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Presentation transcript:

以网络及移动平台为准父母和新父母提供专业健康资讯的 最佳实践 — 中国和印度案列 Best practices in web & mobile communication to new and expectant parents – Examples in China and India Scott C. Ratzan MD, Vice President Global Health, Johnson & Johnson and Leying Jiang, MA Editorial Director, BabyCenter China 最佳实践研讨组: “促进健康素养教育: 帮助大众达到千年健康目标, 战胜非传播性疾病” Best Practices Session "Promoting health literacy: empowering people to achieve MDGs and combat NCDs United Nations ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review Beijing, China, 30 April 2009

! 从2005年起,宝宝中心扩展到18个国家和市场。目前,宝宝中心每月为1500万上网的准父母和新父母提供健康孕育资讯 Starting in 2005, BabyCenter has extended it’s offering to 18 markets, now reaching over 15mm new and expectant online moms each month BabyCenter has established leadership positions in UK, Canada, Australia, India, Austria, and US Hispanic and a quickly growing media business. ! 2

= + + Registration Child’s Age 宝宝中心的模式:为每位准妈妈、新妈妈量身定制并及时发送专业可靠的孕育信息 BabyCenter’s formula: right content, message and community delivered at the right time to the right need Registration Child’s Age + Blogs Community Tools Articles Stage Newsletters + Answers = 真正个性化的宝宝中心用户体验 Complete Personalized BabyCenter Experience 3

Messages delivered that are customized to the consumer’s due date. 宝宝中心以独特的个性化方式和丰富的健康素养资讯吸引并服务孕育阶段的用户 BabyCenter uniquely engages consumers over the course of their pregnancy with health literacy … Evidence-based communication strategies 按孕育阶段设计的个性化传播策略 Messages delivered that are customized to the consumer’s due date. Timely, digestible, and actionable information Understandable and unique voice 专家指导 + 妈妈智慧的独特风格 Tone of voice and messages blends expert advice with practical mom to mom wisdom Emotional needs before physical 注重用户心理需求,结合关爱和健康教育 Consumer’s emotional needs first are answered such as questions like “Is It Safe?” or “Am I Normal?” Taboo topics such as sex and infertility are addressed Core health behaviors such as nutrition, hygiene, or health care are then incorporated

宝宝中心结合本土文化,为不同孕育阶段的妈妈提供个性化的指导与关爱。。。 BabyCenter’s experience is stage-based and locally relevant … 电子周刊样本 Sample Weekly Stageletter 宝宝中心:真诚呵护孕育生命的美好旅程 www.babycenter.com.cn 5

India -- - Mobile phones but no internet access 印度 :手机遍地但网络匮乏的市场 India -- - Mobile phones but no internet access Insights Mobile penetration has exploded in India way ahead of internet penetration Voice services overcome both literacy and language issues Aimed at consumers with mobile phones but are NOT online To get over the barriers of limited phone functionality, language issues, and low literacy, create powerful experiences using a combination of voice and SMS to deliver engaging, educational messages. India voice portal Covers pregnancy in English and Hindi. Will expand to more languages and 0-12 months Experience is mixture of stage-based voice and text message reminders Content is core health, one thing to do each week, actionable (nutrition, hygiene, health care best practices), with integrated advertising 印度移动电话录音信息系统概要 目前用英语和印度鱼提供孕期健康信息。将用更多语言并覆盖1岁前宝宝养育信息 用户可以收到按自己孕育阶段定制的录音信息以及各种短信提示 提供核心孕育健康资讯。每周一条可操作的健康行为指南(营养、卫生、合理保健等)。信息中穿插广告。 Beta program: +91 1204078600

大多数儿童及其看护人[可以]受益于一系列的健康素养技能。这种素养能够足以应付一般预防需要(如营养、发育、家居安全、视力和铅筛查、预防接种 ) 儿童健康素养: 衡量与建立关键指标的机会,这些关键指标必须根据不同国家、地区和人口的特性来考虑制定 Pediatric health literacy Opportunity to measure and develop amongst key parameters that will need to be country, region and population specific 大多数儿童及其看护人[可以]受益于一系列的健康素养技能。这种素养能够足以应付一般预防需要(如营养、发育、家居安全、视力和铅筛查、预防接种 ) 以及 常见的急性健康需求(如发烧、脱水、上呼吸道感染、性传播感染) 来源:贝纳尔德雷尔,美国儿科学会, 2009年 “Most children and their caregivers [could] benefit from a set of health literacy skills adequate to meet common preventive needs (e.g nutrition, development, home safety, vision and lead screening, immunizations.) AND common acute health needs (e.g. Fever, dehydration, upper respiratory tract infections, sexually transmitted infections)” Source: Sanders LM et al., Literacy and child health: a systematic review. Archive of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Feb. 2009