USTC-CityU Collaboration Scheme


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Presentation transcript:

USTC-CityU Collaboration Scheme Graduation Arrangement

联合培养研究生方案简介 (附在取錄通知書中) 联合培养研究生方案简介 (附在取錄通知書中) 4.学位论文评阅及答辩安排 学生完成论文研究工作后,要提交一份以中文或英文撰写的学位论文及一份相应的英文或中文翻译本。论文的水平必须达致两校的要求 (最新的要求请查询城大个别学系以及到科大研究生院网站上的参考期刊查阅)。 參考期刊 (08年版)

联合培养研究生方案简介 (附在取錄通知書中) 联合培养研究生方案简介 (附在取錄通知書中) 科大及城大按两校有关规定共同安排学位论文评阅。论文评阅通过后,两校会邀请专家组成联合答辩委员会 (Joint Examination Panel) ,为学生进行答辩。学生只须参加一次答辩(用英语进行),举行地点主要在苏州。 5.学位授予及颁发学位 / 毕业证书的安排 学生完成两校的课程要求及通过学位论文答辩后,可分别申请由两校授予的博士学位。成功获授予学位的毕业生可得到科大和城大分别颁发的学位 / 毕业证书 〈城大的学位证书上将注明与科大联合培养相关的字样〉,并可参加两校分别举行的毕业典礼。


Graduation Arrangement Residence Requirement A period of not less than 2 years Coursework Requirement Students are required to take a minimum of 14 credit units (students of CB are required to fulfil 27 credit units) A compulsory 1 credit unit on SG8001 or SG8001M Credit transfer is limited to a maximum of 7 credit units (a maximum of 13 credit units for CB students) You may ask the General Office for the no. of credit units transferred. To apply for credit transfer, please use SGS16 form, which can be downloaded from

Graduation Arrangement SGS09U form: Notice of Submission of Thesis for Examination Arrangements for Students under the USTC-CityU Collaboration Scheme (downloaded from with an abstract of thesis (about 1 page), THREE months (latest by 15 Jan 2011) before the submission of the unbound thesis (by 15 April 2011) On the form, you need to fill in: Proposed unbound thesis submission date Thesis title (in English & Chinese) Then pass it to your supervisor to fill in the rest

Graduation Arrangement Composition of Examiners (5 examiners) CityU’s requirement: Internal Examiner (also as CityU Panel Chair) Internal Examiner External Examiner CityU Supervisor SGS will send invitations to them only USTC’s requirement: 5 examiners (Student can report to 學位辦 likes this as the name of CityU examiners will not be disclosed.)

Graduation Arrangement SGS CityU 中科大學位辦 Joint Oral Exam.

Graduation Arrangement Major Job Duties of SGS: Invite 3 examiners recommended by CityU supervisor Send the unbound thesis (in English) to 3 examiners and ask them to fill in a Thesis Assessment Reports Distribute the completed Thesis Assessment Reports among student, CityU supervisor and examiners SGS will give student 3 completed Thesis Assessment Reports (in English) so as to apply for USTC degree certificate Coordinate the oral exam on the spot

Graduation Arrangement YOU/USTC supervisor have to: Invite other examiners to fulfill the oral exam requirement of USTC Send the unbound thesis (in Chinese) to these examiners and ask them to fill in 论文评阅书 (CityU will provide you with 3 reports in English to apply for the USTC PhD) Important note: students have to collect the completed 论文评阅书 from all examiners whom you have given the unbound thesis (in Chinese) to before the oral exam. Otherwise, USTC will not allow students to sit for the joint oral exam. Inform the other examiners the date and time of oral exam, if necessary

Graduation Arrangement On unbound thesis submission date, submit 4 copies of English unbound thesis in ring bound SGS09A form: Certifying Form for Submission of Thesis for Examination (with supervisor’s and head’s signature) SGS09B form: Statement on the Extent of Research Collaboration Unbound Thesis in Ring Bound

Graduation Arrangement Six weeks after unbound thesis submitted Oral Exam Date (Student will be informed by SGS in advance) Candidate is required to present at the oral examination for about 20-30 minutes in English Please inform Suzhou Office if you need computer aid or you need to do testing Examiners will ask questions in the Q & A session Panel of examiners will make recommendation to SGS Student will be informed of the result on the same day

Graduation Arrangement 学生需于答辩前向科大学位办了解清楚科大对答辩的要求。以下是一些累绩的经验: 考生需要选定一位答辩秘书,可以找师弟妹帮忙,过往的经验是,科大要求两份正本的情况表,需要用笔纪录的东西很多,不妨选两位帮忙。 考生应在答辩前将填好了的科大情况表交予答辩秘书,交代清楚,不要在答辩差不多开始,所有examiners都就座的时候,才向答辩秘书交代。 考生需按照科大的规定给予答辩费用给专家,考生或需自己先行垫支,再回科大办理手续领回。具体金额请向科大学位办查询。 答辩秘书于答辩完结前将情况表给予科大的Chair签署,并收集已填好的表决票,由考生直接給学位办。

Graduation Arrangement After the Oral Examination Panel of examiners may award the candidate with the PhD degree or ask the candidate to revise the thesis Once the College approves the revision, student will have a status “Study Completed” and students cannot use the Peter Ho Conference Scholarship if applicable. Except for CA students, student is required to submit FOUR bound theses (one for CityU library, one for department, one for CityU supervisor and one for USTC) normally within one week from the date s/he receives a letter to confirm the revisions to the thesis by himself/herself. For CA students, only THREE bound theses are needed because CA dept. does not keep a copy.

Graduation Arrangement Student is required to follow Appendix 12 & 13 of the Guidebook for the format of the cover, spine and title page. Once student submits the bound thesis, the stipend will be stopped. Student will not get the CityU degree certificate if s/he fails to submit the bound thesis. Bound Thesis

Graduation Arrangement Venue for examination Basically in Suzhou, but it can be in Hong Kong or in Hefei if both CityU & USTC supervisors agree. Examiners, who are not able to attend, may participate in the oral examination via tele-conferencing device. However, USTC does NOT accept remote voting (遥距投票). In order to fulfill the requirement of USTC, there must be 5 examiners (excluding CityU & USTC supervisors) attending the oral examination in person. Dates for examination (to graduate in 2012) Thesis submission not later than 15 April 2012; Oral exam not later than 31 May 2012 (科大学位证颁发前) Students MUST provide 科大学位证 to get the CityU’s degree certificate in October 2012.

Graduation Arrangement To extend the candidature, SGS03 form, which can be downloaded from SGS webpage should be filled. Maximum extended period: 6 months x 2 times. NO stipend. Award presentation Upon fulfillment of both institutions’ academic and examination requirements, the student will receive a PhD degree certificate jointly awarded by CityU and USTC. CityU’s degree certificate will indicate that the PhD award is jointly granted by CityU and USTC. Students can attend the award ceremonies of USTC and that of CityU respectively. For CityU, the award ceremony takes place in November 2012.

THE END Thank you!!