SNA Week 3 UCINET & NetVizz &Facebook API


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Presentation transcript:

SNA Week 3 UCINET & NetVizz &Facebook API


Download UCINET

UCINET Introduction UCINET—UCINET is produced by Analytic Technologies. It offers a very user-friendly, reasonably priced software system for network analysis. When you first open UCINET, set the default directory to a directory of your choice, by typing in the directory name (into the space at the bottom edge of the UCINET window). Note that the original default directory is just the c:\ drive. Note that UCINET produces many types of files—and deleting any (before you are entirely done with your analysis) may make it difficult to use some of the others



UCINET-Data Editor

UCINET-Data Editor

Data Format-Nodelist dl n=4, format=nodelist1 labels: Labels embedded data Peter mary Derrick mary john derrick peter peter dl n=4, format=nodelist1 labels: derrick, peter, mary, john data 1 2 3 2 1 3 4 3 1 2 4 2

Data Format-Nodelist2 dl nr=3, nc=4 format=nodelist2 Row labels embedded Column labels embedded Data: Benny sex_roles, stats Ginny aging, intro Sally stats, intro, aging

Data Format-Rankedlist dl n=4, format=rankedlist1 Labels embedded Data: Peter mary Derrick mary john derrick peter peter

Data Format-Edgelist dl n = 4 format = edgelist1 labels: Sanders,Skvoretz,S.Smith,T.Smith data: 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 1 1 3 2 na 4 2 10.3

Import Nodelist 1 Data





Bob 1 Carol 2 Ted 3 Alice 4

Susan 1 Kathy 2 Tanya 3 Donna 4 Nancy 5 Manuel 6 Charles 7 Harold 8 Carol 9 Stuart 10 Fred 11 Bob 12 Sharon 13 Wynn 14


Degree Centrality NetworkCentrality-->Degree Centrality Symmetric-->Degree Asymmetric-->Indegree, Outdegree Degree Centrality

Closeness Centrality

Betweenness Centrality NetworkCentrality-->Betweenness Degree Centrality Betweenness does not care about the direction Betweenness Centrality

Structural Holes Networks Ego Networks-->Structural Holes EffSize = size of network minus redundancy in network Efficiency = effective size / actual size of network Constraint = how much investment the ego has in the specific individual, how constraint ego is by that actor. This is an inverse measure of social capital. Hierarchy = same interpretation as constraint but more exaggerated, just constraint by 1 you have a high hierarchy. This measure is rarely used in network studies.

NetworkCohesion-->Density NetworkEgo Networks-->Egonet Density Network-->Egonet basic measurement

Clustering Coefficient NetworkCohension-->Clustering Coefficient Clustering Coefficient

NetworkSubgroups-->Cliques Trade Dataset Clique

N-Cliques NetworkSubgroups-->Cliques

Hierarchical Clustering NetDrawAnalysis-->Subgroups-->Girvan-Newman


NetVizz Data Group Data Page Data Page Like Network Search Link Stats Data Format GDF TAB


Homework Get Data form Facebook Page or Group Graph in Guff Export data to UCINET SNA Measurements in UCINET Degree Betweenness Density Clustering Coefficient


Facebook 2004年2月創立 哈佛美國大學加拿大大學英國大學 (.edu, 類似 的經營模式 2006年10月對外開放 (所有合法的email)


Facebook 2008年中文版 (twitter 2011年九月) 2009 年 Facebook API 2009年全新改版-動態時報, 粉絲專頁 2009隱私權爭議 2009年中國封鎖FB 2011年茉莉花革命 2012 FB NASDAQ上市 2012 FB 推出APP Center 2013年Social Graph Search

So, 我們想要什麼資料 資料來源 個人資訊 朋友列表(新API已限制) 動態時報 社團Group 粉絲專頁 相簿 Message (!!!) 類型 資訊 文章Post Like, Comment, Body Photo Check-in ….

Facebook 資料擷取方式 史前時代 FQL-Facebook Query Language Graph API 眼力 Crawler FQL-Facebook Query Language SQL like Graph API 初始版本對於隱私完全性的開放 Graph API 2.0 App須先經過審核 好友名單的限制 好友也需同意授權 Other Tools Netvizz

使用FQL & Graph API 先註冊為開發者以及建立App

Graph API Explorer

Access Token授權

FQL SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id='10100429963778164’ SELECT message_id FROM message WHERE thread_id = '355220761355182'

Graph API 2.0

程式的支援 SDKs SDKs 資料回傳 iOS Android PHP JavaScript Unity ……. 資料回傳 JSON格式

FB API The good, the bad, and the ugly 容易上手 取得的資料格式容易處理 隱私 The bad 受制於FB 資料來源的限制, 資料量的限制, 存取頻繁度的限制 The ugly 失去hack FB 的能力


Social Insight-粉絲專頁

Hi Buzz


So, 最後 Facebook 的政策改變頻繁 Facebook商業利益的考量 資料先入袋 可思考商業的應用與更有貢獻的研究 隱私權的考量