Pub Talk and the King’s English


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Presentation transcript:

Pub Talk and the King’s English

18---19 Main idea? Return to my beginning.

Paragraph18-19 the King’s English slips and slides: slip and slide Metaphor to slide on a slippery surface, to lose footing(失去平衡) make a mistake, fall into error. The English one uses is no longer absolutely correct.

Paragraph18-19 punctuates his words as he speaks: He speaks as if he were inserting punctuation marks in his speech to emphasize what he is saying. 句逗分明

Translation ? There is no worse conversationalist than the one who punctuates his words……for print. 要是有谁闲聊时也像做文章一样句逗分明,或者像写一篇要发表的散文一样咬文嚼字的话,那他讲起话来就一定会极为倒人胃口。

Paragraph18-19 “the sinister corridor of our age”: 如今这个时代阴森恐怖的长廊 The corridor-----the age The sinister corridor----the things we do In our age people are traveling along a sinister road doing all kinds of evil things. Metaphor

sit up: (colloquial) to become suddenly alert. Translation ? 看到福斯特笔下写出“当今这个时代的阴森可怖的长廊”时,其用语之生动及由其所产生的生动有力、甚至可怖的形象令我们拍案叫绝。

…we would … to leave: … we would have every right to ask him to leave our house

Paragraph 19 Henault ?

Synecdoche lofty conversation Grand conversation Translation? 高谈阔论 Great mind People with great mind Synecdoche

President of the first chamber of the Paris Parliament 巴黎大法院第一厅厅长 Supreme chef 总厨师长


Main idea?

Paragraph 20-21 Sitting room? Dining table?

Paragraph 20-21 Otherwise one will … here and there: bind to tie something with rope, string, etc. Otherwise one will tie up the conversation and will not let it flow freely. metaphor

Paragraph 20-21 We would never have … Norman conquest: Gone to Australia; leap back to the Norman Conquest metaphor talking about Australians going to Australia language used during Norman rule in England going back to the Norman Conquest.

Musketeer Who ?

Paragraph 20-21 The bother about… all conversation: Deriding(嘲弄) people who ruin good conversation by trying to talk “sense”. Who are chimpanzees? The people who behave just like chimpanzees which have been taught to talk. Chimpanzees, like all other nonhuman animals, are not capable of conversation. a biting satirical sentence