TPO 4.1 Displacement (Biology)


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Presentation transcript:

TPO 4.1 Displacement (Biology) lecture (Biology) TPO 4.1 Displacement (Biology)

Glossary mating ritual 交配仪式 preen = groom整理羽毛 Displacement Activity 替换活动 conflicting drives = competing urges相冲突的驱使力量 redirecting 重新定向 inhibit 抑制 Disinhibition 抑制解除 comfort behavior 舒适行为 accessible 容易做到的 stimulus 刺激 messed up 混乱的

ruffled 皱了 Wood Thrush 画眉鸟 horizontal 水平的 beak 喙,鸟嘴 perch 栖木 vertical 垂直的 breast 胸部 out of place 不合时宜的

背景知识: 画眉鸟 the wood brush 画眉鸟是雀形目画眉科的鸟类。全长约23厘米。全身大部棕褐色。头顶至上背具黑褐色的纵纹,眼圈白色并向后延伸成狭窄的眉纹。栖息于山丘的灌丛和村落附近的灌丛或竹林中,机敏而胆怯,常在林下的草丛中觅食,不善作远距离飞翔。雄鸟在繁殖期常单独藏匿在杂草及树枝间极善鸣啭,声音十分洪亮,歌声悠扬婉转,非常动听,是有名的笼鸟。杂食性,主要取食昆虫,特别在繁殖季节嗜食昆虫;兼食草籽、野果。分布于老挝、越南北部和中国的东南沿海地区,在华中、华南、海南及台湾地区的为留鸟。为广州市市鸟。

Questions 1. What is the lecture mainly about? A. Method s of observing unusual animal behavior. B. A theory about ways birds attract mates. C. Ways animals behave when they have conflicting drives. D. Criteria for classifying animal behaviors. c 1@Displacement activities are activities that animals engage in when they have conflicting drives.

2. Indicate whether each of the activities below describes a displacement activity. Click in the correct box for each phrase. That’s really good suggestion, 2@Karl. But that’s called ‘redirecting’. 2@The animal is redirecting its behavior to another object, in this case, the plant or the bush. But that’s not an irrelevant or inappropriate behavior. The behavior makes sense. It’s appropriate under the circumstances. Yes No An animal attacks the ground instead of its enemy. N An animal falls asleep in the middle of a mating ritual. Y An animal eats some food when confronted by it enemy. An animal takes a drink of water after grooming itself.

3. What does the professor say about disnihibition? A. It can prevent displacement activities from occurring. B. It can cause animals to act on more than one drive at a time. C. It is not useful for explaining many types of displacement activities. D. It is responsible for the appearance of seemingly irrelevant behavior.

D That’s exactly what I mean. 3@Displacement occurs because the animal’s got two conflicting drives – two competing urges, in this case, fear and hunger. And what happens is, they inhibit each other, they cancel each other out in a way, and a third seemingly irrelevant behavior surfaces through a process that we call Disinhibition.

4. According to the lecture, what is one possible reason that displacement activities are often grooming behaviors? A. Grooming may cause an enemy or predator to be confused. B. Grooming is a convenient and accessible behavior. C. Grooming often occurs before eating and drinking. D. Grooming is a common social activity.

B Maybe because it’s easy for them to do? 4@I mean, grooming is like one of the most accessible things an animal can do. It’s something they do all the time, and they have the stimulus right there on the outside of their bodies in order to do the grooming,

5. Why does the professor mention the wood thrush? A. To contrast its displacement activities with those of other animals species. B. To explain that some animals display displacement activities other than grooming C. To point out how displacement activities are influenced by the environment. D. To five an example of a n animal that does not display displacement activities.

C 5@What’s interesting is that studies have been done that suggest that the animal’s environment may play a part in determining what kind of behavior it displays. For example, there’s a bird, the Wood Thrush,

6. Replay: What does the professor mean when she says this? A. She is impressed by how much the student knows about redirecting. B. She thinks it is time to move on to the next part of this lectures. C. The student’s answer is not an example of a displacement activity. D. The student should suggest a different animal behavior to discuss next.

C 6@How about an animal that, um, instead of fighting its enemy or running away, it attacks a plant or a bush? Professor: That’s really good suggestion, 2@Karl. But that’s called ‘redirecting’.

讲座脉络 开头:讨论动物行为--鸟交配中途理羽毛 引出Displacement Activity 中间段: 1.D.A.定义:doing sth. Out of place,engaging conflict drives 2.举例说明: T eg 1: bird preen during mating S1 eg:fight enemy, attack bush X--redirecting Redirecting 定义:转移行为对象 S2 eg: 动物吃东西又害怕靠近→睡觉√

3.D.A.发生原因? Disinhibition: 2 conflicting drives,3rd irrelevant behavior 出现 4.Why D.A.-- feed/drink/groom/sleep? --Comfort Behavior? 1)easy 2)environment 决定 Eg:wood bush -- 水平树干--啄木头 -- 垂直的木头--整理羽毛

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