Program 8 Packing and Shipment


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Presentation transcript:

Program 8 Packing and Shipment Task 1 Packing

Teaching Objectives Acquire the background knowledge and the basic concepts. Know the basic methods of packing goods Grasp the useful words and language points Write letters to talk about packing of commodity

Background information & basic Concepts Useful words & Expressions Contents Warm-up Part One Background information & basic Concepts Part Two Useful words & Expressions Part Three Sample Letters Part Four Exercises & Homework Part Five

Which one do you like ?

The purpose of packing Packing is of great importance in foreign trade. It may be appropriately said that packing is to goods as what clothing is to man. The ultimate purpose of packing is to keep the transported goods in prefect condition with nothing missing on arrival. Good packing must be able to stand the roughest transportation.

Needs of Cargo Packaging Four main reasons: 1.1 Protective function. The inward protective function is intended ensure full retention of the utility value of the packaged goods. The outward protection must prevent any environmental degradation by the goods. The inward and outward protective function primarily places demands upon the strength, resistance and leak-proof properties of transport packaging. 1.2 Loading and transport function Packaging should be designed to be easily handled and to permit space-saving storage and stowage.

Needs of Cargo Packaging 1.3 Stowage function The Packaging materials and packaging containers required for producing packages must be stored in many different locations both before packaging of the goods and after the package contents have been used 1.4 Promotion function Cargo packaging may also promote sales if promotion material placed on the packaging is intended to attract the potential purchaser’s attention and to have a positive impact upon the purchasing decision.

Two styles of packing Transport packing (outer packing) ——Transport packing is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. It must not only be soiled enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage, but also pilferage-proof, easy to store, convenient to load and unload. Sales packing (inner packing). ——Sales packing is done mainly to push sales.

The methods of shipping packing: Single-piece packing/ Collective packing According to style: cases, drums, bags, bales, bundles, etc. According to material: cartons, wooden cases, iron drums, wooden casks, plastic casks, paper bags, gunny bags, plastic bags, etc.

Single-piece packing

Collective packing Container Pallet

中性包装: ——它是在商品包装上既不注明生产国别、地名和厂名,也不注明原有商标和牌号的包装。 ——中性包装分无牌中性包装和定牌中性包装。其目的是为了打破进口国所实施的关税与非关税壁垒或为了满足买方的特殊需求而采取的措施。

Factors influencing types of cargo packing for international consignments: Nature of cargo Transport Customs or statutory requirements Insurance acceptance conditions Cost Ease of handling and stowage

1. Nature of cargo Packaging should be designed according to the need of the cargo. Cargoes like grains, crude oil, ingot aluminum, steel and automobiles are shipped according to the needs of the cargo.

2. Transport In addition to the nature of cargo, many other factors in relation to transport should be taken into consideration. To begin with, one should consider the nature of transit-the various types of carriers to be used before the goods arrive at their foreign destination. The cargo measurement is another factor to consider. Lastly, the types of hazard a shipment is likely to encounter.

3. Customs or statutory requirements This is particularly relevant to dangerous cargoes to which strict regulations apply concerning acceptance, packaging, stowage, documentation, marking and carrier liability. It is advisable to obtain a certificate to prove the proper treatment of the packing material.

4. Insurance acceptance conditions Packaging must meet the prescribed packaging specifications for particularly fragile cargoes and cargoes with a bad record of damage and pilferage; otherwise, the insurance company will refuse to cover them or refuse to cover them at a regular rate.

6. Ease of handling and stowage 5. Cost Packaging should be economical as well as adequate. 6. Ease of handling and stowage For irregular-shaped cargo, it is especially important to correctly design the packaging to make the handling as easy as possible. The tighter and more secure the packaging, the less likelihood there will be of damage.

Areas of Improvement 1. The standards of packaging 2. The utilization of transport capacity 3. Design of cargo packaging 4. The packaging cost

Marking Packing must be strikingly marked. According to the uses of the packing mark, it can be divided into: Shipping mark (运输标志,又称:唛头) Indicative mark(指示性标志) Warning mark(警告性标志) Weight/Volume Marks (重量、体积标志) Original mark (Marks of Origin)(产地标志)

what is shipping marks? Conventionally, outer packing marks mainly include transport marks(★运输标志), directive marks(指示性标志) and warning marks(警告性标志). Transport marks consist of 1) consignor‘s or consignee’s code name; 2) number of the contract or the L/C 3) the port of destination; 4) numbers of the packed goods; 5) sometimes weight and dimensions; ——all of which can greatly facilitate identification and transportation. 按照国际标准组织(ISO)建议,为了简化单证,便于用打字机一次做成,运输标志不宜用几何图形。一般包括4行,每行不超过7个字母,包括数字和符号。①收货人或发货人的代号名称;②合同号码或信用证号码;③目的港;④件号、序号。

How to design shipping marks?

ABC New York Nos. 1-600 80MST-6997 A shipping mark The consignee→ An example ← Triangle-shaped shipping mark The consignee→ ABC destination→ New York The first one of the total 600 packages→ Nos. 1-600 80MST-6997 ← The total 600 packages The contract number→



Words & expressions Packing specification 包装规格(要求) Packing instruction 包装须知 Packing list 包装单;装箱单 Export packing 出口包装 Customary packing 习惯包装 Commercial packing 商业包装 Improper(poor, )packing 有缺陷的包装 Inner packing 内包装 Outer packing 外包装 Particular packing 特定包装 Neutral packing 中性包装 Seaworthy packing 适合海洋运输包装 Waterproof packing 防水包装

Warning marks Indicative marks Handle with care小心轻放 Dangerous goods 危险物品 Inflammable易燃的 Explosive易爆的 Poison有毒物品 Indicative marks Handle with care小心轻放 This side up 这面朝上 Keep dry / Keep away from moisture防潮 Keep away from heat 远离高温 Use no hooks 禁用手钩 Do not roll 禁止翻滚 Do not please tread. Keep flat 平放 Fragile 易碎

请勿踩踏 Do not please tread.

UN Transport symbols 不燃气体 non-inflammable gases 爆炸品 explosives 易燃气体或易燃液体 inflammable gases or liquids 腐蚀性物品 corrosive substances 易燃固体 inflammable solids 有毒物品 poisonous substances 放射性物品 radioactive substances

Words & expressions Bag 袋;包 Carton 纸板箱 Box 盒;箱 Crate 板条箱 Polybag 塑料袋 Cask 木桶 Keg 小圆桶 Drum 铁皮圆桶 Bale 包;布包 Bundle 捆 Case 箱 Wooden case 木箱 Can 听,罐头 Sack /Gunny bag 麻袋 Tin 听,罐头 Barrel 琵琶桶

Different Types of Packing 板条箱(crate) 纸箱(carton) 木箱(wooden case) 木桶(cask) 捆(bundle) 常用包装 木箱(wooden case), 板条箱(crate), 纸箱(carton) 捆(bundle), 包(bale) 麻袋(gunny bag), 布袋(sack, cloth bag), 塑料袋(plastic bag), 牛皮纸袋(kraftpaper bag) 铁桶(iron drum), 塑料桶(plastic drum), 木桶(cask) 包(bale) 铁桶(iron drum) 塑料桶(plastic drum)





Drums Drums




Glass container


Crate/Skeleton case

Crate/Skeleton case

2、起泡包装(blister packing ) 包装类型(Package type) 2、起泡包装(blister packing ) 1、托盘(tray) 3、集装袋(containing) 4、中性包装(neutral packing ) 、 5、集装网袋(Container mesh bags) 6、吸塑包装(skin packing )

8、零 售 包 装(consumer pack ) 9、绑卡(tie on card ) 10、塑 料 袋(plastic bag ) 包装类型(Package type) 7、插卡包装 (slide card or slide) 8、零 售 包 装(consumer pack ) 9、绑卡(tie on card ) 10、塑 料 袋(plastic bag  ) 11、白盒(white box or mail box ) 12、木 箱(wooden case )

14、纤维板箱( fibre board case ) 13、纸箱(carton ) 包装类型(Package type) 14、纤维板箱( fibre board case  ) 13、纸箱(carton  ) 15、板条箱( rate ) 16、小水桶(wooden keg ) 17、大桶(hogshead  ) 18、铁桶 ( iron drum)

20、挂式包装 (hanging packing) 19、圆桶 (drum)  20、挂式包装 (hanging packing)  22、彩盒 (colour box or display box   )  21、麻袋(jute bag)  24、贴体包装 (skin card )  25、双泡壳包装 (double blister card ) 

Language Points pack v. 包装 货物用适于海运的木箱包装。 The goods are packed in seaworthy wooden cases. 保险公司要求这类商品用特别坚固的箱子包装。 The insurance company requires that this class of merchandise should be packed in extra strong boxes. 部分常见的包装表达法 in… 用某种容器包装 Pliers are packed in boxes.钳子用盒子包装。 in…of …each Pliers are packed in boxes of 2 dozen each. 钳子用盒子包装,每箱两打。

Language Points in…,each containing… 用某种容器包装,每件内装若干 Pliers are packed in wooden cases, each containing 100 boxes. 钳子用木箱包装,每箱装一百盒。 …to… 若干装于一件某种容器若干 Men’s shirts are packed 10 dozen to a carton. 男式衬衫十打装一个纸板箱。 each… in…and…to 每单位装某种容器,若干单位装另一种较大的容器 Each shirt is packed in a polybag and 6 to a box. 每件衬衫装一个塑料袋,6袋装一盒。

Language Points to have sth. packed in 将某物装…… e.g. We can meet your requirements to have the goods packed in wooden cases but you have to bear the extra packing charge. 我们能满足你方将货物装木箱的要求,但是你方必须承担额外的包装费用。 to be packed in a manner 以。。。方式包装 e.g. The goods should be packed in a manner that ensures safe and sound arrival of goods at the destination and facilitate handling during transshipment. 货物应采用一种能保证安全完好到达目的地和便于在转运中搬运的方式进行包装。 to be lined with 内衬。。。 (to have an inner lining of…) e.g. All the cases must be lined with waterproof Kraft paper (polythene sheet). 所有的箱子必须内衬防水牛皮纸(塑料单)。 e.g. Cases must have an inner lining of damp-resisting paper.

Language Points to be strengthened/secured/reinforced by 用。。。加固 to be fixed with ….padding. to be padded with… e.g. Each TV-set is to be wrapped in a plastic-film bag, fixed with hard foam-plastic padding, and put in a carton. Outside, it is to be strengthened by nylon straps. to seal … into 把。。。封入 e.g. We would ask you to be particularly careful to seal each box into a watertight bag before packing into cases. to stand (endure/ withstand/ put up with) 承受,经受 e.g. The package for export goods should be strong enough to withstand roughest handling during transit. 出口货物的包装必须足够牢固,以经受途中最野蛮的搬运。

Language Points to be susceptible/liable to (breakage, damage by moisture/ heat/ rust) 易于(破损、潮损、热损、锈损)的 Garments packed in plastic-lined cartons are not so susceptible to damage by moisture as those packed in wooden cases. 服装装在衬有塑料袋的纸箱里比装在木箱里不易受到潮损。 to be assorted 被搭配 Our towels are packed in cardboard boxes each containing 12 with red, yellow and white equally assorted, 24 boxes to a carton. 我们的毛巾用纸盒包装,每盒装12条,红、黄、白均匀搭配, 24 盒装一纸箱。

Sample Letter Dear Sirs, We regret to inform you that of the 100 cardboard cartons of screws you shipped to Istanbul on 28 January, eight were delivered damaged, of course, through no fault of yours. We are writing you about the packing of these screws, in order to avoid the similar incident, we feel necessary to clarify the concrete stipulation for our future dealings. The packing for Istanbul should be in wooden cases of 112 pounds net, each containing 7 pounds x 16 packets. For Jeddah, we would like you to have the goods packed in double gunny bags of 50 kilos each. As for the Calcutta market, our buyers prefer 25-kilo cardboard cartons. Please let us know whether these requirements could be met. Yours faithfully,

Exercises: Translation (C-E) 1. 每批货我们都会特别小心的。 We always take extra care with every shipment. 2. 这种物品易碎,请以耐用包装来装箱。 As this article is fragile, please case it into durable packing. 3. 外包装打包还是使用木箱,由买方选择。 The outer packing in bales or in wooden cases is at the buyer’s option. 4. 请确保此包装牢固,足以承受粗鲁地搬运。 Please be assured that the packing is strong enough to withstand rough handling.

Exercises: Translation (C-E) 5.我们通常把每件男衬衣装入一个盒子里,半打装一箱,十打装一个木箱。 We usually pack each piece of men’s shirt in a box, half dozen to a carton and 10 dozen to a wooden case. 6.请把每台电视机装一纸板箱,每四台装一适合于出口的木箱。 Please pack one TV set to a cardboard box, 4 sets to a wooden case suitable for export. 7. 绿茶100克装一听,50听装一纸箱,2纸箱装一板条箱。 Green tea is packed 100 grams to a tin, 50 tins to a carton and 2 cartons to a crate.

Exercises: Translation (C-E) 8. 我们要求内包装小巧而精美以有助于销售,外包装轻便而坚固以易于搬运。 We require the inner packing to be small and exquisite to help sales and the outer packing to be light and strong to be easy to carry. 9. 我们希望货物抵达时状况完好并令你方完全满意。 We hope the goods will reach you in perfect condition and to your entire satisfaction. 10. 因水晶花瓶是贵重物品,请严格按照我方指令包装以免运输途中受损。 As crystal vases are expensive, please pack them in strict accordance with our instructions to avoid damage in transit.

Homework: Translation (E-C) 1. Quality is essential in business transactions, but packing cannot be neglected in the least because good packing contributes greatly to the sales. 2. Strong packing will ensure the cargo against any possible damage during transit. 3. We can meet your requirements to have the goods packed in wooden cases but you have to bear the extra packing charge. 4. Taking into consideration the transport at your end, we have especially reinforced our packing. 5. For dangerous and poisonous cargo, the nature and the generally adopted symbol shall be marked conspicuously on each package.