U7 The Sea.


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Presentation transcript:

U7 The Sea

chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 ski v.滑雪 dolphin n.海豚 windsurfing n.风帆滑浪 water skiing滑水

evaluation 1. evaluate (v.) ______________ (n.) 2, arrange (v.) ______________(n.) 3. hunt (v.) ______________ (n.) 4,apologise (V.) ____________ (n.) 5. collection (n.) _____________ (v.) 6.explorer (n.) ______________(v.) 7.sailor (n.) _______________(v.) arrangement hunter apology collect explore sail

participate in 参加 __________________ 填写 ___________________ 3. 启航 __________________ 4. 根据,依照 _______________ 5.陷入麻烦 ________________ 6.到达 ________________ 7,寻找,寻求 _______________ fill out set sail according to get into trouble make it to in search of

participate in 参加 填写 启航 4. 根据,依照 5.陷入麻烦 6.到达 7,寻找,寻求 fill out set sail according to get into trouble make it to in search of

Let’s listen to the tape and please find out the phrases (3-7) from the text .

Translation 1, The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America. 2,The Vikings were a group of people whose ancestors came from …… 3,Eric set sail again , this time with 25 ships ,of which only 14 made it to Greenland . 4, He then sailed further south to an island which is now known as Newfoundland .

Practice spirit journey persuade deeds voyage frightening 一.根据提示完成单词拼写. 1,I’m 85, but I still feel young in s__________. 2,They went on a long train j__________ across India. 3,I finally managed to p__________ her to go out for a drink with me. 4,They thanked him for his good d_____. 5,When I give up work I shall take a long sea v_______. 6,It was the most __________ (令人恐惧的) experience of my life. spirit journey persuade deeds voyage frightening

ancestors eventually Present-day underwater 7,His __________ (祖先) had come to America from Ireland. 8,Our flight _______________ (最终) left five hours late. 9,__________ (当今的) China wasn’t any longer what she used to be. 10,The ship was __________ (在水下) when they reached it. eventually Present-day underwater

sailing explore apology lecturer 二.用括号里的单词的正确形式填空. 1. Bud has invited us to go __________ (sail) this weekend. 2. I’m going to __________ (explorer) the possibility of a part-time job. 3. You should make an __________ (apologize) to him for what you said. 4. She is an excellent __________ (lecture) sailing explore apology lecturer

三.选择所给词组的正确形式完成句子. set sail, in search of, according to, blow off, get into trouble 1,He walked through the street __________ her place. 2,The boy ____________ when he left home to live in London. 3,The huge ship __________ for Europe soon. 4,You can choose __________ what you want. 5,The boat was __________ course in the centre of the river by the big wind yesterday. in search of got into trouble set sail according to blew off

四.句型转换. one of which named in search of 1. This is the place, and Lu Xun once lived here. This is the place _____ _____ Lu Xun once lived. 2. I have three brothers and one of them is a doctor. I have three brothers, _____ _____ _____ is a doctor. 3. I know a famous journalist whose name is Tom. I know a famous journalist ________ Tom. 4. Nowadays many peasants go into the big cities to look for jobs. Nowadays many peasants go into the big cities _____ _____ _____ jobs. in which one of which named in search of

五.翻译 1.那位男销售员说服我们购买了他的产品。 (persuade sb. to do sth.) 2. 我每月的总收入多达五千元。(as much as) 3. 我相信你一定会成功的。(make it) 4. 我们班总共有五十八个学生,其中二十三个是女生。 (of whom) 5. 由于公司发展过快而陷入困境。(get into trouble)

Homework 1,完成名师核心单词1-3 练习.(一定完成) 2,完成名师重要词组1-5 练习.(尽量完成)


chimpanzee n.黑猩猩 ski v.滑雪 dolphin n.海豚 water skiing滑水 windsurfing n.风帆滑浪

evaluation 1. evaluate (v.) ______________ (n.) 2, arrange (v.) ______________(n.) 3. hunt (v.) ______________ (n.) 4,apologise (V.) ____________ (n.) 5. collection (n.) _____________ (v.) 6.explorer (n.) ______________(v.) 7.sailor (n.) _______________(v.) arrangement hunter apology collect explore sail

Use some words to replace them . 1, finally 2.looking for 3, succeed 4.sea journey 5, never heard of 6. now 7, start a sea journey 8. based on eventually in search of make it( to) voyage unknown present-day according to set sail

Put the letters in correct order to form a new word . further adj.&adv. &V. 1, uthfrer 2, adsupere 3, wnunnko persuade V. unknown adj. &n.

短语互译 further sb’s interests ____________________ 提高某人的兴趣 persuade her to go shopping with me ________________________ (3) be unknown to sb. ______________ (4)无名小卒 ___________________ (5)说服他上课不要讲话 _________________ (6)进一步学习,进修 ___________________ 提高某人的兴趣 说服她和我去买东西 不为某人所知 an unknown persuade him not to talk in class further study

Making sentences according to the pictures . persuade sb to do sth persuade sb not to do sth persuade sb into doing sth Persuade sb out of doing sth buy

Fill in blanks according to the pictures . 在邓小平到访深圳之前,这个地方并不出名。 This place ___________________ before Deng XiaoPing pay a visit to it . was unknown to all ShenZhen

It needs further study further the interests Fill in blanks according to the pictures . 要掌握这种教学方法还要进一步学习。能够提高大部分学生的学习兴趣。 __________________________ to master this the teaching method .Because it can________________ _______________________ It needs further study further the interests of most of the students.

Fill in blanks according to the pictures . At that moment Zhao Wei was __________________ in her career. but, She _____________________ after she played in this film. still an unknown became famous

辨析 further farther We will help you farther . (T or F)

set sail 1. 启航 __________________ 2. 根据,依照 _______________ 3.陷入麻烦 ________________ 4.到达 ________________ 5,寻找,寻求 _______________ according to get into trouble make it to in search of

Reading aloud ! 1,The ship set sail at seven. 2,According to the weather forecast, it will be clear tomorrow. 3,The driver ignored the policeman’s warning and got into trouble. 4,Lucy failed in the computer test last time while I made it . 5,He went out in search of something to eat.

Check your memory ! 考考你记忆力 (1)set ________ (doing sth.) 开始,着手干 (2)set an __________ 树立榜样 (3)set fire ____ 放火烧,使燃烧 (4)set…________ 释放,解放,使自由 (5)set ________ 动身出发;使爆炸;引起 (6)set ________ (for/ to do sth. ) 出发;开始,着手干 (7)set ________ 建立,设立,竖起 about example to free off out up

The students___________________________ their homework. 学生开始着手做他们的作业。 The students___________________________ their homework. set about doing (=set out to do)

According to 选出下列句子翻译正确的一句。 根据她的意见,汤姆不会通过考试。( ) 根据她的意见,汤姆不会通过考试。( ) (1) According to her opinion, Tom will fail in the exam. (2) In her opinion, Tom will fail in the exam. (2)

get in off on out over (4)get _________ 进站,进去,收割

through to together up married to to with of (14)get close ________ 靠近,接近 (15)get down ________ 开始认真(做某事) (17)get in touch ________ 与……取得联系 (18)get into the habit ________ 养成……的习惯 to together up married to to with of

We had much trouble in ______ (repair) 我们费了很大的劲才修好这窗户。 但他刚才打碎了窗户上的玻璃.现在他 又有麻烦了.(妈妈会责骂他) We had much trouble in ______ (repair) the windows .But, he broken them just now . So, he is____ _______ again . repairing in trouble

trouble in in make out of for ★联想:写出含trouble的词组 (2) have trouble ________ doing sth. 做某事有困难 (3) _________ trouble 闹事,捣乱 (4) get _________ trouble (使)摆脱不幸(困境) (5) ask/look _________ trouble 自寻麻烦 in in make out of for

Role play ! Tom:Marry ,There are only 10 minutes left before the train leaves . Mary :Don’t worry ,I can make it . 能赶上 Tom:When shall we meet ? Mary :How about making it on Friday 定在……..

search T or F 1,The parents in search of their child here and there, but they didn’t find him. 2, The couple searched the whole street for their lost child.

charge front honor need praise spite view form hope list ★联想:写出下列与in search of相似的词组。 (1)in _________ of 负责,管理 (2)in _________ of 在……前面 (3)in _________ of 向……致敬,为……庆祝,为纪念…… (4)in _________ of 需要,有……必要 (5)in _________ of 称赞,歌颂 (6)in _________ of尽管,虽然 (7)in _________ of 有鉴于,考虑到,由于 (8)in the _________ of 以……形式 (9)in the _________ of 怀……希望 (10)in the _________ of 在……单上 charge front honor need praise spite view form hope list

Let's have a dictation.

1)It needs farther study to master this technology. 2)What she said was not true, and it was hard to persuade us into believe. 3)This place was unknown for us, before Li Bai wrote a poem about it. further believing to

Lesson 2 Protecting the sea

sea pollution

What cause sea pollution ? over-fishing industrial waste agricultural waste plastic oil rubbish chemical

Let's read the new words together !

1.pollute(v.)__________(n.) 2.industry(n.)__________ (adj.) 3.agriculture(n.)_________ (adj.) 4.chemical(n.)_________ (n.) 5,present(v.)_________ (n.) 6. solve (v.) _________(n.) 7.intelligent(adj.)___________(n.) pollution industrial agricultural chemistry presentation solution intelligence

deal with 1,处理 2,以…….谋生 3,为……..负责 4,违反法律 5,轮流做,依次做 6,禁止某人做某事﹝ban﹞ 7,找出 make a living be responsible for break the law take turns to do ban sb from doing sth find out

1,处理 2,以…….谋生 3,为……..负责 4,违反法律 5,轮流做,依次做 6,禁止某人做某事 7,找出 deal with make a living be responsible for break the law take turns to do ban sb from doing sth find out

Translation 1,Some government departments are trying to deal with the situation. 2,It ‘s difficult to find who’s responsible for pollution. 3,There are less people trying to make a living from fishing .

Practice agricultural port handling Industrial banned department 单词拼写 1,The __________ (农业的) land is very important for the peasants. 2,The ship spent four days in __________ (港口) a month ago. 3,She’s very good at __________ (对付) her patients. 4,__________ (工业的) production has risen by 0.5% since November. 5,Charlie has been __________ (禁止) from driving for a year. 6,My uncle works as a professor I the Physics __________ (系) of Zhongshan University. agricultural port handling Industrial banned department

pollutes intelligence industrial solve 用词的正确形式填空。 1,The factory always __________ (pollution) the water and air around us. 2,He is a man of very high __________ (intelligent). 3,Many __________ (industry) accidents happened in that factory last year. 4,Both sides are trying to __________ (solution) the problem in a peaceful way. pollutes intelligence industrial solve

breaking the law deal with make a living be responsible for 选择正确的词组填空。 deal with, make a living, be responsible for, break the law Should people do what they think is right even when it means __________ ? 2. I have a huge pile of letters to __________. 3. It’s hard to __________ if someone does nothing every day. 4. The floods should _______________ the deaths of over a hundred people. breaking the law deal with make a living be responsible for

做名师的练习 P60 ,6

6. make a living by/from 以……谋生 Most of the people here make a living by/from fishing. 这里的人大多以捕鱼为生。 ★联想:熟记make a…短语: make a decision 作决定 make a speech 作演讲 make an appointment 约会 ■运用:用make a…短语翻译下列句子。 (1)他靠开出租车谋生。 ______________________________________ (2)经理几分钟内就做出了最终的决定。 ______________________________________________ (3)今天早上校长做了很精彩的演讲。 He makes a living by/from driving a taxi. The manager made a final decision in a few minutes. The headmaster made a wonderful speech this morning.

Lesson 3 The sea world

penguin iceberg seal coral crab shark

1.energy(n.)_________ (adj.) 2,discover (v.) ________ (n.) 3.attract(v.)_________ (adj.) 4.educate(v.)_________ (n.) 5.long(adj.)_______(n.) 6. dead (adj.) ______(n.) energetic discovery attractive education length death

1,up-to –day 2,watch out 3,do tricks 4,at feeding time 5, every two hours 6,be friendly to 7, in height 1,现代的,新式的 2,注意,小心 3,耍花招 4,在喂食时 5,每两小时 6,对…友好 7,高度

1,up-to –day 2,watch out 3,do tricks 4,at feeding time 5, every two hours 6,be friendly to 7, in height 1,现代的,新式的 2,注意,小心 3,耍花招 4,在喂食时 5,每两小时 7,对…友好 8,高度

Let’s listen to the tape and find out some of the phrases from the text .

Translation 1,Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice! 2,See our intelligent dolphins .There are fantastic shows every two hours . 3,It is not as big as a fly in your house ! 4,If you come earlier, you’ll get the special discount. 5,All the goods in this shop are sold at a discount of 20%.

Practice discovery discount energetic length educate attracted 1,He made many wonderful scientific __________ (发现) 2,Employees can buy books at a __________ (打折). 3,The old lady ahs an __________ (富有活力的) mind. 4,The __________ (长度) of the football field is one hundred yards. 5,The poor boy had to __________ (教育) himself I the evening after finishing his work. 6,Perhaps he had __________ (吸引) her because he was so different from her. discount energetic length educate attracted

melt coral trick measured 7,If you warm ice, it will ______ (融化) into water. 8,I have a necklace make of __________ (珊瑚). 9,By means of a clever __________ (戏法), he made it disappear. 10,We __________ (测量) the room and found it was 20 feet long and 15 feet wide. coral trick measured

用下列单词填空: attract , attraction, energetic, measure, educate, watch out, discount , coral, discovery, melt In order to ___1____more people to the beauty of underwater world, and to the problem of the damage we are doing to it, one sea life protection centre has begun to offer____2___ tours of these fascinating structures which can both ___3_____ people and be great fun. In the past, it cost a lot of money to be able to actually see the ____4___ , but this centre wanted as many people as possible to visit. attract discount educate coral

The centre has lots to offer visitors, both young and old The centre has lots to offer visitors, both young and old. The key ___5____ for many visitors, however, especially those who are fit, strong and ____6____, is that they can dive down with instruments to ____7____ the coral for themselves. The idea is that visitors return to the centre again after 6 months to compare their _____8____ . This way they can see for themselves how global warming ,which some experts say causes the polar ice to ____9____ ,in turn, affects the coral. Visitors who dive down are told to __10_____ , however. Coral , though beautiful to look at , is often as sharp as a kitchen knife! attraction energetic measure discovery melt watch out

See you!


penguin iceberg seal coral crab shark

1.energy(n.)_________ (adj.) 2,discover (v.) ________ (n.) 3.attract(v.)_________ (adj.) 4.educate(v.)_________ (n.) 5.long(adj.)_______(n.) 6. dead (adj.) ______(n.) energetic discovery attractive education length death

1,up-to –day 2,watch out 3,do tricks 4,at feeding time 5, every two hours 6,be friendly to 7, in height 1,现代的,新式的 2,注意,小心 3,耍花招 4,在喂食时 5,每两小时 7,对…友好 8,高度

Let's have a dictation.

This is a story of a very big fish and a very small fisherman This is a story of a very big fish and a very small fisherman .Six-year-old schoolboy Ben Wood is only 100 centimeters in _______ (high), but he caught a fish which is 120 centimeters in _______(long). And the fish , at forty-one kilos ,is ______________(big ) fish of its kind that any fisherman has ever caught .An average fish like this measures 90 centimeters in _______ (long ) ,and it can weigh as __________ (much) as 30 kilos . height length the biggest length much

This book is as easy as that one . This book is not as easy as that one .

expensive My computer is as expensive as my car . My computer is not as expensive as my car .

my bracelet your bracelet beautiful My bracelet is as beautiful as yours . My bracelet is not as beautiful as yours .

This book is as easy as that one . This book is not as easy as that one . This book is _______ easy than that one . less

expensive My computer is as expensive as my car . My computer is not as expensive as my car . My computer is less expensive than my car .

my bracelet your bracelet beautiful My bracelet is as beautiful as yours . My bracelet is not as beautiful as yours . My bracelet is less beautiful than yours .

practice Make sentences using the cues . 1,Chimpanzees /intelligent /dolphins 2,Today /cold /yesterday .