Unit 1 Reading Welcome to Beijing


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Reading Welcome to Beijing 扬州市邗江区实验学校

教学目标: 1.识别并了解与中国北京和桂林有关的词汇和短语; 2.更多地了解中国的风景名胜; 3.激发学生的爱国热情。 Learning aims 学习目标) 1.识别并了解与中国北京和桂林有关的词汇和短语; 2.更多地了解中国的风景名胜; 3.激发学生的爱国热情。 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Where would you like to go? Beijing Guilin 扬州市邗江区实验学校

The introduction of Beijing Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China, with an urban population of 7.34 million. It is not only the nation's political center, but also its cultural, scientific and educational center, and a key transportation hub. Beijing's temperate continental climate produces four clearly contrasted seasons. 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Why do so many people dream of being to Beijing Why do so many people dream of being to Beijing? Can you just imagine the reasons? Ornament columns 扬州市邗江区实验学校 video

Can you use different words that begin with the following letters to describe Beijing? A B C attractive D E F G H I J K … clean charming big centre capital amazing be well-known beautiful cultural CCTV developed entertainment famous friendly delicious food fantastic emperor duck host great grand hospitality good 扬州市邗江区实验学校

New Words Revision unless conj. 除非,如果不 furniture n. 家具 fill vt. 使充满 raise vt. national adj. flag n. man-made adj. ancient adj. lie vi shape n./vt. cave n. underground adj. hire vt. 除非,如果不 家具 使充满 升起,提高 国家的 旗帜 人造的 古代的,古老的 位于 形状/使成形 洞穴 地下的 租用,雇用 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Can you answer the questions? Revision Reading Can you answer the questions? 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Go through the text quickly, and answer the following questions: Who once lived in the Forbidden City? Why do many tourists go to Tian’anmen Square early in the morning every day? Where is the Summer Palace? What is Wei Ke’s favorite attraction? Why was the Great Wall built in ancient times? Is Guilin in the north or south of China? Are there mountains and rivers in Guilin? How can you travel in Guilin? 扬州市邗江区实验学校

True or false Beijing is in southern China. F Read it again, and do some True or False questions: True or false Beijing is in southern China. F 2. Tian’anmen Square is close to the Forbidden City. T 3. The Great Wall is built around the Forbidden City. F 扬州市邗江区实验学校

4. The Reed Flute Cave is in eastern Guilin. F 5. You can find man-made lakes inside the Reed Flute Cave. F 6. We can take a boat trip along Li River. T 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Listen & Read the text for details: Listen to the first part “Welcome to Beijing” and try to match the name with the correct information. Some emperors of the Qing dynasty spent their summers there. We can go there to watch the raising of the national flag. It was the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties lived. It was used to protect the northern border of China in the past. The Forbidden City Tiananmen Square The Summer Palace The Great Wall 扬州市邗江区实验学校 Back

Read the first part carefully again and try to get more detailed information. 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Forbidden City 1.Where is the Forbidden City? ____________________ 2.Who used to live there? ________________ 3. What is it used for now? _____________________ 4. What might be the most attractive things to us? _________________________________ The Forbidden City is at the centre of Beijing. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is now used as a museum. We might be attracted by the beautiful buildings, the clothes and the furniture used in the past. 扬州市邗江区实验学校 Back to Beijing

Tian’anmen Square What does the word Tian’anmen means? ____________________ 2. Is it the biggest square in the world? _______________ 3. Which ceremony can we see there? _________________________________ 4.What do the local people like to do there? ______________________________ It means ‘a gate of heavenly peace’. Yes, it is. We may watch the raising of the national flag. They like to take a walk and fly kites there. 扬州市邗江区实验学校 Back to Beijing

Summer Palace Summer Palace is located in the ___________ Beijing. It is a ____________ garden. The emperors used to spend _________ there. It is still very beautiful and attractive for the ______and a _______________________ __________________ north-west Chinese-style summer hill man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area. 扬州市邗江区实验学校 Back to Beijing

_______________________, The Great Wall The Great Wall runs _______________________, and it was built with ______ and_______. The Great Wall was used to ________the country. It is one of the seven ________ of world. It is very tiring to reach the top of the Great Wall ______________. more than 5,000 kilometers stones bricks protect wonders step by step 扬州市邗江区实验学校 Back to Beijing Language points

Read the second part carefully and try to fill in the blanks. 扬州市邗江区实验学校

ies Guilin in the south of China, it l______ on the two sides of Li River. All around the city, mountains stand in d_______ shapes. In the north-west of the city is the Reed Flute Cave. In this u________ cave, there are a lot of w_______ rocks in strange shapes. It is great fun to c_______ around the city. You can take a b____ trip along Li River. ifferent nderground onderful ycle oat 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Don’t leave the building unless you are told to do so. Language Points: 1.Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily. (line2) unless=‘if not’ e.g. ① I will not go there unless I hear from him. ② I shall go there unless it rains. exercise: ① 除非有人叫你这么做,否则不要离开大楼. Don’t leave the building unless you are told to do so. ② 如果你不早点起床的话,你就赶不上早班车. You won’t catch the early bus unless you get up earlier. 扬州市邗江区实验学校

get lost: It means ‘be lost’ 迷路的 get +pp./adj. e.g. get married/ broken get hungry/ angry/ happy/ sad Related phrase: get off 起飞 get in 收获 get down 下车 相处 get along with 扬州市邗江区实验学校

used to do sth. : did something repeatedly in the past 3. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here. (line10) used to do sth. : did something repeatedly in the past e.g. His father used to smoke after supper. The boy used to be late for school. Related phrase: be/get used to doing sth. : e.g. I am used to getting up early. 扬州市邗江区实验学校

be filled with: It has a similar meaning to ‘be full of’. 4. It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists. (line17) be filled with: It has a similar meaning to ‘be full of’. e.g. The jar is filled with water. 这个缸里装满了水. That basket is filled with flowers. 那个篮子里装满了花. More exercise 扬州市邗江区实验学校

I go to school by bike every day so that I could get some exercise. 5.Every day many tourists gather here early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag. (line18) so that: 等同于 ‘in order that’, 用来引导目的状语从句. exercise: 1.为了能和父亲去游泳,我迅速做完了家庭作业. 2.为了能得到一些锻炼,我每天骑车上学. I finished my homework quickly so that I could go swimming with my dad. I go to school by bike every day so that I could get some exercise. 扬州市邗江区实验学校 More exercise

2.Do you know any other famous places? Homework: 1.Retell the text: 2.Do you know any other famous places? Would you like to describe them? 扬州市邗江区实验学校

Good Bye 扬州市邗江区实验学校