Please listen, speak and point


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Presentation transcript:

Please listen, speak and point 请听 qǐngtīng 请说 qǐngshuō 请指 qǐngzhǐ lgeorge tchgres

yòng zhōngwén shuō 用 中 文 说 Reply in Chinese lgeorge tchgres

pái duì 排 队 Line up lgeorge tchgres

qǐng jìn 请 进 Please enter lgeorge tchgres

qǐ lì 起 立 Stand to attention lgeorge tchgres

tóngxuémen hǎo 同 学 们 好! classmates hello! lgeorge tchgres

qǐng zuò 请 坐 Please sit lgeorge tchgres

qǐng tīng 请 听 Please listen lgeorge tchgres

zhù yì tīng 注 意 听 Listen carefully lgeorge tchgres

ān jìng 安 静 Quiet lgeorge tchgres

dǒng le ma 懂 了 吗? Understand? lgeorge tchgres

bié shuō huà别 说 话 No talking lgeorge tchgres

gāi nǐ le 该 你 了 your turn lgeorge tchgres

xiě xià lái 写 下 来 Write down lgeorge tchgres

hěn hǎo 很 好! Very good! lgeorge tchgres

duì le 对 了 Correct lgeorge tchgres

qǐng kàn 请 看 Please look lgeorge tchgres

qǐng dú 请 读 Please read lgeorge tchgres

qǐng dǎ kāi shū 请 打 开 书 Please open book lgeorge tchgres

zuò wán le ma 做 完 了 吗? Finished / completed? lgeorge tchgres

zǎoshàng hǎo 早 上 好! Good morning! lgeorge tchgres

xià wǔ hǎo 下 午 好! Good afternoon! lgeorge tchgres

duì bù duì 对 不 对? Is it correct! lgeorge tchgres

shì .. huòzhě ..? 是 .. 或 者 ..? Is it…….or……..? lgeorge tchgres

dà shēng yī diǎn 大 声 一 点 Louder lgeorge tchgres

xiǎo shēng yī diǎn 小 声 一 点 Softer / quieter lgeorge tchgres

shì bù shì 是 不 是? Is it? [ Is not is ] lgeorge tchgres

shì ma 是 吗? Is it / really? lgeorge tchgres

màn diǎn shuō 慢 点 说 Speaker slowly lgeorge tchgres

I don’t understand [ I listen not understand ] wǒ tīng bù dǒng 我 听 不 懂 I don’t understand [ I listen not understand ] lgeorge tchgres

wéi shén me 为 什 么? Why? lgeorge tchgres

nǐ shuō de tài kuài le 你 说 得 太 快 了 You speak too fast lgeorge tchgres

wǒ bù shū fú 我 不 舒 服 I don’t feel well lgeorge tchgres

wǒ yào qù cè suǒ 我 要 去 厕 所 I want to go to toilet lgeorge tchgres

fēi cháng hǎo 非 常 好! Excellent! lgeorge tchgres

gēn wǒ dú 跟 我 读 Read with me lgeorge tchgres

zài shuō yī biàn 再 说 一 遍 Repeat [ say it again ] lgeorge tchgres

cuò le 错 了 Wrong lgeorge tchgres

bù duì le 不 对 了 Incorrect lgeorge tchgres

zhōngwén zěnme shuō 中 文 怎 么 说? How do you say it in Chinese? lgeorge tchgres

shàng kè le 上 课 了 Lesson has started lgeorge tchgres

chāo xiě 抄 写 Copy lgeorge tchgres

dì yī yè 第 一 页 First page lgeorge tchgres

whiteboard/blackboard báibǎn / hēibǎn 白 板 / 黑 板 whiteboard/blackboard lgeorge tchgres

Please return to your seat qǐng huí zuò wèi 请 回 座 位 Please return to your seat lgeorge tchgres

zuò zuò yè 做 作 业 Do your homework lgeorge tchgres

bié wàng 别 忘 做 作 业 Don’t forget lgeorge tchgres

xià kè 下 课 Lesson over lgeorge tchgres

lǎoshī xièxiè 老师 谢 谢 Teacher, thank you lgeorge tchgres

zài jiàn 再 见 Good bye [ again meet ] lgeorge tchgres