口病實驗平時考試 (4) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3.


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Presentation transcript:

口病實驗平時考試 (4) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3

平時考 (1):請標示口腔病理特徵: Antoni type A, Antoni type B, and verocay body

平時考 (2):請標示口腔病理特徵: spindle-shaped neural cells with wavy nuclei of neurofibroma

平時考 (3):請標示獲致病理診斷verruciform xanthoma之組織學特徵

平時考 (4):請標示獲致病理診斷 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma之組織學特徵

平時考 (5):請標示口腔病理特徵: starry sky appearance of atypical lymphoid cells

平時考 (6):請標示獲致病理診斷 plasmacytoma之組織學特徵

平時考 (7):請標示獲致病理診斷compound nevus之組織學特徵 (需標示 junctional activity與intramucosa nevus cell 處)

平時考 (8):請標示口腔病理特徵: nevus cell nests, melanin pigmentation of intramucosal nevus (片號025)

平時考 (9):請標示獲致病理診斷 lingual tonsil之組織學特徵

平時考 (10):請標示獲致病理診斷 Fordyce granules之組織學特徵

平時考 (11): A 30 years old female cancer phobia patient accidentally noted a painless swelling over her left posterior lateral tongue border. She was then visited her family dentist for dental examination. Then, a 0.4 x 0.4 cm, well-defined, smooth, pink colored lesion over her left posterior lateral tongue was noted by the dentist. So, she was referred to our OS (oral surgery) dept for further treatment. An excisional biopsy was performed. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 021-030 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (12): A 48 years old male patient noted a well-demarcated, soft, painless, sessile, slightly elevated mass with white to yellow and a papillary surface over his left ventral tongue. This time, he came to our OS Dept. for examination. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 021-030 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (13): A 63 years old female patient had been suffering from swelling and pain over left buccal mucosa and left preiauricular area for one month. There was a fixed, pink color swelling mass with smooth surface over left buccal mucosa, measured 2 x 2 cm in diameter, which was firm by palpating. The panoramic X-ray findings revealed an irregular shaped, ill-defined radiolucent lesion over left mandibular ramus. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 021-030 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (14): A 34 years old male patient noted a cluster of soft, painless, sessile, slightly elevated yellowish small nodules over his right buccal mucosa. This time, he came to our OS dept. for examination. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 021-030 of KMUOP website).

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