化佣金為現金回贈及BV以獎勵超連鎖店主 Partner Pay Commission MA converts to Cash Back & IBV to credit UFO $ 顧客可享現金回贈 Favored customer Cashback

4項致勝協同力量練成經濟煉金術! 優惠顧客 夥伴商店Partner Supplier 超連鎖店主 Four Winning Synergies Economic Alchemy! 社交網絡行銷 Social Marketing 超連鎖事業UnFranchise 整合產品Product Integration 優惠顧客 Preferred Customer 超連鎖店主 UnFranchise Owner 美安香港網絡行銷 Market Hong Kong Internet Marketing 夥伴商店Partner Supplier 賺錢不花成本+現金回贈+購物年金 No cost for making money + Cash Back + SA 購物年金+網上購物=轉消費為收入 Shopping Annuity + Social Shopping = converting our spending into earning! 透過HK.SHOP.COM及超連鎖網站減低成本提高利潤Reduce cost and raise profits via Shop.com + UnFranchise website 獲得更多銷售與會員資料 More sales and membership data

轉消費為收入 推薦追蹤系統 美安香港可以追蹤得知你在美安品牌商店及夥伴商店的所有消費資訊。Market Hong Kong can track and capture all your purchases from our stores, brands and merchants. 你本人購物,或你直接或間接推薦他人購物,你都可以得到代表商品價值單位的BV和IBV點數。 When you or anyone you lead to directly or indirectly, makes a purchase you get credit in the form of a social currency called BV and IBV. 點數可以累積,在達到特定標準時,你就能透過管理業績紅利計畫賺取永續收入。 That currency accumulates and when it reaches certain thresholds, you earn a residual income through the MPCP. 食物 Food 房屋 Housing 服裝與服務 Apparel & Service 交通 Transportation 健康護理 Healthcare 娛樂 Entertainment 個人護理產品與服務 Personal Care Product & Service 閱讀 Reading 雜項 Miscellaneous 食物 Food 房屋 Housing 其他服務 Apparel & Service 交通 Transportation 健康護理 Healthcare 娛樂 Entertainment 個人護理 Personal Care Product & Service 閱讀 Reading 雜項 Miscellaneous 個人護理產品及服務 does it for you

It’s an Idea 實踐劃時代概念 who’s time has come 推薦追蹤系統讓我們可以善用匯集一體的強大購買力︰Because of the Referral Tracking System, we can leverage our collective buying power to: 轉利潤為永續收入Convert margins into an ongoing income 調低價格Force prices down 賺取更高利潤,並增加BV和IBV,從而增加你的永續收入Get better margins and give increased BV and IBV, thereby, increasing YOUR RESIDUAL INCOME 實踐劃時代概念 It’s an Idea 擁有人力、數字的力量,推薦追蹤系統,管理業績紅利計劃、SHOP.COM優勢......這劃時代概念已經來臨,而且勢不可擋。 With people power, the power of numbers, The Referral Tracking system, the MPCP, the SHOP.COM advantage… it’s time has come and it can’t be stopped. who’s time has come TRAINERS NOTES: With technology today, we have the power to leverage our collective buying power! We don’t need to solely have a consumer: retailer relationship anymore because we can recycle our money by converting the margins earned from shopping through our SHOP.COM website into an ongoing income. Due to the massive numbers of UFOs and customers shopping through SHOP.COM, we have the power to force prices down and increase the margins that we get from those sales. That allows us to increase BV and IBV which increases your residual income and lessens the time it takes to achieve it.

夥伴商店分享 Partner Store testimonial IBV: 5% Cashback:5% IBV: 5% Cashback:2%

夥伴商店分享 Partner Store testimonial IBV: 5% Cashback:2%

最新加盟夥伴商店 New Partner Stores