Lesson 16 Christmas Eve.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 16 Christmas Eve

Christmas is on the 25th of December. Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December.

Christmas Eve, December 24, is the night before Christmas Day. On Christmas Eve, people sing and dance happily and they have fun around the tree. Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world,Christmas is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 . It`s in honour of the birth of Jesus(耶稣). 在圣诞节前的12月24号是圣诞节前夕(寂静的夜晚) 在12月25号人们庆祝一年一度的节日——圣诞节 它是为了纪念耶稣的诞生 以纪念之日当做人们不知道耶稣的生日的节日

Christmas traditions Santa (圣诞老人) Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas dinner Christmas songs 圣诞老人 圣诞树 圣诞帽 圣诞袜 圣诞贺卡 圣诞晚餐 圣诞歌


In the United Kingdom, Santa is traditionally called Father Christmas In the United Kingdom, Santa is traditionally called Father Christmas. Father Christmas is an imaginary figure(人物), but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe(长袍).

Christmas hat: a Red Hat, it is said that,wearing it during sleep at night, besides sleep soundly and somewhat warm, the next day, you will also find in the hat, a lot of presents.

Christmas Dinner Christmas Dinner:Just like the Chinese eat New Year dinner in the Spring Festival, Europeans are also focusing on the whole family sitting around under the Christmas tree, enjoying the christmas dinner. In USA,it is popular to eat turkey,this custom dates from 1620. But in UK,they like to eat roast goose(烤鹅),not turkey.

1.自己读故事,了解故事大意,在读的过程中划出不理解的单词、词组和句型。 2.结合导学案,四人小组交流勾画的词句,互相学习。 3.精读,速读。

Christmas tree is a must for celebrating Christmas Day,but do you know how does the tree come from? It is said that long long time ago,there was a farmer,he met a poor child on Christmas Day,and he warmly welcomed the child,the poor child insert a pine(松枝)on the ground when he left,surprisingly,the pine turned into a tree immediately with many gifts on it,in return for the kindness of the farmer.

Nowadays ,Christmas is celebrated by most of people by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods, and decorating homes and workplaces with colorful lights and Christmas trees.And maybe,sending an apple or a scarf to others. 现在,大多人都是通过交换礼物,交换圣诞卡,准备好节日食品,装修房屋和在工作场所装上彩灯,圣诞树和饰品来庆祝圣诞节。

Silent Night 《平安夜》 Jingle Bells 《铃儿响叮当》 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day 《圣诞钟声》 White Christmas 《银色圣诞》 Mistletoe 《圣诞幸运枝》 - JustinBieber Christmas in my heart 《我心中的圣诞节》 -sarah connor

Let`s sing!