Module 7.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 7

Module 7 Great books

We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas. Unit 1 We're still influenced by Confucius's ideas.

Warming up Recently I’ve read a great book called  Romeo and Juliet. I’m deeply moved by it. Have you ever read some great books? Who are your great writers?

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Say who the people are and why they are famous. Confucius was a great teacher and thinker in ancient China. He lived over 2000 years ago and he is well-known in many countries. Confucius

William Shakespeare was English and wrote plays and poems William Shakespeare was English and wrote plays and poems. Although he died about 400 years, his plays are still seen, and his poems are still read by many people. Shakespeare

Mark Twain was an American writer. His works are studied in schools Mark Twain was an American writer. His works are studied in schools. His stories are set in the south of the US over 100 years ago, and readers still enjoy them very much. Mark Twain

Now listen and check your answers.

Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. Confucius is well-known in ________________. 2. Shakespeare wrote ________________. 3. Mark Twain’s stories are set ___________ of the US. many countries plays and poems in the south

Listen and read

adj.有判断力的;明智的 Now match the people with the descriptions. a) He was a very wise man. b) He is not as well-known as the other two people, but his works are still popular. c) His plays are read by millions of people. d) He was more a teacher and thinker than a writer. e) People are still influenced by his ideas. Confucius 2. Shakespeare 3.Mark Twain v.影响;作用于

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. accept discuss influence review (n. 评论) sense (n. 道理;意义;合理) thinker (n. 思想家) wise Mr Jackson and Betty are (1)___________ great writers. discussing

Betty explains that in her Internet group, each person reads a favourite book and then writes a(n) (2)________ of it. Mr Jackson (3)_________ that Confucius and Shakespeare are great because their works are still read by people today, but he thinks Confucius was more a teacher and (4)________ than a writer. review accepts thinker

He says that Confucius was a very (5)_______ man He says that Confucius was a very (5)_______ man. Mr Jackson thinks that we are still (6)__________ by Confucius’s ideas and that Shakespeare’s plays still make (7)______ to people today. wise influenced sense

Everyday English What’s up?怎么了?是一种非正式的用法。 Well, maybe… 嗯,也许……. I suppose…我想…… Why don’t you…?你为什么不……?

Pronunciation and speaking

Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 1. We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. 2. Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 3. He was important, but I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.

Now listen again and repeat. We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. 2. Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. 3. He was important, but I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.

Work in groups. Do you agree with the following opinions Work in groups. Do you agree with the following opinions? Give your reasons. 1. Teahouse is one of the greatest plays in China. 2. Everyone should learn some Tang poems. 3. We should only read books by great writers.

I accept… I agree / don’t agree with… I suppose… I think… Now report the ideas of your group to the whole class. Most of us think…We think we learn…

Language points 1. What’s up? What’s up?是一种非正式的用法,意 思是“怎么了/出什么事了?” e.g. What’s up? You look very worried. 怎么了?你看上去很焦虑。

2. But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. 这里的Confucius指孔子,为“孔夫子” 的英语译名,是长期以来约定俗成的 译法。more…than…在本句中表示“与 其说是……不如说是……”。 e.g. Success is more hard work than good luck. 成功来自努力,而非好运。

3. … and Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. … sense n. 道理;意义;合理 make sense的意思是“易理解;合情 理;有意义”。

e.g. No wonder how I tried to read it, the sentence still did not make any sense to me. 不管我们怎么努力地读,我还是不懂 这个句子的意思。 Why did she do such a thing? It does not seem to make sense. 她为什么做这样的事?似乎没有道 理。

4. I want to join an Internet group to discuss great books by great writers. discuss v. 讨论;谈论 discuss的过去分词是discussed, 现在分 词是discussing discuss sth. (with sb.)和某人谈论某事 e.g. We will discuss the plans with them at the meeting. 我们将和他们在会议上讨论这个计 划。

5. We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas. influence v. 影响;作用于 influence用作动词时,后面直接跟宾 语,常可用于influence sb. to do sth.结 构。 e.g. What influenced you to take the job? 什么影响你接受这份工作?

6. By the way, what do you think of Mark Twain, … by the way 用于转入新的话题,意为 “顺便说;附带说”。 e.g. By the way, has everybody arrived? 顺便问一句,大家都到了吗?

7. He was important, but I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare. suppose v. 猜想;推测;相信;认为 后面可以带动词不定式的复合结构或 从句,也常用于be supposed to结构。 e.g. I suppose him to be on duty. 我想他在值班。 We are not supposed to smoke here. 我们不应该在这儿吸烟。

well-known adj. 众所周知的;著名的 be well-known as意为“作为……而著名”, 相当于be famous as 。 e.g. Norman Bethune was well-known as a great doctor. 白求恩作为一个伟大的医生而著名。

【拓展】 be well-known for意为“因为……而著 名”,相当于be famous for。除v-ing形 式外,for后还可跟名词。 e.g. Yuan Longping is well-known for hybrid rice. 袁隆平因杂交水稻而著名。

中考链接 一、 单项选择 1. Experts ________ to make suggestions to help him develop. A. will invite B. are invited C. have invited

2. Han Han’s books are popular. They ________ by many teenagers. A. are reading B. are read C. were read

3. —At present, one of the best ways to study is working in groups. —More chances _______ to students to learn from each other. A. offer B. are offered C. have offered

4.—Don’t you see the sign “No Parking!” on the right? —Sorry, I didn’t. But now I know parking ______ here. A. wasn’t allowed B. isn’t allowed C. won’t allow D. doesn’t allow

二、 完成句子 1. 我试图让每首歌都体现出它自己的意义。 I try to make each song ____________for itself. 2. 顺便问一下,你认为这个队的水平如 何? ___________, what do you think about this Team? make sense By the way

3. 今天很多人仍然看孔子的作品。 Confucius’ works ________________ by many people today. 4. 学校鼓励学生大声地讲英语。 All the students _________________ speak English loudly. 5. 我们受到孔子思想的影响。 We ______________ by Confucius’s thoughts. are still read are encouraged to are influenced

Homework Remember the words of Unit 1 and prepare the text of Unit 2.

Thank you!