2016 NTHU International Leadership Camp Calendar SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 17 7:00-8:30pm Opening Ceremony 8:30-10:00pm Team Hangout 18 9:00-10:45am L1: Quality Leadership Auditorium 11:00-12:30pm Presentation Prep classroom 12:30-2:00pm Small Group Lunch 2:00-4:30pm Team Building Activity 5:00-6:30pm Team Dinner 7:00-9:00pm Speaker Series: 李良達老師 Auditorium 19 9:00-10:45am L2: Building Character Auditorium 11:00-12:30pm Presentation Prep classroom 12:30-2:00pm Small Group Lunch 2:00-5:00pm Visit the Disability Center 5:15-6:45pm Dinner 20 9:00-10:45am L3: Effective Communication Auditorium 11:00-12:30pm Presentation Prep classroom 12:30-2:00pm Small Group Lunch FREE Ultimate Frisbee Sports* Outings 3:30-5:00pm Practice Presentation classroom 5:15-6:45pm Team Dinner 7:00-9:00pm Speaker Series: 王以德老師 Auditorium 21 9:00-10:45am L4: Conflict Resolution Auditorium 11:00-12:30pm Presentation Prep classroom 12:30-2:00pm Small Group Lunch 2:00-4:30pm Team Outing 5:00-6:45pm Dinner 22 9:00-10:45am L5: Defining Success Auditorium 11:00-12:30pm Presentation Prep classroom 12:30-2:00pm Small Group Lunch FREE Ultimate Frisbee Sports* Outings 3:30-5:00pm Practice Presentation classroom 5:15-6:45pm Team Dinner 7:00-10:00pm Mock Presentations: Test Auditorium Auditorium 23 9:30-12:00pm Final Team Presentations Closing Ceremony Auditorium 12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch Banquet
李良達老師 講題: On Becoming A Leader 大綱: 1)Leader 、 Leading & Leadership 2)The Art of Leadership (How to lead people) 3)Power ≠ Leadership 4)Passion & Leadership 行政院公務人力發展中心講座。 行政院人事行政局地方行政研習中心講座。 行政院青年輔導委員會生涯規劃專案講座。 財團法人台灣金融研訓院菁英講座。 財政部財稅人員訓練所講座。 台灣銀行、土地銀行、第一銀行、中華郵政公司等之講座
王以德博士 現 任 緯創資通 ( 股 ) 公司馬來西亞公司 Executive Director 學 歷 澳洲南澳大學國際管理系博士 美國史坦福大學自動控制博士班 美國。亞利桑那大學, 航空系碩士 成功大學, 工程科學系學士 經歷 緯創資通 ( 股 ) 公司全球智慧型事業及雲端服務總經理 緯創資通 ( 股 ) 公司中國 Display 事業業務總監 德鑫國際創辦人 post investment management 冠捷科技 LCM 事業部總經理 Sapphire 馬來西亞能源公司創辦人 大昱光電股份有限公司創辦人兼董事長 德力國際投資有限公司 董事長 駿林科技股份有限公司副董事長兼執行長 台達電子工業股份有限公司全球市場總經理 台達 ( 中國 ) 電子工業股份有限公司業務總經理 漢鼎創投 (H&Q) 資深副總經理, Beijing 中華民國國科會太空計畫室 Director 聯合訊號公司 (Allied Signal) 亞洲區業務總監 洛克西德馬丁公司海外事業部發展總監, 人造衛星及導彈系統工程師衛星 史坦福人工智慧研究室研究員, CAD
Day 1 (7/18) Quality Leadership This lesson first addresses the question, “What makes a leader a leader?” focusing on the importance of every person to consider their own roles of leadership in various contexts, relationships, and situations, thus identifying the core elements and qualities of an effective leader, a good leader, and a successful leader. -What are some qualities of a good leader? Which do you have and which do you lack? -In what areas are you a leader? -Were those areas self-determined, or did someone or something place you in that role? -Do you think you’re a good leader, given what was outlined in the lecture? -Do you feel like you are a natural leader? Why or why not? -Are there areas that you feel like you should step up and be a leader in, where you presently are not being a leader? If so, what are they? If there aren’t, are you satisfied with the leadership around you? -Do you lead your own life well? -What obstacles or difficulties prevent you from being the ideal person you want to be?
Day 2 (7/19) Building Character This lesson takes leadership and delves into the root of a good leader – character. Who a person is at the very foundational, fundamental level of their character, determines their effectiveness, their success as a leader and their ability to make the right decisions, while also providing a case for why ethical and moral character and decision-making is a worthy and more profitable path to take. Taking this into consideration, the lesson will also identify some key character traits that every good leader should seek to develop. -What is the difference between personality and character? -Why is having good moral character important? -Is it worth it? -What kind of character does a good influential leader have? -How do I build my own character? -What kind of leader do I aspire to be? -Aside from those listed in the lecture, what other character qualities are essential to being a good leader?
Day 3 (7/20) Effective Communication This lesson focuses on the importance of effective communication and how to communicate effectively across different contexts and levels of familiarity in which there is no distortion between the sender’s intention and the receiver’s interpretation. -Communication is a 2-way process, what is effective communication? -Why is effective communication important? -How should we adjust the way we communicate with different types of audiences and degrees of familiarity? -What are some tips on improving the way we communicate as a sender and as a receiver? -Think about a time when miscommunication happened. How did you handle it? -How does character play into the notion of effective communication? -Do you think you are a good communicator? In what ways, or not?
Day 4 – Conflict Resolution (7/21) This lesson discusses the reality of conflict within all relationships and the reasons as to why good leaders ought to be effective peacemakers. Utilizing the PAUSE method, the lesson discusses how to mutually find a compromise in the midst of differing opinions between two or more parties, and how that methodology changes depending on the level of one’s involvement in the conflict. -Do you have any tension or conflict with anyone in your life right now that is because of lack of communication or miscommunication? -How do you normally respond to disagreement? -Do you tend to want to resolve the conflict, or just “sweep it under the rug” and avoid the issue? -Why should you even resolve conflict? -Do you believe that there are some conflicts that are not worth trying to resolve? Why or why not? -Do you believe conflict resolution is one sided, or two sided? Is peacemaking one sided, or two side? Are they the same?
Day 5 – Defining Success (7/22) This lesson takes all of the previous lessons and asks the question, “what is the end goal?” or rather, “what is success?” In addition, the lesson teaches to question the motivation behind motivations to continue to search for the real, underlying motives for why we do things. As success for each person is better defined, one can better understand how to view and approach the things they do in light of achieving their highest form of success. -What are the biggest pursuits of your life? Why are you pursuing these things? -How does understanding your own end goals change or affect the way you go about your daily tasks in your current life stage? -Why should we strive after success as we define it? -Who is someone that is successful that you can model your life after? Why? -What does success mean for your own life? Who do you hope to be 50 years from now?