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Presentation transcript:


Contents Rome Venice Pasta

The Eternal City Rome (永恒之城) Rome is the capital of Italy. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Church. Rome city resembles a giant open-air Museum of History.

History History Rome is known as "City City " because he has the splendid history, the glory of the Roman empire, the Catholic church's sovereign make up a Roman nearly 2500 years of brilliance. Rome is known as "City City " because he has the splendid history, the glory of the Roman empire, the Catholic church's sovereign make up a Roman nearly 2500 years of brilliance.

The Colosseum 罗马斗兽场is located at the center of Italy’s capital Roman city .It’s also one of Italy's most famous places of interest.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔

This is Duomo Cathedral [kə'θi:drəl] This is Duomo Cathedral [kə'θi:drəl] . The most famous cathedral in Italy.

Visiting Rome ,one of the special things to do is throwing coins into The Trevi Fountain

Making a wish Back on to The Trevi Fountain 许愿池, then you use your right hand to throw a coin into the pool over your left shoulder. Each coin makes a wish. BACK

A dream city “因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴,因水而忧” VENEZIA (Venice) A dream city “因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴,因水而忧”

Venice has been known as the "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light". It is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

VENICE, a small, waterside city in northeast Italy, boils with happiness and excitement once every year. 威尼斯,一座位于意大利东北部的水上城市,每年在这里都流露着欢乐和激动.

Venice, Italy is a magical place Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard. Instead, when it is quiet, one hears the lapping of waves against the city s magnificent Renaissance buildings. 意大利的威尼斯是一个神奇的天堂,它是世界上少数几个城市听不到汽车声音的城市之一。取而代之的宁静,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市里伟大的文艺复兴时期的建筑 。

Gondola (贡多拉) Venice’s most famous vehicles are gondolas, which drift slowly through the city s famed canals as the men steering the boats serenade passengers with arias from Italian operas.威尼斯最著名的交通工具就是贡多拉,坐在贡多拉上面可以一边看风景一边听艺人们演奏的意大利歌剧。


Something about pasta Nothing says Italy like its food, and nothing says Italian food like pasta.

History of pasta Many schoolchildren were taught that the Venetian merchant Marco Polo brought back pasta from his journeys in China. But…… Well Marco Polo might have done amazing things on his journey but bringing pasta to Italy was not one of them, it was already there in Polo's time. There is some evidence of an Etrusco-Roman noodle made from the same durum wheat as modern pasta called "lagane"



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