Unit 20 vocabulary.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 20 vocabulary

1. humour n. 幽默,诙谐;心情,情绪 adj. humourous I don’t see the humor in his joke. This story is full of humor. He has a good sense of humor. (have no sense of humor) He is in a good/a bad/ an ill humor today. She is in no humor for work today. The event put Joe out of humor. Every man has his humor. 心情不好 (谚语)每个人都有自己的脾气;人各不同

2. bitter adj. 苦味的;痛苦的;冷酷的 n. 苦 This medicine tastes bitter. 这咖啡苦得不能喝。 A bitter memory, a bitter experience, bitter tears A bitter winter; bitter words The poor man tasted the sweets and bitters of life from his early age. It is bitterly cold today. The coffee was too bitter to drink. 尖酸刻薄的话 品尝甘苦

3. couple n. (一)对;(一)双;夫妇;两三个 a married couple; an old couple He spent a couple of days in the country. Bring a couple more chairs. 两个; 两三个(口语) 再多两个... I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don’t make a pair. pair:两件不能分开使用的东西。couple:任何两件同类的东西。 a pair of shoes/ gloves/ scissors/ compasses, etc a couple of cats; five couples of rabbits.

4. intend vt.打算,意欲 What do you intend to do today? She intended going there to call on her mother - in - law. intend to do = intend doing I intended to have helped you with your homework, but it rained yesterday evening. intended to + have done = had intended + to do原来本打算干... (hope, wish, plan, mean, expect, want 等表示过去未实现的希望和计划 ) She intends her son to go to university. The flowers were intended for you, not for me.

5. stage n. 阶段,时期;舞台 The relationship between them went through four stages. in the early/ final stages We’ll act the play on the school stage. She decided to go on the stage when she was very young. 当演员;上舞台 at this stage(眼下,暂时); by stages(分阶段地); quit the stage(退出舞台)

6. certain adj. 某(作定语) ;一定的;有把握的(作表语-sure) Certain parts of the car, like the lights and the windows, will be supplied by other companies in our province. for a certain reason 由于某种理由 She is certain/sure to do well in the examination. Are you certain/sure that you'll get there in time? Will you please make certain of the meeting? 请你把开会的日期弄清楚好吗?

Please make certain when the train leaves. It is certain(不用sure) that two plus two makes four. make certain/ sure +of; make certain/ sure +从句 弄清楚。 sure 多指主观愿望;certain多指事实根据 I’m certain that he left for I saw him go out of the door.

7. fun nu. 玩笑;乐趣 What fun! 多有趣! Have fun! 好好玩玩! be fond of fun.喜欢开玩笑 for fun/ for the fun of it为了好玩 in fun开玩笑地,不当真地 make fun of 取笑某人 be full of fun 极有趣 He’s learning French for fun. I’m sorry I hid your book; I only did it in fun.

8. amuse vt. 使发笑;使愉快 I was very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks. The audience was amused by/at the magician’s tricks. The girls amused themselves with dolls. 我被海豹的特技表演给逗乐了。(做。。。笑了) 观众们被魔术师的戏法逗乐了。(给。。。逗乐了) 那些女孩玩洋娃娃玩的很高兴。(由于…而乐)

adj. amused 感到愉快的;amusing 令人愉快的, 好玩的 an amused look; an amusing game n. amusement 快乐,好笑 To our great amusement, the teacher sang a funny song during (the) class. She couldn’t disguise her amusement at his mistake. amusement arcade 游戏机厅 amusement park 娱乐园 使我们感到极其好笑的是。。。 她对他的错误忍俊不住。

10. laughter nu. I heard a roar of laughter from the next room. Hearing the joke, everybody burst into laughter. burst/break into laughter /burst out laughing 放声大笑 roar with laughter 哄堂大笑 burst into tears/burst out crying

Ex: My interest in making model planes ___ my childhood. 11. date back This castle dates back to the 14th century. Which times does the sort of dress date from? Ex: My interest in making model planes ___ my childhood. A. dates from B. date back to C. date from D. dated back to

12. make use of (make the most of; take advantage of) we should make good/the best use of chances/opportunities/talents. Good use should be made of our spare time to learn English. Good use should ___ our spare time to read some foreign novels. A.make B.make use of C.be used D. be made of Every possible use should ___ time to study our subjects. A.make B.make use of C.be made of D.be used

The second is connected with the main use the body ____ food. A The second is connected with the main use the body ____ food. A.makes of B.makes use of C.be made use of D. is made use of 类似动词短语:devote … to…,take good care of, make good use of, pay attention to, have difficulty in doing, have trouble in doing, take trouble to do, reach an agreement, meet/ satisfy one’s needs/requirements, make sense 等等. 如: 1. I know the difficulty he has in supporting five children at school. 2. Thank you for the great trouble you have had in helping me .

13. rapid adj. 迅速的,快的 The train was now going at a rapid rate. The school promised rapid results in the learning of languages. rapid 强调速度本身,指一个或一连串的动作速度。 fast 强调动作中的物体,指动作迅速,含有持续一段时间而不间断的意思。 quick 强调毫无耽误的动作或反映。 a quick answer, a quick ear, a quick student. a fast car, a fast horse a rapid river, rapid development, rapid progress.

T/F: I tried my best to find the answer . Soon I found it. He is at learning language. My legs are longer than yours. I’m sure I can run than you. He made such progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. He seems to be asleep. quickly fast quick fast quicker faster quick rapid rapid fast

appreciate + n./ doing/ that-clause 14. appreciate 欣赏(enjoy ); 感激(be thankful for ) A sensitive mouth is necessary to appreciate good wine. I appreciate your help. I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon. A you to call B you call C your calling D you're calling 欣赏 感谢(sth)/thank (sb) appreciate + n./ doing/ that-clause 类似的有:mind; miss; put off; admit; be worth; suggest; escape; imagine; practise; allow……

suffer vt. + n. “经受(痛苦)” vi.受影响 15. suffer v. suffering n. The army suffered heavy losses/great hunger in the battle. He is suffering from a bad cold./a flood. He drank a lot and his work suffered. suffer vt. + n. “经受(痛苦)” 苦于…, 患…病 a disease/injury/pain/headaches vi.受影响

16. operate vt./ vi 1) 操作,操纵,运转 (operation nu ); 2) (做)手术 (operation nc ) operate a machine操作机器 operate on sb. 给某人做手术 come / go into operation实施,生效,开始运作,开始运转 in operation实施中的,操作中的,正生效的 perform/ give an operation on sb. for...为...病而给某人做手术 need an operation需要手术

17. be on good/friendly terms with (sb 17. be on good/friendly terms with (sb.)= have good relationship with sb. 与某人关系好 It is really hard to be on good terms with everyone. He is on bad terms with the students. 短语: keep on good terms with sb 保持有好关系 on speaking terms with sb谈得投机 on visiting terms with sb往来融洽

in all ~s (in every ~) in the ~ of … in the opposite ~ in one’s ~ 18. direction n. --- director n.--- direct vt. in all ~s (in every ~) in the ~ of … in the opposite ~ in one’s ~ change ~ under the ~ of sb. give ~s ~s for use in the same direction 向四面八方 向……方向 向相反方向 向某人的方向 改变方向 在某人指导下 发出指示 用法说明 向着相同的方向

19. drive off I laid my bike in front of his car so that he couldn’t drive off. He drove off the attackers. Could you please drive off the flies? 把(车)开走 击退 赶走 drive sb mad 使某人发狂 drive sb home开车送某人回家 drive a nail==knock in a nail钉钉子 drive a hole/well凿洞/井

20. look on/upon …as+名词/形容词 I used to look on him as a friend. She is looked on as the leading authority(权威) on the subject. It is looked on as very useless. look on … as useless/ interesting. 类似短语: regard...as; treat...as; think of...as; have/take...as; recognize...as; refer to...as; consider...as

21. confuse vt. 使迷惑,使混乱; confused adj. 感到糊涂的;confusing adj 21. confuse vt.使迷惑,使混乱; confused adj.感到糊涂的;confusing adj.莫名其妙的; confusedly adv;confusion nu I was confused by all the noise. I’m always confusing John and/with Paul. All your changes of plan have made me totally confused. The instructions on the box are very confusing. in confusion /be covered with confusion. 一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。 我一直分不清John和Paul。 在混乱中 十分混乱