—bringing everyone closer together


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Presentation transcript:

—bringing everyone closer together Unit 4 Reading The UN —bringing everyone closer together 建湖二中 曾娟

Words preview ambassador operate honour charter purpose co-operate touch peacekeeping n. 大使 vt. 操作,运作;动手术 vt. 使……感到荣耀, 给……荣誉,尊敬 n. 宪章 n. 目的,意图 vi. 合作 vt. 触及,涉及 adj. 维持和平的

Words preview operation conflict beret worthy labour voluntary press (常作the Press) awareness n. 军事行动;操作,实施 n. 冲突 n. 贝雷帽 adj. 令人敬重的;值得的, 相称的;有价值的 n. 劳力,劳工;劳动 adj. 志愿的;自愿的, 主动的 n. 报刊杂志,印刷媒体;记者, 新闻工作者;新闻界 n. 意识

Words preview draw sum fund urgent lack earthquake typhoon civilian remote accessible vt. 吸引,引起 n. 数目,总数 n. 资金,基金 adj. 紧急的,紧迫的 n. 缺乏 n. 地震 n. 台风 adj. 平民的,民间的 n. 平民 adj. 遥远的,偏僻的 adj. 可接近的,可得到的

Expressions preview refer to take on under the umbrella of apart from set out on behalf of 谈及,提到;指称;查阅,参考 担当(某一角色) 在……的保护下,在……的 管理下 除了,还有 提出,制定出 作为……的代表

On ________, 2006, the World _________ Day, Angelina Jolie, UNHCR ____________________, called on people to help the refugees all over the world. 20 June Refugees Goodwill ambassador UNHCR the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员(办事处)

What do you know about the UN?

The UN logo 联合国徽记 The UN flag

The UN headquarters (New York)联合国总部

General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) 联合国大会 (简称“联大” )

Secretary General of the United Nations 联合国秘书长 1 特里格夫·赖伊,挪威人。联合国第一任秘书长(1946至1952年)。

2 达格·哈马舍尔德,瑞典人。联合国第二任秘书长。1953年4月10日当选。1961年9月18日,他在赴刚果途中,因飞机失事身亡。

3 吴丹,缅甸人, 联合国第三任秘书长(1962至1971年) 。

库尔特·瓦尔德海姆,奥地利人,联合国第四任秘书长(1972至1981年)。 4

5 佩雷斯·德奎利亚尔,秘鲁人,联合国第五任秘书长(1982至1991年)。

布特罗斯·布特罗斯·加利,埃及人, 联合国第六任秘书长(1992至1996年)。

7 科菲·安南Kofi Annan ,加纳人,联合国第七任秘书长(1997至2006年)。

8 潘基文,韩国人,联合国第八任秘书长,2006年新当选。

The UN peacekeeping force 联合国维和部队

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council France Russia 安理会常任理事国

Skimming to get general ideas

Reading Comprehension I Skimming Reading Comprehension I The reading text here is a speech given by a successful businesswoman about her work as a ___________. A. volunteer B. UN Goodwill Ambassador C. teacher D. soldier

Careful reading to solve difficult points

Although she didn't mention any names L1 …to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to. 提到, 谈到, 涉及 Although she didn't mention any names while she was talking, everyone knew who she _______________ (提到, 谈到). He likes to ______________ (被称为) as “Doctor Smith” instead of “Mr. Smith”. He gave the speech without ___________ (查阅,参考) his notes. was referring to be referred to referring to refer (v.) reference (n.) reference book 参考书,工具书

These seven people made up the entire population of that village. L2 The UN is an international group __________ countries that want to … 组成, 构成 made up of These seven people made up the entire population of that village. I'm glad to see you two have made up. That's a good riddle. Did you make it up yourself? 组成 和解;和好 编造,虚构

Please stay with us; I could make up a bed for you on the sofa. They made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. I'm trying to make up for the lost time while I was sick. 整理;收拾 化妆 弥补,补足;

L16 The organization is involved in peacekeeping operations … 与......有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做) 如果我是你,我就不卷入他们的争论中去。 If I were you, I would not get involved in their argument. 所有的孩子都参加了学校排练的戏剧。 All the children were involved in the school play. 他专心致志地制订计划。 He was involved in working out a plan.

L46 One of the goals is to ensure that fresh drinking water is available to everyone. 可利用的,可得到的,有用的, 有效的 I'm sorry, those overcoats are not available in your colour and size. 对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。 Attention, please. These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only. 请注意,这种票仅在发售当天有效。 This book is not available here. 这里没有这本书。

Next, let’s get a further understanding about the Reading.

Read the text carefully and divide the text into three parts. (1-2) Paras ______ Brief introduction of the UN (3-4) Part 2 Paras ______ Working as a UN Goodwill Ambassador (5) Part 3 Para ______ The problems the UN helps solve and its goals to achieve by 2015

understanding a speaker’s attitude Reading strategy understanding a speaker’s attitude favorable unfavorable enthusiastic tone; positive adjectives / aspects negative adjectives … horrible conflicts. I am pleased to have … I’m very happy to have … As you know, … everywhere.

Scanning to get detail information

Reading Comprehension II Scanning Reading Comprehension II Read the first two paragraphs and try to fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations When it was set up Countries in the UN (originally) (recently) Its four main purposes Problems it deals with

After the Second World War in October 1945 Fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations (the UN) When it was set up After the Second World War in October 1945 (originally) 51 countries Countries in the UN (recently) 191 countries

to keep international peace; Fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations (the UN) to keep international peace; ____________________________ to develop friendly relationships among nations; 2.____________________________ Its four main purposes ____________________________ to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights; 3.____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ to be a center for organizing the actions or work of different nations. 4.____________________________ ____________________________ _____________

Fill in as much information as you can. The United Nations (the UN) helps end some of the world’s most horrible conflicts; _____________________________ ____________________________ assists the victims of wars and disasters; Problems it deals with 2.____________________________ ____________________________ protects human rights; 3.____________________________ improves international laws; 4.____________________________ helps with other problems such as lack of education, lack of food, poverty, disasters and disease 5.____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Read para. 5 to find the rest information.

______ in all, including: ☆ __________________ is Find the rest information in para. 5. The United Nations (the UN) ______ in all, including: ☆ __________________ is available to everyone; ☆ ensure all children complete _________________. Eight Goals it promises to achieve by 2015 fresh drinking water primary education

Reading Comprehension III Scanning Reading Comprehension III Read the third and fourth paragraphs and try to answer these questions. How much money does the speaker earn by doing this job? 2. What project or projects has she been involved in? She volunteers. She gets no salary for the job. She visits countries where the UN has programmes to help people.

3. How does she help those people that need help? Read the third and fourth paragraphs and try to answer these questions. 3. How does she help those people that need help? She helps by visiting the countries where the UN has programmes and increasing the people’s awareness of the work of the UN. People will therefore pay more attention and be encouraged to work for the projects.

More information about the Reading.

Reading comprehension Goodwill Ambassador for the UN What be voluntary to visit countries where the UN has programs How be reported by the television and press increase awareness of the UN’s work attract and encourage the local people a group of women in South Africa supported by … collect one rand … add it to … buy … sell … expand … set up … UNIFEM per member per day government money weaving materials baskets business shops

UN Goodwill Ambassador Jackie Chan actor & martial arts expert Cambodia, in April 2004 Lang Lang Pianist of our time on 20 May 2004 United Nations International Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会 David Beckham Football player NEW YORK, 12 January 2005

Quiz I: Multiple choice At assembly, our monitor made a speech, swearing to try our best to study well _____ us students. A. in memory of B. on behalf of C. in honor of D. in favor of _____ the help from his relatives, he does a part-time job to support his study at college. A. Regardless of B. Instead of C. But for D. Apart from

Quiz II: Fill in the blanks according to the reading material. The UN was set up in the year _____ by 51 c________. Today the UN is an i__________ group made up of 191 countries that want to increase p____. The peacekeeping operations help to e___ conflicts and a____ the victims of wars and d_______. In addition, the UN helps protect human r_____ and ensure all c_______ complete primary education. So far, the UN has helped m_____ of people across the world. 1945 countries international peace end assist disasters rights children millions

Quiz III: Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese. 1. 那位律师代表受害人家属发了言。 The lawyer issued a statement ____________ the victim’s family. 2. 他在信中提到的事情值得再次考虑。 The things ___________ in his letter were worth ____________. on behalf of referred to reconsidering

3. 我们不能再接受更多的工作了—目前已 经全力以赴了。 We can't _______ any more work we're fully stretched at the moment. 4. 暑假期间大学生可以使用图书馆。 The library ________________________ during summer vacations. 5. 这些工作是受国家研究中心保护的。 The work is ____________________ the National Research Center. take on is available to college students under the umbrella of

1. Written exercises: P52 D; P53 E 2. Oral exercise: P53 F

Thank you!