Tang Yunhao.


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Presentation transcript:

Tang Yunhao

I still remember the first day I entered Chengdu No. 7 High School I still remember the first day I entered Chengdu No.7 High School. It seems as if it had just happened yesterday. It’s hard to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates who are always accompany me. All the joyful, exciting and sorrowful moments have become my precious memory on this beautiful campus. What my teachers always tell me is that I should be an active learner instead of being pushed to learn. I gradually understand its meaning. What I have learned here is more than academic knowledge. Participating different extracurricular activities have enriched my school life and trained my abilities. The top benefit I’ve got here is that I have turned responsible, confident and strong-willed. Chengdu No. 7 High School is where my dream began to fly. Although there are still many challenges ahead, It’s firmly believed that I can shake hands with success through my persistence.

I still remember the first day I entered Chengdu No. 7 High School I still remember the first day I entered Chengdu No.7 High School. It seems as if it had just happened yesterday. It’s hard to say goodbye to my teachers and classmates who are always accompany me. All the joyful, exciting and sorrowful moments have become my precious memory on this beautiful campus. What my teachers always tell me is that I should be an active learner instead of being pushed to learn. I gradually understand its meaning. What I have learned here is more than academic knowledge. Participating different extracurricular activities have enriched my school life and trained my abilities. The top benefit I’ve got here is that I have turned responsible, confident and strong-willed. Chengdu No. 7 High School is where my dream began to fly. Although there are still many challenges ahead, It’s firmly believed that I can shake hands with success through my persistence.

Noun Clauses Definition(定义) Types (类型) 语序 陈述语序 从属连词 that, whether 连接代词 在复合句中,用一个句子来充当主语、宾语、表语或同位语的从句。 Types (类型) Subject clauses(主语从句), Object clauses(宾语从句), Predicative clauses(表语从句), Appositive clauses(同位语从句) 语序 陈述语序 从属连词 that, whether 连接代词 what,who/whom/whose, which, whatever, whoever/whomever, whichever, 连接副词 when, where, how, why, because

Noun clauses 名词性从句 1. Everyone knows that Taiwan is part of China. 2. That Taiwan is part of China is known to everyone. =It is known to everyone that Taiwan is part of China. 3. A well-known fact is that Taiwan is part of China. 4. The fact that Taiwan is part of China is well-known. 宾语从句 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句

主语从句 Subject clause: 1) That he may buy you an expensive gift is a lie.. that-从句作主语时通常用it作形式主语,将that-从句置于句末. It is + adj./n./v-ed. + that---. 2) It is hoped that the Sino-American relations will be improved under the Obama government. 3) It is a fact that Ode to Joy is a hit recently.

宾语从句 Object clause: 注意时态和语序。 1)时态 2)语序 He said he had been to Chengdu.

同位语从句 Appositive clause: 跟在某些名词后面,对该名词作解释说明,用作同位语。 常用名词: belief, fact, idea, hope, news, doubt, result, thought, information, word, opinion, suggestion, order, demand, wish… 常用连词:that, when, where, why, how… Are you in favor of the suggestion that we spend large amounts of money on space exploration? I am happy with the news that we will have an exam. have an/any/no idea, question, doubt等后面常跟疑问词引导的同位语从句。 I have no idea when he will come back.

He made a promise that he would keep it a secret. 定语从句& 同位语从句: He made a promise that he would keep it a secret. He didn’t keep the promise that he had made. We support the decision that we will have a dictation. We support the decision that they made just now. ( ) ( ) 区别: 从句与前面的名词的关系? “that”在从句中是否做成分? 能不能省略?

A I still remember the story, believe it or not, ____ we got lost on a rainy night. (2006四川) A. that B. what C. which D. when A

表语从句 This is why I dropped out of school. What I know is where he lives.

identify different types of Noun Clauses 1 What I want to do is to take a nap. 2 The news that another massive earthquake hit Nepal spread the whole world. 3 I don’t think ( that ) club activities do no good to our academic study. 4 The fact is that she passed the exam for the first phase. 5 Do you know the fact that they won the competition? 6 Who will be sent to Beijing has not been decided yet. 7 It is said that they won the game. 8 I’ve just bought five new books; you can take whichever you like.

Some special difficulties 特别提示: 1. that / what wh- 在句中要充当某个成分, what=something that; that本身没有词义, 在从句中不充当任何成分. What you have said sounds amazing to us all. That you have said so much sounds amazing to us all. 他的英语有了进步,使自己很高兴。 It made him happy that he made progress in English. 我想要告诉你的是该努力了。 What I want to tell you is that you need to work hard.

Practice _____ should have been done is undone, and you will be punished. 2. _____ you are not quite yourself is not the excuse for making such a terrible mistake. What That What=something that 作成分,that 不作成分 1) ______ made the school proud was ____ 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. 2)They were talking about ____ John told them. 3) Please give back _______ Mary gave you last time. 4) Please give back the things ________Mary gave you. What that what what which that

名词性从句与定语从句的区别: 1)语法功能 2) 引导词 This is what I want to tell you 名词性从句与定语从句的区别: 1)语法功能 2) 引导词 This is what I want to tell you. This is the thing _________ I want to tell you. This is _______ I disagree with. The is _______ I disagree. The is the thing ________ I disagree with. Please tell me where you want to go. Please tell me the place _______ you want to go. which/that what where which/that where

2. whether / if 是否: vt.+宾语从句的口语或非正式场合可用if代替whether. I don’t know if/whether he is telling the truth. 其他情况只用whether: 1) Whether he is telling the truth is hard to tell. 2) We were talking about whether he would be elected president. 3) I haven’t decided whether to accept his invitation.

3. whatever, whoever, whichever与what, who, which 1) _______ comes will be welcome. (who, whoever) 2) ____ is going to teach you politics in the rest of time has been considered carefully. 3) Please give this book to ________ wants to learn. 4) Tell me __________ he has told you. Whoever Who whoever what/whatever

A 1. ___ makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services. A. What B. who C. whatever D. whoever 2. Could I speak to ___ is in charge of International Sales, please? A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who C

4. which vs. what : 1) We just found nothing wrong in ______he said. 2) A new office building is under construction near _____ we call the Xiyuan Garden. 3) He is said to have studied either in Oxford or Cambridge, but I don’t know exactly ______ he studied in. 4) I walked into the shop and didn’t know ______ to buy. what what which what

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