Unit 4 Settling in and Arrangement 入住与安排


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Settling in and Arrangement 入住与安排 服务类职业模块 文科通用 Unit 4 Settling in and Arrangement 入住与安排

Scenarios 2: Checking in at the hotel

英语 前厅部 Front Office

Front Office Management Organisation Chart 大堂经理 部门领班 行李员 接待员

Doorman优秀作品展 Welcome to Peace Hotel. Do you have a reservation? How many are there in your group? Come this way. You may check in here.



DEPARTMENT : Front Desk 部门 :前厅部 JOB TITLE :Doorman 职称 :门童 TASK : Greeting 工作职责:迎接客人 WHAT TO DO 工作程序 HOW TO DO 操作明细 WHY 工作目的

Expression Review(英汉互译)小组竞赛 小组竞赛评分标准 2.May I see your passport? 3.How would you like to pay? 1. Could you spell your name? 4.你需要人帮 你吗? 5.我找人帮你拿 行李。 6.祝你住得 愉快!

Talk about the pictures 1 2 3 4

Look at the video to fill in the form

Scenarios2: Checking in at a hotel

Look at the video to fill in the form √ √ √ √ √ √

Scenarios2: Checking in at a hotel

Step 1 Greeting (Ask if the guest reserved) STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURES Registering Checking in at the hotel 入住登记 Step 1 Greeting (Ask if the guest reserved) Step 2 Collecting certificate (passport) Step 3 Confirming the information Step 4 Filling in the form and signing Step 5 Asking the payment Step 6 Giving room card

⑨④①⑧③⑥⑦②⑤⑩ Mr. Woods : Clerk ① Yes. I called you last week from New York. My name is George Woods. ③Probably two days. My wife will join me tomorrow. Then we‘ll decide when to leave for Seattle. ⑤ Thank you.You are very kind. ⑦ Certainly. Of course. ⑨ Good evening. ② This is your key. It‘s on the eighth floor, room 801. ④Good evening, do you have a reservation? ⑥Would you sign the register, please? ⑧Wait a second, please. (She checks the computer.) Yes, Mr. Woods, we have a room reserved for you. How long do you plan to stay? ⑩ You are welcome. Enjoy your stay here.

Find and Ask 找重点和难点 任务1 生词拾贝: 自主阅读对话,如果遇到生词和词组,可在下面画线,小组之间合作译成相应的中文,并画线。下课后把生词写在笔记本上记忆。 任务2 同传口译大演练: 如果没有生词,和学伴合作进行中英文互译练习。

用学过的句型填空 Do you have a reservation? Just a moment please. We have a room available. May I see your passport? How would you like to pay? Here is your room card. Do you want someone to help you? Enjoy your stay.

大家都来试一试给图片配音,或再次描述, 看看哪一组的效果最好。 12 34

Speaker A is a Clerk. He/she is a receptionist of Huaqi Hotel. Make a dialogue with your partner. 根据老师题签内容两人表演对话, 你也可以自己出题,和其他组交换。 Situation: Speaker A is a Clerk. He/she is a receptionist of Huaqi Hotel. Speaker B wants to check in.

Draw lots 抽签 Guests Doormen Clerks

Front Office

Meeting Room

前厅服务员英语技能考核评分表 序号 考核 内容 考 核 要 求 分值 1 仪容仪表10分 考   核   要   求 分值 1 仪容仪表10分 着装整洁, 发式大方,梳理整齐,美观。女士淡妆,男士不留胡须。 发自内心的微笑,亲切和蔼,落落大方。 10 2 言谈举止25分 (1)姿态 行走、站立姿势正确,举止行为规范有礼 (2)英语语言 发音准确、语音清晰、语速适中。词语、语法规范 15 3 在岗技能(迁入与登记) 40分 (1)主动迎宾 微笑、注目礼、使用规范的服务敬语问候客人 (2)弄清客 人是否预订 礼貌地问清客人是否预订 (3)办理入住 登记手续 礼貌地请客人出示有效证件,正确办理入住手续,登记后双手接送并道谢 (4)道别 与客人或行李员交接清楚,敬语道别 4 应变能力25分 (1)语言艺术 语言表达能力强、表达方式委婉、有礼有节 (2)处理正确 反应敏捷,能妥善处理服务中发生的突发事件 5 (3)小组合作 意识 能主动配合小组成员工作,分工协作好,并能充分发挥团队作用

The Golden Rules of Customer Service Smile (it makes you feel welcome) Always use the customer’s name Listen to the customer’s needs Make each customer feel at home Always remember what make a customer happy and unhappy

Homework 个人作业: 1.明早上交英语技能评分表。 2.把今天学习的重点句子制成题卡(A4)。 小组作业: 1.两人完成接待入住的视频录制,下周一上交。 2.四人小组完成前厅入住接待的标准工作程序(中英文),下周一上交。 拓展作业: 假期到我校实训基地开展外宾入住登记的模拟训练。

Front Office THANK YOU