Mongolian's spring festival"


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Presentation transcript:

Mongolian's spring festival" 蒙古人的春节 ——祭火

Let us take a look at the Spring Festival custom!!!! The Chinese Spring Festival custom has several common area, that is to eat dumplings, stick Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers and so on, in China's Inner Mongolia, most people first think of is horse milk, grasslands, blue sky. So steppe of ethnic minorities, their Spring Festival customs have what different? Inner Mongolia is like below small make up take a look at the Spring Festival custom!!!!

The origin of "the fire " (祭火的由来) "The fire\" is one of the oldest ritual activities in Mongolia nation. As early as in thousands of years ago in the northern nomadic tribes are very worship of fire and fire. They think the fire is a symbol of purity and prosperity. Heaven is the reincarnation of the source of clans, tribes and families. The fire gives all the happiness and wealth.

ceremony(仪式 ) Now, most of the mongols, simplifies the ceremony, but during the Spring Festival will be dressed up, wearing Mongolian gowns, worship ceremony is still very grand, the most main is to wine, meat, dairy products, bow down, again is internal to the elderly family honour person happy New Year, the last is to external friends happy New Year.

The legend(传说) The Spring Festival, the Mongolian and han nationality is the same during the Spring Festival? It is said that in ancient times is not the same, but since the yuan dynasty, Mongolian has accepted the han Chinese calendar, so the Spring Festival is the same。

Customs(风俗) Different from the han people of god ", the Mongolian ritual vulcan to sheep bosom fork, milk food, wine and other offerings. Usually filled with red jujube in chest fork, butter, sugar, cheese, cypress leaf, hadad, etc, with white wool line winding nine laps after cooked. In the evening lamp hour and within the said anything when he found fill in the root, cedar, artemisia sphaerocephala krasch wai on dry cow dung, the cooking fires lit. " 与汉族“祭灶神”不同,蒙古族祭祀火神要用羊胸叉、奶食品、酒等供品。通常在胸叉内填满红枣、黄油、冰糖、奶酪、柏叶、哈达等,用白色羊毛线缠绕九圈后煮熟。到了晚上上灯时辰,在灶膛内填入沙蒿根、香柏片,上围干牛粪,将灶火点燃。“

Customs(风俗) Ordos Mongolian woman head wear the hair weighing

Customs(风俗) The Spring Festival, the Mongolian and han nationality is the same during the Spring Festival? It is said that in ancient times is not the same, but since the yuan dynasty, Mongolian has accepted the han Chinese calendar, so the Spring Festival is the same, but the Mongolian people call it the "white", Mongolian as the chagan Mr Day, have a holy, in the first month also with white dress for honour, for clothing. 春节,蒙古族跟汉族是过同一个春节吗?据说,远古时代不相同,但自从元朝开始,蒙古族已接受了汉族的历法,于是春节是相同的,但蒙古族人称之为“白月”,蒙古语为“查干萨日”,有圣洁之意,正月也以白色的服饰为尊,为吉服。

Customs(风俗) The dabie-sulu pounds represents ares, representing the genghis khan, said the supreme. 苏鲁锭代表着战神,代表着成吉思汗,表示着至高无上。

etiquette(礼仪) There is a plate on the table, the four pillars of sheep that rib, neck bone, enema, chest, entered... The order of the plate is made of neck bones, ribs, enema center, again on the breast, fat is the most on the full figure making big tail sheep, intraday offerings at the night of the ceremony. Bowl after the offerings for 24, the day before, two people maintain this child in every morning and evening offerings, and the fire in the fire to maintain child at least three days. Some stay for three months, or even to the next in the fire.

Process(过程) The Mongolian family reunion dinner,routinely to eat drink more. Folk meat left the more the better, symbol of a New Year family wine meat ever, eat and drink not sorrow.

The delicious foods(美食) From creme and Fried cooked into the system, has the very high nutritional value , it is the mongols daily Home cooking breakfast 。

The delicious foods(美食) People and other things into the flour in the intestines of sheep, and then steamed, make sweet "sheep blood sausage"

The delicious foods(美食) There are red dates and ten cakes of bread plate,the old man said"plate can not move".

roast whole lamb(烤全羊)