Module 10.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 10

The game that they like most is Australian football. Unit 2 The game that they like most is Australian football.

Warming up Australia is a beautiful country. Let’s enjoy the charming scenery.

Do you know about Australian football? Let’s watch a video about Australian.

Australian football

New words surf v. 冲浪 kangaroo n. 袋鼠

ride n. 骑马; 乘车 riding n. 骑马(运动) lazy adj. 懒惰的; 懒散的

ham n. 火腿 salad n. 色拉 grape n. 葡萄

Reading Look at the pictures and describe them.

Now guess what Tony is going to say in his letter. Read the letter and find out what the pictures show. Ayers Rock and an Aborigine a kangaroo surfing fields, hills and sheep

抓首句或关键词! 4 3 2 1 5 6 a. the language that they speak Fast reading Match the main ideas with the paragraph. 抓首句或关键词! a. the language that they speak   b. the climate(气候)and the geography(地理) of the country c. the life ways of the people d. Ayers Rock and the Aborigines e. going on a camel ride f. taking the planeback home 4 3 2 1 5 6

Read the letter in Activity 2 again and find: 1. five colours: purple, red … 2. three animals: 3. four kinds of food: 4. four sports:

1. five colours: 2. three animals: 3. four kinds of food: 4. four sports: purple, red, dark blue, yellow, green sheep, kangaroos, horses ham, beef, salad, grapes Australian football, swimming, surfing, horse riding

Complete the table. Notes about Australia Ayers Rock The Aborigines 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high; a centre of local Aboriginal culture have lived in Australia from the earliest times

Australian way of life Weather Language ham and beef with lots of salad, Australian football, going to the beach sunny English, special expressions: G’day! No worries.

Language points On the first day, we took a plane tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was … be surprised at + n. (v. + ing)  对……感到惊奇 主语是人 e.g. I was surprised at the news about his death. 他去世的消息令我感到震惊。

be surprised 后还可接不定式和 that 引导的从句。 e.g. I’m surprised that he should have been so foolish. 我很奇怪他竟然会这么傻。

【联想】 surprise n. 吃惊 to one’s surprise “让某人吃惊的是”, 常位于句首, 作状语, 表示行为的结果。 e.g. To her surprise, she failed in the examination. 让她吃惊的是, 她考试没及格。

2. During different periods of the day, the colours of the rock turn dark blue, purple, yellow and red. period n. 阶段; 时期 e.g. The students’ lunch period is from 11:30 to 12:30. 学生们的午餐时间是从11点半到 12点半。 We lived in Beijing for a period. 我们在北京住过一段时间。

3. The Australians have a close relationship with the British. relationship n. 关系 e.g. Is there any relationship between them? 它们之间有联系吗? We have a working relationship. 我们是工作上的关系。

4. Many have British relatives, and they are like us in many ways. relative n. 亲戚 e.g. These are the gifts to relatives. 这些就是送给亲戚的礼物。 【区别】 relative & relation 两者都指根据血统或婚姻关系的远近来 说, 较近的亲戚用relation, 较远的亲戚用 relative。

5. For example, when they say “G’day” and “No worries”, they mean “Hello” and “Don’t worry about it. It’s not a problem!” G’day 和 No worries 是澳大利亚人的常用语。

e.g. “G’day!” he said in a loud voice. “你好!”他大声地说。 — Can you deliver on Thursday? 你能周四送货吗? — No worries. 可以, 没问题。

grape ham lie period relationship relative salad spirit Exercises Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. grape ham lie period relationship relative salad spirit We can eat _________ or drink their juice. 2. ________ is made of cold vegetables that you do not need to cook. 3. ________ is made from pork. grapes Salad Ham

grape ham lie period relationship relative salad spirit 4. I have some _________ in Australia —my mother’s brother and his family live there. 5. The Aborigines have many stories about the ________ that created the world. relatives spirits

grape ham lie period relationship relative salad spirit 6. The Aborigines lived in Australia for a long ________ of time before the Europeans arrived. 7. We were _____ on the beach in the sun yesterday afternoon. 8. The close ____________ between the two countries has a long history. period lying relationship

Learning to learn Increase your writing vocabulary by noting down example sentences with the words you want to use in your compositions. Then try to write your own sentences after the examples.

Writing Write a letter about a visit to a place in China. Choose a place you have visited in China. Make a list of things you are going to write about: 1 people 2 food 3 ways of life 4 events during the trip

Now write a letter to a relative or a friend and tell them about your visit. Begin and end the letter like Tony’s.

Homework Finish your writing.

Thank you!