“X”世代護理工作人員工作價值觀之探討 中文摘要 論文摘要 論文名稱:X世代護理人員工作價值觀之探討 研究所名稱:台北醫學大學護理學研究所


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“X”世代護理工作人員工作價值觀之探討 中文摘要 論文摘要 論文名稱:X世代護理人員工作價值觀之探討 研究所名稱:台北醫學大學護理學研究所 研究生姓名:廖秋月 畢業時間:八十九學年度第二學期 指導教授:盧美秀 台北醫學大學護理學研究所教授 張文英 台北醫學大學護理學研究所助理教授 本研究主要目的在探討x世代護理人員的工作價值觀,及比較不同個人屬性與醫院屬性的x世代護理人員在工作價值觀上是否有差異。採橫斷式的調查法,用多步驟取樣的方式,以台北市地區六所公私立醫學中心、區域醫院及地區教學醫院的x世代臨床護理人員做為研究的對象。進行結構式問卷調查,收案時間為89年9月3日至同年的10月30日,共發出問卷340份,回收有效問卷為320份。調查所得資料以描述性統計與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行處理與分析。最後再針對研究結果在統計上有顯著差異的項目進行半結構式訪談,以做為討論分析之輔助資料。 研究結果如下:x世代護理人員其整體工作價值觀的平均得分為2.89 (SD=0.26),在主觀感受上較偏好內在價值(護理組織任務特性),而較不偏好附帶價值(護理組織結構的特性) 與外在價值(護理職業的特性);在內在價值的價值取向上較偏好「利他主義」,而較不偏好「成就感」;在附帶價值的價值取向上較偏好「支配性」,而較不偏好「權威性」;在外在價值的價值取向上較偏好「堅毅與能力」,而較不偏好「發展性」。在x世代護理人員整體工作價值觀的總平均得分中,已婚者的平均得分顯著高於未婚者;志願從事護理工作者的平均得分顯著高於因親朋師長的期望及因考試分發而從事護理工作者;服務於區域醫院層級者的平均得分顯著高於服務於醫學中心者。在個人屬性中,年齡、婚姻狀況、子女數、教育程度、職位及從事護理工作動機的不同,會影響x世代護理人員工作價值觀各分量表及其價值取向的偏好,其中在年齡方面:20-24歲者較偏好「規律性」與「專業性」;25-29歲者較偏好附帶價值(護理組織結構的特性);30-34歲者較偏好「階級性」;而已婚者較偏好內在價值(護理組織任務特性)、附帶價值(護理組織結構的特性)、「崇高情超」、「理想抱負」、「成就感」及「權威性」;子女數愈多者較偏好「理想抱負」;高職畢業者較偏好「專業性」;職位在副護理長(含)以上者較偏好「發展性」及志願從事護理工作者較偏好內在價值(護理組織任務特性)、外在價值(護理職業的特性)、「利他主義」、「崇高情超」、「成就感」、「紀律與服從性」、「規律性」與「專業性」。在醫院屬性中公私立醫院別及醫院層級的不同,也會影響X世代護理人員工作價值觀各分量表及其價值取向的偏好,服務於私立醫院者較偏好「發展性」與「專業性」;服務於地區教學醫院者較偏好外在價值(護理職業的特性)與「專業性」;而服務於區域醫院者較偏好「成就感」。 由本研究結果可以了解工作價值觀與個人職業的成熟度、工作態度及工作表現有密切的關係;若投入護理職場的X世代護理人員,其工作價值觀與內在價值(護理組織任務特性)、附帶價值(護理組織結構的特性)及外在價值(護理職業的特性)越能密切的結合,則其護理專業社會化的程度將越佳,在護理人員的養成教育上也越接近適才適任的理想。故在帶領x世代護理人員時,應先了解x世代護理人員的特質與其工作價值觀,並在其護理專業社會化的過程中,能以雙向互動的過程來澄清不明確的角色期盼,使x世代護理人員在角色接受的過程中得到清晰的角色概念,進而在學術專業的角色與組織的角色上不會發生衝突,也能滿足醫療機構組織內的期待與要求。 期待這個研究結果可以提供未來在護理管理上、護理教育上、臨床工作上及研究上的參考。 關鍵詞:X世代、工作價值觀

A Study of Work Value in the “X”Generation of Nurses 英文摘要 Title of thesis: A Study of Work Value in the “X” Generation of Nurses Institution: Graduate Institute of Nursing ,Taipei Medical University. Author: Liau, Cheu-Ye Thesis directed by: Lu, Meei-Shiow, professor Chang, Wen-Yin, assistant professor The main objective of this research is to explore the work value in Generation-X (GEN-X) nurses, as well as to compare whether or not GEN-X nurses of individual and hospital properties would have different work values, via a cross-sectional research format while adopting a multiple step sampling method, focusing on the GEN-X nursing staffs of six state-owned and privatized medical centers, municipal hospitals, and university hospitals of the Taipei region as research candidates. This research proceeded to send out a total of 340 structural questionnaires dated between September 3 and October 30 of 2000, from which 320 effective samples were derived. The obtained research information were treated with methods such as descriptive statistics and single-factor mutation analysis to began handling and analyses before performing semi-structural interviews targeting categories of notable statistic variations found in research results, for which are used as supporting data of discussion analyses. Research findings are as follows: the mean score of the overall work value in Generation X nurses is 2.89 (SD = 0.26), and an subjective sense of preference for Intrinsic Values (work attribute of the nursing organization) or a less preference for Concomitant Values (unique attribute in the organizational structure of nurses) and Extrinsic Values (unique feature of the nursing profession). “Altruism” is preferred over “sense of achievement” in respects to the value-orientation of the Intrinsic Values, while “delegation” is preferred over “authority” in light of the value-orientation of the Concomitant Values, and “perseverance and ability” is elected over “developmentality” in the value-orientation of the Extrinsic Values. Amongst the total mean score of the overall work value of the GEN-X nurses, the mean score of married staff is notable higher than that of unwed individuals, just like the mean score of voluntary volition engaging in the nursing profession is profoundly higher than those working in the field satisfying parent/relative or teacher’s desires, and likewise for those servicing in municipal hospitals than those in medical centers. In respect to individual properties, differences in age, marital status, number of children, education level, job position, and motivations why engaging in the nursing profession do affect the score distributions and value orientation preferences in the work value of the GEN-X nurses. As for age, persons in the 20-24 age group has a preference for “discipline” and “professionalism”;25-29 age group have a preference for Concomitant Values (unique attribute in the organizational structure of nurses);30-34 age group has a slight preference for “laddering”; married staffs slightly prefer Intrinsic Values (work attribute of the nursing organization), Concomitant Values (unique attribute in the organizational structure of nurses), “lofty intention”, “objective goal”, “sense of achievement” and “authority”; the ones with greater number of children prefer “objective goal”; high school or vocational school graduates prefer “professionalism”, the ones positioned as the assistant head-nurse or higher prefer “developmentality”, while nurses act out of own volition prefer Intrinsic Values (work attribute of the nursing organization), Extrinsic Values (unique feature of the nursing profession), “altruism”, “lofty intention”, “sense of achievement”, “discipline and obedience”, “discipline” and “professionalism”. Whether or not a hospital is state owned or privatized, as well as the different levels of hospitals also have an affect on the score distributions and value orientation preferences in the work value of the GEN-X nurses. The ones servicing in private hospitals prefer “developmentality” and “professionalism”; those working in regional university hospitals prefer Extrinsic Values (unique feature of the nursing profession) and ‘”professionalism”, while those working in municipal hospitals prefer “sense of achievement”. One may discern the close relationship between work value and individual professional maturity, work attitude, and job performance from the findings of this research. For those Generation X nursing staffs engaging in the nursing profession, should their work value be closely netted with Intrinsic Values, Concomitant Values, and Extrinsic Values, then the degree of their professional nursing socialization would be better as well, not the mention the level of job appropriateness in the educational incubation of those nurses verges on ideality. The findings of this paper aspire to provide references on nursing management, nursing education, clinical work ,and researches of the future. Key words: Generation X (GEN-X), work value