Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A (2a-3c)


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A (2a-3c)

Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) is coming ! ( November 28th )

What would you like to eat ? OK! Let’s make some delicious food!


a watermelon cheese 奶酪 a piece of cheese dig a hole 挖洞 a pot

Let’s play a game! 可数名词:起立读; 不可数名词:坐着读

Let’s play a game! 可数名词:起立读; 不可数名词:坐着读

4 pots some pears a lot of bananas many watermelons ? +可数名词

a cup of yogurt some salt much beef ? + 不可数名词 2 bottles of honey

数词+ 量词+of + 可数名词复数 不可数名词 3 baskets of apples a piece of paper 4 cups of yogurt a spoon of honey 2 pairs of shoes 3 pieces of bread

Let’s talk! 谈论how many 和how much的用法 How many +可数名词复数, how much+不可数可数名词

圈出正确的一项,正确使用how many 和 how much How ( much / many ) bananas do we need? 2. How ( much / many ) sugar do we need? 3. How ( much / many ) bread do we need? 4 . How ( much / many ) tomatoes do we need? 5 . How ( much / many ) cheese do we need?

Let’s practice in pairs: A : How many …do we need? B : We need ….. A : How much …do we need? B : We need….


Let ’s listen! bananas yogurt honey 2a:听录音,填表格 How many bananas, How much yogurt, watermelons,apples,oranges honey 2b: 再听1遍,在数量下面写上原材料 one two three one cup two spoons watermelon apples bananas yogurt honey orange

Let’s make! 边说边做 Task 1 : How do we make fruit salad? 可以获得一盒香喷喷的popcorn呦,快来争取吧! Task 1 : How do we make fruit salad? First ,peel ….and …. Next ,cut up ….. After that , put…. into a bowl(碗). Then, add (添加)…… honey and …. yogurt. Finally (最后), mix them up.

Let’s eat! popcorn machine

3b:First complete the questions and answer. Then match them.(先完成问题和答案,然后排序) How b _________do you make popcorn? _________corn do we need? _________do we do next? _________salt do we need? Now can we eat it? a How much What d e How much c Half a cup. ______,put the corn into the popcorn machine. Yes, we can. Next ,______on the machine. _________,add the salt. Just one spoon. First Finally turn

派对大餐之二 Russian soup 文化背景:Russian soup:俄罗斯汤又叫罗宋汤。

Let’s watch! 一边看,一边完成Russian soup的制作过程 First , buy some _________ ,3 carrots , 2_________,4 __________,a cabbage and an onion. Then , ____________the vegetables. _______, put the vegetables into the ______and _______ some water. After that, cook them __________30 minutes. Then , add the onion, tomatoes and the cabbage and cook for_______10 minutes. _______,don’t forget to add ________________salt.

Let’s watch!

Let’s watch! 一边看,一边完成Russian soup的制作过程 First , buy some _________ ,3 carrots , 2_________,4 __________,a cabbage and an onion. Then , ____________the vegetables. _______, put the vegetables into the ______and _______ some water. After that, cook them __________30 minutes. Then , add the onion, tomatoes and the cabbage and cook for_______10 minutes. _______,don’t forget to add ____________ salt. beef potatoes tomatoes cut up Next pot add for another Finally two spoons of

Let’s role-play! A:Can you tell me how to make Russian soup? B: Sure .First , buy some…. Then , cut up…. A:What 's Next? B: Next,put …into….,and add some ….. After that, cook them for …..minutes. Then , add ....and cook for…..10 minutes. A: OK,that's it? B:Finally,don’t forget to add some ….

How do we do these things?

Let’s write! 感恩节即将到来!记录下来你最想为他人做的一件事, 和同学们分享! 提示词: ♥煮牛肉面:煮水 boil the water, put ,add ,vegetables , 香菜 caraway, ♥打扫房间:打扫sweep,抹布 rag , 整理床铺 make the bed , 灰尘 dust ♥洗衣服:搓衣服 rub clothes ,肥皂 soap , 洗衣粉 detergent, 盆tub ♥种树:挖 dig,坑/洞 hole, pour …into ,土 earth , 浇水water

Let’s do some exercises! 一.单项选择: ( )1Please bring me______. A. two cup of coffee B .two cup of coffees C. two cups of coffees D. two cups of coffee ( )2---I want to make a banana milk shake. What do I need? ---You need___ bananas and __milk. A. two,some B. two ,many C. a little, many D. a little, some ( )3_____ yogurt do we need for the milk shake? A .How many B. How much C .How D. How long D A B

1. 你们需要多少苹果? ____________apples do you____? 2.我表哥喝了两杯酸奶。 二.根据汉语完成句子。 1. 你们需要多少苹果? ____________apples do you____? 2.我表哥喝了两杯酸奶。 My cousin drank two _______________ How many need cups of yogurt

Let ’s sum up! 单词: 词组: 句子: 表示顺序的词: 语法: 实践: honey,yogurt…. dig a hole, a spoon of … How many ….? How much …..? 说说本节课 你学到了什 么! first, then ,next ,finally…. 可数名词和不可数名词 祈使句 学习制作……

Thank the people who love us!!

Homework: 制作一张感恩卡在感恩节当天送给关心帮助你的人,并写上感激的话语来表达你的爱!

Thank you!!