The Use of Codeswitching in Simultaneous Interpretation


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The Use of Codeswitching in Simultaneous Interpretation Ailin Yen/20170323 _ Free PowerPoint Templates, Diagrams and Charts

Translation vs. Interpretation Translation: is the communication of the meaning of a source-language (SL) text by means of an equivalent target-language (TL) text. Interpretation: is oral translation of speech or sign from a language into another.

Modes of Interpretation Whispering: The interpreter is seated or standing among the delegates and interprets simultaneously directly into the ear of the delegates.

Modes of Interpretation 2. Consecutive (CI): The interpreter sits with the delegates, listens to the speech and renders it, at the end, in a different language, generally with the aid of notes. 

Modes of Interpretation 3. Simultaneous (SI): The interpreter works in a soundproofed booth with at least one colleague. The speaker in the meeting room speaks into a microphone, the interpreter receives the sound through a headset and renders the message into a microphone almost simultaneously. The delegate in the meeting room selects the relevant channel to hear the interpretation in the language of his/her choice.

Code Switching Definition Language switching (also called code switching) is a mechanism of changing languages by the same speaker. Code switching allows rapid switching from one language to another during speech without substantially modifying the structure of a sentence. This mechanism is widely used by bilingual speakers during spontaneous conversation and is considered as a feature of bilingual speech. In other words, code switching occurs much more frequently in conversation than in writing.

Examples 我不是要criticize你,只是建議你不要這樣做,但如果你堅持的話,it’s fine with me,請自行承擔後果。 我知道大家最concern的點就是怕自己辛苦建立起來的檔案被人不小心給delete掉了! What do you want for lunch? 炒麵還是餛飩?

Doris Day (Qué Será, Será) → English & Spanish Madonna (La Isla Bonita) → English & Spanish Shakira (Waka Waka) → English & Fang (Cameroonian language) Pitbull (We Are One) → English, Spanish & Portuguese 小虎隊 (青蘋果樂園) → Chinese & English 新寶島康樂隊 (鼓聲若響) → Min & Spanish (???) & Italian (???) 林俊傑 (Love UU) → Chinese & English 王力宏(Forever Love; Kiss) →Chinese & English Wonder Girls (Nobody) → Korean & English

Code switching and SI In the field of conference interpretation, however, code switching is a topic of discussion, both for and against this mechanism. Conventional wisdom used to indicate that people who mixed languages were too lazy or too ignorant to express themselves correctly in a language. Nortier (2011) notes that people who change from one language to another are considered careless, reckless and clumsy, because they do not care about or do not respect their own languages.

Oppositely, Grosjean (2010) says that code switching is often seen as a proof that a person is truly bilingual and that he knows how to choose the language to use based on specific cultural and personal factors.

Difficulties and challenges faced by interpreters Time constraints Two different languages Cultural factors Technical problems Fast-speaking speakers No pre-prep materials Jokes, humor and sarcasm Onomastics Etc.

B. the science or study of the origin and forms ONOMASTICS the science or study of the origins and forms of words especially as used in a specialized field B. the science or study of the origin and forms of proper names of persons or places

Romanization of Chinese names into English SL (Chinese) Transliteration (latin alphabet) Returnability Return to SL (possibilities) 王建民 Wang Chienming Wang Jianming Low 王建民、汪建民 王健旻、汪劍珉 馬英九 Ma Ying-jeou Ma Yingjiu 馬英九、馬櫻玖 馬穎韮、麻膺赳 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen Cai Yingwen   蔡英文、蔡瑛雯 蔡鶯玟、蔡穎汶

Transliteration of foreign names into Chinese   Transliteration of foreign names into Chinese SL (English) Transliteration (Ch. characters) Returnability Return to SL Michael Jordan 麥可•喬丹 High John Mendiguren 約翰•孟迪古人 Medium John??? Beder McGillivray 貝德爾•麥可極力威 Low ???

Used intelligently facilitates the interpreter in the transmission of the message to the receiving public without the need to sacrifice some details due to the mention of the full name of the acronyms or terms. Based on our empirical experience, the use of code switching in the following classes of names is permissible in simultaneous interpretation and they are:

Names of persons Names of streets, roads and other ways Names of places, also includes the names of hills, mountain ranges and mountains, lakes and lagoons, streams and rivers, etc. 4. Names of institutions, companies, companies, etc. 5. Special sections and terms of each profession and trade

Examples SL: I would like to thank Mr. Jack Wang and his staff, Cruz Zhu, Sandy Liu, Viola Lin and Peter Cheng, for the warm welcome given to the delegation during our visit to this beautiful country. TL:首先我要感謝Jack Wang先生與Cruz Zhu, Sandy Liu, Viola Lin 以及Peter Cheng等工作人員對訪團的熱忱招待。

SL:重慶南路原名府前街、文武街,是台灣歷史悠久的一條書店街,全盛時期書店和出版社就超過百家,許多文人、知識份子和學生,喜歡在這裡徘徊一個下午。 TL: Chongqing South Road, formerly known as Fuqian Street, Wenwu Street, is a bookstore street with long history. In its heyday there were more than 100 bookstores and publishers. Many intellectuals and students loved spending the whole afternoon there.

SL: DNA exists in the nucleus, is the intracellular genetic material SL: DNA exists in the nucleus, is the intracellular genetic material. RNA can transmit DNA messages to synthesize proteins. TL: DNA存在於細胞核,是細胞內的遺傳物質。RNA可傳遞DNA的訊息以合成蛋白質。

簡報完畢之後,請各位移駕至隔壁會議室參加商機媒合。此次共有12家台灣廠商參與分別是: 為漢實業、同昌機械、掌羽機械、有傑自動化、青航貨運、榮昌機械、大力金屬、國益鐵工廠、全麥企業、頂順、碩將與建華。

Conclusion Code switching cannot be used at the whim of the interpreter, as long as there is an equivalent word or expression in the TL the interpreter has to ensure that the meaning of the word or expression in the other language is adequately transmitted. Only used with discretion code switching can be a great tool.