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Welcome to my class.
Presentation transcript:

演讲者中有中国当时的总理朱鎔基。他强调世界范围内的平等和公正。 没有国际合作发展中国家就不可能繁荣,可持续发展也就不可能实现。 只有改变了我们自己的生活方式,才能拯救地球。 我们只有了解更多的情况,才能够改善现状。 要是我以前知道空调能造成大量的污染,我就不会买它了。

1.Among the speakers was China’s then Premier Zhu Rongji, who stressed the need for equality and fairness in the world. 2.Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible. 3.Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth. 4.Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. 5.Had I known that air conditions cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.


Ⅱ.分类 1.完全倒装:将全部谓语放在主语之前 Eg: There is a book on the desk. 2.部分倒装:将助动词或者情态动词放在主语之前 Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.

一、全部倒装 →主谓直接倒装 down, up, in, out, away,here, there, now, then, off 等表示方位时间的副词位于句首时。(there be) Here comes the bus. There rings the bell. Now comes your turn. 主语是人称代词时,不用倒装。 1) Here it is. 2) Away he went.

Choose the best answer: Look, _______. A.here comes the bus B. here is the bus coming C. here comes the bus D. here the bus is coming 2.Out _____ , with a stick in his hand. A. did he rushed B. rushed he C. he rushed D. he did rushed

There be 结构中,谓语的数依据最近的主语 Choose the best answer: 3. ______ a new textbook, two pencils and a dictionary. A. There being B. There be C. There are D. There is There be 结构中,谓语的数依据最近的主语

一、全部倒装 →主谓直接倒装 2. 在直接引语中,直接引语提前。 “If you die, who will get your money?” asked Holmes. “Where are you going ?” demanded the taller of the two doctors.

一、全部倒装 →主谓直接倒装 3、以地点状语开头的句子。 In front of the hall stood an old man. On top of the mountain stands a 100-year-old tree.

Choose the best answer: Between the two buildings _____ a tall tree. A. stands B.standing C. lies D. are

全部倒装 →主谓直接倒装 4. 表语置于句首时。 Present at the meeting ______(was/were) Professor White and many other guests. Among the speakers ________(was/were) China’s then Premier Zhu Rongji. e.g. _____ on blackboard _____ the names of those who were late yesterday. A. Written; were B. Writing; was C. Written; was D. Writing; were

4. 表语位于句首时,倒装结构为“表语+连系动词+主语” A: 形容词+连系动词+主语 Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. B:过去分词+连系动词+主语 Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people. C: 介词短语+be+主语 Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers and toys.

部分倒装 1. 在疑问句中 What did the two cheats pretend to be doing? What do you think the two cheats pretended to be doing? 注意 What makes you so angry?

2.在省略if的虚拟条件句中 Had I known the answer,I should have told you. Should he be interested in this subject, he might work hard at it. 部分倒装 Were it to rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t go out.

Choose the best answer: ____, I would give it up early. A. Was I in your place B. I was in your place C. Were I in your place D. I were in your place

3.在以so,neither,nor开头的句子中 The boy can’t skate and nor can the girl. He finished it on time. So he did. He is not a businessman, neither does he wish to be. 当前面的句子中主语、谓语或肯否定形式不同时,则用so it is with….句型来表示。 Tom likes singing, but he doesn’t like dancing. So it is with Mary.

Choose the best answer: ---Tom works very hard in English. ---________. so he does so does he So+S+V表示对前一情况认可。

Choose the best answer: 2. —You like football very much. ---_______. So do I and so does my brother So I do and so does my brother So do I and so my brother does So I do and so my brother does

Choose the best answer: 3. Anne didn’t like our new roommate, and ____. A. I don’t too B. neither did I C. neither I did C. I didn’t also

4.否定词hardly,never, seldom, little, scarcely, rarely, no, in no time, by no means置于句首时 Never before have I met him. Little do I know about what he said. 注意:当这些词作形容词修饰主语时且置句首时,句子不倒装。 Little work was done yesterday.

Choose the best answer: Not a single song ______ at yesterday’s party. A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sang


但是当连接主语时不倒装 Not only he but also I have kept the secret. 注意:not only…but also ,no sooner…than, hardly…when结构使用倒装语序时, 连接的必须是两个句子,not only, no sooner, hardly所在的从句倒装 Not only does he speak English very well , but also he speaks French well. No sooner had they entered the house than it began to rain. Hardly had they……when it began…… 但是当连接主语时不倒装 Not only he but also I have kept the secret.

Not until 时间状语或状语从句+ 助动词+主语+动词原形 (Not until…did+主语) 不完成作业我就不去睡觉。 I did not go to bed until I finished my homework. Not until I finished my homework did I go to bed last night. Not until did I finish my homework did I go to bed last night. Not until I finished my home did I went to bed last night.

Choose the best answer: Not until his father was out of prison ___ to school. A. can John go B. John can go C. could John go D. John could go

only+人称代词/名词+不倒装 Choose the best answer: Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages ______ them well. A.you can learn B.can you learn C.learn you D. you do learn 2. Only ____find out the truth. A. you can B. can you only+人称代词/名词+不倒装

7. so…that/ such…that中So+adj. /adv或such. 提前到句首时,前面的部分用倒装语序. (主句) a 7. so…that/ such…that中So+adj./adv或such..提前到句首时,前面的部分用倒装语序. (主句) a.So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him. b. So shallow is the lake that no fish can live in it. c. Such a noise was there that I couldn’t work d. In such a hurry did he leave that he forgot to lock the door.

Choose the best answer: So carelessly _______ that he almost killed himself. A.he drives B. he drove C.does he drive D. did he drive

May you have a good journey! May you succeed!

9.在让步状语从句中,名词,形容词,副词提前。 Although/ Though he is a child, he knows a lot. Child as/ though he is, he knows a lot. 这个时候名词前没有冠词。 Much as he likes the girl, he quarrels with her sometimes. Young though he is, he has won the Nobel Prize. 副词 形容词

Exercises: A B 1.Out _____________. A. rushed the children B. did the children rush C. the children rushed D. rushed the children did B 2.Round the corner _____________. A. a large policeman walked B. walked a large policeman C. did a large policeman walk D. did walk a large policeman

C 3.Only after the New China________, ________ to go to school. A. was founded; he was able B. was found; was he able C. was founded; was he able D. was found; he was able C 4.Only if he helps us _______. A. We may succeed B. we succeeded C. can we succeed D. we can succeed

B D B 5.I’m going to the meeting, and _____________. A. so does Dave B. so is Dave C. so goes Dave D. Dave is so D 6. Only when your identity has been checked _____. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in B 7. ______snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring

A D 8._________that even people in the next room could hear him. A. So loudly did he speak B. Such loudly did he speak C. So loudly he spoke D. Such loudly he spoke D 9.We are lucky, for no sooner ______home_______ it rained. we returned; and B. did we return; when C. after we returned; and D. had we returned; than

A A. had the plane landed when C 10.Hardly _______the police ran towards it. A. had the plane landed when B. had the plane landed than C. the plane had landed when D. the plane was landing than C 11.______it rain, the crops would be saved. A. Were to B. Would C. Should D. Could

Translate the following into English,using inversion 只有通过努力学习我们才能达到目标 (Only) _____________________________ reach our goals. 2. 他们刚到汽车站汽车就开走了。 (Hardly) _______________________________ when the bus pulled away. 3. 如果我接受了你的建议,现在工作就不会有麻烦了。 ______________________, I would have no trouble with the work now. 4.这对老夫妇结婚40年,从来没有一次吵过架.(Never) The old couple have been married for 40 years and ___________________________ with each other. Only by working hard can we Hardly had they got to the bus stop Had I taken your advice never once had they quarreled